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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Chat Bubbles: We need an option to enable them for say, yell and emote chat!


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If this would make you quit a game, you must quit a lot.
No, not really. I am, in fact, a rather loyal player. I've played Star Wars Galaxies for over 8 years from launch until the final day and The Lord of the Rings Online since launch as well. They both had chat bubbles (or in case of the latter, at least overhead chat text) for /say since launch, lots of animated emotes and were/are generally roleplayer friendly. So yes, I usually stick with a MMORPG I start to play and I want to do so with TOR as well. But there is one essential feature missing that appears to be a bare minimum for my enjoyment of a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game.


I do have to admit that I have quit DC Universe Online over the lack of chat bubbles, however. And it was free to play, too. Such a shame, as the DC Universe is one of my favorite IPs next to Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings.

I just don't see how I can pay a premium monthly fee for a MMORPG that's lacking chat bubbles and other features needed for socializing and roleplay with other players over a long amount of time.


I agree chat bubbles are cool and a good feature to have but not games breaking nor something to qq about.
Missing chat bubbles are in fact game breaking to me. I am a roleplayer, I play a Star Wars MMORPG mainly to roleplay in the Star Wars Universe with multiple other roleplayers. Since EA/Bioware reportedly forced SWG out of business with their exclusive Star Wars MMORPG deal, TOR is the only hope for us for many years to come. It's sad that TOR doesn't at least feature such a basic thing that's essential to a great many players like chat bubbles (I'm not even complainging about TOR missing other wonderful social and RP features SWG and even LOTRO have here).

Without chat bubbles, it's incredibly hard to roleplay, socialize and play with other players. This is the case for healthy people, but especially for people like myself with a visual impairment.


It saddens me deeply that the Bioware developers don't even make an effort to make SWTOR as barrier free as possible. In the beta there was at least a color blind mode, but for some reason they decided to cut it from the final game (along with chat bubbles, match color to chestpiece, intelligent follow function, consequences for your actions and other great and unique features that used to make the game stand out).


I had great hopes for TOR. And I could wait for improvements. But chat bubbles are something I need right now, not later. I was going to cancel my pre-order but I did not because chat bubbles were promised to be a "high priority launch feature" or at least a "high priority" feature that was to be added "shortly after launch" by Bioware representatives Georg Zöller and James Ohlen again and again - which there simply is no sign of at the moment (also due to the abysmal communication from the development team on the matter - if they posted about it and said "Chat bubbles are being worked on and are going to be in Game Update 1.1 or 1.2" or whatever, I'd stay faithful until then.

But there is nothing. No communication, no information. All the countless posts on the forums, twitter questions, private messages that ask about chat bubbles are simply being ignored by Bioware as if they don't exist).


I may give TOR another shot once they do implement chat bubbles. I love the Star Wars Universe and I have been playing Bioware games since their early ones.


But as long as they don't, I simply can't justify spending my hard earned money on the monthly fee, sorry.

Edited by Stubacca
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But chat bubbles are something I need right now, not later. I was going to cancel my pre-order but I did not because chat bubbles were promised to be a "high priority launch feature" or at least a "high priority" feature that was to be added "shortly after launch" by Bioware representatives Georg Zöller and James Ohlen again and again - which there simply is no sign of at the moment (also due to the abysmal communication from the development team on the matter - if they posted about it and said "Chat bubbles are being worked on and are going to be in Game Update 1.1 or 1.2" or whatever, I'd stay faithful until then.


But there is nothing. No communication, no information. All the countless posts on the forums, twitter questions, private messages that ask about chat bubbles are simply being ignored by Bioware as if they don't exist).


I may give TOR another shot once they do implement chat bubbles. I love the Star Wars Universe and I have been playing Bioware games since their early ones.


But as long as they don't, I simply can't justify spending my hard earned money on the monthly fee, sorry.


I have to agree.


They have wasted their time commenting in singular small topics about little things, yet something that seems to be a big ticket item with pretty much every RP'r and also a whole lotta other players... well, they want to ignore it and hope it goes away. Maybe we ought to take this to PC Gamer, Gamespy, n IGN et al.


Just a blog entry, a response to one of the DOZENS of chat bubble threads, something... would go a HUGE distance with a lot of people.

Edited by Frigidman
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I agree. Make a toggle bubbles on/off in prefrences. There is no social aspect o this game at all. Firend of mine is L40 and haven't grouped once, not even talked to anyone ingame.


Only people I've talked to ingame is IRL friends. Grouping is a drag and its much more effective to do stuff alone (with companion)

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Stop trying to turn this game into WoW. This game is more focused on story.


If its a toggle on/off option why would it bother you? About half the playerbase (according to a poll I just made up :D ) want this really bad.


If you don't like it turn it off, I don't see the problem.

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Stop trying to turn this game into WoW. This game is more focused on story.


Goddammit. WoW isn't the only game in this world. Stop comparing it. Chat bubbles are no WoW-Only - Feature.


The game isn't as much fun without chat bubbles as it is with them. And for all those who don't like / want them, of course, with an option to turn them off / on. Should not be that hard to implement.


Mesa wants chat bubbles asap :)

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Bioware are adding the Suggestions Forum back soon. We all will have to definitely repost this thread and all the positive reasons again in that new forum.


As for those who don't want them, as said many times by logical people: Options are the god send of modern applications... if you don't like it, turn it off! And no, this was not a feature in that w* game. It was something existing in the OTHER star wars game long before that w* dren came about. And has been a feature in any other mmo worth it's salt... heck, even age of conan has em lol.


However I can say with certainty, those who don't want them are a minority.

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How about emotes that do something? I'm surprised that alot of the emotes aren't even voiced like /lol or /joke it's odd considering how much was spent on voice acting. Did the VA get uppity with Bioware?


All the money went into the romance scenes.

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I realy like the game, i can't deny it.

But Chatbubbles are desperatly needed.

So i would have to pay my next fee on friday. I choose not to. I do not want to play alone and the lack of chatbubbles tend to make the world feel empty. It's not just missing roleplaying. It's missing people talking.

Edited by Mayard
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I cant understand how some say chat bubbles are spam and not necessary.


Humanity is making progress so are ways of communication.

Standing next to your friend and text him instead of talking to him is kind of...... wierd.


The human brain goes for the easiest way, fastest way of communication.

A box where every one in the vicinity is talking in is like using a Walkie talkie where every one is on the same channel and talking in every ones mouth. No good!



Having no chat bubbles does not make sense

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I realy like the game, i can't deny it.

But Chatbubbles are desperatly needed.

So i would have to pay my next fee on friday. I choose not to. I do not want to play alone and the lack of chatbubbles tend to make the world feel empty. It's not just missing roleplaying. It's missing people talking.

That's very sad. But I definitely understand where you're coming from. :(


I hope Bioware will act or at least give us an update before more players quit the game over the missing chat bubbles.


But in case you do quit, make sure to let them know that you're quitting because of the lack of chat bubbles in the form you get when cancelling the subscription. Perhaps they will start to listen if people start unsubscribing and stating why they do it.

Edited by Glzmo
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Bumping because the lack of official replies on the intention of chat bubbles / animations or other things to improve 'near avatar' communication is starting to make me worry.


The M's in MMO stand for Massive and Multiplayer. This game needs to be able to have smooth communication with other players, and chat bubbles/animations to note other players nearby communicating in a way that is meant to be for other people nearby (because that is what you use /say for, even as a non RPer) is essential for the Multiplayer experience. The large /say distance would also be a lot smaller issue if you can somehow see when someone that is physically (in game) near you says something.


This isn't an important issue. The game is littered with bugs and game breaking issues. Not to mention balancing issues. Stupid chat bubbles are not a priority.

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