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What does your Merc do now?


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I started a small lawn and garden maintenance company outside of Coronet City. I find that DFA and Flamethrower are great for cleaning debris from decks and driveways without damageing them at all.

It is a long way from Champion of the Great Hunt but it puts food on the table for my crew.

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Quit whining, it's a great game :p


Grow up -- I am just having a chuckle at the "nerf to Oblivion". Like most others in this game I have alt's that are alive, well and still fully competative. Hell -- I personaly still enjoy playing the merc but why would I punish others in my group or WZ with a under performing class that brings little or nothing to the fight

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Oh please, all this nerf to the ground stuff is stupid. I finally got the chance to try the new raid last night and my merc was consistently pulling threat. Our tanks are not bad, but having more Unloads and HSM hitting even harder makes us threat monkeys. Edited by Noviru
use of the word retarded
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My Merc and Powertech and the numerous other alts i have/had are now the captain and crew of the U.S.S Enterprise, It's five year mission... to explore...new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... to boldly go where no man has gone before.


In other words I'm playing STO right now and am enjoying it..... kinda refreshing to catch a break away from the WoW clones.

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I started a small lawn and garden maintenance company outside of Coronet City. I find that DFA and Flamethrower are great for cleaning debris from decks and driveways without damageing them at all.

It is a long way from Champion of the Great Hunt but it puts food on the table for my crew.


He does solid DPS in Ops and FPs. He still handles dailies with ease. He is still a lot more fun to quest with than my sniper.

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Oh please, all this nerf to the ground stuff is stupid. I finally got the chance to try the new raid last night and my merc was consistently pulling threat. Our tanks are not bad, but having more Unloads and HSM hitting even harder makes us threat monkeys.


People use the "7k+ HM raid crits" as evidence we didn't get nerfed. There's a whole other, albeit broken, half to this game where people are really feeling the nerf. Go pvp and tell me we didn't get a nerf.

Edited by Drysdale
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Truth be told, I am fighting the good fight with my pyro merc but the realisation that we are at a major disadvantage to so many other classes (not least our PT bro's who completely destroy us most of the time as they have better tree synergy) is frustrating.


I am therefore also considering shelving my merc for pvp and raiding. I already have full BM and do NOT want to grind my way to WH gear while the comm exchange rate is how it is.


I look forward to BW hopefully making some conscious decision about how they want to make this class more of a contender i.e. an escape, interrupt etc, less channeling and casting etc. I talk principally about pyro with the less casting ofc.

Edited by Diddley
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I reap warzones and defeat raid encounters with my guild. Only now i fire rapid shots a few more times inbetween heals, giving me more time to aware of the surroundings. I'm also learning how to better play a healer because until 1.2, we had it so easy. Now it actually takes strategy to heal with this class.


Not to get into the lore of mandalorians or anything, but a bounty hunter doesn't give up when the challenge is elevated. The bounty hunter lives for the elevated challenge.

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I melt faces in warzones, why not try it?


Seriously: Pyro Merc here. I walk out into a Warzone, and that old quote from the Bhagavad Gita comes to mind:


"Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds."


My Merc was only mid-20s pre-1.2, but if anything, I am doing better now in my mid-30s than I was then with basically the same rotation for both PvE and PvP.


The fact is, when you set people on *********** fire, they die. In droves.

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Only change i see after the patch is that the Heatseaker now takes in to account the tracer debuf but i still dont see rail shot taking it to effect its dmg boost. I still do the same rail shots if i do it at 0 or at 5 stacks of the buff.

Nerf to TM is only the heat generation, the rest seems fine.

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People use the "7k+ HM raid crits" as evidence we didn't get nerfed. There's a whole other, albeit broken, half to this game where people are really feeling the nerf. Go pvp and tell me we didn't get a nerf.


more like 10% not half .... and oh fyi I stopped pvping for a few weeks before 1.2 because i was bored... went in after 1.2 and i am doing better than ever tbh...


interrupts dont mean nearly as much when your dps is loaded out of TM and into 2 other skills and increased overall.


if you are talking 1v1 then reroll, we are the worst 1v1 class.

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Seriously: Pyro Merc here. I walk out into a Warzone, and that old quote from the Bhagavad Gita comes to mind:


"Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds."


My Merc was only mid-20s pre-1.2, but if anything, I am doing better now in my mid-30s than I was then with basically the same rotation for both PvE and PvP.


The fact is, when you set people on *********** fire, they die. In droves.


When you get to 50, it changes a little bit.

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Grow up -- I am just having a chuckle at the "nerf to Oblivion". Like most others in this game I have alt's that are alive, well and still fully competative. Hell -- I personaly still enjoy playing the merc but why would I punish others in my group or WZ with a under performing class that brings little or nothing to the fight


pvp in this game is (and i am being generous) pathetic


that being said my overall damage has gone UP in 1.2 not down, and all we really do is damage


i now get 8 to 15 medals when i used to get 4 to 8


all in all not sure what i do different than you but i feel like an asset to the group now while before 1.2 i felt much gimpier

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When you get to 50, it changes a little bit.


I've heard this observation multiple times. I've played level 50 WZs. I didn't notice a change from 49 to 50 on my Sage.


Since I've been playing v. level 49s from level 10ish forward, I can't imagine being on even footing negatively affecting my play.


The only difference is that when I do ding 50, I'll be undergeared versus many of my peers. That will hurt for a little while, but that's a gearing issue, not a game play issue.


Why is it "different"-- what changes?

Edited by Gogh
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The only difference is that when I do ding 50, I'll be undergeared versus many of my peers. That will hurt for a little while, but that's a gearing issue, not a game play issue.


Why is it "different"-- what changes?


At 50 people don't let you grav round / tm them in the face.

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Seriously: Pyro Merc here. I walk out into a Warzone, and that old quote from the Bhagavad Gita comes to mind:


"Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds."


My Merc was only mid-20s pre-1.2, but if anything, I am doing better now in my mid-30s than I was then with basically the same rotation for both PvE and PvP.


The fact is, when you set people on *********** fire, they die. In droves.


Good idea, delete my 50 and do low level pvp....


Or, just do not try to justify level 50 pvp with "its fine in the 30ies"

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