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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Nope. I suspect like me, we post about this stupid plague becasue we are bored at work waiting to go home and play the game despite this "event".


I am glad it will be done on the 24th.


As upset as you are about this, I can imagine. Hopefully the next event will be something that you enjoy like we're enjoying this.

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Huh? Guards are set up so as to not encourage "camping".....is'nt this what some are running into on the Fleet?

And I have allways in this thread advocated not doing away with the event or plague, but a adjustment so those who wish to not take part in it, can opt out.


Oh please, this is neither camping nor griefing, not saying you've called this griefing (can't remember if you have at this point) , but others have. Most of the time when I see an infected player on the fleet they are standing in a tight group taking turns infecting each other, you have to actually run up to them to get infected.


You thought it would be a good idea for infected characters to be quarantined once they arrived at the fleet. How is that not changing the event for those that want to take part in it? As for an opt out, there is just not enough reason for it and besides, granting it in this instance will just open up the flood gates for equally or more insignificant concerns.

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Dive bombing players from the lounge.. rofl, creative, but I doubt that is the norm.
It probably depends on the server whether it;'s the norm or not.


He probably just wants you to avoid the people and places. Not the game.
No, I seem to recall being told to just not log in until the 25th.


For a minority that complain about such trivial matters, one of which has an overly sensitive definition of griefing and who constantly accuses others who like this event of being selfish etc? No. The down sides are few and insignificant. Your cry of "the cost 10 seconds is worth more to me than all the rewards" does not persuade me otherwise.
That's awfully selfish of you. The ability of people to opt out doesn't impact your fun in any way, unless your fun is based on infecting people who don't want to be infected ...
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I love this event, but this little quote got me thinking of making it even more fun.




Better than quarantine would be that the security guards come and terminate you - with lethal force - if you travel onto fleet or a starter planet whilst infected. :D


After being shot, or bombed or sliced in half with a light sabre or set on fire you wake up in the medical centre, free of infection and alive once more, the droid moving on to patch up the next dead person.


After all, that is what the viewscreens are showing on Tatooine, terminate the infected person or call security who will assist.


Maybe just a guard hits you with a Stock Strike and you wake up in the medbay. Though I'd be fine with a simple droid scanning you like when you're in spaceports on the planet and they give you the "customs" buff.

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But I generally play to avoid death; not exploit it for rewards. Thanks, but no thanks.


Oh right, I forgot. Were you the one that said you'd add anyone with the rakling pet to your ignore list? To me that just indicates that you'll always have problems with this and any game. If that wasn't you I apologize.

Edited by Runeshard
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It's a limited time event.. sure BW could have done some things different, like the stims persisting through death.

Hell, if it was a permanent thing, I'd want that changed or it would get annoying with time. But as it is it will soon be over and going after players doing their daily, and having some fun, calling it griefing seems so.. petty.


Dive bombing players from the lounge.. rofl, creative, but I doubt that is the norm.


I have a sneaking suspicion that BW didn't think that anyone would get their knickers in a twist about this given the vaccine and needing to be in quite close proximity when someone goes all "splodey".


But...y'never know. Maybe they will try to make it EVEN EASIER on the next go 'round. Fine by me so long as the rest of us can continue to "go splodey", so to speak. :)

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Put up with it like an adult would do about something in a video game that barely affects him a couple of times a day if he plays a lot, if he camps the fleet, and if he doesn't pay much attention to his surroundings... but yeah, that would negate an opportunity to whine on the forums, of course.


Says the one with their own QQ thread.... :rolleyes:


Currently it is my hope to avoid Tatooine until after the 24th, and be able to gain a ship and remain quarantined until then, with that Alt at least. I have another that still has not started origin material, so I may play them if needed.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that BW didn't think that anyone would get their knickers in a twist about this given the vaccine and needing to be in quite close proximity when someone goes all "splodey".


But...y'never know. Maybe they will try to make it EVEN EASIER on the next go 'round. Fine by me so long as the rest of us can continue to "go splodey", so to speak. :)


Like a Boss mod add on that tells you not to stand near the green guys?

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(tatooine isn't that bad)


I disagree Crom. Tatooine is a vast waste land not worth visiting again! Now have the same event on a tropical island and I'm in. Seriously though... we're all being trolled even if it is an interesting read while suffering from insomnia or with my morning Nespresso.


At worst, the event could have had on change when they coded it .. a wandering 'containment droid" that would inoculate you with a semi permanent vaccine that persists through the event (removable by you if you wish to participate later). Whining solved.

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Oh please, this is neither camping nor griefing, not saying you've called this griefing (can't remember if you have at this point) , but others have. Most of the time when I see an infected player on the fleet they are standing in a tight group taking turns infecting each other, you have to actually run up to them to get infected.


You thought it would be a good idea for infected characters to be quarantined once they arrived at the fleet. How is that not changing the event for those that want to take part in it? As for an opt out, there is just not enough reason for it and besides, granting it in this instance will just open up the flood gates for equally or more insignificant concerns.


But you see...I would be perfectly content if they just gave those a way to opt out of the infection if they wanted to. Replying to a suggestion which would also do that, is not saying it is the only suggestion. Overall my stance has been consistently in this thread not to change it for those who wish to do it...but only a way to opt out if you wanted to avoid it completely. And warning travelers not to go to Tatoonie is fine...but then not making the Fleet a safe zone is a bit too much. Tatoonie is a big zone and they can restrict the places for the plague. But the Fleet? It is a very central area for the game and measures should have been taken to prevent the spread there for those not wanting to be infected.

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... and no "instant infect" or "instant kill" button.

Yeah, those people, if confronted to real griefing, would end in a psychiatric hospital most likely ;)

What would those people have done if they had played Ultima Online pre-Trammel???




I remember UO from the early beta, in fact I suspect I may have had the first player kill in the beta ( someone was threatening to steal from me, which you could do back then, right out of their pockets, it was 30 seconds after the beta went live )


The greifeing was intense and was the playground where most modern MMO "rules" came from

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I have a sneaking suspicion that BW didn't think that anyone would get their knickers in a twist about this given the vaccine and needing to be in quite close proximity when someone goes all "splodey".


But...y'never know. Maybe they will try to make it EVEN EASIER on the next go 'round. Fine by me so long as the rest of us can continue to "go splodey", so to speak. :)

I'd really laugh my <bottom> off if they made it harsher next week end before the end the 24th and made us turn into rakghouls like you did turn into undeads in WoW, being able to run around and infect people with a simple hit before dying.

Actually, not sure I'd laugh... since it would almost certainly cause at least 5 persons to have a heart attack...

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Maybe just a guard hits you with a Stock Strike and you wake up in the medbay. Though I'd be fine with a simple droid scanning you like when you're in spaceports on the planet and they give you the "customs" buff.




No, the guards need to use explosive and messy lethal force on you to retain the fun. You would need to take an explosive round to the chest then after dying wake up in medbay.


I hope the next event requires participation in this event.



Edited by Bhaers
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That's awfully selfish of you. The ability of people to opt out doesn't impact your fun in any way, unless your fun is based on infecting people who don't want to be infected ...


Thanks for proving my point, you throw terms like selfish, griefers etc around way too freely.


You belong to a minority, a very small one considering the amount of people who have posted that they like the event and don't want it changed. Yet you want BW to include an opt out, which involves extra time and resources to make sure it works as intended etc, and also opens up for similar demands over similar issues and situations. Isn't that selfish?

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Currently it is my hope to avoid Tatooine until after the 24th, and be able to gain a ship and remain quarantined until then, with that Alt at least. I have another that still has not started origin material, so I may play them if needed.
You are only harming and restricting yourself for no good reason other than false beliefs then - your loss. We have two guildies running level 25-27 alts through Tatooine right now, they do their regular quests just fine and didn't get infected even just once.

But whatever - I waste my time of course - you won't give in unless Bioware nerfs the event.

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Actually, not sure I'd laugh... since it would almost certainly cause at least 5 persons to have a heart attack...
I'm sure it would upset more than 5 people.


it's not going to affect me, since I'm not planning on logging in while the event is going on.

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But whatever - I waste my time of course - you won't give in unless Bioware nerfs the event.
No, I'm pretty sure Elhanan hasn't called for the event to be nerfed. just a way to opt out of the infection part. Edited by ferroz
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