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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game badly needs mods and macros.


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No reasonable excuse for a MMO launched in 2011/2012 to not have a customizable UI, zero mod support (face it, mods are huge to MMO gamers, and PC gamers in general), and of course I honestly can not believe for the life of me why there's no "AA" support in the game right now, that you have to force it.


This game easily needed a couple more months in the oven.

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I support macros if they only allow one ability per macro. Anything else is wrong.

Macro spam fests are boring and simply an easy way of taking skill out of the equation.


Now that this has been said, you can lock this thread and remove all posts but mine.

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You know a lot of the flaming is for things people are not even asking for... like Boss mods that allow the UI to state when you need to do something specific to the fight.


In fact a lot of the arguments people are making for increased user ability is for quality of life changes... like mouse over healing and dps meter (which does a lot more than just dps). What is honestly so wrong with those two functions? One is a targeting function for healers (much like tab is for everyone else) and the other is a tool used to see how well your doing, not just in dps, but hps, interrupts, dispels, etc.


Those two things a long with the obvious move/resize ability are just sensible.

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You know a lot of the flaming is for things people are not even asking for... like Boss mods that allow the UI to state when you need to do something specific to the fight.


In fact a lot of the arguments people are making for increased user ability is for quality of life changes... like mouse over healing and dps meter (which does a lot more than just dps). What is honestly so wrong with those two functions? One is a targeting function for healers (much like tab is for everyone else) and the other is a tool used to see how well your doing, not just in dps, but hps, interrupts, dispels, etc.


Those two things a long with the obvious move/resize ability are just sensible.


Honestly, I mostly want a better auction UI, better bars and better information.

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Actual PvPers need a functioning UI even more than raiders. Unless you're talking about the "PvPers" that ineffectually grind battlegrounds like they did in WoW and don't really contribute anything except free kills.


Please tell me you aren't talking about Arena players. Something says you are though. Sorry, arena was crap in a game that has been unbalanced since it's creation. No one considers arena players real PvPers, except arena players themselves, it would seem.

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Personally, I would like more customization for the UI , but the Mods can go fly a kite. Mods make friends into elitist that begin shunning their friends because his rotation is improper or She has terrible DPS so don't invite them to raids. Mods are for Number crunching nerd-herders who only care about what they can accumulate in epicness, and expect pure perfection from those they surround themselves with, or else.


I've played MMO's for a very long time, and watched this go on time after time, and lost friends because of it. The damn game is a means to entertain us and give us social networking of others with like interests. Hence the reason it's called an MMO. I don't need a meter to tell me if my DPS is high enough. If the mob dies and I complete the mission it's what wanted to do. these meters are for only one thing...Bragging rights! You can spin it anyway you want it, present facts that my dps is high now because of them, but in the end it's just proof for bragging.


Make the UI customizable, but leave the Mods in WoW, we don't need them in SWtor. :wea_09:


Peace all


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No reasonable excuse for a MMO launched in 2011/2012 to not have a customizable UI, zero mod support (face it, mods are huge to MMO gamers, and PC gamers in general), and of course I honestly can not believe for the life of me why there's no "AA" support in the game right now, that you have to force it.


This game easily needed a couple more months in the oven.


Rift didn't have mod support when it was launched. It has it now though. Hopefully SWtor will catch up.

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Personally, I would like more customization for the UI , but the Mods can go fly a kite. Mods make friends into elitist that begin shunning their friends because his rotation is improper or She has terrible DPS so don't invite them to raids. Mods are for Number crunching nerd-herders who only care about what they can accumulate in epicness, and expect pure perfection from those they surround themselves with, or else.


I've played MMO's for a very long time, and watched this go on time after time, and lost friends because of it. The damn game is a means to entertain us and give us social networking of others with like interests. Hence the reason it's called an MMO. I don't need a meter to tell me if my DPS is high enough. If the mob dies and I complete the mission it's what wanted to do. these meters are for only one thing...Bragging rights! You can spin it anyway you want it, present facts that my dps is high now because of them, but in the end it's just proof for bragging.


Make the UI customizable, but leave the Mods in WoW, we don't need them in SWtor. :wea_09:


Peace all



I have news for you. Mods don't make people jerks. They were already jerks it just gives them an excuse to be a jerk. Without the mod they will still be jerks. And no the meters aren't just for bragging rights, only very bad player seem to see it that way.

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Macros are indeed a bad idea.

by their very definition they remove a layer of player interaction by automating a process, even if it's just a sequence of 2 key presses, it has still lowered player interaction.

Less player interaction lowers the player skill level by reducing the the chance of a mistake being made during action.


Macro = less player interaction = less to go wrong = lower skill required.


Macro = less player interaction = less to go wrong = lower skill required.


I think your missing something.

Macro = Critical thinking and objective analysis to figure out and develop the best reaction to a particular situation and have multiple versions for different variants of a hostile encounter

= Skill.


Sure, their is less interaction, so you are right their is less skill, but thee art of developing a macro in itself is such a skillful endeavor that it overshadows the user interaction part of it and is recognized mathematically as skillful.


Sure, some people just use a macro some pro laid out. Fine, that isn't skillful, but if it improves your performance and you enjoy using it then why shouldn't macro's be in this game?


I agree that skillfully pressing the correct buttons rapidly and clicking frantically at all the right place and not making mistakes is skillful, but the amount of effort to skill to performance just doesn't cut it at a competitive level.


Macro's extend a players control over their game by allowing them to do what they want at a faster rate. It is efficient. Like everything, it brings problems and issues. But, it's widely accepted to be a necessity.


As for UI, I would prefer some nice updates. :) Nothing too extreme, just subtle nice changes. :)

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Really would love at least /say type macros attached to abilities like:


"CCing -> X <-! Please don't hit it, nubs!"


/cast Slice Droid


As to mods, if they actually are going to make the UI not suck...I have no reason to use mods. But it they don't do it, or botch the job: I will look to the community to fix this crummy UI instead. I don't want to but desperate times call for desperate mods!

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You know people have access to macros through the use of products like http://www.razerzone.com/swtor/mouse right?


In other words, as per the main argument AGAINST macros, those who wish to spend the cash can have an advantage over other players.


As per the argument against, this is less of a level playing field than simply allowing anyone to use macros.

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OP..this is exactly what the game DOESN"T need. If you want mods and macros, you're looking for the games that's 7 years and and can be found ---------> that way.




Dear irrational fan #45745, we want those people and their money. Please quit telling our money to leave.


Yours Truly,


Edited by AlpsStranger
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I sorely underestimated just how poor the UI would turn out. It is so uncustomizable it isn't funny. Health bars, buffs, debuffs, and the power bar are all WAY too small. You can't move or resize anything, I HATE having the chat box up the top.


Not having a damage meter or even a freaking combat log is ridiculous. Why shouldn't we even know how much damage we're doing? I want to know what the best rotation is for my character and I have absolutely no way of working that out.


Macros are a staple in every MMO, how can you just not have them? There's a nice focus target but it's practically useless without focus macros.


These should be top priority for the next patch.


I really, really, really, want a damage meter. We were trying to take on the encounter in Mandalorian raiders where you have the four Republic enemies. The encouter is broken, because you cannot CC them, but in beta you could I hear, and we were trying to figure out who did the most damage, so we could take them out first. Nope, not allowed to know how much damage we are taking.


As you said, trying to settle on a rotatio that is heat efficient is more difficult than it needs to be. I have to stare at numbers above the mob in an attempt see how much damage each ability is doing, or calculate it all from my character sheet as best I can.


I have five abilities that are "proc" abilites, and I have no way of knowing when they proc except to stare at my toolbar. This seems just as bad as any "whack-a-mole" the damage meter nay sayers complained about. I would like to have a hud, or a mod that allows me to display an icon in front of me when an ability is ready to be used.

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OP..this is exactly what the game DOESN"T need. If you want mods and macros, you're looking for the games that's 7 years and and can be found ---------> that way.




This is categorically and unequivocally wrong. We are all sorry you are such a horrible player that macros scare you. Maybe you should stick to a nice simple console game. How about Star Wars Lego III.

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I'm for convenience features being added to the UI.


I'm against the types of addons that make playing the game easier in any form.


Hell, you know what? I'm actually kinda hopeful about the fact that there isn't a combat log yet. I'm hoping, dear god, I'm hoping, that when somebody dies during an encounter in this game, they'll have to fess up and say 'I got hit by the boss'... I mean, that they'd actually have to have paid attention to notice it, y'know? I hope it's deliberate.

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I'm for convenience features being added to the UI.


I'm against the types of addons that make playing the game easier in any form.


Hell, you know what? I'm actually kinda hopeful about the fact that there isn't a combat log yet. I'm hoping, dear god, I'm hoping, that when somebody dies during an encounter in this game, they'll have to fess up and say 'I got hit by the boss'... I mean, that they'd actually have to have paid attention to notice it, y'know? I hope it's deliberate.


Without a combat log, you won't know, and NOBODY is going to fess up.

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this was my post in another thread (little bit more specific about healing and click-to-cast addons for healers) that was closed/locked because it was considered a dupe of this post by the forum mods.


reposting for the sake of conversation :)



I really don't get this. We are both playing the same game right? me and you for example, you go dps, I go healing. Now, here is the problem, why can you simply TAB to change target and press your keybindings, when I have to click through all the portraits of the ppl I want to heal?


On boss fights, you target him and do your key pressing while I have to click through portraits whilst looking at them obviously and at the fight too.


all the click-to-select player and then cast a heal is SO old and SO disliked by the players that doesn't make sense releasing a game with this healing mechanic anymore IMO. Although, now that this kind of healing mechanic is in this game too, why not make the best out of it with proper UI (modifications)?


"just don't roll a healer!", wait a second, so you consider the click-to-target a basic gameplay mechanic for healers? Let me put you on the right path right there: you as a dps are meant to use your spells to kill enemies, while me with my spells am supposed to keep my allies alive. Now the targeting/casting mechanics through which we perform that task IS NOT GAMEPLAY.


Allowing addons, and click-to-cast ones in this particular case, does not make HEALING easier, they just remove the click-to-select hassle from the healing. And we have stated, because mine was a statement, that click-to-select before casting is NOT gameplay (hence why you are not making the real healing gameplay easier with such addons).


I want to enjoy the real healing gameplay. The real satisfaction that comes from it. Select and then cast is just frustrating (NOT HARD! really, clicking a frame with your mouse is not hard unless you're my Granma. Again, allowing click-to-heal you're not removing something HARD from the game, you're removing something frustrating that affect the ones that like the Healing part of the game/fights).


You know why the click-to-select and then cast is still there in MMOs? not because that is how "Healing is done", nor because Healers like it, no. It is there because Developers haven't figured out how to make players heal otherway. The click-to-cast is a different way to perform the same task, minus the hassle (not the hardness).




- the click_UIframe-to-select and then cast-spell mechanic is NOT part of the Healing gameplay, and it shouldn't be.

- Healers are forced into it due to poor new ideas from Developers' teams.

- click_UIframe-to-CAST modifications are there to make the best out of an outdated Interface based on a nowadays outdated Healing mechanic.

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If you want mods/macros, people yelling/cursing at others, making them feel awful about themselves, etc by all means bring em out!


If I had a dollar for everytime I saw someone make another person feel awful by yelling at them, calling them a piece of ****, based on meters, etc I"d be wealthy.


I'm glad Bioware realizes humanity needs policing, because you know what? We do.


As far as macros go.. I wouldn't mind a customizable UI, but anything else I"m dead set against.


PLAY THE GAME, you don't need a macro to PLAY THE GAME. I was FORCED to load a bunch of macros if I wanted to play end game competitively in WOW.



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If you want mods/macros, people yelling/cursing at others, making them feel awful about themselves, etc by all means bring em out!


If I had a dollar for everytime I saw someone make another person feel awful by yelling at them, calling them a piece of ****, based on meters, etc I"d be wealthy.


I'm glad Bioware realizes humanity needs policing, because you know what? We do.


As far as macros go.. I wouldn't mind a customizable UI, but anything else I"m dead set against.


PLAY THE GAME, you don't need a macro to PLAY THE GAME. I was FORCED to load a bunch of macros if I wanted to play end game competitively in WOW.




Your post shows that you never used meters for the correct reasons. I can only assume your "end game competitive" was completely different from my "end game competitive".


Bottom-lines: Healing with the built-in UI is miserable. Theorycrafting without a DPS meter or combatlog is nigh-impossible to iron out fully. Tiny bars are not fun to look at. Not being able to move things where you want them is not user friendly.

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