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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

maintenance, why so much


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Why is there so much server down time for Maintenance.

In all the mmo,s i have played this is the worst for the amount of server down time.


To be absolutely honest I have not seen any marked improvement in this game.


the most important part of ANY mmo is the end game and that has Definitely not been sorted.

You are mucking about in areas that are absolutely fine & The Legacy system,,, do you Really think that we

are gonna love that.

Come on Bioware, EA & Lucas, admit there is a series problem here and that so called special meeting of the guilds etc was a farce. Its fixed nothing and was just soap screen.


Of course I love the game at the beginning hoping that things would be sorted but I am now knowing that it probably wont and I can understand why serious mmo & pvp gamers are leaving in droves.


It would be obvious if the figures were published of say January,s player base vs today,s.

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Totally agree! I Usually play pretty late and for me the maintenance starts at 00:00. This week I have 2 days of play time killed, as I can't do to much till server shutdown. I wouldn't be surprised if they will have yet another one till the weeks end!
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You haven't noticed ability delay go away completely? You haven't noticed more fluid frames in every area of the game? You haven't noticed more content at this point in its life-cycle, than just about any other MMO ever made?


Everyone else has.

If you want to go down that route... there are many negative "new" things to add as well, like companions bugs (ear and implants), logout button broken if you click "no" and then try again (their official workaround is "quit the game and come back in"....lol), etc etc... so lets not do that :p


Yes, they have improved some things, while breaking others (while yet other bugs persist since beta). At least my vid card no longer works harder than when i run Skyrim at max settings, that is something :)

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Clearly you haven't heard the giant jet engine on the Fleet and planets, or noticed the missing sound effects everywhere else. Or the missing planets, starbases and starships during the cinematic scenes. Or the fact that it was all because 1.2 rolled out recently and BioWare has a habit for breaking 2 things for every 1 thing they 'fix' :p
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If this is the worst downtime you've seen in an online game, you've not played many. I'm being serious. Anyone who's been round the gaming circuit for a while will have experienced firsthand or at least heard of awful downtime in online games over the last ten years. In comparison, SWTOR has managed amazingly.


Personally I'm HAPPY when there's downtime to put new patches in, as hopefully it means bugfixes, especially for some of the issues introduced in 1.2.


As for the progress of the game, you're right that the game needs more than has been done, but to suggest tha nothing noticeable has changed, "well, that's just like your opinion, man...".


The game needs to keep up the update pace and possibly even quicken it, but complaining about maintenance? Seriously?

Edited by llesna
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the most important part of ANY mmo is the end game and that has Definitely not been sorted.


No, it isn't. "end game" players in every MMO I've ever played are the minority. A very vocal minority, however.

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You haven't noticed ability delay go away completely? You haven't noticed more fluid frames in every area of the game? You haven't noticed more content at this point in its life-cycle, than just about any other MMO ever made?


Everyone else has.


This ^


C'mon people, get real.

Edited by Dixiecup
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If this is the worst downtime you've seen in an online game, you've not played many. I'm being serious. Anyone who's been round the gaming circuit for a while will have experienced firsthand or at least heard of awful downtime in online games over the last ten years. In comparison, SWTOR has managed amazingly.


Personally I'm HAPPY when there's downtime to put new patches in, as hopefully it means bugfixes, especially for some of the issues introduced in 1.2.


As for the progress of the game, you're right that the game needs more than has been done, but to suggest tha nothing noticeable has changed, "well, that's just like your opinion, man...".


The game needs to keep up the update pace and possibly even quicken it, but complaining about maintenance? Seriously?


The trouble I have with this perspective (and not just in terms of game updates, but also game content and fluidity (sp) ). is that sure compared to EQ at launch being down for almost an entire day for weekly updates, you are right that is a step forward, but honestly I don't think the benchmark should be games that launched over a decade ago...

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No, it isn't. "end game" players in every MMO I've ever played are the minority. A very vocal minority, however.


This. Give us casual players more low end content, more starting classes & low-end zones/planets - that will keep us coming back. And where end game grinders ARE a minority, we are legion...<will the penny ever drop> :D

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The trouble I have with this perspective (and not just in terms of game updates, but also game content and fluidity (sp) ). is that sure compared to EQ at launch being down for almost an entire day for weekly updates, you are right that is a step forward, but honestly I don't think the benchmark should be games that launched over a decade ago...


Asked & answered! :rolleyes:

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The first year of a MMO there is lots of downtime. But overall this MMO has lower than avg first year downtime. Compared to the largest MMO SW:TOR downtime is lower. And that game is 7 years old. Edited by Romiz
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honestly the maintenance is pretty unfair for asia pacific players because it goes on at our playing prime time, i.e when people are home from work..it's starting to get a bit ridiculous.. Edited by BJT_RaZoR
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Personally I'm HAPPY when there's downtime to put new patches in, as hopefully it means bugfixes, especially for some of the issues introduced in 1.2.

I agree with this.

When the game is up, I play! When it's down for maintenance, I find that the QQs about maintenance are pretty entertaining. It's a win-win! :D

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Why is there so much server down time for Maintenance.

In all the mmo,s i have played this is the worst for the amount of server down time.


I don't know if this is true, but if it is, it is a mere nuisance. I am much more concerned about unplanned outages, and in that department, SWTOR has a stellar record.


To be absolutely honest I have not seen any marked improvement in this game.


With a statement like this, you completely lose whatever credibility you had.


the most important part of ANY mmo is the end game and that has Definitely not been sorted.


Two unsubstantiated assertions do not make a right.


Come on Bioware, EA & Lucas, admit there is a series problem here and that so called special meeting of the guilds etc was a farce. Its fixed nothing and was just soap screen.


A number of improvements promised at the guild summit have been implemented and others are in the works. At best you are being impatient; at worst you are outright lying.


Of course I love the game at the beginning hoping that things would be sorted but I am now knowing that it probably wont and I can understand why serious mmo & pvp gamers are leaving in droves.


It would be obvious if the figures were published of say January,s player base vs today,s.


We should subscription figures at the Q4 2012 earnings call. If you are wrong, will you come back and apologize?

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I agree with this.

When the game is up, I play! When it's down for maintenance, I find that the QQs about maintenance are pretty entertaining. It's a win-win! :D


Lucky for you can play anytime you want. Think about others who play once a week, and poof its gone for 2 weeks in row.


Bioware please mix up your maintenance times so you are not always short changing the same customers. I don't think its a too difficult of concept to grasp is it?

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I wouldn't really give a toss how often they did maintenance if they did it inline with each server's local time, ie. NA server on NA times, Europe times for Europe and Asia Pacific times for Asia Pacific. But it just so happens they only ever do it during NA early morning which is my prime time so that's a whole day gone yet it's practically transparent for NA players.


It's just getting very frustrating with these constant interruptions. I unsubscribed for a while with this being one of the factors, heck in January there was a stint of 4 days in a friggen row where the servers were down during our prime time but I couldn't complain too much because the game hadn't been officially released here in Australia but now that it has it's perfectly reasonable to expect to be able to utilise the software like any and every other user.

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You haven't noticed ability delay go away completely? You haven't noticed more fluid frames in every area of the game? You haven't noticed more content at this point in its life-cycle, than just about any other MMO ever made?


Everyone else has.


Actually no I don't BECAUSE THE SERVERS ARE ALWAYS DOWN during PEAK TIMES IN PST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I wouldn't really give a toss how often they did maintenance if they did it inline with each server's local time, ie. NA server on NA times, Europe times for Europe and Asia Pacific times for Asia Pacific. But it just so happens they only ever do it during NA early morning which is my prime time so that's a whole day gone yet it's practically transparent for NA players.


It's just getting very frustrating with these constant interruptions. I unsubscribed for a while with this being one of the factors, heck in January there was a stint of 4 days in a friggen row where the servers were down during our prime time but I couldn't complain too much because the game hadn't been officially released here in Australia but now that it has it's perfectly reasonable to expect to be able to utilise the software like any and every other user.


The down affects a majority of players on the WEST coast. Don't act like this is some sort plight only felt my Euro's or Pacific players.


Other MMO"s schedule their down times during peak low population times. BUT NOT THIS ONE! For whatever F'ing reason.

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