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CC Locks - resolve bar is working as should be?


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*** a dps spec what I should do? heal?



Objectives, perhaps?


Killing other players is a means to an end. Scoreboard DPS means absolutely nothing. Objectives, on the other hand, mean everything.


There are currently no Deathmatches or Arenas in SWTOR.

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Objectives, perhaps?


Killing other players is a means to an end. Scoreboard DPS means absolutely nothing. Objectives, on the other hand, mean everything.


There are currently no Deathmatches or Arenas in SWTOR.


i edit that because I KNEW this would be your next post. read two post before.


as a dps spec what I should do? heal? humnn


I can do high dps because Im always protecting or trying to cap a door or turret. People get close and bah, smash works fine. So yes, after make sure that I was helping my team get the objectives done, I like to check If Im doing a decend dps as a dps class.


anyway, you both have your opinions, I have mine. I dont wanna turn this post in a flamewar.

btw, the video its not mine.

Edited by Eommer
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i edit that because I KNEW this would be your next post. read two post before.




anyway, you both have your opinions, I have mine. I dont wanna turn this post in a flamewar.

btw, the video its not mine.


Still though, it doesn't change the fact that Damage Done is a pointless stat as it really offers no useful information on your impact on your team's victory/loss. DPSers should be measuring their PvP skill by Objectives, not by Damage Done (especially when you consider that tanks can actually exceed DPS in Damage Done thanks to their survivability. More time attacking, less time waiting in the rez zone).

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btw, the video its not mine.


Oh I know it is not yours. This is why I ask if you know what gear was this jugg wearing and what gear was this smuggler wearing. And of course, fact that it is not your video does not change fact that it is proof that white resolve lasts longer than 9 seconds for sure;)

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right...the difference between 8 and 12 seconds is HUGE. I exaggerate things really bad here because 4 seconds should be enough to save my ***. Im sorry...

Actually it is. A lot can happen in 4 seconds. You got any idea how much DPS some people can do in 4 seconds? How much health some people can heal in 4 seconds? 4 seconds can mean the difference between getting a cap, touchdown or holding the enemy off of a node while teammates arrive. 4 seconds is HUGE in PvP. I know give me a 4 second longer stun let's see if you think that 4 seconds is short.

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After PvP'ing extensively since 1.2 I can pretty much guarantee that resolve is broken (still). One of the problems is your resolve bar starts dropping as soon as you get stunned and continues draining during the stun. This is why people get chain stunned. There needs to be a set time after the resolve bar is full AND stun breaks where no crowd control skills will work, 15 seconds would be a good amount of time.


Nothing more annoying then being stunned and getting stunned again within 2 seconds of the previous one wearing off.

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After PvP'ing extensively since 1.2 I can pretty much guarantee that resolve is broken (still). One of the problems is your resolve bar starts dropping as soon as you get stunned and continues draining during the stun. This is why people get chain stunned. There needs to be a set time after the resolve bar is full AND stun breaks where no crowd control skills will work, 15 seconds would be a good amount of time.


Nothing more annoying then being stunned and getting stunned again within 2 seconds of the previous one wearing off.


Purple Resolve does not Drop until the CC ends at which point it drops at a rate of 25 per second.

White Resolve does drop immediately after turning white at a rate of 100 per second.

This is intended and therefore not broken.

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Purple Resolve does not Drop until the CC ends at which point it drops at a rate of 25 per second.

White Resolve does drop immediately after turning white at a rate of 100 per second.

This is intended and therefore not broken.


And it's the reason you should saver your CC breaker for when the Resolve bar is full.


I used to think resolve was totally and irreparably broken, and really hated all the L2P guys, and then I read this post: Rome-fu's Resolve Guide .... boy oh boy.... has it made a diference, a huge diference in how I see the game and use my cooldowns, a much more enjoyable experience ever since.

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There are so many pvp-oriented talents scattered about it's not even funny. CC breaker cooldowns; root/snare breakers; stun immunities, reduced damage while stunned, energy regen while stunned, reduced CD interrupts, etc... Not every class has the everything, but there's something to be had for every class. Those who skip those talents in favor of more dps or healing might want to take time to pause and reflect.


That said, I think there are two things that would go a long way to making the CC/Resolve system work better.


  1. Reset your CC Break upon death (as well as anything else with a cooldown of 2 minutes or less).
  2. Don't let Resilience run down while CC'd.


Those two things right there would make a big difference. After that, preventing lag-based exploits would go a long way to fixing pvp in general, and CC/Resolve issues in particular.

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Knowing when to use cc breaker is the key. For example if it's you and a teammate versus one guy and say you get stunned but you and your teammate are in good health and it looks like the guy youre tag teaming is gonna die, there's no point using the cc breaker. Hes gonna die from your teammate so what's the point. You don't need to get in another hit or 2 if he's getting smashed.


Also only use cc breaker when full resolve. If you don't , you're not playing smart UNLESS you're about to die then you really don't have a choice in the matter. If you're in good health and not getting smashed, then save the cc breaker.

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Just a question:


Im a full dps BM Jugg and some class are able to CC lock me to the dead or 10% of life. When I start try CC they just break every single one. E.g. smugglers and Agents does that alot. I have NO CHANCE to fight back. idk, I have a feeling that CCs are not right.


is the resolve bar working as should be? anyone else Is having problem with CC locks?


I have no problem to die, but die without even have a chance to fight back its pretty annoying.


Alot of talk about crowd control going on in these forums. I created a post that got shuffled 3 pages back only hours after I created it about Crowd Control skills. Rome-fu's guide to crowd control, how it works, and how to use your cc breaker is a sticky at the top of the pvp forum you should read if you have'nt already. But I felt there needed to be some elaboration on what kinds of stuns there are, how many, and how cc breaker should be used when confronted with any one of many cc skills in the game:




Hope this helps.


-Darth "www." Kumori-

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To the guy in the video. Dude I'm sorry, but you were playing with the 10-49 bracket mentality, ninja-ing alone like that in your centurions, and that scoundrel only reminded you that you are in the big boys league now ;).



I am the dude from the vid, so your one of the "big boys" right? And you concluded all of this out of 17 sec vid? Your pro man!!

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And it's the reason you should saver your CC breaker for when the Resolve bar is full.


I used to think resolve was totally and irreparably broken, and really hated all the L2P guys, and then I read this post: Rome-fu's Resolve Guide .... boy oh boy.... has it made a diference, a huge diference in how I see the game and use my cooldowns, a much more enjoyable experience ever since.


Yeah, that helped me out a bunch too, and more importantly taught me that the resolve system is *not* broken, just not preferable. The issue for me isn't so much "when should I use my CC breaker?" because as soon as my resolve bar is full, i hit it and do whatever I need to with my immunity period. The issue is that my cc breaker is on a 2 minute cooldown and I get CC'd and subsequently killed fairly often because my breaker is still on cooldown. Cutting it down to even just a 1 minute cool down I think could drastically change the way players feel about CCs and the resolve system.


edit: i'd also love to see snares and roots have some effect on resolve, even if it is only minor compared to a stun or mez

Edited by Kontraz
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exactly...I have a feeling that when Im doing pvp I spend more then 80% of time CC. This is not right.


and the rest of the time you spend in respawn waiting for the doors to open =p yeah ttk is way to fast since 1.2

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roots ignoring resolve is the only issue I have with the system. Having a full resolve bar, but still being CC'd just doesn't make sense. This is most evident in huttball as a ball carrier where you're dying to... CC, in spite of full resolve.


Having roots add even a minimal amount to the resolve bar would mean that they are then blocked by a full resolve bar. Players would be better able to recognize what is happening and avoid the mix of confusion and frustration that can be seen in this thread.

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Yeah, that helped me out a bunch too, and more importantly taught me that the resolve system is *not* broken, just not preferable. The issue for me isn't so much "when should I use my CC breaker?" because as soon as my resolve bar is full, i hit it and do whatever I need to with my immunity period. The issue is that my cc breaker is on a 2 minute cooldown and I get CC'd and subsequently killed fairly often because my breaker is still on cooldown. Cutting it down to even just a 1 minute cool down I think could drastically change the way players feel about CCs and the resolve system.


edit: i'd also love to see snares and roots have some effect on resolve, even if it is only minor compared to a stun or mez


Don't forget that even with your immunity active you can still be rooted... and for some classes (if not all) is equal to be dead... because there are so many snipers, scoundrels, troopers, inquisitors, etc., that can kill you from distance... and with the TTK we have now you will be dead also if 2 marauders/sentinels are beating you when you are rooted...


This is what makes the resolve system to be broken, because you waited until your bar was full, you used your cc breaker and for what? just to be rooted and killed without being able to do anything...


There is way to much stuns in this game... and sadly there are ones that last to damn long, while others just a couple of seconds, and the fact that our only cc breaker skill can only be used every 2 minutes and doesn't reset after being killed.

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In my opinion we didn't need the resolve bar... all the devs needed to do was to add an immunity buff that last 30 seconds to every time we use our cc breaker skill... problem solved... you could still use it every 2 minutes, but only be vulnerable for 1:30, since your immunity buff will last for 30 seconds.
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Resolve bar is totally unfair. Snare and root do not stack in the resolve bar ... so for example a guardian leap can still block you on your position although your resolve bar is full. And what about ability like "force of will" , you purify a cc , but next second you can get controlled again by the same effect. "Force of will" and all the same kind of skill should grant a full resolve bar for 10-15 seconds.
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Guys, I'm sorry but there is nothing wrong with the resolve bar system. I used to question the system myself. But try this. DO NOT USE YOUR CC BREAKER WHEN RESOLVE IS FULL! At that point its too late. Thats right. You heard me. TRY THIS. Use your cc breaker after you have been stunned once.


What do I mean? If you are 1v1 for example in a match and someone stuns you...let them have the first stun. THEN if someone else comes along or the same person stuns you again use your cc breaker whether your resolve bar is full or not.


Make this your new rule of thumb. Try this for every match you are in for two days. The rule is, "Only use your cc breaker after being stunned twice." Not necessarily in a row just relatively soon after you were stunned the first time. If your resolve bar isnt lit up it should be close to lit up. But dont focus on how high your resolve bar is, as its a well known fact that if you are stunned twice you will get full resolve. Its also a well known fact that people often die with full resolve when they are being focused fired by multiple players at once. Meaning its less likely you will be "perma-stunned" while engaged in a 1v1 or smaller type of fight during a match.


Also if you read my post on stuns you will understand better what I'm asking you to do in this post:




-Darth "zap zap zap" Kumori"

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