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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Complete waste of time to even try a warzone after 1.2


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Hey!!! BIOWARE!!! ***?


I took a week off from the game. I came back expecting the great and almighty 1.2 to have its first few tragic bugs fixed. I played a few warzones and realized quickly that you blew it.


First of all.. The losing team gets didly squat for warzone losses. Thats right. nadda. Its impossible to even grind through several losing warzones to hope to get better gear to compete. The fact is on my server the republic is outnumbered by the imperial population. The imperials all have full BM or WH gear and many republicans are still trying to grind to thier champ gear. Do you see the problem yet?


At the first sign of trouble in any warzone.. everybody dropped. They just left the zone and let the remaining 3 players get repeatedly pummeled and farmed to the point that I really dont picture any of us giving you another 6 month subscription.. EVER!


I mean come on guys! Ive been trying to be nice about your issues and praying that you can fix them but wow.. you really blew it (again). I am not a PvE player, and you have completely killed PvP in this game. I am sick to my stomach every time I see another interview with some guy saying how seriously they take PvP in this game. You have lied to us, you have taken us for fools and you have wasted millions of dollars on idiots that you should have fired months ago.


This was supposed to be the big save. We are done waiting. Fix it NOW or the customers will speak and this game will either be offline or FTP faster than you can say "ILLUM".

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If you can't score yourself 4 medals to get rewarded with commendations at the end of the match then you don't deserve any reward for being so bad.


Does that apply to new and casual players too?


Do you think that attitude will encourage the uptake of PvP and maintain a healthy PvP community, or will it tend toward a small elite, hardcore PvP community that operates out of a common guild or needs to wait forever for a match.

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Does that apply to new and casual players too?


Do you think that attitude will encourage the uptake of PvP and maintain a healthy PvP community, or will it tend toward a small elite, hardcore PvP community that operates out of a common guild or needs to wait forever for a match.


If you can't score 4 medals in a match (even a lost match) you are doing something seriously wrong, medals come easy when actually participating. You don't need the best gear or be a 24/7 pvp-er to do this...




BM gear requires much less comms/matches/effort than it was before. If you lose every match you're probably progressing quicker than winning every match pre 1.2.

Edited by LexiCazam
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And what kind of comms will he take for this? And comms isn't the biggest issue. People dropping lost combat is. Because no matter what they do, if they are heavily outgeared, they will get nothing. On top of wiping the floor with them. No wonder why players are discouraged.

Not that i approve it. But as it is now, i can't drag a bad/undergeared team to any good.

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This was supposed to be the big save. We are done waiting. Fix it NOW or the customers will speak and this game will either be offline or FTP faster than you can say "ILLUM".



I have no problem with this.


This is Your opinion, dont make it sound like everyone thinks like you because they dont.


Another doom and gloom post. Move on.

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A PowerTech Imp talking about how he cant get comm's lol,hey buddy wasnt Illum and ganking Repubs enougth for yah?


Seems you missed his/her obvious sarcasm...


... unless you too are being sarcastic.....?

Edited by Brownnoise
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OP, it's typically easier to draw someone into a humble conclusion than to convince him/her to go along with a dramatically overstated one.


You have some good points to make here, but this thread is hyperbolic to say the least. It makes it difficult to take seriously.

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I guess u dont play as a healer to post something like that.


I don't, no. But I know there is a 2.5k heal medal and assume there is a 5k one too (just like dps). Then there's probably a 75k total heal. That's 3 medals that should be obtained even in a loss. Then there's stuff like capping a turret (or just being near it when it caps), standing next to a door/turret etc. etc. Bingo! you just got more than 0 comms from the warzone.

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If you can't score 4 medals in a match (even a lost match) you are doing something seriously wrong, medals come easy when actually participating. You don't need the best gear or be a 24/7 pvp-er to do this...




BM gear requires much less comms/matches/effort than it was before. If you lose every match you're probably progressing quicker than winning every match pre 1.2.


Who doesn't have a set of BM gear? I'm talking about war hero gear, the stuff that's gonna take about 3.6 years to get a complete set off.


I want my daily's back, were there was a chance of my getting a BM comm or i could save up for one by doing wz's...this new system is horrible, i could win every match for the next month and i still wouldn't have a full set of war hero gear before this game goes FTP.

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Huttball seems to be the biggest culprit of low medals.


I've been on the receiving end of a guild premade, get stomped in ald/void/nova and pull off three + medals, it's huttball, if your in the wrong place at the wrong times you'll get sub 3 medals. Especially if the premade has the optimal composition.

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I don't, no. But I know there is a 2.5k heal medal and assume there is a 5k one too (just like dps). Then there's probably a 75k total heal. That's 3 medals that should be obtained even in a loss. Then there's stuff like capping a turret (or just being near it when it caps), standing next to a door/turret etc. etc. Bingo! you just got more than 0 comms from the warzone.


1. The small healing medal is gone from what I have seen.

2. No team score -> no personal score any more.


So, if you are outgeared or outnumbered (yeah, 3 to 8 can happen, and the matches don't stop like they used to before):

0 point score in hutt ball -> 0 points reward for the loosing team,

no door tapped in voidstar, again 0 points reward for the loosing team - regardless of if you personally scored 100 medals, 3 or 0 at all.


No chance any more to close the gap to teams outgearing you already. Even if you are mid geared, if you are set up with low geared players you can just leave, the reward is the same.

Edited by Isrem
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I, personally have made 50+ Commendations and over 2k Valor for losses. Where does this sense of entitlement come from? Why should you be rewarded excessively for failure?!


Butter up, buttercup!


You idiots keep saying buck up and stop failing....but when i get about 12-13 medals(offensive and defensive)do about 300k damage, actually do what I'm supposed to in a wz, but because 6 out of the 8 people on my team have down syndrome and treat it like arena and i lose and its my fault?

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You idiots keep saying buck up and stop failing....but when i get about 12-13 medals(offensive and defensive)do about 300k damage, actually do what I'm supposed to in a wz, but because 6 out of the 8 people on my team have down syndrome and treat it like arena and i lose and its my fault?


Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game. Max current group que size: Four of Eight.


Need I say more?!

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If you can't score yourself 4 medals to get rewarded with commendations at the end of the match then you don't deserve any reward for being so bad.


Have you been reading the posts in these forums? Hundreds of players are finishing with fewer than 3 badges despite playing hard throughout the fight. Being undergeared, thrown into a battle after others quit, being outnumbered and getting killed before you can get in a single kill or bugs that don't even reward you proper defender credits are just a few of the reasons. Don't project this problem onto players until YOU strip off your high end gear and join an undermanned pug against a pre-made, then you will know what the OP means.

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I don't know if I should even bother doing warzones as a sniper anymore. Anything that's not Huttball consists of me getting stomped on by sentinels and vanguards and whoever else happens to sneeze in my general direction. At least I feel relatively useful in Huttball with leg shot and cover pulse.


And seriously, whoever had the bright idea of giving defender medals only to the people right by the gates in Void Star is a bad person. Who in their right mind (at least for ranged) would stand on the GD doors, in plain sight of everyone on the opposing team, that's like asking them to hand your *** to you.

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