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Everything posted by Malox

  1. Tech it is talking about another game which can be against forum rules for some companies. NCwest is notorious for it. But I agree, it was on topic and had a valid point.
  2. I agree with you to a point. EA was the reason this game was published before it was ready. Cash shop is their idea and continues to be their idea. NOW the balance issues and ignored bugs or the ones they fix and keep bringing back...well that is BW. THe lack of content....I think is a shared blame. Lack of vision for one (BW) and wrong direction for focus for the other (EA)
  3. It's why I only give this game two more years. The competition only gets more advanced and the only thing this game currently has going for it is the Star Wars name. I don't think it is BW fault per say (yet they do share the blame) but EA sticking their nose in things as usual. BW is more for the gamer and EA Is for the dollar. Sadly since EA holds the purse strings.....you know which one will win out.
  4. Ok so normally try to avoid commenting on posts like this as they tend to be flame threads rather than constructive but this line has so far been constructive so going to comments. Having been around back when the game was only rumors and the website was only a place to register your forum name, I had high hopes for this game. I wanted something that would fill the Star Wars fix that the NGE ruined. When it first came out, it wasn't ready but that is not BW fault per say. I ended up leaving once legacy came out then came back six months later to see if they had addressed many of the issues that were present. Not really but you could tell they were trying. When the game went free to play I knew it was going to go down hill with micro transactions and that they would eventually go the route they have. I'm betting it was more EA than BW who made those decisions. So now I resub every six months for a month, play the story and quit again due to lack of content that keeps me here. Not like FFXIV does. That is the model they should have pushed as well as content cycles. Is this game salvageable? Not while it is published by EA. I give it two more years at most. Minimum a year. This next update will either make or break it.
  5. Since coming back to the game I'm starting to see why he did. I get Eric's job is difficult as he can only discuss with us what he is cleared to discuss but maybe he needs to grow a pair and get the guy who actually decides fired. People like communication. Yes not everyone will like the change but to be honest, they will get over it. This change however,i I get the feeling the ones who like it will be in the minority.
  6. And yet you wasted time to make the post. Oh and no refunds. You really should read things before you click ok specially when drawn up by lawyers. Thanks for contributing to SWTOR via your cash deposit.
  7. You're making the mistake of trying to compare this game with others. It has similarities but those are dwindling. One aspect that will always run parallel to other games until the servers shut down is the developers want players to experience the newest content (what usually brought them into the game) and to do that you have to stream line the leveling. Every game created that has expansions or continuous updates does this. You must be new. Another thing of note: people like to bash casual players and complain that games are catering to casuals. They are correct they are. They are the most loose with their wallets. Accept it. The old school gamers are a dying breed. I know this and had to accept it. You should as well. The only place you will find game companies that do not cater to casuals will be Korean created games (for the most part). For almost every other game company they will always institute ways for players to advance their experience with a little cash.
  8. This subject has been beaten to death. It's here to stay so let a dead dog lie
  9. Can these please be added to the collections. It was a huge pain in the *** farming for the items and love the look but getting them once was painful enough.
  10. That's because your account info is prob similar enough to each other to not warrant the look. Prob under same credit card. Your name is on both accounts sort of thing.
  11. Sorry I refuse to tank or heal in ques in this game. Too many people want to backseat drive when I'm not going fast enough slow enough of using a certain heal at a specific time. No thanks.
  12. Expertise and stats should not matter in pvp. It should be baseline for everyone. Pvp should be about coordination and skill. Not who has the bigger....numbers. Otherwise we get to where we are and only a small number of players will play it.
  13. A lot of it had to do with making the original planets relevant. And to help deal with griefers but that wasn't the core reason. More a helpful side effect. I personally like it and want it to stay. I doubt they will roll the system back at this point. Like the class changes people will just have to adjust to it.
  14. Color could be based off the crystal in your focus.
  15. If they had it where gear and stats didn't matter and it was based on skill rather than pure numbers then pvp would actually be fun to me. But until that happens I will never do pvp willingly.
  16. Short answer is Yes this is what I have wanted from this game for quite a while. The long answer is a litle more convoluted and difficult to answer. I have been playing MMORPG games since Lineage. I have played all the major MMO's and some not so major (The Matrix Online for instance). Back early in my MMO career I was what many of you hated, a hardcore player with little time for casual players. I actually loathed them and saw them as the enemy. Now that I'm 29 and working for a living rather than going to school, I have noticed that like my time, my tastes have changed. I no longer have time for 6 hour raiding sessions or months of grinding (Hello Jedi Grinding from SWG). Now that I'm older and no longer in college and with limited play time I have realized that I'm now a casual player. I just don't have the time or patience to deal with Raids and loath PVP (honestly its about time a game sidelined PVP and focused on PVE). So now that BW has transitioned from that horrible example they first came out that I waited several years after the NGE came out for SWG and the first whispers of a BW SW game was circulating, I find myself enjoying the game again. BW has always had their strengths in their SW and while there first foray into a MMO had quite a lot of missteps this is the first step in the right direction. I look forward to the future with this game. On a side note: it would appear that the OP is in the minority even in forum standards. If I am remember right, a study was done a few years ago that pegged the forum community at about 15% of the game population. That is very telling in this instance as it would indeed seem that these changes were wanted by a large majority of players.
  17. Huh didn't know about neutral. Will have to get that one. Is inquisitor the only one with multiple possible endings for names? Didn't play multiple run through a on other toons and haven't really done much with republic (their stories were so damn boring)
  18. So one thing I have always wondered since beta. My sith inquisitors have differing Darth names. One is Darth Imperiousand the other is Darth Nox. Under what circumstances do those get chosen and are there others. I've been partial to Darth Nox yet when creating a new 60 it is always Darth Imperious. Are there others I have not yet found?
  19. prob the same reason they changed the FX of overload for SI....they got high and thought...lets f*** with sh** for no apparent reason.
  20. Are these ever going to be put into collections? Would be nice to not have to waste more tokens to get these items on other characters once they have been obtained and used on one.
  21. I would actually like to see the capital ships attacking people again. The spawn camping hit new heights today as we had 6 bombers and 6 gunners and split them between the three spawn sights and sat there picking off people as they spawned....that is just sad. Well I guess last night since I've been up since 0100 and its now 1730.
  22. Right now we have the problem on bastion where if you are IMP side you do not play during the daylight hours if you are in NA time zones. Only play at night as you run into two 8 man premade groups that continously stomp new players during the day. Seen a lot of raging on fleet due to that. At night it is the reverse. Poor game design and planning if you ask me.
  23. Honey.....don't you realize...server transfers and merges where their answer to lazy programming. Instead of putting in the man hours neccessary to make cross server ques work..they combined the servers and offered server transfers. If you remember, it wasn't long after that promise the first server merges happened due to at peak times less than 30 players on the fleet on some servers. Not sure they will ever realise that merging servers won't make people play pvp or gsf. And did not realize that talking bout unsubbing was against the rules...must be like fight club. Granted...when you have a massive amount of people actually do it in a short amount of time...it kind of becomes teh white elephant in the room.
  24. To be fair...according to this http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats at least the European servers seem to be making a rebound a bit in population but seem to go up and down every six months. The US servers have had a trend going down in the past 12 months with small brief spikes prob in relation to updates but then quickly leave again. And if you do a quick internet search of what the most popular mmorpg style games are currently I still have yet to find one that has swtor in the top 25....come to think of it I havent' seen any advertising for swtor in quite a while.... anywho....i still stand by my original point. Just wanted to add some evidence to back it up. still say premades and solo que should be in different ques with cross server capability.
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