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Scaling PVP Deserter Debuff


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Yes, absolutely. Should it be as harsh as the OP suggests? Absolutely not. Matchmaking is nonexistant. Sometimes you're going to get stuck with bads. And that sucks, but as someone who joined from the start, it's a lot more your mess than some poor smuck who's been waiting in the queue. Leaving the game early shouldn't be a faster way to a new group than sticking it out.


But that's exactly the point ( Stick with "bads" is not a problem, sofar these are perhaps not so experienced or undergeared people, who at least try to do smth. Then you just go down with them altogether. Hack, that's life.


But then you have like I had 10 min ago. We go in Huttball...and one sage from our group wasn't even leaving the starting line. He just stood there, decreasing his life and healing himself up again and again and again....Half of the others were chasing the enemy 1vs1 again :(

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Quitting a Warzone for anyreason cannot be condoned.


I'm sorry for whatever you reason you deign to come up with to justify your quitting but its a competitive game and anyone who quits for any reason hurts the game might as well just cancel the entire warzone and force everyone to go back to loading screen because one person quit for whatever reason.


In this modern day of the internet disconnects are not a factor due to your ISP you are just lying to defend quitters.


Well if my kid wakes up from a nightmare or is sick and needs me I will quit period, my family comes before a wz. If you had kids you would understand that. Second, our IP had an issue about 3 months ago and our connection would be stable then the net would go out for no reason for 5 or more minutes, I called and they had no idea why it was happening but it was. Perhaps you should not generalize so much.

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Well if my kid wakes up from a nightmare or is sick and needs me I will quit period, my family comes before a wz. If you had kids you would understand that. Second, our IP had an issue about 3 months ago and our connection would be stable then the net would go out for no reason for 5 or more minutes, I called and they had no idea why it was happening but it was. Perhaps you should not generalize so much.


what your taking is rare that it happens and I agree in these situations a punishment it not necessary however getting a 15 or 30 minute after said disconnect would not trouble you so much.....I hope you know this. HOwever your posting trying to prevent any punishment for people who leave Warzones on a daily basis is a lot of what the problems is because they are not punished at all.


It just seems so obvious that leavers are the problem and a stacking punishment for habitual leavers are the answer with recorded leaves falling off your account per hours/time played in warzones to make up for the leave you had before


Say you need to be in a warzone for 5 hours to have 1 leave penalty fall off your account.


Clearly again the code needs to be updated for who the afk's are, and clearly the GMs need to learn who are botters that run to positions and do a jump action or run to a enemy and suicide


I simply cannot understand why there is opposition to punishing people who are habitual leavers. If you play warzones DAILY you know the people on your server that are HABITUAL leavers. Ragequitters who see a losing score or decide your team is destined to lose.


BAD MMO coding by MMO Devs who refuse to create good game systems show again in yet another MMO cuz they are afraid to say look we are creating a competitive game here and we want everyone to participate in a correct manner if you do not we will tell you are a bad boy and expect you to stop being bad.

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Punishing people for leaving because they don't want to play with bads?


This is whats so great about this game, if your team is full of bads you can leave with no punishment, unlike the silly WoW debuff.

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what your taking is rare that it happens and I agree in these situations a punishment it not necessary however getting a 15 or 30 minute after said disconnect would not trouble you so much.....I hope you know this. HOwever your posting trying to prevent any punishment for people who leave Warzones on a daily basis is a lot of what the problems is because they are not punished at all.

You seem to forget the OP was talking bout if you leave multiple times in 24hrs not in a 30min or 1hr time span.


Punishing people for leaving because they don't want to play with bads?


This is whats so great about this game, if your team is full of bads you can leave with no punishment, unlike the silly WoW debuff.

Actually I think it's stupid not to have a deay of re-entering a warzone if you leave early. you agreed to join this match and you are hurting the team by leaving early,

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I don't know, with the way it is now I don't blame people for leaving sometimes. When there are only a few people queuing and you hit the same premade that just wiped the floor with your group, again... I don't blame someone for leaving that.


When you enter a WZ, only to find it's already more than halfway through, and you're on the losing side, AND a healer. Why waste your time staying in and got 0 reward?


Personally, if I start a WZ, I stay till the end- but there are a lot of times when people leave and I don't blame them. If I enter a FailZ, that's already half over, then I jump ship (WZ's are painful enough as a solo healer, I don't need to compound that by wasting my time).

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I don't know, with the way it is now I don't blame people for leaving sometimes. When there are only a few people queuing and you hit the same premade that just wiped the floor with your group, again... I don't blame someone for leaving that.


When you enter a WZ, only to find it's already more than halfway through, and you're on the losing side, AND a healer. Why waste your time staying in and got 0 reward?


Personally, if I start a WZ, I stay till the end- but there are a lot of times when people leave and I don't blame them. If I enter a FailZ, that's already half over, then I jump ship (WZ's are painful enough as a solo healer, I don't need to compound that by wasting my time).




I would normally stay to the end in pvp for the sake of medals, but there are times whereby the team is soo terrible that I hardly earn 3 medals then I'll leave, especially if the bad team is facing off a premade team that wipeout the team within 15 secs. There are times I join a already failing group no point continuing becuz there is no way I can earn medals and I hate wasting time for nothing.

Edited by EugeneYap
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d/c is not a problem in this game. Get a better computer or a better spouse that can let you play for 15 minutes at a time. No need to punish other people with a serial quiter or d/c'er.


Sorry but if you can't stay connected to the game you are just as bad as the quiters.


I feel sad for you and the ppl who are living with you and your friends (if you have any) and others who has this kind of mentally. Not everyone can afford to to face the monitor 24/7 without a job or school. I aware that there ppl who dun mind living in their parent's basement and living of their money. But I rather live alone in a city apartment and I prefer to send my parents money instead of asking them for money.


Dun get me wrong I have $15k custom water cooling computer and I'm using fibre optics connection at @ 1000.0Mbps. But If I think that its a waste of time then there is no problem leaving, I have something else more important that needs my attention I'll leave, If I have last min call on the job I'll leave. I very sure a lot will agree with me. This is SWTOR not DOTA.

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I'll say it again, if something were ever put in to penalize quitters I for one would just sit in a corner the rest of the game or do my best to help the opposing team win and end it faster.


I see no reason to waste time on something that is clearly going to be a loss due to morons and people coming in with their leveling greens/blues and flat out refuse to buy the recruit gear.


Can pretty much guarantee the people whining about quitters are the said morons who don't want the people carrying them to leave.


I think BW should add some sort of gear requirements for LVL50 PVP before the player could even click on the queue button.

Ya I also annoy by players with lvl40 PVP gear in lvl50 matchs

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You can't lock people out for excessive amounts of time considering people do d/c so if they left one bg and d/ced fom the next, they are locked out for a ridiculous amount of time.


This will just lead to people quitting altogether.

They will of course have to make sure the ban only efects those who pressed the quit instance button!

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Here's my take on what needs to be fixed and not fixed.


1. Pre-mades should get a debuff when facing pugs

2. If you have kids and need to quit in the middle of a match because of them, then pvp at another time. 'm a parent too, I don't PVP while my daughter is up, I'll do PVE stuff that I can walk away from and come back 5 minutes later.

3. People need to be a little more patient. A lot of people quit at the first sign of trouble. You can come back from a loss. To me the most rewarding matches are come from behind victories, or even ones where you almost come from behind.

4. You can't debuff gear on pugs, it removes the incentive to grind for better gear.

5. There should be a way to tell the difference between a DC and a quitter. I think a 15 min. lockout, or being locked out from other WZs besides the one you quit from is reasonable. However, I do see the flaws in this. It does keep you in the cycle of being in WZs with mostly the same people, many of whom may be the reason your quitting the match. And it could result in people just standing there, which is worse than them leaving the match.

6. The queue system could do a better job of putting similarly geared people together. But this depends heavily on the server and time of day. Sometimes there just isn't enough people queueing for this kind of stuff to work.

7. Cross server PVP is needed IMO.

8. Bioware needs to hurry up and implement the changes that were supposed to be in 1.2. They really need to get there priorities straight, and the Legacy System is pretty far down the list IMO.

9. People need to listen to the advice of others in a match. In my experience, most of the time if people are giving orders or suggestions in a WZ it is because they know what they are talking about. Nothing aggravates me more than losing a match we should have won because people don't listen.

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I would normally stay to the end in pvp for the sake of medals, but there are times whereby the team is soo terrible that I hardly earn 3 medals then I'll leave, especially if the bad team is facing off a premade team that wipeout the team within 15 secs. There are times I join a already failing group no point continuing becuz there is no way I can earn medals and I hate wasting time for nothing.

You do know you only need 1 medal to get reward right?

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deserter debuff is such a bad idea right now. We don't have the population to impose penalties on players for two reasons. First, a deserter debuff is something that will take a portion of the population out of the general pool of qued players, which in turn will penalize the entire server if you are light to standard. Second, SWTOR has no room right now to upset any players with a penalty, because at this point we are begging people to play this game. Heck, swtor is picking up the tab for a free month so they won't quit. I saw SWTOR in a Walmart bin next to copies of Mr. 3000. The game is off the shelf and selling for half price now. No way can we afford to tick off even a WZ quitter, we need their sub too much.
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deserter debuff is such a bad idea right now. We don't have the population to impose penalties on players for two reasons. First, a deserter debuff is something that will take a portion of the population out of the general pool of qued players, which in turn will penalize the entire server if you are light to standard. Second, SWTOR has no room right now to upset any players with a penalty, because at this point we are begging people to play this game. Heck, swtor is picking up the tab for a free month so they won't quit. I saw SWTOR in a Walmart bin next to copies of Mr. 3000. The game is off the shelf and selling for half price now. No way can we afford to tick off even a WZ quitter, we need their sub too much.

With the amount of people leaving warzones I say we do. If they leave the warzone how are they helping those who are queueing for warzones?

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With the amount of people leaving warzones I say we do. If they leave the warzone how are they helping those who are queueing for warzones?


With the amount of people leaving the game I don't know how that helps anyone.

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With the amount of people leaving warzones I say we do. If they leave the warzone how are they helping those who are queueing for warzones?


You realize that MANY servers have <20 ppl on during peak hours right? You do realize that the game is still buggy right, and DCs are common?


You do realize that many of the compitent players have quit and kill chasers (people who chase other players for a kill and ignore the function of the WZ) are running rampant throughout the game right?


Sorry, but penalizing anyone for anything is moot. All it will more than likely do is give them the push to /cancel.


Then again, I quit this game two months ago....I keep getting free months of play...LOL! Padded sub numbers 4tW!

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d/c is not a problem in this game. Get a better computer or a better spouse that can let you play for 15 minutes at a time. No need to punish other people with a serial quiter or d/c'er.


Sorry but if you can't stay connected to the game you are just as bad as the quiters.


lol is this guy serious?

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In a 24 hour period:

1st quit - 15 minute warzone lockout

2nd quit - 1 hour warzone lockout

3rd quit - 48 hour warzone lockout (get a new computer if you can't stay connected).


And it needs to affect the account, not the toon

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And it needs to affect the account, not the toon


i cannot believe how many idiots here are...


sometimes doorbell, starving, bio, kid wakes up, or i just wanna watch movie ...


i take break 1 min or 3 hours, doesnt'matter, its a game i click on leave WZ and thats all


are you serious with some deserter buff?? i leave WZ everytime i want, it doesn't mean i do it everytime...


this is game, last priority in our lives guys ... we have family, job, sport and on last place is entertainment...


i rly dont want some stupid debuff when have important phone call ...


btw i already unsubed, so i dont care but i see some ppl dont see whats going on in this game with pvp

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You realize that MANY servers have <20 ppl on during peak hours right? You do realize that the game is still buggy right, and DCs are common?


You do realize that many of the compitent players have quit and kill chasers (people who chase other players for a kill and ignore the function of the WZ) are running rampant throughout the game right?


Sorry, but penalizing anyone for anything is moot. All it will more than likely do is give them the push to /cancel.


Then again, I quit this game two months ago....I keep getting free months of play...LOL! Padded sub numbers 4tW!

I'm not talking bout the penalty the OP is suggesting that's insane but if you bail on a warzone you should be able to say ok time for another instantly.

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i cannot believe how many idiots here are...


sometimes doorbell, starving, bio, kid wakes up, or i just wanna watch movie ...


i take break 1 min or 3 hours, doesnt'matter, its a game i click on leave WZ and thats all


are you serious with some deserter buff?? i leave WZ everytime i want, it doesn't mean i do it everytime...


this is game, last priority in our lives guys ... we have family, job, sport and on last place is entertainment...


i rly dont want some stupid debuff when have important phone call ...


btw i already unsubed, so i dont care but i see some ppl dont see whats going on in this game with pvp


Then you sir have no reason to ever queue for a competitive 15minute to 1 hour long warzone if you can't decide at the time you click queue to devout that amount of time to finishing a task you started. Perhaps in the kindest way possible I suggest you stick with single player games that affect only your center of the world as you haved aptly described to us.


MMO games involve many other people. If people quit a 10 v 10 or 15v 15 match that hurts the other 9 or 14 people that are playing. It is that simple.


in single player games you don't have to worry that you are affecting other peoples game play.




But honestly I'll say again, badly designed game MMO mechanics are the root of the problem. SO many of the posts here are from people who do not understand that and react like they've been stabbed in the eye to suggestions on how to fix another broken game design. Warzones are akin to Ilum game design that simply was not completed in the correct manner.


You can erase half the responses to this thread that aren't germain to fixing warzone leavers.

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Then you sir have no reason to ever queue for a competitive 15minute to 1 hour long warzone if you can't decide at the time you click queue to devout that amount of time to finishing a task you started.


This is definitely the guy that can't dedicate more than 7 minutes to studying, telling someone else they should ignore life, the bathroom, work that pops up, family, kids, and the doorbell to solely dedicate their lives to a task in a video game.


And what WZ lasts 1 hour? w w w w w w

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This is definitely the guy that can't dedicate more than 7 minutes to studying, telling someone else they should ignore life, the bathroom, work that pops up, family, kids, and the doorbell to solely dedicate their lives to a task in a video game.


And what WZ lasts 1 hour? w w w w w w


He's not saying that... He's saying it makes no sense to que for a WZ if you are just going to leave. Everyone in this game knows that RL happens... that's fine, but be smart about it. What you are not understanding is that every person in the ops ground in a WZ is important and when you are working as a team, you need EVERYONE. When someone leaves a WZ, then the advantage automatically goes to the other team.


No one is saying you should ignore life. We are saying quit being stupid and queing for a warzone if you have no intention of staying or at least dedicating the time needed to play the whole warzone. This is common sense, people... use it and quit making dumb excuses.

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i cannot believe how many idiots here are...

sometimes doorbell, starving, bio, kid wakes up, or i just wanna watch movie ...

i take break 1 min or 3 hours, doesnt'matter, its a game i click on leave WZ and thats all

are you serious with some deserter buff?? i leave WZ everytime i want, it doesn't mean i do it everytime...

this is game, last priority in our lives guys ... we have family, job, sport and on last place is entertainment...

i rly dont want some stupid debuff when have important phone call ...

btw i already unsubed, so i dont care but i see some ppl dont see whats going on in this game with pvp


Yesterday I brought my 6 month old to the Avengers movie and she started crying in the theatre. So I rocked her but stayed in the theatre and after 10 minutes she stopped crying. Anyway, all these idiots start yelling at me not to bring a 6 month old to the theatre and giving me dirty looks. I am like, dude, my baby is more important than a stupic Avengers movie. So I agree with the above.


When I go to the movies if I want to talk to my friend some times ill walk around and chat etc I even talk on my phone and play a video game or two? It may be a business call and work is more important than an Ironman, Thor movie.


Whats that? There are other people in the theatre?

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