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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Im tired of Marauders and Sith warriors


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I'm not tired of them.


They're going to get nerfed cause the stupids here complaining instead of being proactive (MMOs for you), then it's on the the next class.


When 1.2 was about to hit and the changes were announced a ******** of you forum posting heroes jumped on Assy/Shadows crying about their unstoppable abilities like soloing Huttballs nekkid.


Now post 1.2 the glare of the forums have turned in the direction of an AC that has been dominating when played expertly since release.


Just spare us the anticipation BW and give each class 1 dmg ability and may the RNG be with you.

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Thank Bioware for the changes in 1.2 that made Marauder/Sentinel the FOTM. Most of those people were probably tanks or healers who gave up and went with the flow since Bioware dropped TTK do badly there was no point in being a tank or healer anymore.


People will complain about anything. The TTK pre-1.2 was too preferential to healers. You can out heal anything if it takes forever to kill. Now you will actually have to pre-heal and predict DPS movements, not wait patiently and heal meager damage as it comes. Healers and tanks are still useful, but they aren't FOTM like they were prior to the patch. Before you could get away with a team of all tanks and healers, since tanks could still wear down DPS long before DPS could ever hope to kill a tank. Now you'll miss that damage. You'll wish you had it. It's more balanced now than it was before. Don't worry, when your tank/healer high wears off, you'll see the light.

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People will complain about anything. The TTK pre-1.2 was too preferential to healers. You can out heal anything if it takes forever to kill. Now you will actually have to pre-heal and predict DPS movements, not wait patiently and heal meager damage as it comes. Healers and tanks are still useful, but they aren't FOTM like they were prior to the patch. Before you could get away with a team of all tanks and healers, since tanks could still wear down DPS long before DPS could ever hope to kill a tank. Now you'll miss that damage. You'll wish you had it. It's more balanced now than it was before. Don't worry, when your tank/healer high wears off, you'll see the light.

This is not true, especially on the tank part. Pre-patch certain classes, BEFORE their buffs (marauders/sents) were able to kill me without losing more than 30% of their health. With me being full pvp cc guardian tank, with all my cooldowns up. And i emphasize, this was pre-patch.

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This is not true, especially on the tank part. Pre-patch certain classes, BEFORE their buffs (marauders/sents) were able to kill me without losing more than 30% of their health. With me being full pvp cc guardian tank, with all my cooldowns up. And i emphasize, this was pre-patch.


If you were a full Guard tank and you lost to a mara/sent then you're pretty bad no offense, a good tank will beat anyone 1v1 unless there sporting pve gear in pvp, or fighting nakid...


Just simple logic and common sense...

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First of all, you need to understand a classes mechanics to pretty much have a chance at beating them. Some are pretty straight forward and some aren't. For instance, ravage can be interrupted if the marauder is either carnage or annihilation spec. Secondly only the carnage spec can give the no armor debuff, and it only lasts for 6 seconds. However if the marauder is rage spec, his ravage is uninterruptable, im not going to give away all of the marauder secrets or weaknesses, seeing as i play the class, but heres a little tip, you can knock back any specced marauder while he is channeling ravage.


As for talking about what they can do and what you can't do to stop them, look at it like this. You can knock them off the platforms in huttball and mount a very good defensive position on the platforms. And if you haven't noticed by now, this game is a team game. If you lack the snare, or the extra knock back required, your team mates should see this and help you out. A team of marauders vs a team of range, you could easily chain knockback the marauders and kill them before they get on you.


The games i saw while levelling, marauders had the worst time on the wz scoreboard constantly. At lvl 50, the well geared rauders do well, but thats obviously because they are geared. There is obviously evidence that you are not aware of, that has caused the developers to give rauders a buff and nerfed other classes.


Your understanding of why they've done it is not their concern. They could have however extend their thoughts to the consumer base about why they've done things out of courtesy to everybody, but all good things take time to develop Maybe they can implement this in future patches.

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If you were a full Guard tank and you lost to a mara/sent then you're pretty bad no offense, a good tank will beat anyone 1v1 unless there sporting pve gear in pvp, or fighting nakid...


Just simple logic and common sense...

I am not an excellent pvp guy, this is true. But i also have enough experience not to be ignorant. May be the marauder was a very good player, may be it was gear difference /happened before 1.2/, who knows.

Are you sure a guardian tank can take a healer down 1v1? I am not trolling, i am asking. Sure, you have the cc and interrupts, but the dps is so low that if you let 1 heal go off, it is over.

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I am not an excellent pvp guy, this is true. But i also have enough experience not to be ignorant. May be the marauder was a very good player, may be it was gear difference /happened before 1.2/, who knows.

Are you sure a guardian tank can take a healer down 1v1? I am not trolling, i am asking. Sure, you have the cc and interrupts, but the dps is so low that if you let 1 heal go off, it is over.


Yes, I also win 1vs1 against a healer. HOWEVER, they are rather long drawn out fights. And that's with me interrupting their heals. It would be even longer if I let them heal. On the otherhand, I can beat a marauder fairly quickly. In fact, I can take on 2 marauders sometimes. This is why I think certain classes have damage bonuses vs certain other classes. It just makes no sense that a light armor class takes less damage than a medium armor class. The only class that stands a chance against my jugg 1vs1 is my vanguard.

Edited by Dayshadow
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I feel you on the Marauder front. But don't hate against us Juggernauts by clumping us in there under the title Sith Warrior.


I've been a Vengeance Hybrid since... well... since I hit 50 on my main 4 weeks after release. I really only play as him, and yes I do rock people 1v1. Only Marauders got a buff. Those poor souls who are still Rage got a nerf, and Immortal still sucks compared to PT or Assassin tank specs.

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I feel you on the Marauder front. But don't hate against us Juggernauts by clumping us in there under the title Sith Warrior.


I've been a Vengeance Hybrid since... well... since I hit 50 on my main 4 weeks after release. I really only play as him, and yes I do rock people 1v1. Only Marauders got a buff. Those poor souls who are still Rage got a nerf, and Immortal still sucks compared to PT or Assassin tank specs.


This is why people cannot be taken seriously, read the patch notes. Jugs and maras got the 15% ravage. Anni got nerfed and two bad specs got marginal buffs.

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Take a team full of good snipers and you will see what OP means ... a team full of juggs/marau is just free ... if you have some heal and cc you will be fine. Most people lack of adaptation, i have been playing an assa tank recently and it's much more OP than any marau/jugs.
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This is why people cannot be taken seriously, read the patch notes. Jugs and maras got the 15% ravage. Anni got nerfed and two bad specs got marginal buffs.


Ravage needed a buff as no one was using it in their rotations except maybe pre-1.2 Carnage Maras for the root effect.


Take a team full of good snipers and you will see what OP means ... a team full of juggs/marau is just free ... if you have some heal and cc you will be fine. Most people lack of adaptation, i have been playing an assa tank recently and it's much more OP than any marau/jugs.


I second the OPness of the Tankassin.

Edited by AidenPryde
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Oh yeah? Tell that to Ops/Scoundrels.

Or to PT/vanguards who got a GCD on Rail Shot (which is very manageable, but still happened). Or ask PTs about Advanced Prototype the 'melee' tree for Powertechs.


Don't act like your class didn't get buffed to OP status. It will be adjusted, and you'll be crying. Until then, I'll gladly continue to kite you baddies and avoid the good players in warzones.


Sad thing is that Op make-up is going to be flooded with Warriors, making the game fairly bland in terms of class variety. This is what many of us are annoyed with. Call it a QQ if you like, I really don't care lol.


P.S. did you really think that two sorcs and a Sniper targeting one Marauder shouldn't kill him immediately? Dummy.


What you don't seem to grasp is that, the biggest advantage a mara / sent have over all the other DPS classes is, extremely good survivability and CDs.


I rerolled a Ops to heal, on a populated server post 1.2, and I can already see how powerful can a mara be when I focus heal him as he shreds apart the ennemy backline squishies. The mara just won't die. When he'll be close to dead, he'll pop his 99% less damage CD, then I'll proceed to heal him back to more than 50% HP, he'll eliminate the ennemies 1 by 1 and won't die if they don't come to kill his healer first.


So yeah, a mara + healer combo, where the ennemy basically ignore the healer and attack the mara, is completely OP, because we all know any of the other classes would still go down relatively faster than the mara even when focus healed, thanks to the mara obvious defensive cooldowns advantage. I have no trouble with their damage output, though. With 2 competent healers, a mara can get focused by the entire ennemy team and not die, when he gets close to dead he pops his CD and gets healed back to 100%. And when that happens when I play my other characters, I just think it's BS.

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Yes, I also win 1vs1 against a healer. HOWEVER, they are rather long drawn out fights. And that's with me interrupting their heals. It would be even longer if I let them heal. On the otherhand, I can beat a marauder fairly quickly. In fact, I can take on 2 marauders sometimes. This is why I think certain classes have damage bonuses vs certain other classes. It just makes no sense that a light armor class takes more damage than a medium armor class. The only class that stands a chance against my jugg 1vs1 is my vanguard.


Do you think your success against Mars/Sents has to do with tank gear having good mitigation against "white damage" attacks? That is my guess.


The guardian rotation, starting from fresh CDs, is fairly strong right now too, especially with the improvements to master strike and dispatch.

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If Mara Sents are so un-killable..... How come they have the same amount (if not more deaths) as the rest of their team?


Now the pocket healer Mara/Sent comment is assinine....they are OP'ed because they have a pocket healer people tend to ignore? Sure if they have a healer to support them through their cooldowns they can wreak some terror.


Oh so if I attack a Jugg/Guardian and they just never seemingly die with a pocket healer as they kill you, that would be OP too?

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If Mara Sents are so un-killable..... How come they have the same amount (if not more deaths) as the rest of their team?


Now the pocket healer Mara/Sent comment is assinine....they are OP'ed because they have a pocket healer people tend to ignore? Sure if they have a healer to support them through their cooldowns they can wreak some terror.


Oh so if I attack a Jugg/Guardian and they just never seemingly die with a pocket healer as they kill you, that would be OP too?


They're all OP'd. Time to nerf everyone.

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Why would melee want a knockback? You kinda want them in range. Saying this kinda invalidates anything else you might post


Why? Oh... I dunno...


1) To push a melee off him.

2) To push an opponent off ledges/cliffs, or into traps.

3) To push someone off your healer

4) To push their healer or dps into a LoS, or out of range, situation, and essentially taking them out of the fight for a period of time.

5) Pushing someone interrupts their channeled attack.


Now you, kind sir, may want to apologize to the other gentleman before your own posts become invalidated.


mmmkay? : )

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Why? Oh... I dunno...


1) To push a melee off him.

2) To push an opponent off ledges/cliffs, or into traps.

3) To push someone off your healer

4) To push their healer or dps into a LoS, or out of range, situation, and essentially taking them out of the fight for a period of time.

5) Pushing someone interrupts their channeled attack.


Now you, kind sir, may want to apologize to the other gentleman before your own posts become invalidated.


mmmkay? : )


big point empahsized.... I love how this part is discounted in the factor of their DPS, how many people are instakilled buy this... dad gum thats like 16K damage in 1 second....maybe 2 to 3 in a trap instead...

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The Game is new So everyone IS leveling a New alt... Warriors got Buffed so alot of People Went with Warriors. Get the Hell Over it. All you Guys do is QQ" And Cry like little *****s, U want everything easy and a Faceroll..Mmo's of and kind Aren't for little ****. Theres always gonna be changes Nerfs Buffs yahta yahta yahta... Get Used To it!

AND BTW I see plenty of beast sorcs after Patch..(HINT) its the player not the character.... Abuncha Fail-tards!

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this isnt totally correct.... as you stack more expertise as a dps the dmg throughput increases but so does the mitigation.. so they cancel each other out if you can say that on an equal geared target.. healing however will never meet the same resistance it will just hit a DR cap


Wrong, with the new expertise, dmg scale more than mitigation, and almost twice as much as healing.

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last days, every single warzone i meet only Sith warriors... always 5-7 of them in everywhere.... Im too tired of this. I feel like this game is going to be made for one class


OP's evidence is stellar. I am having completely different experiences, with teams packed with Jedi Tank Shadows in DPS gear and Vanguards, sprinkled with the occasional 2 Consular healers and 1 or 2 Sentinels/Guardians....... Im too tired of this. I feel like this game is going to be made for one class (Tankasins :<) The level of whining is becoming unreal as is the evidence used to back this nonsense up. Worst MMO community ever. L2P.

Edited by Inhibition
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OP's evidence is stellar. I am having completely different experiences, with teams packed with Jedi Tank Shadows in DPS gear and Vanguards, sprinkled with the occasional 2 Consular healers and 1 or 2 Sentinels/Guardians....... Im too tired of this. I feel like this game is going to bed made for one class (Tankasins :<) The level of whining is becoming unreal as is the evidence used to back this nonsense up. Worst MMO community ever. L2P.


wrong thread, this is the I hate Sents and Mara's thread... there is another thread over there *points* about that...




*please note saracasm*

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So... your advice is to dps them when they got 99% dmg reduction up?




No, CC them, Knock them back, blow one of Your defensive cooldowns, something other than smacking your head against a wall for a whole 5 seconds. I mean really, is this your main arguing point? Is this any different than having another class hardstun you for 4-5 seconds while wailing away on you? My OP poops all over Maras, because I pay attention to their resolve, my CD's, their CD's and I act appropriately. I think most people go panic mode when some Mara is in there face, and blow their loads all in one fell swoop, then whine when they die. Or they have some ranged wailing on them from the distance and blame all of the damage they are taking on the guy with 2 glowsticks right in front of them. Stop posting right now.

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No, CC them, Knock them back, blow one of Your defensive cooldowns, something other than smacking your head against a wall for a whole 5 seconds. I mean really, is this your main arguing point? Is this any different than having another class hardstun you for 4-5 seconds while wailing away on you? My OP poops all over Maras, because I pay attention to their resolve, my CD's, their CD's and I act appropriately. I think most people go panic mode when some Mara is in there face, and blow their loads all in one fell swoop, then whine when they die. Or they have some ranged wailing on them from the distance and blame all of the damage they are taking on the guy with 2 glowsticks right in front of them. Stop posing right now.


Want to know my Mara's biggest ally and ability.... FEAR.... if they run more than likely I am going to finish my kill.


All the see is this dual weilding flury of sabers in their face and their health disapearing and a lot of players panic and break and run, the good ones try to fend me off till their buddies can help them...


If you are queue'ing solo, unless you stay in range of someone that can help you and pays attention, its going to hurt... Sometimes I go in to a match and we have one healer (or none) and I am nothing but a permenant grease stain....

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