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who has better story SW or JK?


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I havn't finished either, but I have heard amazing things about both! I just unlocked Hoth on my JK, and the story so far is pretty good! It really puts you in the front, and makes you feel super important to the cause. Plus, they arn't stupid missions like getting doughnuts for a senator. I like Jedi Knight so far!
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Haven't finished both storylines, but I have gotten to Chapter 2 in both of them, so I can tell you a bit. Both stories are generally pretty awesome, but in different ways. I'll try to keep things as spoiler-free as possible for you.


The Sith Warrior story is simple and straightforward, but has a lot of really cool scenes along the way. The Warrior is basically a trained attack dog for Darth Baras, going around and sticking a lightsaber into whatever Baras says needs killing. I haven't run into any surprising plot twists yet, but the cutscenes are all really great, with better use of camera angles, staging, and player/NPC actions than I've seen in a lot of the other stories.


The Jedi Knight story takes a while to wind up (I found Chapter 1 to be a little boring), but it really gets epic once you head into the end of the Chapter/start Chapter 2. It's not quite as action-y as the SW story, but it does get you emotionally involved, and there's a few really exciting plot twists along the way. (My goody-two-shoes Knight ended up relishing the opportunity to take vengeance on the boss at the end of Chapter 1.)


All said, I think they're about equal in quality, but both of them are high on my list of favorite storylines. (I played a Sith Inquisitor first, and I thought that story was good! I've been blown away by how much better the others are compared to that.)

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Speaking as someone who is juuuuust at the end of the Sith Warrior story, i'd advise you to go with that. There are quite a few sweet moments throughout (don't worry about it railroading you into being an evil bastard) and the end of every chapter is bloody awesome. (Especially the climax of chapter one and the twist at the end of chapter two.)
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Personally, it usually depends upon my mood. My JK can be so goody-two-shoes at times it's eye rolling. The story is quite good and Kira(the male LI) really ties into the story well. If you are in the mood to be more straight forward and evil, then I'd recommend the SW. I finished my SW and started my JK back to back. They are both excellent in their own right, however I think the JK story is the best out of the two thus far.
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Something that you might want to consider, is that the Sith Warrior's story mentions things and has an entire chapter that is the result of events that take place in the Jedi Knight's. (Trying not to mention any spoilers here)

I played the Sith Warrior first and afterward when I played a Jedi Knight, I felt like I got jipped, because I knew what was coming up sometimes. Made me see the Sith Warrior as a bit of a spoiler if you haven't played a Jedi Knight.

Still the choice is yours, but it's worth thinking about when choosing which one to play first.

Edited by pilott
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The JK's line is not a good MMO plotline after chapter 1, which was fine. It is *TOO* epic. It is a single-player RPG plotline. It is what KotOR 3 would have been if it had been a single-player RPG. Everybody's plotline revolves around the JK's. Edited by Khalhazar
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Something that you might want to consider, is that the Sith Warrior's story mentions things and has an entire chapter that is the result of events that take place in the Jedi Knight's. (Trying not to mention any spoilers here)

I played the Sith Warrior first and afterward when I played a Jedi Knight, I felt like I got jipped, because I knew what was coming up sometimes. Made me see the Sith Warrior as a bit of a spoiler if you haven't played a Jedi Knight.

Still the choice is yours, but it's worth thinking about when choosing which one to play first.


That actually happens all over the game. The JK (with Kira) finds out about a major plot point (and the cause of Chapter 3) for the JC at the end of Chapter 1, I believe, or maybe it's even the Prologue, I'm not sure. My IA just finished dealing with another npc that has a large influence on one of the JC's companions (of course, if you didn't do the JC storyline, you wouldn't know about it).

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I've finished both quest-lines along with the JC's.


I can say that the JK's first chapter seems too simple and not important at all until the end. Chapter 2-3 was definitely what kept me playing. I was so determined to finish my mission. Although the beginning of Chapter 3 seemed a little dragged out, the ending was spectacular to say the least. What made it so great was being a Sith beforehand.


However, the SW's story is also good. Chapter 1 started out good and ended well, but in between was a bit of a drag. Chapter 2, in my opinion, felt irrelevant. Despite Chapter 2 being a big contributor to the overall SWTOR plot, it seemed like it was a big side-quest. Then, the final Chapter 2 mission comes up. I think that the Sith Warrior's Chapter 3 is the best from what I've played. It definitely made me feel like my character would should feel. It was wrapped up quite nicely.


I think that they are both great stories, but I would start with the Sith Warrior. Both quest lines mention each other. It seems like, at times, the SW is given a 3rd Person view of the JK. I would recommend starting with the SW, then the JC, lastly the JK.

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Here's my take on both, having completed both through Chapter 3. Now, just to clarify, it's all in how you play it...


Knight. I played him as almost a Solid Snake attitude which fits with David Hayter's voice very well. He's a good guy who takes no crap off anyone, so yeah, he ended up with some DS points and acted more like a vigilante than he probably should have. That said, I loved the story quite a bit, and only had 1 or 2 minor surprises throughout my playthrough. Nothing I really didn't see coming, except for having to use T7 during the final phase after Corellia. All in all, probably the most Epic storyline in the game as scope goes.


Warrior. I played him 100% Lightside and didn't feel like a sickly sweet do-gooder. Still felt like a complete bad*** all the way through. And his voice gives the impression that he's only being merciful because killing someone of your stature is beneath him. For the Warrior story, only once was I caught semi-offguard and I had already predicted something like it happening. No real surprises there either.


Both stories are enjoyable for what they are, and BioWare's writing team did a really good job.


Only one where they truly outdid themselves and raised the bar is the Imperial Agent. That was by far the best story arc in the entire game, imho. Whoever wrote the IA story should be given an award for keeping us on the edge of our seats and guessing all the way through. :D


Honestly, if you want the greatest Espionage Story ever written, and set smack in the middle of the Star Wars universe, it's right there.

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