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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Healing still wins WZ's


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Healers ARE very good, the pubs going against us Imps always stack heals with sents...otherwise, even our pugs could just rip up the sents.


Just ONE healer with a Guard doesn't lock down a whole battlefield anymore...

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For one, EVERYONE on these forums forget about adrenals/buffs and CDs. The burst 2v1 with a heals never would have happened pre-1.2 because TTK was lengthend.









Also, I was free casting, 1 healer should be able to keep a dps alive against 2 dps as 2v2 should cancel out theoretically. My guild mates are all in at least 2-3 piece war hero gear and the rest BM, so pretty freaking geared. Finally, I popped CDs to compensate for the added damage. Your fooling yourself if you don't think TTK is broke right now, and the healers have become less defiant because of that.


No, 1 healer should be able to eliminate the effectiveness of 1 dps theoretically and in actuality but is not the case in this game (overpowered).



Scenario 1 healer + 1 dps vs 1 dps + 1 dps.


Healer should cancel out a dps via heals, dps should cancel out dps via kills. Now it comes down to gear/skill.


In your world a healer could cancel out both enemy DPS and the allied dps'er could kill both every time. Dumb, and people need to get over this, healers are not special flowers that deserve "I'm allowed to 1v2 any class" balancing.

Edited by MrXen
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Ok maybe this is becaus I play sage/sorc, but what is this uninterrupted healing you are talking about?

Yea, scoundrel/ops merc/commando healing still viable in a wz as they have survivability. Sage/sorce not so much (Unless you run a premade and your team mates actually take care of you). I respecced to a hybrid healer seer/tele. Gives me a little more survivability, more utility and I can DPS a bit if needed.I can contribute at least a little. Still can't heal myself through one good dpser though I can heal another person through one dpser, but not two.

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Scenario 1 healer + 1 dps vs 1 dps + 1 dps.


Healer should cancel out a dps via heals, dps should cancel out dps via kills. Now it comes down to gear/skill.


In your world a healer could cancel out both enemy DPS and the allied dps'er could kill both every time. Dumb, and people need to get over this, healers are not special flowers that deserve "I'm allowed to 1v2 any class" balancing.


Yes it should be this way because DPS don't run out of resources, they can always build them. Healers do. If you run a healer dry you take them out of the game. DPS never run dry. Given enough time, a dps will kill anything. So a healer should cancel 2 dps out. The dps should be forced to target the healer to lock him down or run the healers resources dry. This is how pre-1.2 worked, but the infinite resource problem is why there was an issue.

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Healing wins in WZ IF and ONLY IF the rest of the team realize there's more to the game than themselves. So many times have I spent a solid minute healing 2-3 guys only to watch them walk right past 2 enemies that's ganking me. When that happens, I want to respec back to DPS because there's absolutely no way a healer can get more than a few badges if the team doesn't value their contribution.
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Gives me a little more survivability, more utility and I can DPS a bit if needed.I can contribute at least a little. Still can't heal myself through one good dpser though I can heal another person through one dpser, but not two.

Bubble you self, then bubble a little more and don't forget to bubble!

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Healing wins in WZ IF and ONLY IF the rest of the team realize there's more to the game than themselves. So many times have I spent a solid minute healing 2-3 guys only to watch them walk right past 2 enemies that's ganking me. When that happens, I want to respec back to DPS because there's absolutely no way a healer can get more than a few badges if the team doesn't value their contribution.


This is true, but it's not true only in PVP. If in FP the group doesn't take the adds from you that you agro'ed with healing you're doomed.


I really don't think there's anything broken with healers, just the PUG's mentality of PEW PEW PEW!

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Bubble you self, then bubble a little more and don't forget to bubble!


You mean the specc'd bubbled that collapses in a single hit? That's so awesome! And So cool like a 99% damage reduction or a 100% immunity that lasts 6+seconds...



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You mean the specc'd bubbled that collapses in a single hit? That's so awesome! And So cool like a 99% damage reduction or a 100% immunity that lasts 6+seconds...




If it goes down with a single hit you're under geared and poorly specc'd.

Edited by Eddar
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As a scoundrel healer with 2 peices bm and a mix of columi and recruit i have zero problems with 1.2. I can still outheal 1 dps on a target, or 2 for 10 15 sec before running out of energy, which i think is a good contribution. Obviously if the target is a tank or a good player who knows how to use his ccs then that time increases a lot.


For survivability i have zero complains. Ranged dps gets LOSed so easily that it never bothers me and one marauder trying to kill me alone is a laughing matter, no matter his equip. The same with an operative, scoundrels can kite meele really well. Even in 2 i can survive for quite some time. The only combo that burns me down in an instant is sorc+meele dps.


In the end on balanced teams i usually get 300+ Healing and 2-3 deaths.

Edited by Spoletta
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I've been lvling up my Powertech w/ a friend's agent healer. We usually spend 4-6 hrs every Saturday just PvPing. More often than not, he is the ONLY healer on our side. Usually if it's Imp vs Imp, the other side may only have 1 healer too. The G.O.P. seems to always bring more healers to the table, and support them. Not sure if that's a side effect of a smaller population, and thus having to work with each other better or what.


So, this is my pet peeve (my main's a healer) - healers seem to get less valor in BG's. As a healer, you're not going to get the uber dps medal, killing blow medal, protection medals, etc. You spend the whole game (against good teams), running for your life, and very rarely getting any credit when you save someone.


My buddy Healer rocks and usually tops the healing charts! I look at the charts after, and see that he was the only one on our side healing, he rocked the healing (he doesn't just heal me), and the MvP votes are frequently to random DPS'ers.. You want more healers, when you see a healer on your side rocking it, TELL THEM! Hug them, give them a MVP vote!

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Healing only wins you games if your side has no healers.


I've won games with 1 healer or a lot of healers. It's actually slightly easier to win with 1 healer than many healers in most WZs since they tend to favor the aggressor. In fact, no healer has a good chance of defeating a heavy healer team, but pretty much no chance of defeating a 1 healer team, because the heavy healer team might not actually do enough DPS to kill the pure DPS team on time.

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That doesn't fix the problem, your saying basically, "if you can't beat 'em, join em". DPS is out of control, and needs to be fixed. It doesn't make any sense that some healing classes have no way to stop a sentinel from killing them 1 on 1. Nor can they get away with the force leap immobilize, and ranged Execute.


Healers are a support class. Every healer should lose 1 on 1 to a DPS.

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That doesn't fix the problem, your saying basically, "if you can't beat 'em, join em". DPS is out of control, and needs to be fixed. It doesn't make any sense that some healing classes have no way to stop a sentinel from killing them 1 on 1. Nor can they get away with the force leap immobilize, and ranged Execute.


Why on gods earth a healer should be capable of survive 1 vs 1 against a sentinel?!! ....

it makes no sense what so ever. healer is a suport role, it should suport other team mates, as it stands now a healer has enough tricks and abilities to get rid or slow atacking players for a while that is suficient and what was expected to begin with, not what we had before 1.2.

If you wana take one on one vs a sentinel or marauder go DPS, not healer.

Edited by Spartanik
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CC kind of stops that burst, good players wont roll over and die


Oh god, what's up with this retarded CC stops everything post?


CC in most cases has a 1 minute CC, can be broken and there's a system in place (although rubbish, it works to some extent).


And atm, to a marauder, yeah, you do just die. It has nothing to do with being good - what makes it OP is that even the good players just get stomped by average players

Edited by DweezillKagemand
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My main is a lvl 50 scoundrel healer specced and I enjoy pvp just the way that it is. These WZs are based on achieving OBJECTIVES, not just getting kills. If the people on your team complete the mission you win the match and I feel like we healers contribute a lot to the game even though we aren't getting kills (although I usually get credit for around 20 kills just for contributing a grenade or two to the fight). Now it does seem like 1v1 we eventually get killed by any class that isn't healer-specced themselves but I kind of expect this. It's part of the game. When a fight starts under ideal conditions, I head to the back of the Republic line and start healing. I rely on Guardians and DPS-ers to keep the Imps on the OTHER side of the line.


"You want more healers, when you see a healer on your side rocking it, TELL THEM! Hug them, give them a MVP vote!"


Yes! This person has the right idea. Healers are totally underappreciated. Today I was left to guard a turret on Alderaan BY MYSELF. When that turret was attacked I couldn't defend it. When other people needed to be healed in other areas I couldn't get to them. Needless to say we lost that match and all our tanks and dps started complaining about how we're too unorganized and they're the only ones who are geared right and blah, blah, blah... People who complain about healers need to realize that there's a strategy to WZs and they need to learn how it works. If you want Team Deathmatch, go buy an Xbox.

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Why on gods earth a healer should be capable of survive 1 vs 1 against a sentinel?!! ....

it makes no sense what so ever. healer is a suport role, it should suport other team mates, as it stands now a healer has enough tricks and abilities to get rid or slow atacking players for a while that is suficient and what was expected to begin with, not what we had before 1.2.

If you wana take one on one vs a sentinel or marauder go DPS, not healer.


So now explain me how a healer should support his team if he dies when ONE SINGLE player focuses him? By your logic, dps would be worth more than heals, so why even play a healer?

Oh, and the only classes that beat sentinels/marauder in a 1on1 are marauder/sentinels and maybe Sniper/Gunslinger, but those are very rare on my server.

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