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Rate The game so far.


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Rate the game so far!! Example: "#/10 its good."

ill give the game a 8/10, I have a very fun time playing it, I have noticed many bugs, But none game breaking bugs.



Please dont:


Argue about other folks posts


be mean.






So far, folks have Rated like this(not Exactly, but i counted as good as i could. 176 /310

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I'll go 8/10 as well, great game and design, a lot of strengths. Some important things are missing and some mistake are being made, but I don't expect an MMO to come perfect out of the box. It'll get there, and so far I'm having a lot of fun.
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I worry for it's long-term playability, but I'm already invested for another six months anyway. It'll be interesting to see what happens. If events keep happening and content keeps getting added, I'll be happy enough.

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A solid 7/10...wouldn't really expect much higher at this stage, so that's a good mark in my book. It does seem that it was a bit half baked out of the oven.


Lots of room for addition and improvement, much that I would enjoy seeing and doing,....but that bottom line is I am enjoying it a lot. I'll probably play through the summer and then put it down when I get busy around that time. Hopefully that will give them time to get ahead of me again.

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nice looking game ,

for an mmo feels like a single player game

no open world pvp that works

if you want when you pve you can ride around any world in the game and if you dont want combat other that the quest u r on then you wont be tagged ,that makes no sence when you are freeing world after world ,

crafting is very bad good intentions poor execution

Game dificulty is very easy ,

all through set up and beta there was meaning that guilds would have a big part of this game , allies and adversaries

but there was no guild utilities to use when on release,

WZ's you cant choose what ones you would like to play ,

Hutball good idea , move it to its own league


whats the point of faster speeders when you live on the fleet at max lvl , there is no reason to leave the fleet , this nice looking game wasted,

too many bugs in flash points /ops that have not been fixed , but i have to say the length of time to complete an ops or flashpoint is just right ,


for me the game is lacking a reason

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let's see:

-1 for the lag/fps issues

-1 for the bugs

-1 for the PVP class balance issues

-1 for the terrible customer service

-1 for multiple patches in the same week (the weekly maintenance is there for a reason)

-1 for the trollfans on the forums (who like to shout down reasonable criticism)


So I would rate the game 2/10.


The basic game is enjoyable enough but many problems are dragging it down.

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6/10 and falling fast.


Lovely production values and episodic storytelling. But it's a single-player masquerading as an MMO. Fun enough as far as it went, which for me was max lvl on one toon and 30-something on another. It's 7/10 if we're talking strictly in "KOTOR 3" terms.


It's still early, especially for a game that was clearly released unfinished for Xmas. But the frustrations mount and players are clearly voting with their feet (or mouse fingers), leading to the semi-desperate free-play deal.


Endgame and pvp still seriously faulty by many accounts.


Looked forward to the Legacy system as a potential reason to socialize, possibly like a lord-and-vassal system. But it's essentially an attempt to get you to start over with another character in the single-player quests. Huge missed opportunity and misunderstanding of what MMOs are about.


Lured back by free tauntauns, I found my skill points totally "refunded" (aka dismantled), my headgear broken and invisible, and the Legacy system offering me a prize for a lvl-14 toon if I go make one. Color me underwhelmed.

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I would be happy to give this game full 10, but I simply can't. Don't get me wrong I think it's the best mmo I've played so far, which didn't make me sick after 1 month, but the game has it's flaws.


7/10 is max.

-1 bad performance when there are more then 16 players on screen

-1 as much as I love voice acting I hate when my character repeats the same sentence over and over again. I would much rather make him be quiet and just nod or something. Breaks the experience for me sometimes.

-1 maxing your crafting crew skill is unrewarding as hell. Synthweaving and armormech - Two epic items which require you to do FPs for stupid mats... oh come on :rolleyes:

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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The class quests are fun which is where most of the score comes from. The problem is that gameplay is highly repetitive. there is little to no variety in the quests (kill 10 of these, bonus mission kill 30 of these, etc etc) Planets feel like nothing but empty space with no reason to entice players to come back once they are gone, last night I was the ONLY person on hoth at peak time on my alt, this was bergeren colony. Bugs, bugs, and more bugs I have submitted several reports over the last few months, none of which have been resolved. They include, companion affection bugs, namely ashara. No decision you make, positive or negative evokes a response from her, not to mention her lightsabers are always drawn, even when they are hanging from her belt. Next up, mysterious alignment bug. Even when making lightside choices, i get dark points as well, for no reason whatsoever. I do not have diplomacy or anything of that nature, this is another issue that has gone unresolved. More recently, the newest patch has done something to the sounds of the game, speeders will suddenly be muffled among other things. There are several other issues as well I will admit while not gamebreaking, certainly don't make for a pleasant experience when they are piled one on top of the other, and have existed for months.


All in all, swtor really needs some work, I honestly hope it gets better, I just can't rate it any higher and put it in league with better mmos in it's current state, maybe given another year or more things will be different, but right now it's just barely an average title with nothing special about it really other than it being star wars.

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9 out of 10, to start with for me, from the beta testing.


Six months later and a cancelled sub, about 3 out of 10.


The game play and story were excellent. I loved the planets and the side missions to do to help you level up. And the main story lines (for the Sage I got to 50) was brilliant, I really liked it.


For me personally, at 50, there's now nothing to do but level up another toon. I've never been one for PvP and the dailies are just boring after the 10th time of doing them. I was hoping the crafting would be good, but it's just not. I was hoping so much for this game, but over time, it's just gone down and down.

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2/10 at best at present.


* Incomplete at release. Not sure what aspect to blame the most for this - EA's greed for a christmas release or the failure to accept feedback and make corrections during beta.

* UI - even the "new" UI rates maybe a 3/10. Not able to toggle who's buffs/debuffs you see, nor adjust their size. And how hard is it to make a schematic say "already known" if you already know it? Every game I've played does it, so it's not ground breaking technology.

* Failure to merge servers even though it's been needed for a couple months now. They invested all this time/money into "phases" of each zone, yet I've never seen more then the original phase being used outside of the first month of the game.

* Entire star wars universe is at their disposal, and we get different skins of humans with identical body sizes. You'd think we'd have access to different species??? I'm sure there are plenty out there that want to be a wookie or whatever species yoda is.

* Space combat - no sandbox, just a rail system with the same handfull of missions with addiitonal bonuses as you get to be higher level.

* Legacy system - laughable. Needs a shared bank to start with.

* No mouseover macro system (yes, i'm a healer). Because clicking buttons IS the hardest part of the game and they don't want to spoil that with immersion - but do want to add to my chances of carpel tunnel.

* Crew skills - even with 1.2, they still haven't balanced them out.

* What little there is to do at end game (ops) is still buggy.

* In-game customer service is a joke. Regardless of the issue submitted, the same copy/paste is returned.

* The new ability to have the look we want using modable gear is a joke. Extremely limited due to lack of modable recipes. Why not just make all crafting armor go Green > Blue > Purple > Modable?

* Lack of clear communication between BW and it's fan base.


The entire experience so far can be described as overpromised and underdelivered. Great way to run a business.


Fanboys - pls don't be offended and reply because frankly i don't care. They have the upcoming free 30-days to make improvements to keep a lot of us. If not, we'll be out of your hair.

Edited by Aora
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+ Good audio, I feel the love behind every conversation;


+ Good stories (I usually hate questing and lvling up, but in this game I really enjoy it!);


+ Finally a MMORPG which got rid of the "everyone join the pvp area, then run around looking for the enemy, then get ganked because you find a group 10 times bigger than your, then... die and repeat";


+ The classes are not totally polished but the balance without sacrifying the difference between classes is aiming to the right direction;


+ Lots of 4 man content and a new "raid" just 4 months after the release, pointless to say anything else about this;



- The lack of server transfers / mergers. If for real a couple of servers are kinda empty, well, it's a pity.


- The lack of some better moderation in the forums. I am sick of seeing this forums and read about this pack of presumed ex players whining and crying like they stole their pacifier. If i don't like a game I usually just quit it and don't look behind, I don't understand the need of going to the forums of other games I have stop played and say "omg *** bbq this game is horrible i quit bai bai"...

Edited by mirabellife
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From my personal experience I would rate it a 8. I've been having a lot of fun with the game.


The memory leak needs fixing is the biggest thing affecting me at the moment but I am patient. I know they will sort out memory leak at some point same as AoC did and other large programs have done.

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Performance - video, plus sound issues.

RP features: chat bubbles for a start


I've found that SWTOR doesn't like running with two monitors for the most part. (Cutting performance in half.)


Chat bubbles? I guess some people like them, but they just kinda.. get in the way to me. The fact that they let you have cosmetic decisions on armor is a nice touch, and I'm not just talking color.

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I would have to rate it at 2/10



Poor customer service (Huge one as this is a customer service industry)

Poor game performance (Everyone remember that error code that was said fixed but really isnt?)

Server Populations are way down (was on repub fleet at 8am Central and only 4 were on fleet, 30 or so on imp)

Game update 1.2 (should have been in at launch added very little to the game overall in quality of life for game)

They seem to have no ability to balance portions of the game, nor disable an aspect of the game should it prove unstable (many games have this feature for a reason)


I have been waiting around for this game since its announcement as you can see from my join date to the left. I expected better from Bioware and am not impressed with the game in its current state. You would think for a company with such a stellar reputation, they would produce much better quality games than this current incarnation of the SW series. I'm very dissapointed.

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I've found that SWTOR doesn't like running with two monitors for the most part. (Cutting performance in half.)


Chat bubbles? I guess some people like them, but they just kinda.. get in the way to me. The fact that they let you have cosmetic decisions on armor is a nice touch, and I'm not just talking color.


Really? Second monitor isnt cutting anything in half for me. Anyway, There are other threads about the issue so let us stay on subject here.

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