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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

3 Legitimate Classes Left


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Anyone else think there are only 3 legitimate classes left for competitive gameplay?


I am not talking about classes just being useful as there are still several of those. I am talking about the best players using the best classes to have the best teams in game, using only these three classes in their teams.


And if this is the case, anyone else think that BW's pvp team is a little clueless on pvp balance? Prior to 1.2 I think they did a reasonably ok job with pvp balance; but post 1.2 I think they just got lucky at launch.

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Anyone else think there are only 3 legitimate classes left for competitive gameplay?


I am not talking about classes just being useful as there are still several of those. I am talking about the best players using the best classes to have the best teams in game, using only these three classes in their teams.


And if this is the case, anyone else think that BW's pvp team is a little clueless on pvp balance? Prior to 1.2 I think they did a reasonably ok job with pvp balance; but post 1.2 I think they just got lucky at launch.


i can name 2 right off the bat.. the warzones are filled with assassin/shadows and maurader/sents...


tahts 2... the other is just a mix of old classes of people trying to stick to them. I think as more sides continue to level up these 2 classes you will see less of the other classes. i brought back my gunslinger... i wanted to play healer... but that is pointless as i spend more time healing myself then teammates.

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Anyone else think there are only 3 legitimate classes left for competitive gameplay?


I am not talking about classes just being useful as there are still several of those. I am talking about the best players using the best classes to have the best teams in game, using only these three classes in their teams.


And if this is the case, anyone else think that BW's pvp team is a little clueless on pvp balance? Prior to 1.2 I think they did a reasonably ok job with pvp balance; but post 1.2 I think they just got lucky at launch.


Judging by the climate on these forums, you have two of them in your sig. Congrats!

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all im seeing is Powertech/Vanguards, Sentinnel/Marauders, Aassassin/shadow.


I think the problem is they do so much damage and have too many damage reducing abilities, combine that with slows and gap closers and its GG against healers and ranged dps

Edited by emtbobbyb
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Utter nonsense.


The Best Players play the class that fits them the best, and they make the best teams with diversity. Annoying, min-maxers who read forums and guides and debate which ability is truely better (one does 500 damage over 4 seconds, one does 400 instantly... etc.) worry about "best classes to stack."


Edit: And I meant to add "And their hoards of wanna be elite min-maxer minions..."

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Well the sorc is not one of them. Completely ruined this class especially with healing spec. DPS spec is what I had to switch to, but burst pales with respect to other classes.


Sages wil still heal 2x the sorc which makes no sense.


BH/Marauder/IA still ok I think, but BH got hit hard too. I had to reroll, which is a shame because I had so much time invested in my sorc.

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learn your class. anything can be effective


I suggest you learn how to play more than one class and not just play against bad players. Bad players will be bad...


Judging by the climate on these forums, you have two of them in your sig. Congrats!


I do not play an assassin, maruader, nor ops healer... so no, they aren't in my sig. And as I said in my OP, I don't think most classes are bad, just that these 3 classes are by far the alpha classes left after 1.2. I am a very objective person, I called for nerfs to PT's prior to the nerfs being made (check my post history) and for nerfs to Sorcs too (both classes I play).

Edited by Humankeg
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While i dont really PVP much atm, got my level 40 PVP armour and now focusing on finishing Act 3 of my storyline, I can say I was always seeing the same classses in PVP. I play a Jugg and always had multiple Sorcs/ Maras and maybe an Operative or two.


I agree with a few of the posts above that these classes have massive dmg, CCs and combat breakers that many people just roll these classes to make PVP easier for them. However skill does come into it. A bad player using one of these classes will never beat a good player using any classes. When i did PVP i was using a tank spec and found it took multiple players just to take me down. At one point i was playing Huttball carrying the ball down the ramp with half the enemy team on me and my health was not dropping.


So before people start complaining that certain classes are OP and certain moves are bs just play your class and give it time you will learn the strengths and weaknesses of your class. The way I've always seen combat in mmos is a rock paper scissors mechanic. Your class might get destroyed by a certain class but then might completely own another class. Does that mean that any classes need nerfs? NO. For instance my Jugg could never keep the dmg up on healers but i dominate ranged classes at close range.

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Playing my "lowbie" sniper, I will say that I have seen a bunch of people leveling marauders, but most of them are bad. Now if they get better by the time they reach 50, you might have problems because the good ones are REALLY good. They are however; often accompanied by an OP healer, which can make the bad ones even tough alone; but then 2 on 1 should be a little tough, to speak lightly.


The thing is, I would say now compared to before; you may have Marauders and OPs with some Assassins mixed in (along with their mirrors and surprisingly, I see less tank-sins than the others which the tank sins are the strong ones) now; but before it was just Sages and Commandos for the most part. Ironically; I see the old FOTM complaining about the new FOTM more than those who have always been on the outside looking in.

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the thing here is not which class is best right now, but which class everybody switch to after wetting their pants over the forums whinings


those 3 classes weren't nerfed or hit so hard, so everyone moved over to them cause they got scared and can't put their brains together to adapt to the new changes, give it some time, maybe a week or two, or maybe more, I can't tell for sure, and the thing will start to balance among classes again once a bunch of good players find the way to adapt to 1.2 changes and share their findings with the rest


you are way too impatient people

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Yep. Only 3 classes worthwhile now. Sadly they are all on the empire side. And must be chiss to maintain that effectiveness.


your species doesn't affect how well you play it is all cosmetic and role-play.

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And so goes the MMO cycle. There's always a FOTM spec that is the alpha class for awhile. Then it gets nerfed, others get buffed, and the cycle repeats itself. Good players can do the job with whatever hand they're dealt. The bad ones...well. You know. Only once in 10+ years of gaming have I seen a class broken beyond repair for an extended period, and that was Bounty Hunters in SWG when tracking droids didn't work for over 3 months.


I did a complete gear change and respec on my BH to adjust to 1.2. Maybe ya'll should do the same.

Edited by TheronFett
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I do not play an assassin, maruader, nor ops healer... so no, they aren't in my sig. And as I said in my OP, I don't think most classes are bad, just that these 3 classes are by far the alpha classes left after 1.2. I am a very objective person, I called for nerfs to PT's prior to the nerfs being made (check my post history) and for nerfs to Sorcs too (both classes I play).


Has anyone mentioned to you that shadow is an assassin's mirror, less stylishly dressed?

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