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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game badly needs mods and macros.


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I'm a fan of the methodology that if you're a raider, and can't raid without your mods up to date.. you shouldn't be raiding.


If you can't run the content without all of the mods.. you're not a raider, you're just a gaming Pavlovian experiment.


It IS possible to be a high performer without a mod. It just requires skill and effort. Something many gamers lack.. and that is ok. Everyone wants to be elite, but few are.

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LIMITED Macro's would be nice. I hate when they make this stuff practically automated

Re-positioning and re-sizing would be nice.


Other then that, I think it's absolutely fine. Personally, I have no issue what so ever with the way it is now and I don't think it should be pushed to be "like such and such".


If a UI is really stopping you from playing a game like this...well...your loss. :jawa_wink:


WoW macros are fine, however the rift ones are horrible, can put every attack in them pretty much

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It IS possible to be a high performer without a mod. It just requires skill and effort. Something many gamers lack..


Why do I think the folks that say this can never back up their claims with actual top tier raid performance. How many heroic raids have you cleared pre-nerf/new content?

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My wife was complaining about the UI for over 6 months in beta. The UI is garbage, nobody in my family will touch this game. My son already spent the prepaid credit card that preordered this game on some other game, Origin will have fun collecting.


My game plays just fine without macros and addons. If you and the family decide not to play, i'm sure the community won't suffer from the loss.

Edited by Mewn
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Well I would personally like some basic dps meters so I know who is doing their job and who isn't, high dps pulling threat and randomly aggroing stuff is as bad as people who do lackluster dps (its not hard to tell who is being derp and who has a brain, but meters do help beyond the obvious)... unlike wow, since there is only 4 players per flashpoint it puts even greater emphasis on each person fulfilling their role.
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I'd like the ability to make BASIC macros... a /follow macro, an /assist (tank name) macro. Do we need Recount? No. Auctioneer would be nice. Or Revamp the Galactic Exchange to put up a third column with how many item X you're trying to sell is going for how many iterations there are.. i.e. a search window for the item you slapped in the sell it box.


One button playing isn't what I want to see this come down to, but time savers for the "clean-up" and "background" tasks would be nice.

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As long as macros and mods are user friendly and from Bioware only....cool. I dislike macro systems that take a geek or special keyboards to use, just gives too much advantage for out-of-game knowledge or resources.


No outside mods...just too much goes wrong with them and/or too complicated to install and update for many people...and if an outside party can make an optional mod why can't Bioware? Then it would be maintained and would upgrade with any patches and you could trust the source.


Damage meter for your own toon only.... so it would affect only those who think dps is the only important thing done in a fight, this way they can crunch their own numbers and worry over every little tic of damage and inform us all in posts with their calculations... but will discourage the jerks looking for someone to blame something on.

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I said if that is what you prioritise you are a bad player, straw manning and irrelevant context doesn't help a valid argument.

Perhaps it could have been written or read better, but the implication read as though mods are a crutch. You can absolutely be good without mods however you will not participate in top tier raiding without them.


The bit bolded is completely wrong. The best players in the world didn't become good because of macros, and aren't any better because of those macros. Same with the best guilds, they only use macros now in wow because it is what the game has turned into.

No one goes from zero to hero because of a mod but unless they do something dramatically different above US 1st and World 3rd levels I'll stand by what I've witnessed. You will not participate without mods.


Logs showing how people died are fine, but meters that show how high you can make a number go but show nothing along the lines of how well you play the game yet will get you chosen over other people long before it's known that you're a dumb minded hack who doesn't know that when the floor glows orange you shouldn't stand in it, are completely unhelpful.

In my experience damage meters were not a requirement of top tier raiding, many people felt they were a distraction. That being said you better bet your raid logs were scrutinized and if you were significantly behind someone else with equal gear you wouldn't be raiding long. Staying alive is of course top priority but you need to carry your weight as well.


It kills gameplay aspects because in some instances it definitely does allow a player to literally one click their way through an instance. There are add ons currently available for other games which literally tell you what to press next and when to press it, and add ons which allow you to just click on the macro they provide to do what they tell you to. It stops you from learning to play, it stops people from actually growing with the game and ultimately (I believe) it kills off longevity. Because I know I am sure as hell bored of the rotations in wow, it's one of the reasons I left. I could click 5 buttons at most and be top of the DPS meters and the fact that they changed all the moves did nothing to alter that.

Again... that's an issue with what the developer allows, not with macros in general. And again... even without macros at all, mice and keyboards will do it for you.


Also, meters destroy immersion because people just quote them constantly, don't care abut real aspects of the game but just about numbers, and stop caring what game they're actually playing.


I'm not a fan of visible meters while a fight is active but there is absolutely no problem with knowing how you perform. The bigger problem is the lack of humility and the need to boast about such things, that's not the fault of the damage meter.

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I sorely underestimated just how poor the UI would turn out. It is so uncustomizable it isn't funny. Health bars, buffs, debuffs, and the power bar are all WAY too small. You can't move or resize anything, I HATE having the chat box up the top.


Not having a damage meter or even a freaking combat log is ridiculous. Why shouldn't we even know how much damage we're doing? I want to know what the best rotation is for my character and I have absolutely no way of working that out.


Macros are a staple in every MMO, how can you just not have them? There's a nice focus target but it's practically useless without focus macros.


These should be top priority for the next patch.


No it really doesn't. I find the game very playable without macros and addons.

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No outside mods...just too much goes wrong with them and/or too complicated to install and update for many people...and if an outside party can make an optional mod why can't Bioware? Then it would be maintained and would upgrade with any patches and you could trust the source.


How are they complicated to install? With something like Curse client you literally hit a button and it installs. If that is complicated to install than... well... I dunno man. And if they are too hard to install for some people than those probably aren't the type of people who are really going to even care that they exist.


Bioware isn't going to write them because they have a game to develop. I don't think they are going to hire a new team to come up with mods they think the players might like. The whole point is to allow the players to write the mods they want without having to wait for Bioware to decide that it is a mod they think is worthwhile.

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It's funny the only thing I miss from WoW are my addons. I miss my Bartender, DBM, Recount and titan panel. I'd be willing to be that one of the reasons WoW has lasted so long is because of the diversity and size of it's addon community.
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It's funny the only thing I miss from WoW are my addons. I miss my Bartender, DBM, Recount and titan panel. I'd be willing to be that one of the reasons WoW has lasted so long is because of the diversity and size of it's addon community.


A lot of the improvements made to the default UI were a direct result of 3rd party mods.

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I used dot timers as a warlock to help with my DPS rotation. What I really want is an energy management mod. Not something to manage energy for me, more like something that says in big letters on my screen about how much energy I currently have, how much energy I'm regenerating a second, and then large numbers on all my abilities that use energy which tell me their energy cost. I can only vaguely remember what the cost is for half of my abilities, and while I understand that the less energy I have, the slower it regens, it'd still be nice to have hard numbers.


Although what would be really awesome is an honest to god game manual. Not what they have on the site.


Something I've learned from working at a software company doing tech support is that developers really suck at end user documentation. They make something and just assume that people should know how it works because they understand how it works.


Or worse, they make something that is functional, but is in no way shape or form user friendly.

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A lot of the improvements made to the default UI were a direct result of 3rd party mods.


That's very true. Look at it this way Bioware "Why should we think up ways to improve the UI when we can allow addons, and let fans make improvements, then copy them. :D"

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Some fights do not need a enrage timer because the fights themselves are so "raid awareness' intensive that the probability of perfect actions over a "forever" time span, let alone a 5min time span are very unlikely.



If you have a naga and you are having keybind problems then you have more than just keybind problems and might want to hold off on debating raid construction until you get the basic controls of your character down.



LOL. Ok Pro.


Have you even seen the Operation streams? I'm also talking about real raid content in Hard/Nightmare modes not Puggable Normal crap.

Edited by zootzoot
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My guess is you got your feelings hurt for having sub-par DPS.


Damage meters are just METERS. If your damage sucks, than that's YOUR FAULT. NOT THE ADD ON.


Damage meters make your epeen bigger that's all. You are right they are just meters.


you have 3 specs, how much versatility is there?


I hope they dont add them so people can play what they want to play. not play for the big numbers.

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I understand why people want to move things around but trust me, life in general will be much easier if you learn to be flexible and adatable. The ONLY UI change I needed to play the game was to turn on the extra bars. I just adapted to the rest.


Yeah it would be much better if cars didn't have adjustable seats. Comfort doesn't matter...just adapt and get used to it. :rolleyes:

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I hope they dont add them so people can play what they want to play. not play for the big numbers.


You can still play what you want to play even if they add them, champ. Damage meters mostly exist for people who raid and I don't think you plan on doing a lot of it so...

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Damage meters make your epeen bigger that's all. You are right they are just meters.


you have 3 specs, how much versatility is there?


I hope they dont add them so people can play what they want to play. not play for the big numbers.


This argument is tired. Eventually some geek with too much time between Thesis papers will math out the "best" DPS spec for each class and the best classes for DPS overall. What you're saying is let people play some half baked spec and use the skills they find "fun" so the rest of the group can carry them.

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Yeah, you can move the chat but where? Bottom left is companion info, middle is action bars, bottom right is map. And none of them are movable. I guess you can put it right in the middle of the screen.


I didn't think of that, like I said in my post I have a 3 widescreen eyefinity setup so my companion info and map are anchored to my the bottom left and right corners of my left and right monitors...which sucks...but I guess it made room for me to bring chat down lol.

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