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Do lightside Warrior's still serve the Emperor?


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Light Side vs Dark Side is different for empire characters than it is for republic characters. Light Side for Empire tends to lend itself more towards useful compassion, personal honor, and actually thinking about stuff in a pragmatic light more than blatant disregard for everyone around you.


You still very much serve the Emperor, but you're still not 'good' in the sense that a Light republic character is 'good', much like a dark republic character isn't even close to being 'evil' in the sense that a dark empire character is 'evil'.


This may apply more to Sith than it does for empire techies, though. I'm speaking more from an Inquisitor perspective.

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more likely they serve the empire (or their vision of it) rather than the emperor.


both the sith and the jedi have their respective codes. niether code is on its own evil/good. rather it is the different cultural environments that encourage the dark/light paths.


for the sith, the power structure is already dominated by those who follow the dark path. anyone wishing to advance through that structure will find it is easier to do so following the same dark path. those following the light will have a harder time of it, but likely will gain more respect for the advancements they do achieve as long as they can show that they are abiding by the sith code.


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.


ie: instead of finding strength through hate and the desire for revenge, they channel their love and desire to protect.


the jedi code is even more prone, in my opinion, to allow for atrocities:


There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no death, there is the Force.


under such a code a jedi could, as an example, contemplate the total annihilation of the planet tatooine as a means of containing the rakgul plague.

the jedi way of analyizing and discarding their feelings would suppress the horror of the thought, and they can tell themselves that the life energy of innocent victims would be returned to the force, something they would consider as a gain for those they slaughter, rather than a loss.

not only is a dark jedi capable of acts far worse than a sith, but they'd feel better about themselves afterwards too!

Edited by kronomandar
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Light Side Jedi: Serve the Jedi

Dark Side Jedi: Serve the Republic


Light Side Sith: Serve the Empire

Dark Side Sith: Serve the Emperor.


The Light Side Jedi and Dark Side Sith both serve the one who is in the seat of power / governs them. They believe that the respected governments alone can't function properly without the head (albiet the emperor is kind of the government, there are still other's in power that help run it) and so they are vastly loyal to them and will see to it that their will is done in the end.


On the flipside, the Dark Jedi and Light Sith focus more on "people" then the governing body. On the republic side the dark side jedi follow more of the military then the jedi. They believe that to protect the republic some sacrifices will be made (aka they will make selfish choices) but they do so because it will better their cause and the war. The Light Sith on the other hand know that complete evil will only corrupt and destroy the sith empire. They work for the good of their empire and thus a lot of the choices you get in the game involve doing what is "right" for the empire as a whole.


Revan (pre KOTOR) is a perfect example of a "dark side jedi" who was doing what he believed to be right for the republic.


Lord Scourge is a good example of a "Light" Sith (you can spoil yourself with why at our own desecration)


Neither dark jedi or light sith would ever actually "leave" their respected sides (at least in this games perspective).

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I've thought about how to justify myself as a LS warrior in the Sith Empire and the way I play it has to do with what I consider "cheap" vs "meaningful". For example, to generate rage and hate over the fact an alien or something might be standing in the road I consider a "cheap" way to generate a small bit of hate or rage. True passion goes way beyond these simplistic modes that are generally perceived as the dark side. I liken it to the difference between a bologna sandwich and a full steak dinner. They both can take care of the hunger but the dinner has a lot more substance to it.


This also applies towards the killing side. Example, Capt O in Black Talon. He turns out to be useful and he would owe his life to me. That usefulness, both present and potentially future, tends to be what drives my decisions. Now, direct confrontations are a different thing. Those I generally will go ahead and kill.


Basically random killing just seems wasteful.

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Just something that has been bugging me for a while. Do the warriors who go lightside still completely serve the Emperor since he is pretty damn evil?


No, as LS SW you are trying to influence/change the empire from within to become a more peaceful, no more racist or enslaving and warloving system. As a Sith in general you look out for yourself, you might care about the emperor out of fear if anything, but you don't give half a damn about the empire and it's citizens. As A LS SW you care about the people equally and due to differences with other Sith you end up working against them most of the time. Malgus and his new empire is probably a somewhat good example, it's that minus the bloodthirst and conquering wishes.

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Yeah, I'd say Darth Malgus is a good example of a LS Sith - serving the Empire rather than being self-serving like all the other Sith. Uninterested in the Sith politics, just interested in strengthening the Empire as a whole. Not a racist idiot like most Sith, but actually willing to work alongside alien races who are strong and have good benefits to offer.


These things don't really make Malgus a "good" guy - he's still done bad things and is clearly an enemy of the Republic. But with Malgus in charge the Empire would likely be a better society. I actually wish there had been an option to join Malgus, but that would require basically an entire third faction and way more time and money.

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I've said this elsewhere, but I sort of based my LS Marauder on Claus von Stauffenberg, one of the key figures of Operation Valkyrie. My Marauder is not only active in trying to change the Empire from within, he's also actively, though secretly, thwarting its war efforts against the Republic. If he had a chance to assassinate the Emperor, he'd take it.
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In my case I build an Sith Warrior, who completly belives in and follows the sith code.

I was quite surprised, that he stayed neutral for quite some time and devellopt into an light-side Charakter (I disabled the showing of light-dark choices in conversations).

Basically many things that the Sith in the game revell in and seem to us as "evil" are contradiktionary or even outright violating to the sith-code.


For example to poison an enemy before you fight him would mean, that you are not facing him at his true strengh, and therefore would gain an biased view of your own strengh, leading to overestimating yourself and consequently becoming weak.

The code instead claims, that "strengh will grant you victory", so by doing the above you go against the code in one kind of way. Note, that the code nowhere claims, that it has to be physical strengh, outwitting the opponent is just as much an honorable victory than slicing him in half.


Following that logic, slaughtering of unarmed bystanders or way outmatched weaker people, as well as torturing someone would lead to weaknes as well and therby be forbidden by the sith code.


It would take to long to actually unravel all the philosophy of how an sith should act acording to their own code here - most of it is allready posted here anyway, most notably about the emotions actually fueling the force for an sith - but I dare say, that the sith code is neither bad nor good in itself and surprisingly doesn`t demand or even encourage at any point to follow the dark side of the force.

The only reason that sith seem far more likely to turn to the dark side seems to be the fact, that due to ther intense connection to emotions, they are more likely to loose control over semselfs than an average jedi, and the already existing system they grow up in.

Ironically would someone who "really" follows the sith code, be actually encouraged to overcome just these factors, for power over one-self and the courage of standing up to authority and existing systems are an important part of beeing "strong" and "powerful" as the code demands it.


As such I personaly would say, that a lightside-sith is in no way a traitor to the empire per se, nor the emperor.

In fact he would properbly be more in tune with the essence of beeing a true sith, than most of his time-mates.

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Light Side Jedi: Serve the Jedi

Dark Side Jedi: Serve the Republic


Light Side Sith: Serve the Empire

Dark Side Sith: Serve the Emperor.




Neither dark jedi or light sith would ever actually "leave" their respected sides (at least in this games perspective).


I dont realy agree with what you are saying, in the sith warrior class story at the end of chapter 1:


A Light side Sith Warrior Tells Jessa that "the empire needs to change for the better."


So i dont realy agree that a light side sith warrior serves for the empires current interests, he/she fights for an empire he/she feels would be better for the galaxy.


Ok i agree that the sith would never join the jedi as he doesnt believe "their" ideals either, but he definetly doesnt support the empires "ideas" or their "wants."


Edited by xrndmx
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I am Dread Nyvlow the Pure.

I Serve The Emperor, not the pretender of Ilum..

My blades have drank well of the both the Republic and of Jedi souls. I learned early on that some of my masters were after power for powers sake alone, no care of the people in the empire. I have chosen almost all the way along to spare innocents, weaklings, to grant Mercy to a defeated opponent. For i know that the true Might of the Emperor is not measured by how much our "citizens" fear my hand but how well they work together and get along.


After all look at my ship, it has a crew, when the crew is running in step, things function much more efficiently allowing me to function and focus on more important matters. So too must each of the many arms and hands of the Emperor be free to deal with greater threats then the insignificant Republic.


i have pledged myself fully to the Emperor, have heard his true voice and seen his vary hands.


Though I am Pure, do not count me as weak or as a hidden Jedi. Nor am I a Revanite.

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First, we serve The Empire, not The Emperor - He is mearly the steward of The Empire's power.


Second, yes, we do. It's all about how best to serve that makes the decission between light and dark difficult. What is best for The Empire? Destroy a threat or bring it to your side? Help the innocent or turn your attentions elsewhere?

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@ kronomander - Excellent post! describes my light side sith very well.


What I read from my play of my sith warrior light side, is that she was for the empire....the Idealism of the empire drove here decisions. very often that meant I let someone live. sometimes it meant they died. if it was possible I'd save them...you get more through gratitude then you ever will through fear. Building a society on fear is a house on sand, it will eventually crumble. Build it on proper supports and it stands firm. i think the light sith is all about that.


the common civilian gets stuck in a bad situation? help them out. they remember that. as a representative for the empire, that makes them remember the empire.use fear....and your just like everyone else in this seedy galaxy.


Of course, too much goody two shoes, and you lose their respect. supporting other citizens of the empire requires temperance. you need to balance good will with respect. force is only effective when it is showed through mercy. this is a critical element of the warrior code. I've never been a fan of the interpretation of the code in this game...somehow, any emotion is bad. passion (even if its a passion for other people) is wrong. Jedi are a bit hypocritical in this regard. they show more love for people then anyone else, yet this isn't emotion?


they just simple balance their emotion, when Sith use it as an extreme way to build energy. for the sith, its freedom from control...for jedi, it's harmony in an uncontrolled universe. being sith has nothing to do with being evil...it's only interpreted that way by the current emperor. But do not worry...I am here...and things can and will change. true warriors will one day reclaim the power that was stripped by those who are in control now...and the evil that consumed the great empire will fade...

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My Light Side Warrior is fiercely loyal to the Emperor and the Empire as a whole, and is trying to improve things. However, he has no idea that



the Emperor effectively wants to eat all life everywhere.



Things would change if that fact was uncovered.

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I played through the early stages of the Jedi on Tython where you run across the first founders of the Jedi Order as well as the first "Dark Jedi" Rajivari.


He was my inspiration for my SW. He wanted to see the Jedi purified from the shackles that RV saw the other three putting on the force-users known as the Jedi... I can see it too, sadly- go through the second quest on Tython when one of the holocrons talks about Judgement without Mercy is the only option, and I was...frankly disappointed.


So as one of the above folks posted... which would you rather do- eliminate hurdles or bring them to your side?

I think BW put it in there to make LS SWs a really different sort of folk. The help that you sometimes get in fights by aiding or even simply allowing people to live and work for you, to me, proves that BW really likes the LS SW story arc.


I approached it unlike a lot of the folks here. I am not out to seek the expansion of the Empire, after all I've still had to put up with people being subjugated and enslaved, what I've done is to try to show people the power of the Force unshackled from blindness (Jedi Code) and through pure victory-mindedness (Sith Code).


I'm approaching it by embracing all the options that I think RV would have gone after. A way to show people the power of the force while being someone that is trying to build up the folks around them. Then ultimately, present the people of the Empire with a better option, and if they take it, great. I know the storyline will never get that far out, but that's the mindset I operate with when I'm playing.


Maybe I'm trying to build my own legion, army, empire... whatever, but it's like Richard Rahl from the Sword of Truth series for me- set an example of power and leadership and people sometimes fall into line. Sometimes those people attack anyway, sometimes they try to kill you, sometimes they turn their back, but you're always there forging ahead to make something newer, bigger, and grander.


So no, I don't serve the Emperor- I serve the will of the Force.

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My marauder is Lightside. She believes in personal honour as well as the honour of the Empire. She believes the Empire should be a nurturing force, not an oppressive one. To her, wanton destruction and cruelty is senseless and achieves nothing.


Whilst the Sith code promotes personal and emotional expression, it does not necessarily follow that such expression should always be destructive or violent. Passion does not always equal rage.


Given the opportunity, she will aim to spare lives rather than take them, and will actively question the need/order to kill indiscriminately. The exception is when her anger gets the better of her. There have been only two incidents of this nature, and both creeps totally had it coming!


So, whilst she totally embraces her passions to fuel her fervour, she is not lacking in self control. Combat, for her, is a delicious challenge; an opportunity to excel, not to dominate. She relishes the test of her mettle, rather than the kill. Where an execution must take place, it is done without pleasure.


As far as she is concerned, the Jedi Order are arrogant pretenders. Beset by hubris and blinded by their solipsism. Their hypocrisies shackle them almost as much as their conceit. They claim to care for the citizens of the Republic and yet refuse to compromise their beliefs in order to truly help them. In so doing they reveal that their only true interest is in themselves. They seek peace, but only on their terms.


I'm rather enjoying taking her down this path; playing the thoughtful warrior as opposed to a psychotic attack dog. It provides a nice counterpoint to the childish tantrums of the majority of the 'Dark Lords' you encounter and gives me a greater sense of forging my own destiny.



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