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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove the rakghoul plague now

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[All I've seen from the last few pages of this thread is you whining about the Plague.
No, I'm pretty sure you haven't seen my whining about the plague at all. I notice that you didn't quote me doing so...


unless you're using some weird definition for whining... just FYI: answering people's questions and pointing out false information isn't whining.


How long have you been level 50?
Mid January


Flashpoint groups contain 4 players.
did someone mention a flashpoint?


Or, maybe we like an event that breaks up the monotony and gives awesome rewards.
I look forward to them actually adding one of those; this one lacks the "awesome rewards" bit...



Ok, I can concede that they could improve the event for people who dont wanna deal with the plague by making the vaccenes free or last through death, or both. Thats definatly more fair than trying to say end this event right now for all.


I apologize for coming at you a bit strong since your reply was respectful :o

that's what the vast majority of the "haters" have been asking for since the first iteration of this thread. Edited by ferroz
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No, I'm pretty sure you haven't seen my whining about the plague at all. I notice that you didn't quote me doing so...


unless you're using some weird definition for whining... just FYI: answering people's questions and pointing out false information isn't whining.


Mid January


did someone mention a flashpoint?


I look forward to them actually adding one of those; this one lacks the "awesome rewards" bit...



that's what the vast majority of the "haters" have been asking for since the first iteration of this thread.


Sorry sir but it is whining. Moaning. Complaining. ************. Just enjoy the damn event. Interact with other people in a nice way. You might like it.

I am not quoting because what's the point? Just look at all of your posts. That's enough. Plus I'm on my phone. Too awkward to do now.


Don't want to pay credits for vaccine? Fine. Die and sell

DNA for tens of thousands of credits free profit. Or just go be alone on your ship. But this has all been said before by most people.

Edited by Kampori
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I haven't read any of this because I can't believe it is this big of a thread.


seriously....either buy the vaccine or don't. If you ware infected, then you will blow up. rez either self rez or go to medcenter. now you are cured. It is simple to avoid the plague circle if you want. it is simple to avoid players WITH the plague. If you do not enjoy the event, then go finish your class quests.....go to Hoth. go to Taris. Go anywhere you want. You can even go to Tatooine because the plague dailies are pretty much restricted to certain areas. It isn't an issue and it shouldn't be an issue.


Cannot; was 10th, and had a choice of Hutta and Drummond Kass via the Fleet shuttles. My Main is 50th, and has been quatantined on his vessel until the Event is concluded, but lowbies (and perhaps newbies) are more like critters trying to cross the road without being squished.

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Short on creds? Run a space mission or two. Grab some fleet comms while youre at it (now that they've added an additional purchasable item for fleet comms, for those heavy crafters out there). Grab your vaccine and proceed with whatever you're doing.


If you happen to get infected en route to whatever destination it is that you're going to, you have about 20 minutes to grab a vaccine before it explodes you. This should be well more than enough time, especially in PvE, to grab a vaccine real quick and keep yourself clean for the next 6 hours of game time.


Mostly into PVP? Well, considering the connotations of the event, EVERY player is subject to this infection, and is at the same risk of infection and random stun/death as every other player. This playing field is now level.


If you are extremely unlucky though and you don't have enough time to disinfect, and you do happen to blow up (the only place I can see this is in PvE areas, or in the event of a PVP server, in an area where you aren't at risk of being ganked), then you are provided with a quick death, that doesn't do any damage to your armor (no repair bills), and 5 DNA Samples in your inventory that you can either collect for other items from the Jawa vendor on Tattooine, or at your earliest convenience, go to the fleet or a homeworld and sell them to other players. Standard pricing seems to be about 5K creds apiece. So that's 25,000 credits that you are basically given.


Whether or not you wish to participate, as it really turns out, is not up to the players. This is a rapidly spreading "pandemic" as it were. Remember folks, they are trying to add some more story immersion to it. I will agree with some of the posters, in that some of it doesn't entirely make sense, but this is the way the developers decided to proceed with this event. This is what the RPG portion of an MMORPG is all about. New things appearing out of nowhere to really put people on their toes and spend some time researching and exploring what these new fangled events, news reports, etc., are all about.


Bottom line for those playing? It's here until April 24th. Come to peace with it, and adapt. It's not game breaking. It does not prevent you from playing the game. It does not break the bank when credits are ridiculously easy to come by. And in the case of being unlucky enough not to avoid it and vaccinate in time, it gives you a recourse for additional credits and a lack of a repair bill.


Was only 10th, so no Space Missions. As I was infected en route between starter planets, I did choose to spend 2k on a single dose, which happened to be 1/3 of my total credits. As I plan not to die, I do not want the 5 DNA restitution payment, and as I do not wish to participate in this Event, have no need for Event pets, gear, etc.


As for RP, in a pandemic, it is unlikely that the Govt - esp those as harsh as the ones depicted in the game - would actually allow folks to gather in common areas and spread the plague to others.


As for the Event itself, while I do not wish to join, I am content with Events as a rule. My contention is against the one Griefer in this case that made my choice for me, and infected me w/p permission in a Safe Zone on a PvE server; a double foul. It is my hope that the Griefing ends, is disciplined, and that this and future Events continue Grief free.


FWIW - Thanks for your well written post!

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If Skolops, Urael, Bulwyf, Ferroz and Elhanan would quit posting... I'd be happy. There's your MAJORITY of the MINORITYS negative posts in this thread.


It's a fun event, thousands of people have enjoyed it so far.


Sorry you have some personal hang up about it, that's not my problem though and I don't think it's Biowares problem either.


If you don't like all of the content you're being provided with for whatever reason. I suggest you get over it or unsub. This is an MMO (this event makes if feel more like one too) and whining about this event and its mechanics will get you no where when it's been a very positive in-game experience for the people actively participating in it.

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If Skolops, Urael, Bulwyf, Ferroz and Elhanan would quit posting... I'd be happy. There's your MAJORITY of the MINORITYS negative posts in this thread.


It's a fun event, thousands of people have enjoyed it so far.


Sorry you have some personal hang up about it, that's not my problem though and I don't think it's Biowares problem either.


If you don't like all of the content you're being provided with for whatever reason. I suggest you get over it or unsub. This is an MMO (this event makes if feel more like one too) and whining about this event and its mechanics will get you no where when it's been a very positive in-game experience for the people actively participating in it.


Thank you. Agreed.

Enough is enough

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Cannot; was 10th, and had a choice of Hutta and Drummond Kass via the Fleet shuttles. My Main is 50th, and has been quatantined on his vessel until the Event is concluded, but lowbies (and perhaps newbies) are more like critters trying to cross the road without being squished.
More exaggerations. If you level as usual, you will never get infected. I have a friend level 29 who started recently, who is doing everything the game offers (which includes grouping, crafting, visiting the space station for that) and who didn't even know there was an event with a plague until I told him, since he can participate at 29.

More mountains out of molehills, but I trust the Bioware readers to be able to read through the exaggerations and see the reality.

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It is my hope that the Griefing ends, is disciplined, and that this and future Events continue Grief free.


You seriously want the guy that exploded on your little level 10 as you ran across the Fleet disciplined?


So I take it you reported him?

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If Skolops, Urael, Bulwyf, Ferroz and Elhanan would quit posting... I'd be happy. There's your MAJORITY of the MINORITYS negative posts in this thread.


It's a fun event, thousands of people have enjoyed it so far.


Sorry you have some personal hang up about it, that's not my problem though and I don't think it's Biowares problem either.


If you don't like all of the content you're being provided with for whatever reason. I suggest you get over it or unsub. This is an MMO (this event makes if feel more like one too) and whining about this event and its mechanics will get you no where when it's been a very positive in-game experience for the people actively participating in it.


Well So you know 20 people including myself from my guild unsubbed because of this. We are done wasting time getting infected after we wipe in a raid then people needing to go buy stims to clear it. Yea its only 2K people dont care for it. You can have your little fun however people will leave because its not enjoyable when someone is infected during a boss fight in the raid and deads causing the raid to wipe. Sorry But have your fun without more subscriptions. Roll playing will never bring enough subscriptions to pay for a $300 Million game.

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You seriously want the guy that exploded on your little level 10 as you ran across the Fleet disciplined?

So I take it you reported him?

Maybe it's the abusive reporting which must be disciplined then.


Well So you know 20 people including myself from my guild unsubbed because of this. We are done wasting time getting infected after we wipe in a raid then people needing to go buy stims to clear it. Yea its only 2K people dont care for it. You can have your little fun however people will leave because its not enjoyable when someone is infected during a boss fight in the raid and deads causing the raid to wipe. Sorry But have your fun without more subscriptions. Roll playing will never bring enough subscriptions to pay for a $300 Million game.
I'm gonna try not to be too harsh... if you manage to get infected while you're raiding, during a wipe... then you're doing something wrong. It's your raiders who need disciplining then. Edited by Korrigan
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Cannot; was 10th, and had a choice of Hutta and Drummond Kass via the Fleet shuttles. My Main is 50th, and has been quatantined on his vessel until the Event is concluded, but lowbies (and perhaps newbies) are more like critters trying to cross the road without being squished.


Are you roleplaying this?


If you aren't, you are making this plague event out to be 1000000% worse than it is. Have some fun with it instead.

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Was only 10th, so no Space Missions. As I was infected en route between starter planets, I did choose to spend 2k on a single dose, which happened to be 1/3 of my total credits. As I plan not to die, I do not want the 5 DNA restitution payment, and as I do not wish to participate in this Event, have no need for Event pets, gear, etc.


As for RP, in a pandemic, it is unlikely that the Govt - esp those as harsh as the ones depicted in the game - would actually allow folks to gather in common areas and spread the plague to others.


As for the Event itself, while I do not wish to join, I am content with Events as a rule. My contention is against the one Griefer in this case that made my choice for me, and infected me w/p permission in a Safe Zone on a PvE server; a double foul. It is my hope that the Griefing ends, is disciplined, and that this and future Events continue Grief free.


FWIW - Thanks for your well written post!




Haha... so, you now want Bioware to punish people for completing a quest that Bioware themselves created? Wow.

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Its the same as those that try to make people flag PvP by using "in game mechanics".


I feel about these people as this person posted in the involuntary PvP thread:





No, that's just bug exploitation and game mechanics not working as intended, it's not the same. But by all means, keep calling people names like griefers, it's really making people want to sympathise with you.

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Haha... so, you now want Bioware to punish people for completing a quest that Bioware themselves created? Wow.


That's what I was thinking. Heck, I actively look for people who are trying to avoid the plague to give it to. That's the whole 'aggression' part. Its not griefing...it's playing the frikin game.

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Well So you know 20 people including myself from my guild unsubbed because of this. We are done wasting time getting infected after we wipe in a raid then people needing to go buy stims to clear it. Yea its only 2K people dont care for it. You can have your little fun however people will leave because its not enjoyable when someone is infected during a boss fight in the raid and deads causing the raid to wipe. Sorry But have your fun without more subscriptions. Roll playing will never bring enough subscriptions to pay for a $300 Million game.


This never happened.

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Well So you know 20 people including myself from my guild unsubbed because of this. We are done wasting time getting infected after we wipe in a raid then people needing to go buy stims to clear it. Yea its only 2K people dont care for it. You can have your little fun however people will leave because its not enjoyable when someone is infected during a boss fight in the raid and deads causing the raid to wipe. Sorry But have your fun without more subscriptions. Roll playing will never bring enough subscriptions to pay for a $300 Million game.

You unsubbed due to a ten day event... And what do you mean it disrupted your operation run? Didn't you notice at least one of you were infected? And didn't the rest of you notice when he/she/they exploded? I'm sorry but I have trouble believing you.

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Well So you know 20 people including myself from my guild unsubbed because of this. We are done wasting time getting infected after we wipe in a raid then people needing to go buy stims to clear it. Yea its only 2K people dont care for it. You can have your little fun however people will leave because its not enjoyable when someone is infected during a boss fight in the raid and deads causing the raid to wipe. Sorry But have your fun without more subscriptions. Roll playing will never bring enough subscriptions to pay for a $300 Million game.


50 people from my guild resubscribed because of this.. including myself ^^

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Well So you know 20 people including myself from my guild unsubbed because of this. We are done wasting time getting infected after we wipe in a raid then people needing to go buy stims to clear it. Yea its only 2K people dont care for it. You can have your little fun however people will leave because its not enjoyable when someone is infected during a boss fight in the raid and deads causing the raid to wipe. Sorry But have your fun without more subscriptions. Roll playing will never bring enough subscriptions to pay for a $300 Million game.


SO your WHOLE GUILD got their knickers in a bunch over this paticular issue? I find that hard to swallow.


If it mattered so much to your guild and you had a good guild leader they would specify to come to the raid w/o an infected de-buff or you wouldn't get in. On the flip side I've read stories on here about people who have had a good chuckle when it happens in their raids.


Maybe your guild just isn't all that Pro?

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50 people from my guild resubscribed because of this.. including myself ^^



I personally know 86,569 people that all resubbed for 6 months due to this event. They love it THAT much. They were running around giggling as they spoded.



True story.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Cannot; was 10th, and had a choice of Hutta and Drummond Kass via the Fleet shuttles. My Main is 50th, and has been quatantined on his vessel until the Event is concluded, but lowbies (and perhaps newbies) are more like critters trying to cross the road without being squished.

What server is this? I want to make some starter characters and see all the lowbies constantly getting exploded.


Well So you know 20 people including myself from my guild unsubbed because of this. We are done wasting time getting infected after we wipe in a raid then people needing to go buy stims to clear it. Yea its only 2K people dont care for it. You can have your little fun however people will leave because its not enjoyable when someone is infected during a boss fight in the raid and deads causing the raid to wipe. Sorry But have your fun without more subscriptions. Roll playing will never bring enough subscriptions to pay for a $300 Million game.

20 people quit because they couldn't take the time to check 4, 8, or 16 people's debuffs? Either that or your guild wasn't disciplined enough to take care of that before raid.

Know how long it took my raid the other night? Over Vent, "Everybody check and make sure you're not diseased. I've got several vaccines if they are needed."


This thread is full of people trying to give help to all the self-inflicted oppression going on. If one of the dozens of suggestions can't help you, then you are going to be miserable no matter what game you play.


I would ask that they go be miserable someplace else.


And the game now costs $300 million?

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Well So you know 20 people including myself from my guild unsubbed because of this. We are done wasting time getting infected after we wipe in a raid then people needing to go buy stims to clear it. Yea its only 2K people dont care for it. You can have your little fun however people will leave because its not enjoyable when someone is infected during a boss fight in the raid and deads causing the raid to wipe. Sorry But have your fun without more subscriptions. Roll playing will never bring enough subscriptions to pay for a $300 Million game.


Well assuming that this is true I have to think you guys were on the way out anyway. This event isn't /unsub worthy. I get that it's not some people's thing but the amount of self righteous rage about minor inconvenices is amazing. You know what is more annoying? SOA HM bugging out all the time wasting hours of play time. Traveling to courusant or DK all the dang time for class quests. Lighten up a bit. If you don't like this event for whatever reason fine. IMO its easily avoidable if you're leveling and if it offends you so much just take a break for a week. See a movie play with your kids whatever. Stop accusing people of greifing when it's not.

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20 people quit because they couldn't take the time to check 4, 8, or 16 people's debuffs?
I'm not sure how you'd get that... he said that they were infected AFTER the wipe.


You unsubbed due to a ten day event... And what do you mean it disrupted your operation run? Didn't you notice at least one of you were infected? And didn't the rest of you notice when he/she/they exploded? I'm sorry but I have trouble believing you.

he's claiming to have gotten infected after they wiped.


So my guess: people clustered around the re spawn point for that op outside in fleet? I haven't bothered with ops yet, so I'm just assuming that wiping in an op works like it does in a flashpoint, with the respawn point outside in fleet.


More exaggerations. If you level as usual, you will never get infected. .
No, if I level as usually I'd definitely get infected by the people clustered around the pvp terminal. Edited by ferroz
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This thread should just die. These guys are just border line trolls at this point. They are just trying to get a reaction out of us by calling us all griefers for playing as intended. We provided ample amount of logic and tried to explain to them what griefing actually is. They are going to continue to believe that their gameplay in an mmo should not be affected one tiny bit by others players. Bottom line is they are not being griefed and they are never going to accept this, just let the thread get buried.
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