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50 active auctions on AH limit are you kidding me?


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I have a secondary idea here! If we are so worried about needing a posting cap in order to prevent single stack sellers and other blights, howabout instead of the frustration of the 50 item cap, they give us the ability to ignore sellers? I think most of us would ignore single stackers given the option, and once they are ignored by the majority because they are so annoying, their ability to abuse the market will be checked by their inability to move product.


This is a very reasonable suggestion. It boils down to one word, a word that I have been advocating in many threads on many topics for years now on these forums:



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again, as i have stated in this thread already, this does not create monopoly. this merely encourages more undercutting because your goods will sell quickly. eventually the relister will run out of money trying to relist things. if i see someone doing this, i continue to craft until that person goes broke because im getting nonstop buyouts. then, you have a situation where the relister is forced to bring his price down and now the market is flooded, thus driving down prices more as he tries to get rid of his goods.


It would take a lot of money to do so, but I've seen it happen in WoW. The money the get from people too lazy or whatever to bargain hunt pays for itself, though this type of thing happens more with items that do not drop often or are hard to find without farming for hours.


I remember the days of Mote farming in WoW and buying elemental essences or something. It was easy to do this because these items were in high demand and low supply.



I like the time limit idea. ENSURES other people have time to post competitive pricing.

Edited by Lutherus
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I'm fine with a limit of 50 if it keeps me from scrolling though page after page of 1 unit stacks. If it will lighten the load on the backend databases that's even better.


Alternately, remove the limit and make auctions free but if it doesn't sell in time you don't get it back.

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i love the 50 limit. it stops ppl from putting 1 of each item, instead of stacks, ending up spamming the AH.


I hate to scroll pages and pages to reach the stacks.


Pretty much this. I have no problem with people trying to make money, but this whole "1 item per stack" garbage is just ridiculous.


I'm not going to make any assumptions about the sort of person who thinks this is acceptable, but at least take the time to consider how it affects other people. You're not the only person in the game, and if you took the time to think about other people, you might be willing to work within the limits Bioware has set to make your fortunes, rather than throwing a tantrum and demanding they change the system for your benefit.

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The GTN needs a lot of work in general. The "ZOMGZ go back to WoW NUB!" posts are very pointless. People like this game, and are providing constructive criticism to help improve it. The GTN dysfunction might not be a huge issue right now, but it will be in a month or two when more people are high level. No working search interface, general clunkiness, a cap low enough to make bulk selling of goods and raw mats difficult, etc.


I think a lot of people here have never actually played the AH in WoW, based on economic exploitation comments. Me posting up 5 of every useful rare gem cut in stacks of 1 is not screwing the economy. Me posting up 20 stacks of 20 dust, along with 50 stacks of 5 dust is not screwing the economy. Me posting up a few dozen shards is not screwing the economy. Me buying a few hundred stacks of ore to prospect is not screwing the economy, in fact it's getting you your gems for a lot less money, since I can afford to drop 20k at once on a lot of ore and herbs to transmute a few stacks at far lower cost than you'd ever be able to.


Due to simple economies of scale, players like me REDUCE your costs. Someone dealing with a tenth the volume that I do will simply never be able to deliver things at the prices that I do. That is why I consistently SELL hundreds of items a day, because I bring them to market cheaper than other people do. The lousy GTN interface means that I can't do that nearly as effectively as I can in WoW, and that is not good for the health of the economy.

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Pretty much this. I have no problem with people trying to make money, but this whole "1 item per stack" garbage is just ridiculous.


I'm not going to make any assumptions about the sort of person who thinks this is acceptable, but at least take the time to consider how it affects other people. You're not the only person in the game, and if you took the time to think about other people, you might be willing to work within the limits Bioware has set to make your fortunes, rather than throwing a tantrum and demanding they change the system for your benefit.


The thing is, there are many cases of items that would be produced in large quantities, easily using up the 50 item limit, that are not stackable. The entire mod system was designed around the availability of large numbers of mods to make it work.

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Pretty much this. I have no problem with people trying to make money, but this whole "1 item per stack" garbage is just ridiculous.


I'm not going to make any assumptions about the sort of person who thinks this is acceptable, but at least take the time to consider how it affects other people. You're not the only person in the game, and if you took the time to think about other people, you might be willing to work within the limits Bioware has set to make your fortunes, rather than throwing a tantrum and demanding they change the system for your benefit.


Nobody is throwing a tantrum here. Also, I might add that the system right now benefits nobody. A system where people have more access to the GTN is one that benefits everyone. As I have already said in this thread, but it appears you are too lazy to read through it and just want to come in and post the same argument I have defeated pages ago.

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i love the 50 limit. it stops ppl from putting 1 of each item, instead of stacks, ending up spamming the AH.


I hate to scroll pages and pages to reach the stacks.


How about when I post up 5 of every useful gem in a go? That's a lot more than 50 items, and it does not clutter up the AH. Same for posting volatiles in stacked appropriately for the enchants they're used for (ie: stacks of 5 or 15 for water/air). I regularly post up many dozens of stacks of TWENTY dust. I frequently buy ore in stacks of 20 from sellers that put up over a hundred in a go.


I understand people posting up 500 stacks of 1 dust are really annoying, but that's not what this is about.

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Nobody is throwing a tantrum here. Also, I might add that the system right now benefits nobody. A system where people have more access to the GTN is one that benefits everyone. As I have already said in this thread, but it appears you are too lazy to read through it and just want to come in and post the same argument I have defeated pages ago.


And it's obvious that you would rather make assumptions than just accept that somebody might have an opinion differing from yours.

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The thing is, there are many cases of items that would be produced in large quantities, easily using up the 50 item limit, that are not stackable. The entire mod system was designed around the availability of large numbers of mods to make it work.


As far as crafting goes, that's what re-engineering is for. There's a 50 item limit, you know there's a 50 item limit, but instead of working around that limit and making the most of your materials (by re-engineering, for example), you choose to beg Bioware to increase the auction cap.


I don't know if 50 is too low or not (when I played WoW, I never posted more than 30 or so auctions at once, but I never had a problem selling almost everything I listed), but railing against Bioware for this supposed "fail design" is more than a little silly, when it's obvious that a lot of the nay-sayers haven't even bothered to try to find work-arounds for this supposed problem yet.

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How about when I post up 5 of every useful gem in a go? That's a lot more than 50 items, and it does not clutter up the AH. Same for posting volatiles in stacked appropriately for the enchants they're used for (ie: stacks of 5 or 15 for water/air). I regularly post up many dozens of stacks of TWENTY dust. I frequently buy ore in stacks of 20 from sellers that put up over a hundred in a go.


You can still post crafting materials in smaller stacks but now you need to consider how long it's going to take to sell and whether that GTN slot isn't better used for something else or a stack of a different size. Selling now incorporates some level of resource management.


I understand people posting up 500 stacks of 1 dust are really annoying, but that's not what this is about.


Actually, yes, it sort of is. Purely from an implementation perspective, limiting the number of GTN slots allows the Bioware devs to make rough estimates regarding database size and utilization which will allow them to better optimize the GTN.

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A limit of 50 items at once. Come on now, I can name several MMOs which are far more restrictive. There is no way that you need more than the ample number you're given. If you want to sell lots of consumables, sell stacks. Discount them down more to encourage buying if you have to. I rarely see items as 1 when I have a lot of them, I sell them in packs of 2 and make it less expensive than buying them individually.
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You can still post crafting materials in smaller stacks but now you need to consider how long it's going to take to sell and whether that GTN slot isn't better used for something else or a stack of a different size. Selling now incorporates some level of resource management.
It's very rare for me to not sell 90% of what I post, because I always post things at very competitive prices.



Actually, yes, it sort of is. Purely from an implementation perspective, limiting the number of GTN slots allows the Bioware devs to make rough estimates regarding database size and utilization which will allow them to better optimize the GTN.


I'm sure the GTN will be improved as time goes on (IMHO, it isn't very well implemented at the moment, not up to the level of the rest of the game AT ALL), but if people cluttering the AH like that is an issue, why not just limit the number of times a person can post a specific item in a specific stack size? IE: Only allow someone to post up a specific crystal in stacks of one 10 times.

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And it's obvious that you would rather make assumptions than just accept that somebody might have an opinion differing from yours.


The assumption I made was that you could read and just didn't want to, I guess I should just assume you can't.

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if your a farmer maybe. or are you one of those players that want to screw up our in game economy? good thing there really isnt one.


I agree, screw these idiots who want to flood the economy and sell their credits for real money. Anyone who complains about AH caps are manipulators.


I laugh in their face for getting owned by bioware.

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Judging from all the overly negative responses to a perfectly valid and respectfully written OP question, I would surmise that the 17 and younger crowd has finally been given access to the game.


Aside from that, I think 50 is somewhat limited considering some people have toons dedicated to crafting for making a profit and will mail all the mats from their main toons to their crafting toon and put up all the auctions at once. This is a very common practice on ALL MMOs, there's absolutely no question about that. It wouldn't have hurt even in the slightest to increase it to at least 100 or a bit more.


Furthermore, I think there have been plenty of complaints from a lot of people about the AH in general which could lead to them doing a complete overhaul of it in the near future. Although I'm not usually one to join the "it's still beta/early" crowd, in this case I think it's fair to assume that they're not quite finished with it.

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I agree, screw these idiots who want to flood the economy and sell their credits for real money. Anyone who complains about AH caps are manipulators.


I laugh in their face for getting owned by bioware.


That's not how it works. People who sell gold (i.e. WoW) get most of that from hacked accounts. They aren't sitting there owning the AH. Players do that. When players are capped on the AH it hurts everyone, because it raises prices and makes it harder to get the stuff you want quickly.

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Judging from all the overly negative responses to a perfectly valid and respectfully written OP question, I would surmise that the 17 and younger crowd has finally been given access to the game.



Aside from being on topic, I find that people who pull the age card in order to patronize others on the internet suffer from some form of inferiority complex due to their own, less than street legal, age.


Long story short: Don't insult your peers. Pretending to be older by insulting young ones is not the trademark of maturity.

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That's not how it works. People who sell gold (i.e. WoW) get most of that from hacked accounts. They aren't sitting there owning the AH. Players do that. When players are capped on the AH it hurts everyone, because it raises prices and makes it harder to get the stuff you want quickly.


Yes they do. I knew a programmer that wrote a code to search for thousands of items at a low price and buy them out daily, there are also Auction house mods that make these leeches even worse. Ah manipulators are the worst kind of scum, they make it impossible to sell things for the price you want and make a fortune by being lazy bums.


Reselling thousands of items to turn a huge profit makes it WORSE for everyone, this 50 cap system prevents those people from screwing everyone. This programmer made millions of "in game gold" and sold them privately to gold farmers. If you don't think many people are capable of this you are either a troll or ignorant.

Edited by ColdLogic
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