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PvP heroes - Stop blaming your team.


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I find it funny. People complaining about lowbies. I have a L18 P/T that I'm grinding through PVP. I came top of the combined charts in a match. Heavy scoring on protection, medals and damage. And I'm a sub level 20. Lowbies can contribute just as much.


just like all lowbies, who claim they are helping because they do damage..... damage does not win games 80% of the time. you can put up ridiculous numbers and still lose easily. wins come from teamwork and objective play, neither of which you mentioned when saying you "contribute" because you spam 3 abilities all match..



fyi.. a level 40+ with 95% of his abilities will cream any sub 20 1 on 1. especially because of the gear difference as well. damage is not winning

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This ^. If you disagree then thats because you are bad and get yelled at to get good but refuse to.


Ignorance is bliss.


exactly. and now you cant say **** in a warzone either, because even though your team stands there and you see someone give a ball carrier full resolve allowing him to waddle his *** in the endzone. you call the guy out and tell him to stop filling up resolve because you and the guy you queued with have pulls that you were waiting to use. you get votekicked because him and his buddy don't like to be called bad players when they obviously are. filling resolve instead of doing damage in huttball is a big pet peeve of mine... its such an easy game that you can win 6-0 without even hitting 75k damage

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just like all lowbies, who claim they are helping because they do damage..... damage does not win games 80% of the time. you can put up ridiculous numbers and still lose easily. wins come from teamwork and objective play, neither of which you mentioned when saying you "contribute" because you spam 3 abilities all match..



fyi.. a level 40+ with 95% of his abilities will cream any sub 20 1 on 1. especially because of the gear difference as well. damage is not winning

in this video, im in a pug.




there was no communication at all.


i did 59k dps. and only got 3 kills. notice i got 10 medals. we won 6 to nothing.



its called playing an objective based pvp match the way its meant to be played.


playing objectives.

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You shouldn't yell at people because unless you never, ever make a mistake, people can easily find a time where you did something dumb too.


If you're as awesome as you think you are, you shouldn't have to complain about why other people sucks because you can show people how it's done, though usually those people just die immediately when they try to show people how to play.


You're not a PvP hero if you can't turn the game around by yourself.

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You shouldn't yell at people because unless you never, ever make a mistake, people can easily find a time where you did something dumb too.


If you're as awesome as you think you are, you shouldn't have to complain about why other people sucks because you can show people how it's done, though usually those people just die immediately when they try to show people how to play.


You're not a PvP hero if you can't turn the game around by yourself.

thats called a carry. relying on one person to turn the game around. thats why we leave and afk in matches because the bads expect this.
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thats called a carry. relying on one person to turn the game around. thats why we leave and afk in matches because the bads expect this.


If you were really that good shouldn't you be able to handle living up to expectations? Or are you just so worried you will fail and lose your eliteness?

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thats called a carry. relying on one person to turn the game around. thats why we leave and afk in matches because the bads expect this.


If you can carry the team and still win why bother complaining?


If you can't carry the team you're not the hero you thought you were.

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If you were really that good shouldn't you be able to handle living up to expectations? Or are you just so worried you will fail and lose your eliteness?
why put in the extra effort and be the only one worried about the objectives if your team is not doing the same?


i never said i was a pvp hero. i play to win. if i see my teams not putting an effort to play an objective based pvp match in a way that will get us a win, can you explain why you expect me to be the only one on the team being a try hard?


your reasoning?

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If you can carry the team and still win why bother complaining?


If you can't carry the team you're not the hero you thought you were.

never said i thought i was.


but i play to win. if my team is playing for medals, or playing for kills, then please tell me why i should be a try hard?

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I do this sometimes but it is completely warranted.




Solo q and get an Alderaan. I say Ill go left rest go right.


3 follow me, 2 go mid and 2 go right.


Solo q Voidstar and Ill say, don't leave a door empty.


They cap the door and as I look over to it my team is 50m+ away from it dpsing a sniper or merc

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never said i thought i was.


but i play to win. if my team is playing for medals, or playing for kills, then please tell me why i should be a try hard?


Outisde of Huttball, playing for objective is usually an euphemism for 'I wasn't able to do anything else measureable'. It is extremely difficult to win the other 3 maps without having a significant edge in the killing game.


By the way, if you're talking about a game where your side has given up, there is nothing 'hard' about running into 4 guys by yourself and then instantly dying. You're doing no more to help your team than the guys who have given up already. You certainly can't be trying very hard because you'd be dead in 5 seconds when you're the only person out there fighting. 1 versus lots is one of the easiest activity in the game simply because you're dead immediately and there's no room to do better.

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I do this sometimes but it is completely warranted.




Solo q and get an Alderaan. I say Ill go left rest go right.


3 follow me, 2 go mid and 2 go right.


Solo q Voidstar and Ill say, don't leave a door empty.


They cap the door and as I look over to it my team is 50m+ away from it dpsing a sniper or merc


So why don't you guard the door that you just told people to watch for? You're not exactly a class that's bad at mobility or one on one based on your signature.

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The 10-49 bracket in particular is full of fail. As mentioned previously, mostly freshly minted scrubs with no clue, no talent points to speak of, randomly humping the nearest red flagged player, even after they've been told what to do. No-one calls incoming to objectives, in fact, most don't seem to know how to use the /ops chat.


Bolster can't make up for outright stupidity.


Sometimes you zone into a game and straight away you're trying to do the work of 8 people on your own. The ultimate travesty is when these games happen on PvP servers and you see legacy surname players doing it, peeps that obviously have a main and should know better.


You ask them to stop messing about and get told, "**** scrub, don't tell me what to do. I R here for teh lulz!!".


After 5-10 minutes in a queue for a game only to be met with this sort of crap, it's enough to test the patience of even the most tranquil player. Some peeps have limited time to play and find that time wasted by never-ending rivers of fail.

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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.


Lemme guess...you play a stealth class?!

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So why don't you guard the door that you just told people to watch for? You're not exactly a class that's bad at mobility or one on one based on your signature.


Because my hands are full on my door. Even if I could juggle both doors, which sometimes is possible, it doesn't change the fact that the other people in the game are bad and don't pay attention. In these cases, you can damn well guarantee I will call them out.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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In almost every battle you find one, the guy who rages in chat about how everyone on his team is a bunch of "bads" etc. Usually followed by him either afk'ing or leaving the battle.


This will occur regardless of the situation. Maybe your team starts with two less players so you're only able to take one turret in CW? Maybe you're facing a premade and your team has several fresh 50s? Not to mention after 1.2, if you still have some champ/cent pieces you will actually have a disadvantage against a fresh 50 in full recruit (I really can't blame people for not wanting to pay credits to drop primary stats and set bonuses for expertise, unless you read the forums/patch notes and keep up with the dev posts you can't understand exactly how over-valued expertise is now.) None of it matters to these guys, everyone on the team is at fault except for Mr. PvP Hero of course.


People have to gear up somehow, it's not like they can queue for a seperate undergeared bracket and are instead choosing to be pit against geared premades.


My favorite is the guy who will afk, and continue to berate the team while his toon is auto-running safely tucked away in a corner. The hypocrisy and utter lack of logic is mindblowing. Even if it was completely true that your whole team has never pvp'd before, and that they should all delete their game or whatever clever vitriol you can think to spew; do you honestly think that raging in chat and insulting people will improve your situation? Would it really be so hard to instead offer some encouragement, or maybe try to coordinate a counter?


Fortunately you can get lucky with backfill players and depending on the circumstances, a comeback or at least a good attempt at one is possible. To me that is the best reward for putting up with PvP heroes, after their tantrum they end up on a few ignore lists and then get replaced by someone who actually contributes.


To all the players that stay cool and continue fighting even if they are filling a losing game - I salute you.

To all the Pvp heroes - have a free /hug, I'm sure you need it...


And yet there is very little difference between that guy who rages in the game and those who come to talk about 'the guy' on the forums after the game. ;)

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you play mmos and have the balls to call someone else a nerd?:eek:


im 35 years old, married, employed with a career that keeps me in the middle class tax bracket, play video games/mmos and proud to consider myself a nerd.


back when i was in school being called a nerd was something that would bother me. now i embrace it. isnt it funny how blahblahblahblah

I never called anyone a nerd. Learn to read. I suppose you were just so eager to share your story with us. Thats cute. Congrats on being married and middle class i guess. Must be a hoot.


The relevance is what im questioning but i suppose we all need validation.


So just to be clear you support 35 year old married men raging over video games. Yeah im pretty much done with this species.

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Because my hands are full on my door. Even if I could juggle both doors, which sometimes is possible, it doesn't change the fact that the other people in the game are bad and don't pay attention. In these cases, you can damn well guarantee I will call them out.


Sounds like you're trying to get your medals instead of playing for objectives. In Voidstar/Alderran/NC you almost always leave your best player to defend the lone node because you can't afford to lose the 1on1 fight there. It's actually pretty funny when you realize all these PvP heroes aren't defending the 1on1 spot where in theory they can make the biggest difference with their sheer skills.

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Sounds like you're trying to get your medals instead of playing for objectives. In Voidstar/Alderran/NC you almost always leave your best player to defend the lone node because you can't afford to lose the 1on1 fight there. It's actually pretty funny when you realize all these PvP heroes aren't defending the 1on1 spot where in theory they can make the biggest difference with their sheer skills.


Where do you get that?


That is exactly what I do, I am ALWAYS defending a node solo in Alderaan. Voidstar rarely ever has 1v1 defense and coast is the worst map to have a single person on a node. I am always doing objectives...I don't know where you got I was aiming for medals only.

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no assumptions were made.


you posted earlier:


"I've never looked at a game vid of another player and said "Awesome , how do they do that" , instead i watch a vid of some girl halfway around the world who can serf , but has only 1 arm , yet i can barley serf with 2. Now thats awesome.


Some guy in a vid that can take out 5-6 players by themself? First thing i say to myself is "Was it staged?" and second thing i say to myself is "He got really lucky""


and with this statement you admitted that if someone does something that you cannot do in a video game, you chalk it up to luck or its fake.


you cant admit someone is better than you at something as simple as a video game.


thats not assuming. thats not reading more into what you were saying. that is what you said.




communication is important sometimes, dont get me wrong. but you can communicate all day long and if you dont have the skills to use your class to its fullest potential then you are going to lose.


there has been many instances where i have communicated to my team in a pug that i need help at a node, and my cries for help went unanswered. because the team lacked the skills to focus target a healer at the center node and couldnt kill any of the opposition. the healer was marked. it was communicated at the beginning of the match that healers were marked. they lacked the skill to focus fire, burst, interrupt and combat control until they got the healers down.


No , thats exactly what you did , you assumed. Did you ask yourself why i said those things? No , you just assumed that those responses were made because maybe thats how you see it. Truth is , with anything in life , i have a simple view. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Learn the facts for yourself. If i see a vid like those mentioned , my thoughts that i pointed out are for this simple reason. How many times does someone post something "ubar" just to get attention , yet it proves to be staged just for their e-peen. And luck factors into it because how do i know what the situation was for those other players? Were all their cooldowns off or did they pop them already on the 30 other people they killed before they got to that 1 person.


I've never had a problem admiting when someone got better luck than me 1 vs 1 or during a match and got better points/comms/medals/scores than me.


I've also never had a problem facing someone thats beat me 1 vs 1 and learning i was right the first time. It was the luck of the draw. Give me everything off cooldown and the same gear and its a 50/50 match. Put his stuff on cooldown or mine and its a 100/0 match. Thats not skill , its luck. If he beat me , its cause he hit the same key i did or the counter 1 milla second before i did. Since he couldn't know what i was going to do , since he can't see the future then its luck , not skill. If i would have hit the other button instead or hit the cc a milla second before he did , then i would have won. Thats called luck.


On my Sniper , i know certain professions that i can't go 1 vs 1 against because the game mechanics make it impossible for me to beat them , that doesn't mean that person is better than me , just that their profession has certain abilities that makes my toon completely useless vs them.


I also know that 1 vs 1 , my Sniper will annilate a certain spec of another Sniper (marksman vs eng. spec) , not because i'm better than them , just cause i'm speced different. But put 2 same spec'ed Snipers on the field with same gear set and its a 50/50 shot and luck of the draw who's gonna come out on top.


If someone is out there that my current spec'ed profession can beat or should be able to , and i can't , its not that they are better than me , its that i did something by way of mistake , and it won't happen again.


I have as of yet to meet someone that is actually better than me in a video game. Know why? Because if they beat me over and over , i continue to learn and adapt , so i don't lose more than 3 times to the same person. Thats the point i'm trying to make here , that its not about skill when all you have to do is push a button at a different time than before in order to beat the guy.


I guess it comes down to where you play in the game the most. Its hard to say someone is better than you in a team sport , when its suppose to be about the team ( and seeing as i don't look to be the highest scoring/comm/medal/objective/dps player out there , then i can't see someone "being better than me" because someone has to be at the top of the board and that wasn't my goal)


In a 1 vs 1 situation , if i get beat 2 times in a row , its because i was going up vs a profession that my current profession isn't supposed to be able to beat solo. If i beat a profession that i'm not supposed to , then i usually chalk it up to the fact they just got through using a CD on something and i caught them offguard and usually stick around to see. Same if i lose , i'll stick around and test my theory and i haven't been wrong yet.


Now , IRL its different. If i go to the rifle range at the base , i know that as soon as i step out there , there is only 1 guy who can shoot better than me. But when i take that same person to play basketball , i know i'm better than him. There is nothing that can change either of those facts. No ammount of training on my part or his will change that. Thats not so in this game. Its all about timers and the lack thereof. Its about that GUESS and LUCK of taking a chance of hitting this button instead of that 1 a milla second before the other guy does. Since you can't see what they are planing on doing , then its all down to guess work and luck of the draw. Its that simple. There is no guesswork or luck when we shoot or play basketball. Its about a skill that he has that i don't or vice versa and nothing either of us do will change that. If i do beat him with a shot , its luck or a mistake he made, plan and simple. If he scores on me and wins , its because of luck or a mistake i made , plan and simple.


Maybe there are a certain type of people out there that are just better at video games than others. If so , then fine. Go for it. But really , does it matter? Does it make a difference at the end of the day? That guy i can beat at basketball , he's a boss , but me beating him in a game has no bearing on anything , but him being a better shot than me does matter. Thats where being better than someone actually counts.

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Just put a 30min wait time on all wz's, not just ranked. If it's more beneficial to stay in than it is to leave then you'll see fewer people dropping because they can't handle a tough match.


The people who spend most of a wz insulting everyone else are usually pretty horrible players themselves. Besides, if losing a wz throws you into uncontrollable e-rage then you have plenty of other issues.


Edit: I mean a 30 min re-que penalty if you drop


That's a recipe for even faster afking. Atleast with this current system you can roll the dice on getting a new player that would contribute. In your system you are now running down a person and potentially even more.


I would rather have the small chance of getting a good replacement than none at all.


Plus there have been times where my friends and I have mess up the queue and our entire group didnt get the same queue pop yet someone took it. Now instead of having to wait on our friend to finish up the warzone he got queued into, he can drop the group and requeue with us. But I also play this game for my own personal fun and fun with my friends, I dont play this game for randoms.

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I've never had a problem admiting when someone got better luck than me 1 vs 1 or during a match and got better points/comms/medals/scores than me.


If someone is out there that my current spec'ed profession can beat or should be able to , and i can't , its not that they are better than me , its that i did something by way of mistake , and it won't happen again.


I have as of yet to meet someone that is actually better than me in a video game. Know why? Because if they beat me over and over , i continue to learn and adapt , so i don't lose more than 3 times to the same person. Thats the point i'm trying to make here , that its not about skill when all you have to do is push a button at a different time than before in order to beat the guy.


I find it funny that you are rejecting and yet jumping into the exact thing that Vulgarr was pointing you out on in your wall of text, lol.


Fact: Anyone can learn and adapt. You are not special. It is just the rate of adaption that is the difference. That rate is mostly a result of the "care factor" that they put in the game (in other words, whether they give a crap or not).


Fact: There is ALWAYS someone better than another person. To not admit that you have met someone who is better than you means that you are already refusing to learn, which invalidates your latter comment of "I continue to learn and adapt".


Fact: Situational advantage is not luck. Initiative is not luck. If you see danger, being outnumbered, being obviously outgeared, or facing someone who is better at ability rotation, than you and you started the fight and get beaten, it is not bad luck that got you beat. You didn't read the game properly. You didn't pay attention to your environment. It is not tha they are lucky. You chose the wrong ground for the wrong fight.


Skill is not about just abilities rotation, it is more about situational awareness and using your environment or the group to your's/each other's advantage.

Edited by aRtFuL
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I am guessing we are talking about pugs. This stuff happens.


PVP is a contact sport. Sometimes people who say bad stuff are right. Sometimes people who say bad stuff are wrong and look bad to experienced/better players. The great thing and why I support server only PVP is that everyone gets to know everyone. If you are good or bad.


Some things will always happen in pugs.


People in crap gear.

People who don't listen.

People who want a free swing so bad at a cc'd person (this is a 100 % sign they are bad unless they gib said cc'd within a space of 3 cooldowns).


If you care you can say something.

You can afk out.

You can go hide.

You can offer tips that are actually useful.

You can just premade.


PVP is a contact sport. That's the fun.

Edited by Itukaaj
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