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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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nope.. your vague threats are just that..vague and really they dont have a very good explanation...


whos going to suffer...how? what are you going to do to them?


make them cry? hurt them? take your ball and go home?


clarification is needed here.....


You need to read a lot of posts in this thread and I am not making idle threats. Just pointing out some facts and I donot think BioWare wants to lose anymore subs. And it would'nt be because of just this event which would make some cancel thier subs...but a combination of other bad designs. And if BioWare designs another one like this one..with the same type of flaws and ill thought out design...well that would tell me the future does not look promising enough to continue a sub. The MMO market is too competitive at this time for any company to take a smug stance on losing subs and will become even more so the coming months. I really enjoy TOR and want to for years to come..but the ball is really in the hands of BioWare.

Edited by Valkirus
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If someone is forcing me to take the puppy, then it bears Reporting; could be Griefing.


just a heads up, there is quest with rewards for infecting 10 people. so expect to get it, carry some vaccines for whenever you catch it. majority of ppl on my server are waiting to infect ppl in multiple places all over the fleet. the first day we noticed the gtn and pvp hubs were the best places to infect mass groups, and did so.

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just a heads up, there is quest with rewards for infecting 10 people. so expect to get it, carry some vaccines for whenever you catch it. majority of ppl on my server are waiting to infect ppl in multiple places all over the fleet. the first day we noticed the gtn and pvp hubs were the best places to infect mass groups, and did so.


I know about the quest, and really have few complaints on the Event; storyline has little appeal to me personally, but that is about it. They could be run a bit smoother in the future, as many in the series of this particular thread have illustrated.


My issue is with the lack of courtesy from the Players, as well as the mechanics of the Event being used to Grief others. RP and PvP are not to be used as excuses to spoil the game for others.


I know very little of PvP, and have even less desire to look into it now, so I do not know if a PvP hub is supposedly a Safe Zone or not. I get the notion that if you sign up for PvP, expect to be attacked, and believe this AoE infection would count as such.


But I chose to play PvE, and skip the eventual discouragment of PvP as I cannot match opponents of equal lvl. And at the End Game, we are all 50th. And PvE is not supposed to be about watching over one's shoulder to ward off attacks, whether the other Player believes it is simply part of the game or not.


Events are fine and possibly fun; Griefing is not, and hope will be banned from the game.

Edited by Elhanan
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This may be found in the Support Section within the In Game Harassment file:

And you are correct; I am Ignoring you.


Again, I don't see the relevance in what you are quoting. Nothing in there describes what you are complaining about.


Of course you're ignoring me.... because your rants do not stand up to criticism. Much easier to ignore them. You're not looking for conversation or debate, despite posting in a public forum.

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Nothing new to see here. It's still just a handful of people tossing out repeated erroneous accusations of griefing. I think we all need to start reporting these posts. Nothing new is being added to the conversation. It's just accusations and absurdity at this point. Edited by RDeanOU
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The event is pretty cool. poeple seem to find a way to complain no matter what. i'm having a blast sorry if some like fleet being empty and people spread out. this event and I hope many more planned bring us together and allow us to effect each other in some way like this one.


Great job BW!

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It amazes me how someone can be bothered enough by the plague to make a QQ thread. Even if you do not desire to get it, the inconvenience is *really* minor and only for a total of ten days or so.


Here I tend to agree, and is where I differ from the OP. A single bad experience in a game is generally not a reason for me to stop playing; that takes repeated occurances a a rule. And if and when I have left a game, I simply depart; not announce it to others in fora final venting, or in the hopes of a 'Shane come back' moment.


Where I support the OP and others is that the Griefing used in these Events needs to end quickly, as it continues to be among the largest problems mentioned in MMO play, if not the top complaint. If it is allowed to grow, it will, and like kudzu will eventaually cover over the good seen within the game.

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Here I tend to agree, and is where I differ from the OP. A single bad experience in a game is generally not a reason for me to stop playing; that takes repeated occurances a a rule. And if and when I have left a game, I simply depart; not announce it to others in fora final venting, or in the hopes of a 'Shane come back' moment.


Where I support the OP and others is that the Griefing used in these Events needs to end quickly, as it continues to be among the largest problems mentioned in MMO play, if not the top complaint. If it is allowed to grow, it will, and like kudzu will eventaually cover over the good seen within the game.


If a Sage/Sorcerer Lifegrips you in a dungeongroup. Do you consider that grieing also? Since its pretty much the same amount of interference with you char.

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If a Sage/Sorcerer Lifegrips you in a dungeongroup. Do you consider that grieing also? Since its pretty much the same amount of interference with you char.


Probably, but as I do not Group and run solo, another may be better to answer that inquiry. No Flashpoints, OP's, WZ's, Guilds, etc with others for me.

Edited by Elhanan
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what I think is kinda funny is that I vaccinate myself continuously, and while I'm at the GTN, I often go AFK (as is common if you spend time shopping). I've had a number of infected come up to me trying to spread the disease. It's hilarious to have them die, and their mission fail because I'm inoculated. They always have some witty comment for me afterward as they go to spend another 20+ minutes to run the disease again.


Then there's the two (obvious) exploiters that are camping around the Dune Sea vendor. They've tried the plague thing too in order to flag me, but I'm inoculated. They've also tried to incite my companion to fight using the other bug, but I have her on passive. I find it kinda funny that I'm able to sort of reverse grief them by making them waste so much time on me with their futile efforts.

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It amazes me how someone can be bothered enough by the plague to make a QQ thread. Even if you do not desire to get it, the inconvenience is *really* minor and only for a total of ten days or so.


That's part of the purpose of the event, to be an inconvenience^^ It's a mjor outbreak of Rakghoul disease.


To the OP, the broadcast on the fleet tells you to keep away from infected players. Not stand next to them.


Would have been funky if they had done it on PvP servers where after you pop instead of dieing you turned into a rakghoul for an hour and were able to attack and be attacked by anyone. Spread the disease that way/ Then after a while you exploded and died if you survived the crazed battles that would ensue^^

Edited by kiwoo
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what I think is kinda funny is that I vaccinate myself continuously, and while I'm at the GTN, I often go AFK (as is common if you spend time shopping). I've had a number of infected come up to me trying to spread the disease. It's hilarious to have them die, and their mission fail because I'm inoculated. They always have some witty comment for me afterward as they go to spend another 20+ minutes to run the disease again.


Then there's the two (obvious) exploiters that are camping around the Dune Sea vendor. They've tried the plague thing too in order to flag me, but I'm inoculated. They've also tried to incite my companion to fight using the other bug, but I have her on passive. I find it kinda funny that I'm able to sort of reverse grief them by making them waste so much time on me with their futile efforts.


heh! Wish I had read this earlier, before encountering other would be attackers. Costly, but humerous. :D

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what I think is kinda funny is that I vaccinate myself continuously, and while I'm at the GTN, I often go AFK (as is common if you spend time shopping). I've had a number of infected come up to me trying to spread the disease. It's hilarious to have them die, and their mission fail because I'm inoculated. They always have some witty comment for me afterward as they go to spend another 20+ minutes to run the disease again.


Then there's the two (obvious) exploiters that are camping around the Dune Sea vendor. They've tried the plague thing too in order to flag me, but I'm inoculated. They've also tried to incite my companion to fight using the other bug, but I have her on passive. I find it kinda funny that I'm able to sort of reverse grief them by making them waste so much time on me with their futile efforts.


Very well done :) There are few things I like better than grifers losing at their own game.

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Well. First of all. I'm completly new to SWTOR. I bought the game and started playing it this week.

So obviously I am a rookie in the game's classes, races, skills etc... BUT I am a veteran WoW gamer with roots all the way back to the end of vanilla. Wich says alot to those who know about WoW.

So I know about the event system in MMORPGS very well. and I approve of it most of the time...




When.. I.. as a fresh player to a game.. stand in the Republic Fleet... and get infected on my lvl 10 character.... and my only solution is to go and buy a vaccine for 2000 credits? Ask yourself.. is that a good event then? Since I can obviouslly not take part in anything on Tatooine... What fun or use does it have for me? I'm learnign the ropes of a game I've just bought and started playing. And one of the first things that happen is that I am forced into something I can not control or even experience to the max?


I personaly feelt that it ruind it for me. And is that a way for a game to gain new players?

I do not care for if anyone tell me that you can buy a vaccine or that you don't lose anything on dying. Ask yourtself if you would have wanted one of your first experiences in SWTOR to be you wasting 2000 creds on something you can't even take part of because you are lvl 10.

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When.. I.. as a fresh player to a game.. stand in the Republic Fleet... and get infected on my lvl 10 character.... and my only solution is to go and buy a vaccine for 2000 credits? Ask yourself.. is that a good event then? Since I can obviouslly not take part in anything on Tatooine... What fun or use does it have for me? I'm learnign the ropes of a game I've just bought and started playing. And one of the first things that happen is that I am forced into something I can not control or even experience to the max?


I personaly feelt that it ruind it for me. And is that a way for a game to gain new players?

I do not care for if anyone tell me that you can buy a vaccine or that you don't lose anything on dying. Ask yourtself if you would have wanted one of your first experiences in SWTOR to be you wasting 2000 creds on something you can't even take part of because you are lvl 10.


Well, to be honest, you don't have to spend a dime. The Rakghoul disease really doesn't do any damage, so I usually just ignore it and go about my business. The only part where it even remotely interrupts are at the very end when your character stops whatever its doing and 'pukes'...and then, of course, when it explodes and dies. Ta-da...instantly cleared up. Now, after you die, you can just self-rez yourself right there on the spot and keep playing, or you can take a quick trip to the nearest medic droid. Either way, dying by the plague doesn't damage your armor in any way (that i've heard), so you're really not losing anything but a couple minutes of play time.

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Well, to be honest, you don't have to spend a dime. The Rakghoul disease really doesn't do any damage, so I usually just ignore it and go about my business. The only part where it even remotely interrupts are at the very end when your character stops whatever its doing and 'pukes'...and then, of course, when it explodes and dies. Ta-da...instantly cleared up. Now, after you die, you can just self-rez yourself right there on the spot and keep playing, or you can take a quick trip to the nearest medic droid. Either way, dying by the plague doesn't damage your armor in any way (that i've heard), so you're really not losing anything but a couple minutes of play time.


Well. As expected you did not understand the meaning of my post. I maybe should make it more simpler.


1 I don't want to die of something I can not take part in. ( as I stated when I said I do not care if I lose anytihng on dying or not)

2 2000 credits is alot for avoiding having to die repeatedly every time I get infected. ( wich obviously will happen everytime I pass through a place where other players who is infected visit... like.. Rebublic Fleet? )

3 I'm new to the game and such a debuff and outcome makes a bad impression.

= it is not going to give SWTOR a A+ in my books.

Edited by Zaekya
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Well. First of all. I'm completly new to SWTOR. I bought the game and started playing it this week.

So obviously I am a rookie in the game's classes, races, skills etc... BUT I am a veteran WoW gamer with roots all the way back to the end of vanilla. Wich says alot to those who know about WoW.

So I know about the event system in MMORPGS very well. and I approve of it most of the time...




When.. I.. as a fresh player to a game.. stand in the Republic Fleet... and get infected on my lvl 10 character.... and my only solution is to go and buy a vaccine for 2000 credits? Ask yourself.. is that a good event then? Since I can obviouslly not take part in anything on Tatooine... What fun or use does it have for me? I'm learnign the ropes of a game I've just bought and started playing. And one of the first things that happen is that I am forced into something I can not control or even experience to the max?


I personaly feelt that it ruind it for me. And is that a way for a game to gain new players?

I do not care for if anyone tell me that you can buy a vaccine or that you don't lose anything on dying. Ask yourtself if you would have wanted one of your first experiences in SWTOR to be you wasting 2000 creds on something you can't even take part of because you are lvl 10.


You can easily get to the event vendor without entering combat, so it do not matter how low level you are as long as you have your ship. Get killed by the plague four times and you got enough to buy a customization. It only get better from there...

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