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New 50 pvp is disheartening


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As a new 50 at pvp, it is really disheartening and really no point to playing.


Played three games, got 1 medal each game and no valor/commendations etc

Die in like 4 secs each time and the opponent's health doesnt go down when i hit them.


The winning team had people with 10+ medals each.


So...i cant even get any medals, no valor, no commendations, nada.

Cant see the fun/point in playing pvp.

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So many people cried about AFKers and this is the result. There's a reason no other company so far has been dumb enough to do what BW just did with it's "anti AFK" improvements :rolleyes: Now they're going to have to suffer the consequences of their ignorance.
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Essentially eliminating the rewards for the losing team (usually a pug and/or lesser geared), was one of the dumber ideas in a patch filled with dumb ideas. Those new people get discouraged, eventually quit, interest in pvp declines, ques get longer. Bioware introduces new gear for new 50's to catch up, while at the same time preventing those new 50's from taking their lumps and progressing gearwise.



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Played three games, got 1 medal each game and no valor/commendations etc

Die in like 4 secs each time and the opponent's health doesnt go down when i hit them.


Did you buy the recruit armour set? Doesnt sound like you did. If not? thats why this happened to you.

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Just some level 50 PvP tips.


1. Get full recruit gear, expertise is more important than it used to be.

2. Stay out of 1 vs 1 until you get some BM pieces

3. When in a warzone stay with your teammates and don't get farmed by the other team

4. You can get 30-40 coms easy even if you lose, just stand near a turret at the end of the match and you will get a few medals for it

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1.2 hurts pvp by not rewarding participation in pvp, win or lose. The medal minimum can be hard or even impossible to reach, deopending on how one-sided a fight is, and even if you get medals the rewards for losing are so small you're better off bailing and re-entering another WZ.


BW needs to revert the rewards to pre-1.2 or many will stop pvping.

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1.2 hurts pvp by not rewarding participation in pvp, win or lose. The medal minimum can be hard or even impossible to reach, deopending on how one-sided a fight is, and even if you get medals the rewards for losing are so small you're better off bailing and re-entering another WZ.


BW needs to revert the rewards to pre-1.2 or many will stop pvping.


Ironically enough quitting and reentering is only an option on high pop servers. On my light server, I have at most ONE warzone running at full capacity for 50s during high activity hours.



^ This is why when server transfers happen at the end of the month I'd better get a free one since they aren't nutting up and merging servers like they should for the light/dying ones.

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4. You can get 30-40 coms easy even if you lose, just stand near a turret at the end of the match and you will get a few medals for it

You're basically saying "play medals instead of objectives"... don't you see something wrong here?


What's fun in pvp is close win/loss, which is hardly rewarded at all.


What's rewarded is steamrolling the ennemy team, which is not fun except for some stupid, selfish, sadistic people.

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You're basically saying "play medals instead of objectives"... don't you see something wrong here?


What's fun in pvp is close win/loss, which is hardly rewarded at all.


What's rewarded is steamrolling the ennemy team, which is not fun except for some stupid, selfish, sadistic people.


Not at all. Many civil war battles are one-sided and cannot be won. You want to work towards BM gear and that is only possible by getting commendations. So do what you have to to get some.

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You are the product of your own shortcomings. There is nothing to say you can't group up with a few other friends on Vent or TS and coordinate attacks on people.


There is nothing to say that PvP and losing AND getting less rewards than the most geared players is not fun.


If you PvP only for rewards and items... I am sorry but PVP is not for you. PvP is primarily for the enjoyment of killing other players.


If you have all the gear, you go face tank BM geared players. If you do not have all the gear, you play accordingly. You pick one person who is geared and help them mop up - you sit at the back and snipe... or you roll tank and sit on the bridge, dragging people into the abyss.


However you decide to get your kicks in 1.2, it should be to do with your own comprehension and utilisation of the tools you have.


Alternatively, go play an FPS where everyone is "equal".

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well there you have it folks.. the three posters above me is exactly why this game is bleeding subs...


let me translate...


"you suck, just leave already"




for the OP... yeah it sucks for a new 50... sorry to say man... thats what happens when you get MMOs based around WOWs gaming model...


its a gear based game...


but most of teh PVPers nowadays have lost sight of what true pvp is that gear isnt the factor that it should be more about skill...


since I will get a response to that.. let me now state ahead of time what they will say about gear...


because they will say gear doesnt matter...


my simple response to that will be fine... take your gear off and go buy a blue weapon... go pvp solo queue... let me know how you do against the premades....not everybody has the time like some of the no lifers to play a video game as long as they do... sometimes solo queueing is all a lot of players can do when you have a family.


every player is different... they dont fall neatly into the exact mold as some of you do as playing 8 hours a day with some other people,..

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Things were much worse pre 1.2. Please simply buy your recruit gear and realize you are no longer rambo. Welcome back from 49 level pvp fighting level 10's, remember what it was like to be level 10 and fight a 49... This time you'll get to 49 much faster, so no worries.
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You can get like 4 battlemaster pieces in a day if you grind. How much more easy do you want it to get?


Entirely true, IF:


You're on one of the few high pop servers that will give constant, back to back WZ pops,




You're always on the winning team




You're able to get your 8 medals each match.


Losing kills your rewards, and when you're on a team that's getting manhandled, it's very difficult to get your 8 medals, especially as a damage dealer.

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You're basically saying "play medals instead of objectives"... don't you see something wrong here?


What's fun in pvp is close win/loss, which is hardly rewarded at all.


What's rewarded is steamrolling the ennemy team, which is not fun except for some stupid, selfish, sadistic people.


You get MEDALS for playing objectives sigh

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Things were much worse pre 1.2. Please simply buy your recruit gear and realize you are no longer rambo. Welcome back from 49 level pvp fighting level 10's, remember what it was like to be level 10 and fight a 49... This time you'll get to 49 much faster, so no worries.

I keep saying people say this, but recruit gear is absolutely awful. If it's Bioware's intention to keep this massive gap they need to say so. Then people can move on to the next game and leave players like you in peace.

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well there you have it folks.. the three posters above me is exactly why this game is bleeding subs...


let me translate...


"you suck, just leave already"




for the OP... yeah it sucks for a new 50... sorry to say man... thats what happens when you get MMOs based around WOWs gaming model...


its a gear based game...


but most of teh PVPers nowadays have lost sight of what true pvp is that gear isnt the factor that it should be more about skill...


since I will get a response to that.. let me now state ahead of time what they will say about gear...


because they will say gear doesnt matter...


my simple response to that will be fine... take your gear off and go buy a blue weapon... go pvp solo queue... let me know how you do against the premades....not everybody has the time like some of the no lifers to play a video game as long as they do... sometimes solo queueing is all a lot of players can do when you have a family.


every player is different... they dont fall neatly into the exact mold as some of you do as playing 8 hours a day with some other people,..


Wow, people are sensitive. No one said the OP was bad, we just said he was doing something wrong. You can still be in lvl 40 gear and get a 75k medal, 1 killingblow medal, and 1 2.5k medal without breaking a sweat, that's 3 times the medals he claims to get. If you can taunt, that's even more free medals, same if you can heal. Hell, with 1.2 you can just sit at objective points and get even more free medals.


And to your "simple response," I'm actually doing just that with no trouble at all. My operative alt who hit 50 two days ago is in full blue recruit gear. He's doing just fine for his gear level and can certainly pull 8 medals while pugging.

Edited by Abiza
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Has OP bought the recruit gear? I'm not sure what stats are like but I think they're comparable to champion gear? I'm still in champ gear doesn't seem too bad. When I look at the upgrades to BM piece by piece it's like less health str, poor stats (accuracy), and maybe 1 percent increased dmge.


I agree that the system is stupid. Encourages people to leave losing wz. Im ok with no reward for losing side in premade or for reward for winning side to be a lot higher, but to get near nothing, making progress take twice as long...


Problem is you can't control who you wind up with on your team with the pug q (and if you've just hit 50 not so likely to find ppl who will group with you). It's frustrating in alderaan when you have 2 points and idiots on your team run off to try to cap the third and lose it, or you're guarding one side in voidstar and the other gets capped with no one saying anything.

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Casual player here and I think expertise one of the worst mechanics ever invented.


Having said that I found turning 50 not as bad as expected, moving from being able to run amok in the lvl 40's as a scrapper scoundrel to once again being cautious and having my damage actually reduced by 30% is a change in play leading to lesser medals but I enjoy the challenge and must say I am in the top half of the board more often than the bottom half due to objective mechanics.


I have been able to get a combination of recruit, champ and now some battlemaster going so quick I wondered why I bothered leveling crafting.


I'm getting hit hard with large crits but I don't mind, bigger they are harder they fall.

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what it should be is if you're on a losing team, and if you get good medals, you should be able to get as much reward as a winning team, that'll solve the afk problem (you'll get good reward if you play well) and participation (if you play well you'll get good reward)
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Has OP bought the recruit gear? I'm not sure what stats are like but I think they're comparable to champion gear? I'm still in champ gear doesn't seem too bad. When I look at the upgrades to BM piece by piece it's like less health str, poor stats (accuracy), and maybe 1 percent increased dmge.


I agree that the system is stupid. Encourages people to leave losing wz. Im ok with no reward for losing side in premade or for reward for winning side to be a lot higher, but to get near nothing, making progress take twice as long...


Problem is you can't control who you wind up with on your team with the pug q (and if you've just hit 50 not so likely to find ppl who will group with you). It's frustrating in alderaan when you have 2 points and idiots on your team run off to try to cap the third and lose it, or you're guarding one side in voidstar and the other gets capped with no one saying anything.


Recruit gear is worse in every way than cent gear except for 1 stat, expertise. The endurance is so low you'll be under 13k.


Anyone saying just get recruit gear you'll be fine needs to do this:

Take off your current gear.

Go buy yourself FULL recruit gear including weapon. Look at your stats and see how pathetic they are.

Queue solo with that gear and watch how hard it is to get 2.5 k anything, and see how quickly you die.


After 3 losing warzones in a row and nothing to show for it, You'd go back to your old gear. The new 50's don't have that option.

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