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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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Bioware should fire their UI team.


Not joking around. If the team is so bad they don't understand the difference between a single player game UI and a MMO ui then get rid of them.


It's obvious that the UI team has never played a MMO in their lives.


I like this game but RIFT's UI blew Swtor's out of the water.


serious though, your ui team is really bad. Like really bad.

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No game NEEDS macros. I get sick of hearing things like this. Macros are just a from of cheating anyway and I would prefer Bioware not allow them.


So a macro to use one ability normally but another when holding CTRL, all in an effort to save my action bars from getting completely swamped, is cheating? Stop overgeneralizing.

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Yes, we know you hate WoW, its community, gameplay, end-game, or some derivation thereof. However, that doesn't mean that just because a suggestion has an element within it that happens to exist in the WoW universe that it is automatically bad.

The fact I am against addons and macros (well, my dark side really isn't, but I will not let myself be guided by that) does not mean I hate WoW.


I love WoW. I'm a long time player, and I have lots of raiding and PvP experience. And I will possibly even buy the next expansion (

), but I really want SWTOR to be different (for as long as possible, because I understand that BW will eventually allow addons).


BW/LA did a wonderful job creating a very immersive atmosphere with all those quest dialogs, seamless instances and everything in between. I want to enjoy this atmosphere, and the default interface is (mostly) fine.


In WoW I cant imagine playing without at least a dozen addons. In SWTOR, I even enjoy it.

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but I really want SWTOR to be different (for as long as possible, because I understand that BW will eventually allow addons).


It won't because it's not. SWTOR is already like WOW. If you wanted a game different from WOW, you bought the wrong game.


BW/LA did a wonderful job creating a very immersive atmosphere with all those quest dialogs, seamless instances and everything in between. I want to enjoy this atmosphere, and the default interface is (mostly) fine.


Seamless instances? ***? I don't agree with you about the atmosphere, or the default interface, but the instances, they are not at all seamless.


In WoW I cant imagine playing without at least a dozen addons. In SWTOR, I even enjoy it.


Whereas others say...damn, I hate this, why can't I fix this? Oh wait, I know! Because they won't let me!


Not because it's necessarily unfair, unequal, or anything that the anti-addon crowd wants to crow about, but because my hands are tied. If anything, my experiences from WOW show me how much better it could have been done, but the team at Bioware learned nothing.

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No game NEEDS macros. I get sick of hearing things like this. Macros are just a from of cheating anyway and I would prefer Bioware not allow them.


If they allow it, it's not cheating. But plenty of games benefit from Macros, need is a false standard, you might as well say "I don't need any game at all" which is also true.


Rather than doing a lot of typing i'll just say i agree with everything Colobulous says.


Excellent, because I'm about to say:


You should donate all your money to the "Fund for Colobulous's Computer Development!"

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Yes, simple, yet pointless things that are repetitive, but not challenges.



Ah, I'm sorry, I'm just not as fast as Superman, yet I won't be ashamed for that lacking on my part.


You dont have to be as fast as superman, just as fast as the person you are playing against, and if you're not as fast as them, why the hell should you have an advantage?


Did you know I also use a shaver since I don't have heat vision to trim my own beard? I use a hammer since I can't drive a nail with my thumb!

You comparison makes no sense. You dont need superhuman skills to play a game without the game playing it for you. People have been doing it for years. Nobody in EQ whined about macros and healing mods



And that's surely a demonstration of your own personal skill level. Wait, no, no it's not. Too many other factors to consider with your bare summary of events.


What, that a good player, plays with other good players? And we got good by playing alot, without using addons, or mods? I didnt start the game with a 2200 arena rating. I lost more games then I could count. But like all things, practice makes you better


I'll accept that you chose to work harder. I don't give you any credit for that.

Hard work earns rewards, shortcuts and crutches leave you weak and lost when you dont have them anymore



Well, it's so nice to have somebody who is so considerate and not at all judgmental. Oh wait...you are judging people.


Its my god given right to judge the people around me. For better or for worse, all men are not made equal. Im not claiming to be the best player in the world, and Im not saying everyone that uses macro's sucks. But I did clearly say if you NEED macros, you are a bad player.


Wow, that's a random Segue. Going from steroids to the Matrix. But no, steroids don't make you play better, they enhance some of the aspects that make it easier to play, such as muscle development and recovery.


steroids increase your metabolism, regular use has been proven enhance your awareness and perception. Remember the old reebok commercials, run faster and jump higher? The fact is most macro's and addons do the work for you. healbot removes the necessity of targeting someone and then activating the spell. it removes a WHOLE step of the process. That creates an unfair advantage and should not be allowed.


If only they didn't have so many side effects, they'd probably be as acceptable as a diet program.

Im not promoting the use of steroids, though I enjoy joking about giving them out like candy to baseball players to justify the 20 million dollar a year paychecks



If the game doesn't show purple stuff, if the boss has no indication of being phased, or way to conveniently display what CC you're under, or your arena partner's health..yeah, that's a problem.


IF IF IF IF IF IF..... and? If any of those things are true, its bad game design. Every boss in WoW that has phases, there is something, whether its a cutscene, or just a verbal queue, to show a phase change. If you arent paying attention (playing music or watching TV) its you're fault you died.


You should not need an addon to tell you whats going to happen and when. Thats like saying you NEED a GPS in a car. I dont need a GPS, i dont use the one in my phone. I look at maps before I leave the house. I plan my route, and then I go. In PvE Im ok with people using bossmods and healbots cause it doesnt effect me.


But I should not lose a battle with someone who is depending on an addon to tell them when Im casting a heal, or to tell them how long till my cooldowns are up. its survival of the fittest, not survival of the people with the most technology. You're not even playing teh game anymore, you're staring at bars and indicators waiting for them to tell you what to do next.


But riddle me this, isn't a good competitor somebody who isn't so stuck up in their pride that they turn away ways to make themselves better?


Making yourself better is done by practice and hardwork, not the voice of god over your head giving you play by play of what you should do to micromanage every second of gameplay. Like I said, if you cant play well without a macro or mod setup, you can't play well.


Or am I mistaken, and a race car driver ought to get an old junker instead?

A race car driver with an old junker would be like a level 50 in level 2 gear. has nothing to do with addons or mods. However, in a race where drivers all had manual transmissions, having an automatic would give an unfair advantage to that driver.

Edited by Joeythearm
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A race car driver with an old junker would be like a level 50 in level 2 gear. has nothing to do with addons or mods. However, in a race where drivers all had manual transmissions, having an automatic would give an unfair advantage to that driver.


A race car has all sorts of electronics in them that monitor all sorts of things, kind of like what an addon can do for you in a game.

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No game NEEDS macros. I get sick of hearing things like this. Macros are just a from of cheating anyway and I would prefer Bioware not allow them.


Macros are only considered cheating by people who are unable to use them. I love how there is always opposition against things that actually makes the game more challenging. UI mods and macros in many cases make PvP more challenging because they bring about a whole another level of depth.


I'd love a macro that let me pop recklessness, then force lightning, instead of having to hit the two buttons.


I'd love a macro that let me pop dark charge and deflection with 1 button instead of two.


This actually increases what I'm able to do with my character given the fact that the UI is bad in comparison to the SWG UI at launch.


We can say a lot of bad things about the WoW UI at launch but at least they had the intelligence to add UI mods because they realized that having players create their own UIs to their liking actually makes the game more fun to play for each player. Plus we aren't all the same. I know players who have lost fingers and players who have ailments that mean they need macros to do what the rest of us can do without them.


I'd like to change the UI in the following ways if I could:


I have an active playstyle and play a class based largely on movement, this means that when I do PvP I'm pretty much always moving. Add to it that I keybind every single ability I use including out of combat regen and buffs, I can hide my actionbars and still execute every ability perfectly.


I would add a lot more information to the flytext since the flytext is in the center of my primary viewing section of the screen, the quickslots and the character portrait are not, and I prefer being able to watch my character as much as possible when I play, not spending 40 - 50% of my time looking at my quick slots to see cooldowns, my char portrait for health and class resource and a series of tiny tiny buttons to see which of the 4000 CC effects in this game just hit my char. Note that when I say 4000 CC effects I mean that every ranged class in this game has so much CC it makes a level 85 frost mage look like a Vanilla ret paladin.


None of the above changes anything except how information is displayed so that it is more practical for my playstyle.

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It's funny because bad players actually think this.


Mastering usage of macros to outplay your opponents increases the skill of the game immensely. I'm sorry if you can't grasp that. They are tools that increase you skill, not crutches. If you cannot use mods or macros effectively then that is because you are bad.


Mods that improve the UI are a quality of life thing. You can't honestly say you can pay attention to the buffs/debuffs on the current UI, you basically have to take a wild guess on how long its going for, and squint at the tiny little icons. Likewise for the health/energy bars, they are tiny.


Skill doesn't come into this sorry. Mods and macros are a staple unless BioWare is prepared to have a fully customization UI with all of those features that players enjoy.





But...but...do you even realize how badly you just contradicted yourself?



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No Macros & Addons please...


You can see what happens in wow. Everyone is forced to use them, cause they give you a hughe advantage.


And because its third party software nobody should be forced to use it!


You have a strange idea of what a macro actually is. Hint: They didn't start in WoW.


And noone will be forcing you to use anything you don't want to use.

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/assist MainTank

/cast PewPew


On one hotkey is "cheating"?





LOL. I love the posters who say stuff like that. Like making the game more fluid is a bad thing.


...and how about every fool who posts that mods are for noobs or cheaters read up on the subject before posting. UI mods make the interaction between the player and the program more transparent....which is what a good UI should do.


I hate the Hot Bars right now for example. I'm pretty much out of space on the first page of the Botton two bars. I want 3 rows of bars at the bottom of my screen. I happen to like replicating my keyboard.


A mod that allowed me to separate the Unit Frames from the Hot Bars and make any number of Rows/Columns for the Quick slots and resize/reposition them would be a QoL change for me. It wouldn't be an exploit (LOL) or cheating or mean I'm bad. The fear of anything that stinks of WOW to many posters is really funny TBH.

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Completely agree - if you need macros then you don't have the eye hand coordination required to play this game competitively. One key press/button push for each ability used levels the playing field for all. There are no viable arguments against this. None. I have read all the arguments for macros on this forum for the last 6 months or so and have never seen one that explains why they are necessary. Because they are not. How do I know this for fact you might ask? Because tens of thousands of gamers have successfully played this game over the last 5 days and have enjoyed it enough to come back and do it all again the next day. All without the use of macros.


Macros are a luxury and luxuries do not make you a better gamer. They make you a lazy gamer and lazy gamers become less skilled gamers over time. People who consider themselves hardcore gamers should absolutely loath macros because of this.


As for UI improvements - they are on the way. But to say that the UI to date is a game breaker or "garbage" is pure hyperbole . If you don't like the game as is then fine. There are many of us who love the game the way it is and are looking foreward to whatever Bioware has planned. And yes I realise my rant was not hyperbole free :D Thanks for reading . . .


/end rant

Edited by Uhuru
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