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God Mode?


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Anyone else think marauders/sentinels undying rage should have some sort of drawback? This ability makes them unkillable for five seconds while they do full damage and can be healed up easily... How is that right? Let's not forget that right now marauders have the highest single target dps in the game, so this five seconds can easily change the tide of the battle. The only thing its missing is cc immunity. Why not, right?


If this were the only defensive cd it wouldn't be a big deal, but in fact they have three others. Two damage reducers and a vanish.


This spell really needs some sort of drawback. Reduced damage output while active in my opinion, even by only 20 or 30%. Reduced incoming healing is a decent idea also. Not both, but definitely one or the other. As of now your only option is to hope the marauder isn't already full resolve, and cc him when he pushes the god mode button so he doesn't take down one or two down before he dies.


This spell is unlike anything else in this game, the best comparison is divine shield from a paladin in wow, which I know is twice the length, but has a 50% dmg reduction while active. Its a little different because they can heal, but the point is to avoid them hitting shield with no health and blowing people up with no risk of taking damage.



Edited by SLRPSJ
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I was under the impression that losing half of my current health was a drawback.


Nonsense Sir. You should have to spend half your current health and also not be able to do damage, that way the only thing the power really accomplishes is spending 1/2 your health. You know, for those times when you think "Hey, I just have too many hitpoints right now, time to drop some of this dead weight!".

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I honestly expected this ability to be nerfed or removed in some fashion with 1.2.


By itself it's a fun and interesting ability but combined with everything else (other defensive cooldowns, ridiculous damage output) it's over the top.

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Anyone else think marauders/sentinels undying rage should have some sort of drawback? This ability makes them unkillable for five seconds while they do full damage and can be healed up easily... How is that right? Let's not forget that right now marauders have the highest single target dps in the game, so this five seconds can easily change the tide of the battle.


This spell is unlike anything else in this game, the best comparison is divine shield from a paladin in wow, which I know is twice the length, but has a 50% dmg reduction while active. Its a little different because they can heal, but the point is to avoid them hitting shield with no health and blowing people up with no risk of taking damage.




But in all seriousness, that is exactly the point of the ability. One last chance to kill someone before you die yourself. No one is going to use it at full health because they you are giviing up 6-8k health for 5 seconds of 99% damage reduction, which doesn't make sense mathematically. And the idea that they are gonna kill 2-3 more people in that 5 seconds is pretty much a complete exaggeration.


In reality the power doesn't have that many practical applications because you're only gonna use it when you're about to die anyway. It's a power where you voluntarily take a lot of damage, to avoid basically taking the same amount of damage for the next 5 seconds. It's not Godmode, it's "live 5 seconds longer mode".


I'm guarding a Turret, two sneaky types stealth up and try to take it. Because I'm an objective minded player, once they attack me rather than immediately trying to fend them off, I get in chat and type '2 snow'. By this time they have already got me down to 1/2 health before I even mount my defense. I get maybe 3 moves into my rotation and realize I'm gonna die, I pop Undying Rage, launch a few more attacks maybe even taking one of them down with me, but probably not because I am switching targets trying to keep them from capping the turret, and then I die hoping that the 5 seconds I bought myself is enough time for backup to get over there and interrupt the cap.


Is it unfair that I can buy myself an extra 5 seconds for backup to arrive? No more unfair than someone rolling all the way over there completely invisible.

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Wouldnt be quite as bad if it required you to be below a certain percentage of health to activate, kind of like a reverse execute ability - can only be activated while under 30% health.


How? That's the only time it's ever used effectively as is. If you don't you cut out a tremendous portion of your life for it.


Pretty sure nobody is complaining about the moron that starts the fight with that ability.

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Another thing about that is when the Mara/Senti jumps at someone if it is not another Mara/Senti most probably it will die, then another one will die before their health bar goes low, and in that situation theyll pop god mode and kill another one, I've seen it happen many times, don't tell me that they are not good players because they die so easily to Mara/Senti, the class is just over buffed. :mad:
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Another thing about that is when the Mara/Senti jumps at someone if it is not another Mara/Senti most probably it will die, then another one will die before their health bar goes low, and in that situation theyll pop god mode and kill another one, I've seen it happen many times, don't tell me that they are not good players because they die so easily to Mara/Senti, the class is just over buffed. :mad:


please show me the uber-buffs you all are talking about?


You are probably one of the baddies who is standing there trying to get his 2,5 second cast off while the melee classes hit you with all they got.

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I dont think the people complaining about how OP the class is even understand how to play sent / maurader. Its a hard class to master. Every time i fight any other class i have to go through most all of my skills. Its not a 1 button kill class, its like playing the piano for an entire warzone.


The players that have stuck with this class since launch are very good at it. Its absolutly a l2p issue. A skilled operative can be just as if not more deadly than a sentinal / maurader to a healer.


P.S. Tank spec sins / shadows are still OP in my opinion.. but you wont see me complaining about them on the forums.. I just need to l2p against them better.

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Save your stun for when the they are at like 20% then stun them you should be able to kill them in the duration or your bad...


Yeah, the last thread told me to save my stun for when they jump onto me, then I have to stun them when they hit Ravage, then I have to stun them when they have Undying Rage.


Yeah, enjoy getting nerfed to unplayable levels in 1.3 - like sorc.

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I dont think the people complaining about how OP the class is even understand how to play sent / maurader. Its a hard class to master. Every time i fight any other class i have to go through most all of my skills. Its not a 1 button kill class, its like playing the piano for an entire warzone.


The players that have stuck with this class since launch are very good at it. Its absolutly a l2p issue. A skilled operative can be just as if not more deadly than a sentinal / maurader to a healer.


P.S. Tank spec sins / shadows are still OP in my opinion.. but you wont see me complaining about them on the forums.. I just need to l2p against them better.


Some of us actually have 50 marauders ourselves and know precisely what we're talking about. Yes it is a 'hard' class relative to a lot of others but it isn't hard to kill people with it at all because of the amazing damage and defenses it brings to the table. Yes, they're all activated defenses and attacks, but so what. Just because something is more complicated doesn't mean it has to be the de facto king of 1v1.


And no, post 1.2 a skilled dps operative will not take down a skilled healer. No more double openers.

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The real reason people hate this ability and it causes so much nerd rage is because anyone who pvp's has at some point fought a marauder and had over 50% health with the marauder an inch from death and had them pop this ability and then get destroyed in that 5 seconds while not being able to finish them off. And then the marauder squeel's with glee behind the keys while they stealth and run away from the on lookers and live to fight another day.


I am not saying this ability needs to be nerfed its no more frustrating then being grappled/harpooned into a fire or knocked off a cliff or any of the other infuriating albeit gimicky abilities that happen in pvp.

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please show me the uber-buffs you all are talking about?


You are probably one of the baddies who is standing there trying to get his 2,5 second cast off while the melee classes hit you with all they got.


As I have written on my post, don't tell me that we are not good players, I play a sorc and I know how to play my class well, try to understand the post first before making a comment, it makes you look like you know nothing

Edited by Ian_Planeswalker
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I'm sick of people trying to compare Undying Rage/Guarded By The Force to Divine Shield from WoW. Its closest equivalent is a Rogue's Cheat Death, but manually activated. It's essentially doing just that: cheating death.


The cooldown is indeed powerful. But compare it to a merc/commando healer's defensive shield. They take reduced damage while being immune to interrupts. In other words, in a 1v1 fight, the mara/sent would not be able to kill the merc during that time unless it was used at a very low percentage of health.


Yes, I realized Undying Rage is generally used at a very low percentage of health. That's the thing; they're both powerful cooldowns, but must be used at different times.


The thing that makes Undying Rage so powerful is its incredibly short cooldown. It's always up! A marauder can use it nearly every single fight without even thinking about it. If its cooldown were to be increased to, say, three (or even five) minutes, it would even things out a bit. Without being able to use it every single fight, a marauder would need to make the choice whether to use it for that fun 1v1 in the middle of nowhere, or during that 5v1 while defending a node, instead of any and all encounters.


As a side note, there was a post complaining about "having to use a stun when they leap, when they use Ravage, and when they use Undying Rage." This isn't true. If your class has a knockback, save it for when they leap, no sooner. If you use your knockback before they've leaped at you, you're asking for trouble. If you're finding yourself getting killed during a marauder's Undying Rage, then you might not have done enough to mitigate the damage they dealt to you beforehand. If you sat through their entire Ravage, for example, you deserved it. It's pretty easy to nullify most, if not all, of its damage. Do you have an extra knockback? Use it. Do you have a stun? Use it. If their resolve bar is full, it wasn't a 1v1 fight to begin with, and your teammates pulled a stupid.


On a final note: the game isn't balanced around 1v1. If multiple skilled players can't take down a single skilled marauder (or worse, unskilled marauder), then perhaps those players aren't that skilled after all.

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Should be changed to take 25% max health, and/or reduce healing received by 99%.


That would completely change how it's used, but I'd be for that. You'd have to be more proactive in determining when to use it instead of "oh crap about to die...NOT"

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