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Everything posted by Greatless

  1. Taken from your cut/paste: "The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players." End of story.
  2. Happens very often for me when I use Master Strike. Not only does it use up a global, it also channels for 3 seconds with a casting bar. This leaves me unable to do anything at all during the channel because if I use a new ability to interrupt the cast, that ability will also fail. Running or jumping will not interrupt the cast bar either.
  3. Do you really need to be logged ìn all the time?
  4. DS might fit YOUR bounty hunter. Everyone has a different character.
  5. Probably under lvl 40 and a bad player. Tracer isn't even 30% of what i use in pvp combat. I set up with 3 tracers, but that's pretty much it. Only use tracer as a filler when not on the move. But how often do I get to stand still in pvp? Tip to the bad players that do nothing when tracer gets interrupted. Put Power Shot back on your hot bar.
  6. We don't die more than any other class. Every class has its weakness and I'm very happy that our weakness is our mobility instead of something else.
  7. Tracer Missile gives us armor debuff and increased damage on Unload and Rail Shot and replaces our burn effects for Rail Shot as well as increasing damage of Heat Seeker, all in different talents. You'll end up casting Tracers to ramp up your damage on the other abilities and when they're all on cooldown, you'll spam Tracer for damage if you can stand still.
  8. I think the damage is pretty good. The travel time isn't too good though.
  9. Heh spamming tracer and only tracer is bad. Kinda like inquisitors spamming only lightning.. but worse. And we can't really heal all that well with the 30% less healing in pvp unless we spec into healing. But sure, nerf the 31/31/31 spec. =)
  10. Leap -> Push -> Leap -> Guardian leap -> Score! In a perfect world maybe, but in SWTOR.. Oh hey I'm having trouble staying in melee, let me just waste a CD to push them away when I get close enough. Good idea.
  11. My level 41 Merc deals slightly more damage than my 50 Guardian. The guardian has almost full epic mods, and the merc has some random lvl 35-41 stuff equipped. I agree with thread title. Just don't nerf my merc, he's cooler than my guardian.
  12. Hey hey a BH here. The classes are SUPPOSED to be mirrored.
  13. Wrong.. Unload ticks 3 times. If dual-wielding it adds about 8% damage every tick which I guess is what you wrongly count as 6 ticks. On later ranks this added damage bugs out and you almost never see it again. You also only need 1 hit to lose out on 33% of your damage, aka the last tick. The problem with Troopers Full Auto is the delay that most people have. I don't have that bug on my trooper though.
  14. From what people have said in the previous posts and from the videos I've seen on the bug, this is what it's about. Missing one tick. The third and last tick. What have I missed? You're not even trying to communicate.
  15. I'd like to know this as well. Anyone found the entire set yet?
  16. I don't know why people say this all the time because it's simply not true that Full Auto is worse than Unload. Unload also doesn't give a third tick if you get hit. The added damage from offhand can miss (57% hit chance). And many times it bugs and simply does not fire with offhand at all. This is a loss of ~8.3% damage compared to Full Auto. You have the upper hand here. Mortar Volley reminds me of the casting lag in Warhammer. :S
  17. Expertise is good for the game. It's there to prevent pvp gear being as good as or better than pve gear in raids. I do not want to pvp for my best pre-raid gear.
  18. I used T7 for most of the boss fights, but after level 40 he becomes useless even with epic crafted gear. I am also in almost full epics from the 39 to 43 range. Fighting an elite my own level takes about 1 minute using the optimal rotation, and I have to use all cooldowns to stay alive. The fights usually end with a dead companion and me at 5-10% health. Before level 40 i would just power through any and all mobs no matter if they were strong or elites in packs. I've noticed my playstyle change a lot. From having a blast and taking out as many mobs as possible on my route to quests, to taking long detours to avoid as many mobs as possible. An accidental pull of a pack usually means death.
  19. None of you have met Krannus? This fight is owning me hard atm.
  20. Well I fought a sith npc with purple light saber yesterday so it's in the game.
  21. I support macros if they only allow one ability per macro. Anything else is wrong. Macro spam fests are boring and simply an easy way of taking skill out of the equation. Now that this has been said, you can lock this thread and remove all posts but mine.
  22. Fan boys are gonna be fan boys and say "this game is 100% bug free, it can not possibly crash". Sorta like the old Titanic thing. On topic though, they need to add a grace period of lets say 5 minutes or so. So that if you would get disconnected for some unexplained reason, you could just pop back in.
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