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Marauders your days are numbered and u know it :)


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Would you recommend we get 2 NON-channeled CCs, with one of them being a 4 second stun CC? I'll take that over my defensive CDs anyday. Then I'll show you what OP is all about.


You guys complain about the defensive CDs but EVERY class has em. You've got Troopers and BHs that have them. You've got Sorcs. that have a bubble.


If you take away the defensive CDs you have to bring something else back in, again are you honestly willing to grant REAL CCs, the ones that we have been beeeeegggging for!?!?!? Do you realize how OP that would be?


QQ. QQ. QQ. No real solutions. Just a bunch of QQ.


Made me laugh :)

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Ive come across a Marauder today in recruit gear, dealing 440k damage against some in full BM gear and some in War hero gear. Something stinks. Either they are hacking, or the class has become stupid.


But ive noticed more and more tanks grouping up for pvp and are simply unstoppable.

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Ive come across a Marauder today in recruit gear, dealing 440k damage against some in full BM gear and some in War hero gear. Something stinks. Either they are hacking, or the class has become stupid.


But ive noticed more and more tanks grouping up for pvp and are simply unstoppable.


It's a shame bioware don't watch closely the damage they are doing to this game, Marauders savage throw is just a comedy show, how the hell did you pass this **** for them to do 3-7k dmg tossing a weapon,This class as better defences than any so called tank BW put in the damn game its a joke.


It's very very sad what your doing to a game we all waited years to play BW.

Edited by Riogha
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No it's not. you know how many times i've been stunned at around 30% hp and killed before then, or stunned once i popped it then it wore off and got crapped on right after, or just straight up died before i could pop it since it's best to use when low HP. Seriously it's best use is in 1v1 fights straight up, it's good for that clutch score in huttball or to defend a point 5 seconds longer while help arrives. Seriously at a 75 second CD i don't use it everytime it's up it's a really situational ability at best.


1000x This. Spot on man.


Sadly though, people don't understand logic, and they certainly don't understand a class they don't play. 99% of the people in this thread QQing about ANY class queue into pvp solo, and solo queue players should NEVER have any say on class balance as 9/10 they have no idea what they are talking about (all these marauder threads popping up prove that.)


Premades don't give a damn about marauders/sentinels. They get stunned/rooted/slowed/knocked back and focused down so fast it isnt even funny. Good premades arnt even afraid of them, and most just laugh when they see a full team of them. Tanks taunt them, guard the healers, ranged burn them down, simple as that. This doesn't happen in solo queue because people don't coordinate and treat this game like its some 1v1 deathmatch. It's a team base game that requires *gasp* teamwork. Marauders have a counter to them just like every other class does.


L2P people and stop QQing.

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Ive come across a Marauder today in recruit gear, dealing 440k damage against some in full BM gear and some in War hero gear. Something stinks. Either they are hacking, or the class has become stupid.


But ive noticed more and more tanks grouping up for pvp and are simply unstoppable.


Maybe because recruit gear has almost 900 expertise? They did make that stat more important after all.

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It's a shame bioware don't watch closely the damage they are doing to this game, Marauders savage throw is just a comedy show, how the hell did you pass this **** for them to do 3-7k dmg tossing a weapon,This class as better defences than any so called tank BW put in the damn game its a joke.


It's very very sad what your doing to a game we all waited years to play BW.




Please, i beg you, no i pay you to teach me how to do that.

I swear i'll pay you if u teach me how to ever, ever, even a single time getting my Dispatch to 7k.


But let's recap, Assasins Execute move (the same thing as our Disptach/Vicious Throw) was at 30% health or below ever since, ours just got up there.

An Execute skill, is there to do exactly that, the finishing blow.

Just it hardly ever does that, it has to crit to actually do that.

If my Dispatch crits on geared players for 3.5 - 4k thats awesome, and hey i can only use it below 30% HP, where is the problem.

The Assasin equivalent has been doing that all the time, ever seen a complaint about that? Cause i didn't.

You can yell all day long how strong our defensive CD's are and most likely everyone will agree with that, but if you honestly think that Dispatch/Vicious Throw is anything even close to an issue, you got bigger problems than thinking some class is OP dude.

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How is it that a class that has remained virtually the same since 1.0, suddenly FOTM? Also, every class gets nerfed and buffed throughout the ever changing MMO. It's not new and only complainers complain. Gamers adapt~


The biggest problem with this forum (especially the PvP forum) is that it seems to be where the least educated players come to spew their uneducated, anecdotal evidence that one class needs a nerf.


This the EXACT same community that said MARAUDERS were UNDERPOWERED because they could be kited too easily.


I only read this forum for the lulz and to troll the bads... because really that is all that is here.

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Because the average forum poster has an IQ of 90.




Don't forget assassins.


lol, actually 70 is considered LOW IQ, (I'm assuming your inferring that) well, never mind..


Mara's and Sentinels are fine. Your not playing 1.1 any more, we all need to adjust to the new changes, and learn how to be beat these guys. I do 'not' believe in nerf's either, BTW, this has to me, proven to be knee jerk responses to negative feedback on the forums.


People don't need nerf's they need buffs.

Edited by dronepilot
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It still cant compete with full BM/War hero gear. Ive checked this players stats and expertise was sitting around 900.


You'd be surprised how well people keep up in recruit gear. They sure as hell do better then people in champ gear.

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I actually haven't seen many more Marauders / Sentinels then before in WZ's, on my server. Just a few here and there, and most of them are not all that impressive. Everyone thinks the class is easy to play, but it has quite a few buttons to keep track of, and most newbies don't realize that I don't think. I've never really had a problem beating most of them with my assassin. The good ones are pretty hard, but every class is beastly in the hands of the right player. Most of the new marauders I see are kind of sad though. I saw the same thing with Sorcs pre-1.2, there were a few good ones and a lot of...less then good ones.


I will say the same thing I said in another thread, the players that truly love the class will continue to play and master it, while the ones looking for an easy win class will get frustrated and move on. It's how things always work in these games. It's as much of a tradition in MMO's as overly dramatic players posting endlessly every patch about how "X class has RUINED pvp/pve/the entire game!!!1111!!!1!1!!".

Edited by Jemshank
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Makes me laugh that all these maras are trying to defend what everyone can see how did you all become so good with the patch lawl


They were always good. Simply put the damage change from expertise just made it more noticeable and bad players are unable to adjust.

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Why nobody cries about assassins ? Sins stun Tank Guardian and till he stands up is already dead !!! Isn't that OP ? If you think marauders/sentinels are so OP then reroll , play till valor 70(and maybe more) and then post again how OP are they ! Edited by Ogi-Wan-BG
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Why nobody cries about assassins ? Sins stun Tank Guardian and till he stands up is already dead !!! Isn't that OP ? If you think marauders/sentinels are so OP then reroll , play till valor 70(and maybe more) and then post again how OP are they !


Ya Tanksins have way better CD's then us AND they get a hard stun AND they can taunt for a 30% damage debuff yet sentinels are the ones that are OP? lol...

Edited by Raansu
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I was top 1%er before 1.2 and I'll be top 1% after.


You compiled all of the ranked data across all servers and factions to arrive at your assertion?


My god peoples delusional narcissism is astounding.

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Oh, look at all the scared Marauders trying to say their class is fine.


Not that BW will nerf them- BW's no different from Blizz, has a hard on for warrior classes- we're going to see the same thing we saw with warriors- they'll be extremely OP from now until the game collapses.


Chances are pretty good it's going to collapse when all the people who want to play something different than melee quit.


I'd wonder what this month's numbers would be due to BW's terrible balancing job and giving marauders free wins in 1.2.... but they gave everyone a free month specifically so they could say 'look, people like this patch, the numbers are the same!'



At this point, no small nerf would even matter- marauders would need 20% of the damage taken out of every ability, roots would need to be effected by resolve, expertise would need to work properly, trauma would need to be removed for healers, and pretty much every other class would need a small to huge buff depending on which one.





So- if you have any doubts, roll a marauder now and enjoy the free wins, they aren't going away soon... in fact, everyone knows marauders are guaranteed to have number 1 representation in high ranked rated pvp. You don't even have to be good- that's how buffed the class is now, you can just play it and you'll still be better than the best of most other classes.

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BW's no different from Blizz, has a hard on for warrior classes- we're going to see the same thing we saw with warriors- they'll be extremely OP from now until the game collapses.


You're freaking kidding right? I played a prot warrior from vanilla WoW through mid-Wotlk (actually MS/Prot for main tanking back during molten core because prot was so broken bad) and warriors were the single class nerfed in damn near every single patch. Because they scaled with gear, so as new gear came out the class got nerfed, new gear, new nerf, gear, nerf, gear nerf and this was the cycle. Warriors were only viable because they had Mortal Strike to debuff healing by 50%. Mechanically they were always sub-par. The thing is that healing was so stupid OP that Mortal Strike was THAT good just for the healing debuff.


And don't even get started with the viability of protection or fury warriors (IE; ZERO except for a single shining season of awesome where prot warriors became viable, then the community cried and they were nerfed into oblivion again. Fury was always a joke in arena).


Blizz has always had a hardon for Rogue, mages and priests. RMP= consistantly the most OP team comp throughout Arena's lifespan.

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Oh, look at all the scared Marauders trying to say their class is fine.


Not that BW will nerf them- BW's no different from Blizz, has a hard on for warrior classes- we're going to see the same thing we saw with warriors- they'll be extremely OP from now until the game collapses.


Chances are pretty good it's going to collapse when all the people who want to play something different than melee quit.


I'd wonder what this month's numbers would be due to BW's terrible balancing job and giving marauders free wins in 1.2.... but they gave everyone a free month specifically so they could say 'look, people like this patch, the numbers are the same!'



At this point, no small nerf would even matter- marauders would need 20% of the damage taken out of every ability, roots would need to be effected by resolve, expertise would need to work properly, trauma would need to be removed for healers, and pretty much every other class would need a small to huge buff depending on which one.





So- if you have any doubts, roll a marauder now and enjoy the free wins, they aren't going away soon... in fact, everyone knows marauders are guaranteed to have number 1 representation in high ranked rated pvp. You don't even have to be good- that's how buffed the class is now, you can just play it and you'll still be better than the best of most other classes.


What you are asking for would kill the class. Why don't you try learning how to play first?

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lol, actually 70 is considered LOW IQ, (I'm assuming your inferring that) well, never mind..


Mara's and Sentinels are fine. Your not playing 1.1 any more, we all need to adjust to the new changes, and learn how to be beat these guys. I do 'not' believe in nerf's either, BTW, this has to me, proven to be knee jerk responses to negative feedback on the forums.


People don't need nerf's they need buffs.


Translation: I'm a FOTM reroller and I just finished leveling a Marauder/Sentinel to 50, so please dont nerf them even though I know they are extremely OP atm and ruining WZs/PVP I dont care.

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The clamoring on the forums has already begun. Marauders are in need of a HUGE nerf and you guys that play marauders know this already. Enjoy being FOTM while it lasts cause the nerf bat is coming down hard. Just like sorcs/sages before you, you guys are way to Overpowered I would say even more overpowered than sorcs were. Luckily for me I play a Shield Tech Vanguard :D


Im so sick of clowns crying a river


I want this nerf over whit so all the nubcakes will shut up


then after the nerf will still spank the **** OUT OF YOU


then what will you say ? i bet you guys will come up whit something.


QQ'ers make these forums lame


they should be filled whit info an strat but noooo, nothing but cry babies

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