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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Chat Bubbles: We need an option to enable them for say, yell and emote chat!


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I agree, that they're necessary. I don't even RP with them, but when "Out of Force/Mana/Energy/etc." can pop up over the main healer's head, it's really super helpful for keeping things straight in multiplayer situation.
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Still no chat bubbles in Game Update 1.1 patch notes, it seems. :(


Bioware, what happend to chat bubbles being a "high priority item for launch" or shortly thereafter (stated by James Ohlen & Georg Zoeller during the Fansite Summit and on the Beta forums, respectively)? Why are you so silent about it?

Please clarify.

Edited by Glzmo
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Chat bubbles are needed, and they're needed soon! It is seriously affecting the RP community, especially when players hold large scale events. The chat box just isn't enough.


It can also be useful when during pvp when someone (who your not on vent with) calls out for a heal but have trouble finding. A bubble can help with more then just roleplay.

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Still no chat bubbles in Game Update 1.1 patch notes, it seems. :(


Bioware, what happend to chat bubbles being a "high priority item for launch" or shortly thereafter (stated by James Ohlen & Georg Zoeller during the Fansite Summit and on the Beta forums, respectively)? Why are you so silent about it?

Please clarify.


Because they seem to think that "with nearly half of all players participating in Warzones" (nearly half, and not all of those people continue to do warzones 24/7), means there is no need to bother supporting anything but pvp mechanics.

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I, as well, would like to see the ability to enable chat bubbles. It is making my game experience very frustrating.
There are so many people that are getting frustrated because they can't communicate properly without chat bubbles. It's not even funny. This issue seems to be game breaking to many indeed. And still no news from Bioware on the issue.
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Meh, I liked chat bubbles back in SWG, but after moving on to other games, I found little to no need for them.


Heck can't you just create custom chat rooms to chat with your RP buddies if you want.


Also for those RPers, wouldn't VOIP be better for you anyway, much easier to convey emotion that way.

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Heck can't you just create custom chat rooms to chat with your RP buddies if you want.
Being confined to private RP is not the answer. Especially on a RP server, there are many people who want to spontaneously roleplay in the open with other people, even some that they don't know.

If you say just roleplay in private chat rooms, people could do that on IRC just the same. No need to pay a monthly fee for that. In an MMORPG, many roleplayers wish to immerse themselves in and see which character on the screen is saying what at which time without having to shift their focus away from the "action" and towards the chat window.

Remember, roleplay doesn't only happen in cantinas or private places at "downtime". There are roleplayers who wish to be in-character and roleplay all the time, be it during questing, PVP, or anything else.


Also for those RPers, wouldn't VOIP be better for you anyway, much easier to convey emotion that way.
No, not really. Many roleplayers don't want their characters to sound like them. For example, having your male character have a female voice or vice versa doesn't help immersion at all. And you don't see which character on the screen is talking at the time. Plus, there are players that don't own a microphone or even can't talk due to a health condition.
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Chat bubbles are simply crucial to MMO play. Without them communication is very limited and easy to miss; and with an option to disable them everyone wins; no one could possibly NOT want this to be implemented with a toggle option. Edited by Arkimor
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They also need to reduce the range of the say chat a lot. We have Roleplaying Events on our server with 20-40 people and is nearly impossible to follow the chat.


The say range is just ridiculous high.

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They also need to reduce the range of the say chat a lot. We have Roleplaying Events on our server with 20-40 people and is nearly impossible to follow the chat.


The say range is just ridiculous high.

How high exactly is it anyway?


I would think 50 meters for /say and 100 meters for /yell should be a good value. It worked well in SWG, for example.

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