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What would you add to the legacy system?


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  1. More options. Why can i only have one option on either direction? Why can't i have a fan of connections all around my character, instead of like 3-4?
  2. Different/more connections. Why can't i just assign a connection line, pick an icon, then just put in a text box what this connection means. "Cousin" "Apprentice" "Lover" "Spy" "Old Friend" instead of the ones we have, which are pointless anyway because you can't see what the label is you just have to remember what the icon means
  3. Connecting with other people. Right-click, apply to link legacies, they say okay, and you can add in where you want their characters to go. Then they approve it and bam, you've just connected your legacy to someone else.


As it stands, the restrictive connections (in amount and type) ruins any sort of varied race group. Not to mention the whole thing is entirely pointless since as far as i know there is no way for anyone else to see this legacy tree so it is entirely a masturbatory exercise and does nothing for anyone but yourself, and even then it means nothing and isn't even fluid, its blocky and restrictive.


I'm actually fairly disappointed (for me the best part was the UI manager, how sad is that?), the legacy unlocks are underwhelming (and most cost far too many credits), the legacy tree itself is pointless and a waste (how long did they actually spend on that? seriously..)


The unlocks for maxing a race to 50 are okay, unless you happen to have two of one race and since you're locked to 8 characters you'll have to delete on to complete other races and.. yeah.


Underwhelmed. its not awful but i see a lot of wasted potential i hope they build on. Connecting legacies with other players, better legacy connections, a better tree. the one we have now is really awkward, it needs to be more free, click and drag where you want things, then click between two portraits to create a connection, then name the connection whatever you want, as is it, its very awkward and blocky and restricted. But like i said above, its entirely moot because no one but you can see it anyway and it doesn't connect to anyone but your own characters so its entirely an internal thing.


You obviously don't get what legacy should be... Legacy should be a reason to keep you playing more than 1 character. Why do you need 7 alts if you aren't getting anything out of leveling them? Why should I play a character I don't really want to play? .

I just had to also comment on this. "Why should i play a character i don't really want to play" The answer is you shouldn't. Making character classes fun to play is paramount, but more than that, you can't make everything something everyone loves. What you shouldn't be doing is grinding through class stories you don't even like just so you can buff the hell out of the character you DO like.


If you like all the classes and class quests, thats cool, go nuts with it. But at the same time, that doesn't mean that you should use those classes that you don't like as a treadmill to grind buffs. This has the side effect of basically meaning if you have the time and inclination to spend hours and hours grinding (and it IS grinding if you don't really want to do it) a whole class to gain (in those examples) incredible advantages. That seems to go against the spirit of the 'fun of the game', when it just becomes a chore, and a job to grind out levels on a character you don't even like for end-game bonuses.

Edited by Neopopulas
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I would like to remove the requirement that so many Legacy items be purchased. I'm Legacy level 34, and not much to show for it because I refuse to spend 500,000+ credits for fluff items. Legacy should be about time played, not how big your bank account is.
To a degree, I agree with this - only I think the legacy (all of it) should be more like the advanced skill trees. Each legacy level nets you 1 point. Where you invest those points determines what your legacy has access to.


The current system:

5 million *and* legacy level 25 for a GTN terminal? Hell no. 5 million *or* legacy 25? That would have been tolerable, but it's still not that great.

(yes, I coughed up hard-earned credits to unlock a species)


Using the advanced tree as a template would have made more sense, though. Then it's not just a matter of the time, but also of total character progression.

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To a degree, I agree with this - only I think the legacy (all of it) should be more like the advanced skill trees. Each legacy level nets you 1 point. Where you invest those points determines what your legacy has access to.


The current system:

5 million *and* legacy level 25 for a GTN terminal? Hell no. 5 million *or* legacy 25? That would have been tolerable, but it's still not that great.

(yes, I coughed up hard-earned credits to unlock a species)


Using the advanced tree as a template would have made more sense, though. Then it's not just a matter of the time, but also of total character progression.


And honestly there is no point in using the neutral GTN which only a minor percent of the population of a server has access to. Especially on an underpopulated server.


And besides, i can mail my republic stuff to the imp side now. Whats the point of using the neutral GTN or the Republic GTN? So this legacy item is really pointless right now. If they gave it to people for free it would be worthwhile

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"OR needs to be in EVERY legacy unlock. Legacy level X OR 5mil credits (or whatever).


Thats the whole POINT of the legacy system (i thought). You raise your legacy level just like you would any level, you advance through the levels and gain access to certain abilities, bonuses and benefits.


Some of the legacy unlocks, i can tolerate, things that cost under 10K? fine.. thats not all that big a deal, but 100K and up? thats just unacceptable. You have to work hard to get your legacy level to some of these ranks, and then you also have to lay out credits, basically doubling the work you have to do. I can only feel its an attempt to drain credits out of the economy and i (hope) they didn't think it was totally reasonable

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To a degree, I agree with this - only I think the legacy (all of it) should be more like the advanced skill trees. Each legacy level nets you 1 point. Where you invest those points determines what your legacy has access to.

I like the idea of this. I hope Bioware seriously is thinking on these lines too.


I would like to see Planet Story lines and Heroics added to the Legacy system. Would work like you complete the initial story line and you get 1.25 X the amount when you sell on that Planet vs the Space Port. Do the Second Planet Story line and your Legacy get access to a special bike. Do the Bonus Series and your Legacy get's a signature Space Ship. Heroic 4 opens up a mission that leads to a Special Datacron, weapon, Armor, etc.

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You obviously don't get what legacy should be... Legacy should be a reason to keep you playing more than 1 character. Why do you need 7 alts if you aren't getting anything out of leveling them? Why should I play a character I don't really want to play? If the legacy system is not good enough to make people keep playing then it is worthless. These ideas will keep people playing in order to earn something that is useful(while still not being game breaking abilities). New players will always be behind in terms of progression. Thats the point of being a new player. But at least if you are a new player, you will have something to strive for if you keep playing. What sets someone apart who has 8 lvl 50s as opposed to someone who only has 1? Or someone who just started? Does someone starting a new job get paid the same as someone who has been there 10 years?


1.) There shouldn't be insentive to play a character you don't want t oplay, you just shoudln't play it. If you don't like the character, don't play it, simple as that.


2.) You should never compare playing any game to a job. That's sad.


But also, I see your point. I understand what you're saying. Players do need insentive to keep playing, and become altoholics. I just have this empathy for new players, because I'm one of those people that usually doesn't pick up an MMO until it's been out for years, and then I end up getting called a Noob simply for being new.


I remember in Wow, at early levels, after Heirlooms came out, people wouldn't let you in their dungeon group unless you had a full set. And while we can't see Legacy levels yet, I think if we make too many combat enhancing legacy perks, this same thing will happen. "LFG for peeps Char lvl 30+ Legacy level 15+" Understand what I mean?

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1.Guild Wars alowed you to use your first toon as a companion "hero" for next your toon. It costed money but was worth it. I would love to roll two of my toons on a alt. Even if they added credits in game or micro transactions. Even if I had to complete the story first with the class before I can roll it again with one of my other toons.

example: my 50 gunslinger can be my ranged dps.


2. A legacy story arc of somehow. If any of you have played Champions online, it would be similar to the nemesis system. In my opinion the best feature of that mmo.

Honestly, the way they hyped the legacy system I expected that it would start with this kind of thing and expand from there.


The fact that my two characters are rivals really has no in-game meaning at all, which is sort of disappointing. I was hoping that they'd do things like have your rival break in and fight your group during flashpoints. Wouldn't it be awesome to be in the middle of Hammer Station or somewhere and a group made up of everyone alts shows up as a bonus boss fight?


Using an alt as a temporary companion would be awesome as well.


Or what if you could call your parent to get some kind of thing depending on their class? Phone your bounty hunter dad to get the BH buff or something?


My point is that each relationship should have its own in-game meaning, even if it's not a huge advantage. They seem so hollow now as an effectively meaningless chart.

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I would like to remove the requirement that so many Legacy items be purchased. I'm Legacy level 34, and not much to show for it because I refuse to spend 500,000+ credits for fluff items. Legacy should be about time played, not how big your bank account is.
To a degree, I agree with this - only I think the legacy (all of it) should be more like the advanced skill trees. Each legacy level nets you 1 point. Where you invest those points determines what your legacy has access to.


The current system:

5 million *and* legacy level 25 for a GTN terminal? Hell no. 5 million *or* legacy 25? That would have been tolerable, but it's still not that great.

(yes, I coughed up hard-earned credits to unlock a species)


Using the advanced tree as a template would have made more sense, though. Then it's not just a matter of the time, but also of total character progression.


I think this is how everyone originally thought the legacy system would work...we were all disappointed when it didn't work like that. I mean it was right next to your skill tree...who would have thought otherwise?

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The only thing i would like to see changed is the immense amount of credits required for some legacy stuff.

Like people have stated in this thread before me, it should be either "x" legacy level OR credits, the fact that it requires both is disappointing, some legacy perks are just way overpriced (i am looking at you, 5million credits/level 25 legacy ship GTN terminal).

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I think this is how everyone originally thought the legacy system would work...we were all disappointed when it didn't work like that. I mean it was right next to your skill tree...who would have thought otherwise?


You don't speak for everyone, so stop acting like you do.

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Lots of good ideas in this thread.


Some I'd like to see:


Shared credits across all characters (so I don't have to transfer it around via mail so much).


Shared speeders and pets (though I really don't care much about the pets). After all, who wouldn't borrow their sibling's car, or inherit one from their parents??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't see it suggested, and I keep saying it, why don't we have titles for reaching certain Legacy levels? No one can see our legacy level...why not give us something to show it off?


Legacy 30 Matriarch/Patriarch

Legacy 40 Matron/Patron etc

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  • 4 weeks later...

what about unlocking maps in the Legacy u know so when u open up maps u open it up for all your chars might be good or Legacy codex lol :p yeah i know im lazy and hate gettings things over again lol


oh and what about mystics on voss dont think we can be them yet im i want to be a mystic :p

Edited by Kyse
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- Legacy Faction Armor Appearance: Unlocks the other faction's armor appearance for use with your character.

- Legacy Hood Up/Down: Unlocks the ability to toggle hood up/down for your character.


Personally I want these the most, as I would love to wear some of the Sith Warrior armor on my DS Jedi Knight, and also want hood down armors.

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- Legacy Faction Armor Appearance: Unlocks the other faction's armor appearance for use with your character.

- Legacy Hood Up/Down: Unlocks the ability to toggle hood up/down for your character.


Personally I want these the most, as I would love to wear some of the Sith Warrior armor on my DS Jedi Knight, and also want hood down armors.


Cool. Yea, these would be great little tid bits. Maybe... a unique crest of or emblem too to add to Armor?

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I'd really like an expansion to the Legacy Family Tree, and some of my ideas are already on the list.


-Custom relationships (choose an icon and type a brief description)

-Companions available for the tree (if I married a companion, I should be able to show it)

-More connections per family member/less limitations

-Have offspring be connected to their two parents, not just one

-Be able to view other players' trees

-Be able to write brief biographies for anyone on the tree that can be visible to others as well


Legacy is a really cool idea that they've come up with for this game, and I know some people just don't care about it, but this is the first MMO I've played where I really care about my characters and have ideas for who they really are. I want to be able to display these ideas to other players, and to see what they've created as well.

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