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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Commandos! Do NOT reroll!


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Based on the sad state of affairs in PvP as of late, I've been seeing a lot of my fellow Commandos here talking about rerolling to another class that's been recently "overbalanced" like:


1. Sentinel/Marauder- so easy a caveman can do it. All I have to say.


2. Assassin/Shadow- yes, because tanks need to do a lot of damage and self heal and mitigate damage. They just have to!


And a few f us are thinking Sorcerer/Sage. Well, they're just as e-z mode as they always have been, but they did have some healing nerfs and apparently their hybrid specs are not where they were...boo hoo.


Anyways, do NOT reroll. Most Commandos I know have been busy gearing up their new mains or just rerolling. Okay, this is bad. If you love this class you need to cancel your account like a lot of us are doing. Why?


1. SWTOR is an average MMO at best, it really is. We can sit here and say "WoW wasn't perfect 5 months into it either" No, but it was not this bad. 5 months into WoW and all we cared about was Molten Core; SWTOR has nothing on the scale of MC. Nothing. This game is not stepping backwards, it's running. I played WoW from day 1 in November of 2004 and I've taken breaks here and there with my account still active to this day. WoW is and always will be better than SWTOR but that's not the point.


Most of us are just Star Wars fans. That's it, we're here due to our love of Star Wars not because SWTOR is great. A lot of us just want something to take us away from WoW now. Commando players like myself probably all love Darth Vader, Luke and Han but we really like this class, not because they were anything significant in the movies but because they're something different here. Some of you may have thought they were awesome from the lore/novels. This game is not getting better it's getting worse in every way. Poor customer service, bugs, poor balancing the list goes on and on. You won't miss this game and if you're like me, the Commando is the only reason I'm here; it intrigued me so much I stayed and kept playing this game after a month of playing a Shadow (yawn) nearly made me quit.


2. Commando/Merc have been nerfed into the ground with no let up since 1.2. The "bug fix" for 1.2c Demo Round was total BS. How long was that bug in place? Was it in place when the developers decided to buff it with the "bug" in place and nerf Grav Round in 1.2? Yes it was. Now, we have a "fix" to our damage that wasn't accounted for when we had our damage and survivability downgraded in 1.2. I'm in full BM gear, rank 74, I see how we are doing in PvP and it is not pretty. 1.2 was bearable with Demo Round the way it was prior to 1.2c, now with this little ninja nerf/fix, our burst is way down and that's what we had going for us after the nerfs. Grav Round is a joke. Mortar Volley is weak. Full Auto is nice but it's not "on demand" and we have to sit in one spot to use it. HiB is fine but that's about it, it's just...fine. Our CC is trash and our survivability is worse. Interrupt? No. Sprint? No.


3. Compare the Commando to other ranged dps classes in the game right now. Why would anyone play a Commando in PvP with any amount of sincerity when it just does not bring to the table what other classes can? Do I still do well in PvP? Maybe, but "doing well" is not thriving and succeeding like other classes are. What do I have to do compared to other classes to shine? I will not do well if focused; other classes can function just fine and escape if focused, not us. The class is not fun anymore and as a result the game is not worth it, be honest with yourselves you all know it especially if you only logged on to play your Commando. I'm sick of "magic" casters that's why I rolled this class.


Furthermore, I never sat in one place and spammed Grav Round before and I don't do it now, but my damage has gone way down and I'm basically fodder for every melee class. An identically geared and played Sorc/Sage will outperform a Commando, that was probably true prior to 1.2 now it's just...true.


4. What does a Commando need to do to stay competitive with another ranged class or any of the melee classes for that matter? On my Gunslinger and Sentinel I do not have to even think about much of anything in the way of "what is my contigency plan?" when I attack someone. I just start attacking and react as needed; okay so on my Sentinel I just make sure I don't always just leap at someone that I know will have a knockback or can CC me and run away before my leaps off CD, but that's kinda simple. Oh and I just make sure I don't get fake casted but years of playing a Deathknight and Rogue in WoW kinda makes that second nature. On my Slinger, I don't even worry about interrupts and on my Sentinel I don't even flinch unless I'm going head to head with a tank. On my Commando it's much different and you would only know what I'm talking about if you play one. But, I do not really love those other classes, I love MY class, the Commando.


That's about all I have the stomach for right now. I just spent an entire night quite often being the only Commando in WZ's. And forget about seeing a Combat Medic, you're more likely to see a unicorn these days. Is this good? No. Is there a reason for this? Yes. So listen to what I say and just cancel your account if you really love this class. If you really think this game's worth it, then don't but can you really trust Bioware not to ruin the next class you like after shelving your Commando?




Bioware: y'all mind if we dance wif yo' Commandos?


Us: the Biowares stole our Commandos!!!!!

Edited by Notannos
inflammatory/rude (Pm'd)
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I am pissed at BW for the double nerf bat to my beloved gunny commando, and I have been quite vocal about it. Yes, if things do not improve after the six/ now seventh month I will not return.


But to state that SWTOR is so far behind wow during the same time frame is just not correct in my opinion. SWTOR has done several wonderful things. 40 man Molten Core was a mistake....I very much enjoy 16 man operations. I played a paladin in WoW and it was nerfed many times and much harder than the commando has been here.



BW must:

Fix the bugs

Implement what they state they will implement

Review their balancing....as I believe it is based on census data and not damage/healing/protection metrics.

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I am happy to say that I uninstalled TOR yesterday. Enough is enough. I like hanging out on these forums to enjoy the hate floating around, but I do not intend to come back after such a nerf. This game was hard to bare as it is. FPS problems, millions of bugs and lack of any proper interesting content. Now I can't even enjoy healing, therefore this game goes to trash.


You can show the free month up yours.

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For your second set of numbers...


1. I can clearly tell you did not play WoW at the early months, or are ignoring much of its flaws. Remember when Paladins and Druids were subpar on everything? It took a full year for Blizzard to make Paladins adequate at tanking (only). A while longer before they had decent healing and ok damage dealing (and then were "uber" damage dealers for a while). And lets not get into Druids... The grass is always greener in another class. I would suggest you do what most Paladins and Druids did in WoW: adjust, inovate, and thrive.


2. Has Commando/Merc been "nerfed into the ground"? Or are they now much like many other classes and no longer "easy", "uber", "no skill, keyboard face rollers"? When ever a class is adjusted down its screams of "I cant play like I used to!" or "I cant kill people anymore!". But it might not be that they are "too weak" but that a certain key stroke pattern is no longer "optimal". Again: adjust, inovate, and thrive.


3 and 4. All classes have advantages and disadvantages. If you expect non-mirror classes to provide the same skills then why have different classes? The point is not to be the same. Again you can solve this by... (see points 1 and 2).

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Um Commandos are irrelevant in OPS and PVP now. Yes, you can accept being the punching bag of the group, and an OPS can be powerful enough to carry you, but any other ranged DPS or healer is preferable. The only way to adapt to this is to reroll, accept your inferior abilities, or quit.


That was how druids and paladins 'thrived' in WoW. I know because I was both...worse I was a feral druid in the beginning . Eventually Blizzard reacted to the issue...over reacted and nerfed again. I have no idea how it has been for the past 3 years because I quit.

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It's amazing how almost every class is complaining about how irrelevant they are in Ops and PVP now. It must be hard having teams full of Marauders clearing PVE content and filling out PVP teams.



Oh, wait, that's not true at all.

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Did when I saw the patch notes about CM changes. Don't want to be a glowsticker and have to hear a thousand times "may the force be"... well at least I can spacebar through those things. If only I could spacebar through bad patches.
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I stopped reading at ..

"1. SWTOR is an average MMO at best, it really is. We can sit here and say "WoW wasn't perfect 5 months into it either" No, but it was not this bad."


This assuming since you were talking about a PvP Point of View...Pom Pyro Mages. I bet that you were one of 'em, else you wouldn't think that it wasn't this bad..


I honestly am quite pleased PvP wise. For a game that never advertised it to be the main goal, and obviously ignoring some balancing issues that are bound to happen in a new MMO (which hopefully will get sorted with time), I'd say we have quite a pretty solid "balance".

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Tracer missle is not benefitting the own person on the debuff. Test your commando version and see for yourself.


1340, 1340, 1340 should not be happening if the debuffs were working.


So easy to test, you can tell most of Bioware's dev team has down sydnrome.

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I say have fun in whatever you plan to do next. Apparently the changes BW made didn't change my rotation, and in fact made it more effective.


My guild mate was in a Pug EV run and lost their healer. I was invited out of desperation, and there was much groaning when the pug saw I was a commando. By the time we finished EV the group were shocked that we had survived and were checking out my gear. They were stunned to see I had blue mods in half of my gear, green implants and ear piece, and a lvl 41 generator.


I simply said "gear is a crutch, now if you'll excuse me I'm late for an Esseles social run.":p I love my commando, and if it no longer being easy mode means that we're that much more unique then so be it.

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I completely agree. I cancelled last month, but am now running on the free 30 days. If we aren't adjusted by then, I'm off like a prom dress.


What's wrong with hitting like a truck while having few defensive capabilities? Was grav round spammed? Of course, it was necessary...to a point. Did some players do it continuously because they didn't research class mechanics? Unfortunately, yes. Were Commandos easy to kill pre-1.2? YES. Yes we were. I'm damn good at kiting and blowing s**t up, but any player good at their class with comparable gear could definitely stand toe to toe with me. If an equally geared/skilled merc got a jump on me, I know I'm probably done for. Will I lock horns with him/her anyway? F*** yes I will. I LOVE those moments.


This all started with players, undergeared and not, that piss and moan about getting destroyed when they aren't paying attention to us. That's how ranged works. We support our teammates by utterly annihilating any threat to them. When I do an assload of damage, it distracts their team, then they start gunning for me. This is good. This helps my team complete objectives. It's what we do. We support. We distract. We hit people in the face with a giant f*****g cannon. Negating that damage completely negates out class.


Personally speaking, I study rotations, skills, tricks, everything to better myself and help my team. My gear is min-maxed damn near to the point of perfection. Despite that sort of effort, it is no longer effective in a manner that makes this class viable, other than being a fly without wings.


How about a trade-off? Take away the ability for gunnery to heal, keep the other defensive nerfs the same, and revert us to pre-patch form...perhaps ( fingers-crossed) with the 10% demo buff intact. A Commando can dream, can't he?



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Ugh, i already have other 4 lvl 50 bm/wh chars apart from my commando, yet i want to play my commando. I'm not rerolling anything else, i'll just be changing game alltogether.


It seems like bw is treating commandos as blizzard treated paladins for over 5 years, well, **** that i say.

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People need to stop putting WoW on a pedestal. WoW at launch was just as broke as any startup mmo. Huge class imbalance, broken quests, lacking pvp. I played a pally from launch and I don't need to tell anyone how broken they where. Like any mmo it took a while almost 2 years for WoW to really shine.


Howeve, be patient and wait and remeber like any underpowred class there is always a way to shine one has to just be crafty.

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Gunny Commando here, and I am top DPS in my Ops group. Gunny Comms are still very viable in PvE content, so not sure what the OP is complaining about.



I need you to teach me your ways.




Your fellow DPS in your OPS group really suck.



Open to both

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Gunny Commando here, and I am top DPS in my Ops group. Gunny Comms are still very viable in PvE content, so not sure what the OP is complaining about.


Was not talking about PvE but congratulations for being at the top of your group's damage meters. So, just for the record, do you do all that "top DPS" while standing in one place?

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I stopped reading at ..



This assuming since you were talking about a PvP Point of View...Pom Pyro Mages. I bet that you were one of 'em, else you wouldn't think that it wasn't this bad..


I honestly am quite pleased PvP wise. For a game that never advertised it to be the main goal, and obviously ignoring some balancing issues that are bound to happen in a new MMO (which hopefully will get sorted with time), I'd say we have quite a pretty solid "balance".

Please tell me what this game was Advertised as? More over please tell me why as a healer at valor 70 i have to reroll because they nerfed commando heals into tht ground? Was that their goal, to make people roll more toons because there were too many Commandos? Either was you look at it I went from playing when I got home from work almost every day except for sports and other activities, to playing a night or two now not even putting in 4 hours a week. Nerfing subpar healing makes this class near usless. I refuse to reroll because I am not going to spend weeks of my life getting another toon over 70

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Gunny Commando here, and I am top DPS in my Ops group. Gunny Comms are still very viable in PvE content, so not sure what the OP is complaining about.


LOL PVE????????? This is why pve/pvp games always fail. Class balance which was good before is now a nightmare. PVE is boring after a while. How many times can you beat this easy mode end game? PVP is a good change of pace but as a commando its a abortion. Plain and simple. So keep on with the PVE and stop getting our class nerfed with your silly comments

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I say have fun in whatever you plan to do next. Apparently the changes BW made didn't change my rotation, and in fact made it more effective.


My guild mate was in a Pug EV run and lost their healer. I was invited out of desperation, and there was much groaning when the pug saw I was a commando. By the time we finished EV the group were shocked that we had survived and were checking out my gear. They were stunned to see I had blue mods in half of my gear, green implants and ear piece, and a lvl 41 generator.


I simply said "gear is a crutch, now if you'll excuse me I'm late for an Esseles social run.":p I love my commando, and if it no longer being easy mode means that we're that much more unique then so be it.


So you were carried through an Op and now you think you're unique because this class is less effective than it used to be, interesting. Try that "gear is a crutch" yip-yap when you're getting your face caved in during PvP. Gunnery may have been improved for PvE now mainly due to CoF changes which I do like. If you reference my post I did not mention PvE at all, in fact all I spoke about was PvP. Gunnery is its own worst enemy in PvP and 1.2 made this even worse by lowering damage and survivability, this is pretty easy to see. Demo Round was nice but that was due to a bug, apparently, and now it's just "meh" since 1.2c. If you love what you have going with your Commando, great, many of us are not happy and for good reason and it's not about "now we're not faceroll because our damage got lowered"...what a foolish notion.

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I was replaced as healer for EC HM by a sage that is half as good geard as me, cos he isnt haveing such a hard time healing the mele. And going dps isnt a option as we already have to many of them as it is. I wont se the inside EC anytime soon. This being the only guild on republic that is doing EC (even on normal) there isnt anything anymore to do. Doing EV, KP for new people to gear them up so they can go to EC and im left out isnt my thing as i have to pay as much as everyone else to play.


I invested to much time in my commando to start over on a nother server or with another class.

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