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Pvp tanks we are useless now right?


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seems like a good idea if you love tanking/guarding. But I read somewhere (sorry it was a few weeks ago) that tank gear adds like 5% protection in pvp, while DPS gear adds like 25% dps from stats. It just isnt worth it to get tank gear.


your job is not to DPS, your job is to protecting, what good is DPS gear if you are protecting?

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what are u useing because last time i checked when i went into a wz the first person that was dead was me......im sorry we may not be once we get into WH geat i cant play to die anymore i just cant i have lost all flavor for the game at this point

I am still mostly in battlemaster, just one piece of war hero so far, most of the gear I am wearing is DPS gear. That makes my character not immortal or anything, I just know when to use my defensive abilities, and I guard people a lot, slow time and other abilities reduce damage the opposing team can apply on your team, which can be as useful has having a healer around to roll over them.


Sure, some utility abilities the Shadow and the Assassine have, make them also great regardless of their spec (stealth to get unseen to an objective in a warzone, speed burst to carry the ball in huttball), and that in combination with the defensive abilities makes at least those classes great to advance your team in warzones without help of others. Prevailing in many 1v1 fights is nice, but if one knows what he is doing one can delay an opposing team for quite a while to cap a node even when you are facing two or even three opponents (I have done that so often in Alderaan Civil War, binding up to three people, so the rest of my team can get the other nodes and if it was just one opponent I fought him/her down and won that node for my team).


I am pretty sure other tanks have their uses too, but I don't play them, so I can't tell much about how or what they do (well except for Guardians and Juggernauts who are also great in Huttball).

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My experience is that Tanks in DPS gear (with their tanking stance active, and a Tank or Hybrid-Tank spec) do damage well over 90-95% of their DPS-spec/stance equivalent, while taking significantly less damage (due to armor/shield/direct mitigation from their stance) and having the ability to guard a healer. Honestly, if you actually use guard, it's hard to justify speccing a Tanking-capable class as anything other than a Tank (or Hybrid-Tank) for PvP.
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My experience is that Tanks in DPS gear (with their tanking stance active, and a Tank or Hybrid-Tank spec) do damage well over 90-95% of their DPS-spec/stance equivalent, while taking significantly less damage (due to armor/shield/direct mitigation from their stance) and having the ability to guard a healer. Honestly, if you actually use guard, it's hard to justify speccing a Tanking-capable class as anything other than a Tank (or Hybrid-Tank) for PvP.


i do gaurd and use taunts but the amount of damage i can take is none im still in champ gear and i still cant do anything for my group when they removed my gear from game they make me re-grind by dieing all the time to get gear and i just cant do that what its been almost 3 week for 1.2 and i have gotten 6 wins that is it...so im really just done with this whole JK/SW in a group u will win crap

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Tank stats are for pve.


Hutball jug tanks rule.


All other wzs assasin tanks rule.


Spec tank use dps pvp gear.




The only useless specs for pvp are heals.


Heals uselss pvp becomes what it is now a gibfest where dps meters rule and pvp is about whos has the most cds for the 5 seconds fights last.


Buy gw2 or play wow otherwise hope bioware devs get fired cause they ruined a great pvp system. Heals already were worthless when the heal targets resolve bar was full now they r worthless when resolve is empty.

Edited by Masturomenos
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I didn't read all of the thread, and I'm sure it's been stated already, but a guarded healer is still a beast, if not downright OP. And, a tank's survivability makes a frustrating task for an opposing team to get a cap, not to mention you guys can ball carry in huttball. You may not be the star of the show but your role is still very valuable.


PS Any tank that guards gets my automatic MVP vote so here's one healer that doesn't think tanks are useless.

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Please stop mistaking OP combos when its really bad competition. Go ahead and fill a resolve bar when the prson u fight is above 90% hp and go ahead and use interupt when a healer is topped off thats what wins fights. U know cause a good pvper doesnt wit for u to resolve cap them and kill u and its dumb to chip away healers resources before u chip away their hp. Right.


Before anyone says heals arent undepowered of course unlessur an op. Try to interupt heals after u drain heir resources and they are at 30% hp or less and stop blowing ur cds while tanks are in mid rather then in a fire.


Pvp is broken period. Its dying just like subs. Yea games going well 4 months and we need server mergers thats def a good sign.

Edited by Masturomenos
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ok before 1.2 i could hold my own and win match now i have gotten 6 wins after 1.2 was launched im a shadow tank and they have nerfed my class


I'm pretty sure nothing changed for us lol. Sounds like you're having problems adjusting to the new DPS output in the warzones.

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ok that may be ture but the just as a fyi most of the time there are atlest 4 SW/JK in any group i fight just 4 sweeps can kill me just for if all the SW/JK in a group did a force sweep at one time and i just happen to be at the place that i could get hit im dead the people on my sever are hitting for more then 4k a pop on each sweep
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8/10 times my team wins I am the top medal earner, because I can survive the onslaught of protecting everyone.


Sorry to burst your bubble but no, tank vanguard vs a premade it's not that you survive. It's that you get ignored until there's nothing else to beat on.

Edited by sensiblepoast
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90% of you guys play dps class and never guard healers...


Tanking is INVALUABLE in pvp. your job is not the kill ****.. it is to


1) interrupt their healers and cc them, no class comes close to a tanks ability to do this.

2) defend your healers. Guard is a must for any healer post 1.2

3) carry the ball like a baws cause you got 60% dmg reduction 40% shield chance 40% absorb chance and 30% defense chance

4) Dont stack dps gear.. your a tank and you are very valuable the way you are.

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Well actualy, to everyone that is saying tanks are useless in pvp, you are very wrong!


You want to be able to take the biggest beating for the longest ammount of time before dying.


You need a pocket healer.


You need to Guard your pocket healer, when they shout someones on them, you drop what your doing and go help. You only stop defending ur healer if someone's planting the objective, then you go back to assisting them with their problem. Your absolutely worthless unless they're alive and able to heal you.


Your goal in Nova/Alderan is to be the last man standing at the node being assaulted by the enemy. You pop your cd's and prevent them from capping while your team respawns and runs back. This is invaluable. again the longer you live the better you are for your team.


In voidstar your a great distraction. Your entire team goes 1 side, and you + pocket healer go the other. Enemy team sends 4 people to kill you both. Allowing theo ther 6 people on your team to slaughter the enemy and plant the bomb. Then while your team runs ahead you stay in the halllways, spamming your aoe slow, stunning anyone that tries to sprint down to defend the next point. For defence your still as important, again you need to be the last one alive on the door to ensure none of the enemy can plant the bomb untill theyre back from that gosh darn forcefield, lol.



In huttball your job is to run the ball. You grab it initialy, you start running it towards the goal. Pop ur cd's and go as far as you can, giving your team time to move ahead of you so you can throw. Or if theres multiple healers and they love you.. just run the ball the entire way, force charge back up after getting knocked off the ramps, and run the ball thru the finish line while spamming /rofl as you know they're raging so hard :D:D:D




Need pocket healers tho.



Edited by HurrDurrCur
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In a word: Yes. Bioware only likes the DPS specs. Healers got nerfed, some got it hardcore. DPS skyrocketed. There is no way a tank can survive now. Outlast someone? What a laugh. Bioware wants people dead in seconds based on the current TTK.
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Yeah, right. Like those tank assasins/shadows who pop out of stealth, tank specced 19k hp, resisting all damage thanks to their cooldown, owning a sage/sorc in 3-6sec, vanishing, clearing all dots on them, looking for annother target.


Beeing a tank does not equal playing in PvP like you were in a PvE raid, be smart you are the only ones who live more then 10sec without heal. Choose the target wisely and your cc/stun/kill can be more frustrating to the other team, then 600k damage from any DD.

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tanking in pvp has always been useless. People arent like NPC's. There is no aggro meter. Tank in DPS gear is the way to go.


lol that made my day :D



for guardians

this is the highest dps spec we could come up with while still playing tank. dieing is not an issue for you or the pocket healer (if your good at working together) and you can pull 250k damage on average.

use vindicator armor. replace 2 or 3 vindicator enhancements with warleader chest/boot enhance ments (20 defence, 51 surge)


for the record in that spec we take one out of blade storms dot and put it in shien form. this is for when your team has high heals and low dps.


EDIT: i should also point out that pyro tech's are tank killers. you can stack all the defense gear you want and it will not help a bit when it comes to that fire.

no other class can kill a tank easily if the tank is with his pocket healer.

so basically by wearing tank armor/mods you will be harder to kill to the class's who already think your impossible to kill.

AKA: your lowering your dps without actually raising your lifespan.





read these skills carefully

a tank should run into the battle last, not first. you actually want them to be on the person your guarding, not you^^

Edited by dufox
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I was reading one of the earlier posts where someone said you should gear for DPS as a tank in PvP. Makes sense to me cause you would cause more damage that way. I always come out with a huge amound of medals (when we win of course with the recent changes), but I'm rarely ever first in damage. Only in protection.


My question is this: As a Shadow Tank who uses mostly Survivor gear, it sounds like I should be using the Stalker gear then right? Or should I just go all out and get the Force Master gear? Just wondering because I hate the idea of losing all of my Endurance stats. Right now Im mostly in BM Survivor gear with a few Champ pieces and some Rakata and Columi pieces added in.

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I was reading one of the earlier posts where someone said you should gear for DPS as a tank in PvP. Makes sense to me cause you would cause more damage that way. I always come out with a huge amound of medals (when we win of course with the recent changes), but I'm rarely ever first in damage. Only in protection.


My question is this: As a Shadow Tank who uses mostly Survivor gear, it sounds like I should be using the Stalker gear then right? Or should I just go all out and get the Force Master gear? Just wondering because I hate the idea of losing all of my Endurance stats. Right now Im mostly in BM Survivor gear with a few Champ pieces and some Rakata and Columi pieces added in.

I prefer to have only the armour mods from the survival gear and the other mods from the stalker gear.

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The problem with tanks is that there is really no point to defensive gear. All the tech and force attacks go right through parry and shield. So that is about 50% of the attacks or more already that a player can do. If they know your a tank a smart player will just concentrate on using force/tech attacks. The only ones that don't get these in abundance are really snipers(marksman).


So for taking a 50% cut in dmg you gain maybe 10-15% extra mitigation. Thats why tanks suck.

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As me and the other healers in my guild spent most of the day explaining to our tanks, Guard and Taunt are both priceless. Keep us alive and we'll keep you alive. Even if you end up dying because you Guarded us and we can't keep us both standing if the healer survives then the team isn't going to wipe at the objective. Tanks are support classes, if a tank is doing his job then as a Sawbones my life is pretty easy. If they aren't I'll die and then, slightly later, so will everyone else.


With regards to the gear, you want to be stacking HPs and the types of mitigation that matter while not worrying about the ones that most damage bypasses. That does mean that DPS gear is often better, although ideally you'll mix tanking armouring with dps enhancements and mods. Tanks need to be able to do some damage, especially if you want a tank and healer pair to guard a node by themselves. In PVE it is all about the defensive stats but PVP is different, you need to balance the two so that a Healer+Tank can take down 2-3 DPS when necessary.

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