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Dread Masters Look Ridiculous


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What is this, I don't even...


When I saw this thread I was like: "*** is op talking about lol?". And then I saw the new vid showing post 1.2 dread masters... Seriously BioWare? Lol, just ****in change it to how it was before... I know that your intentions were good, pure and all but no, just no... They look AWFUL.

Edited by Deviss
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A "Before and After" pic would be awesome, not done this quest since well the first time back in Jan.





Dread Masters are indeed gonna be part of future story. Unconfirmed, but my guess is 1.3 of 1.4 Final Ops Boss. After you beat Warlord Kephess there is a cutscene regarding them. For more info youtube it



the leaked information on Torhead ( this is leaked so take it with a pinch of salt not as truth) says that 1.3 and 1.4 will involve the dreadmaster again but again as the background manipulators. the leak says that 1.5 will be the battle against the dread masters.



P.S. and that also what you get when the Dread Masters stop shopping at "Empire Today"

Edited by DeadlyScythe
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I can't stop laughing. I don't know if they really inspire fear to whole fleet, but I'm pretty sure they are awesome for inspiring hilarity. Anyway, a laughing enemy can't fight, it can be useful.

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Wow I haven't laughed this hard about something in a game since my WoW guilds 1st day attempting XT (the whole guild started laughing their asses off and we wiped.)


Seriously though these are the guys that made me want to play a sorcerer since I watched a friend do the quest and I find it sad that this is what they look like now.

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I just completed this, first time doing it again after the change of look.


Erm, yeah. I have to agree those masks are silly. Not really inspiring awe and fear. The gold/brown colour doesn't seem to match the rest of their outfits. I wonder if making them black/red would help?


Still, on the bright side, made it easier to be cheeky with them :rolleyes:

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... Okay what the heck was the art department thinking when they created the new design? It's horrid as heck! -_-. Seriously, the Dread Masters were bada**es and this new design pretty much ruined them. They won't need to scare enemies anymore because they'll die laughing at the horrible helmet design. I think I want to throw up as well. It's so revolting... Edited by Ardim
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... Okay what the heck was the art department thinking when they created the new design? It's horrid as heck! -_-. Seriously, the Dread Masters were bada**es and this new design pretty much ruined them. They won't need to scare enemies anymore because they'll die laughing at the horrible helmet design. I think I want to throw up as well. It's so revolting...


^ This x1000. The art design of the game appears to be getting worse.

Edited by Tuscad
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^ This x1000. The art design of the game appears to be getting worse.


It was already pretty bad to start with though and only several classes have good outfits. Seriously, just look at the Marauder outfits. Kilts man, KILTS! Or even the Agent's headgear.

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The shape of the masks is fine, but I think they need better patterns/colors. Red/black is the go-to for dark side and it would work just fine for them.


What are those masks in, mahogany? Maybe ash?


I'm interested in knowing who thought that was a good idea? It is looks horrendously bad.

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A "Before and After" pic would be awesome, not done this quest since well the first time back in Jan.

For those who can't watch YouTube:


Before: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/72/dreadmasters.jpg/

After: http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q222/Grospolina/Star%20Wars/DreadMasters-New.jpg


The "before" pic is from a post on the first page, and the "after" pic I grabbed from a video. Um, I like the "before" pic WAY more.

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Personally I bet it was done as a concern on the end of BW that player in PVP GEar might look a bit TOO much like the new "big bads" that they have decided to run with. So as to prevent the "I couldn't tell me from the baddie" whining that would certainly be incoming at that point someone in art direction said "Hey you know what would be super cool?" The result was this... now I personally think this is a bad choice in design myself with the new helms looking like Mayan Teletubby Cenobites but I see why they did it. Of course like any change that is designed to prevent QQ it just promotes a new and different kind of QQ.


Such is the life of a game company these days... every change is bad *** to half the players and a world of painful suck to the other half.


It basically comes down to you can't please everyone, and so they please themselves as long as subscribers don't suddenly start disappearing... :wea_03:

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Am i the only one who thinks the new dread masters masks look awesome? I mean the previous ones werent bad, but they were just recycled masks you could already purchase, at least these ones are new and original
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^ This x1000. The art design of the game appears to be getting worse.


Looks better to me. Better than just recyling crap that players can get through PvP and the like. Think they look pretty creepy tbh, now they just need to alter the robes so they match the colour of the helmets and they will look kinda God-like, which I think is pretty nice.

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Isn't this a Star Wars game? Bioware's art team doesn't know what Star Wars is apparently. Maybe they should be fired and design their own line of puppets... because that's what these new models look like.


Art team, "You're fired!"

Edited by Blackbird_BbB
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Isn't this a Star Wars game? Bioware's art team doesn't know what Star Wars is apparently. Maybe they should be fired and design their own line of puppets... because that's what these new models look like.


Art team, "You're fired!"


You'd have to translate that into Korean and Chinese for the "Art Team" to understand.

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