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50 active auctions on AH limit are you kidding me?


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Are you joking? In WoW it was normal to have hundreds even thousands of auctions up at one time.


And that right there is why the market is all messed up. Because you greedy bastards need to try and control the market.


I say nerf the limit to ten.

Edited by koikomoru
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Until they move AH accessibility to each planet, you can put as many items as you want up there, they aren't going to sell very well.


People buy stuff on a whim, not when it takes a huge effort and a lot of time to get to the market.


Bioware was really wrong to move the kiosks from the planets' main towns.


Every planet I have been to has had a GTN. What planets specifically have you NOT seen one on?

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Aside from being on topic, I find that people who pull the age card in order to patronize others on the internet suffer from some form of inferiority complex due to their own, less than street legal, age.


Long story short: Don't insult your peers. Pretending to be older by insulting young ones is not the trademark of maturity.


Sorry, it wasn't my intention to insult at all. The level of maturity in this thread is extremely lacking and it's easy to mistake immaturity for age especially when it contains name calling.

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Yes they do. I knew a programmer that wrote a code to search for thousands of items at a low price and buy them out daily, there are also Auction house mods that make these leeches even worse. Ah manipulators are the worst kind of scum, they make it impossible to sell things for the price you want and make a fortune by being lazy bums.


Reselling them and turn a huge profit, this system prevents those people from screwing everyone. He made millions of "credits" and sold them privately to gold farmers. If you don't think many people are capable of this you are either a troll or ignorant.


Notice how I said "most". I don't care what your friend did, it's the exception not the rule.

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If you haven't noticed, the "free market" sent the world into a debt crisis.


Your point sucks.


This has to be the dumbest post in the thread. To say that the free market that exists in the real world is in any way comparable to the free market in swtor is just plain stupid. The Bioware fanboys and forum rancors are out in superior numbers today. I think I've added enough of an argument and it appears most people have problems with the GTN to warrant some changes anyways.

Edited by Oriox
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This has to be the dumbest post in the thread. The Bioware fanboys and forum rancors are out in superior numbers today. I think I've added enough of an argument and it appears most people have problems with the GTN to warrant some changes anyways.


If you think in game inflation isn't a problem just look at WoW. It's people like you that don't understand economics that make me want to /facepalm.

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This has to be the dumbest post in the thread. The Bioware fanboys and forum rancors are out in superior numbers today. I think I've added enough of an argument and it appears most people have problems with the GTN to warrant some changes anyways.


Oh, he said fanboy. He must be correct.

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How about discussing WHY you think 50 limit is a good thing as opposed to turning this into a flame fest?


In that "other game", Making Gold from the AH was insanely easy. The biggest problem with inflation in that game was there was no real gold sink's hence the badge system etc.


Part of an economy is buying cheap and selling high... if you can't understand that basic principle, you will always be in a similar financial situation for the rest of your life.


I didn't actually start "playing" the AH until late in the game with WoW, however before that, I could easily have more than 50 auctions of just crap that had accumulated in my bags from dailys, dungeons, professions etc.....


A 50 auction limit is a bad thing and imo, it will prevent any economy growing before it's even fully started and established itself.

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How about discussing WHY you think 50 limit is a good thing as opposed to turning this into a flame fest?



Hard to have a reasonable discussion when someones sig says trolololol...


But yes... back on topic

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A 50 auction limit is a bad thing and imo, it will prevent any economy growing before it's even fully started and established itself.


Not true, if you have massive inflation due to someone getting mass amount of credits through manipulation, you auto raise the price of all items by a significant margin.

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Not true, if you have massive inflation due to someone getting mass amount of credits through manipulation, you auto raise the price of all items by a significant margin.


LOL you have no idea how inflation works do you? The person working on the AH is working within the supply of credits in the market, he is neither creating nor destroying them. The supply of money in the system is constantly going up regardless because of quest completion, looting, etc. It's Biowares job to make sure there is enough credit sinks to remove some of that from supply. It has nothing to do with the AH.

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