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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 worth the dl ?


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How's someone else supposed to know what you are wanting to see in the game? I'm not trying to be snarky but it's completely up to you whether things that were missing or annoying are in now and/or fixed.


Read the boards, check out class boards, check the patch notes (they are LONG). Then you can decide for yourself.

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While it is buggy and in my honest opinion I think the legacy is a gimmick it has certainly boosted performance. It runs a little smoother. There are some wasted opportunities and I do have some personal gripes but it still runs better. Oh and the UI is awesome, that's one very positive thing to come out of it.
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How's someone else supposed to know what you are wanting to see in the game? I'm not trying to be snarky but it's completely up to you whether things that were missing or annoying are in now and/or fixed.


Read the boards, check out class boards, check the patch notes (they are LONG). Then you can decide for yourself.


I just want honest opinions.


I left cause it was to easy servers were dead rolled 3 times on 3 diff servers fps issues with a half decent computer. Pvp was bland


like i said not trolling has the problems been fixed u say read the patch notes in every patch note before it said u could abandon quest and in every patch it was never fixed !"

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Honest opinion:



New dungeon and Ops, always a good thing

The UI changes are needed and as good as people are saying



Legacy is ok but a bit disappointing. Doesn't really change anything in game, and is only really useful for alt-aholics. If you are one, push this to positive

New Warzone is eerily similar to an old one (Alderaan) Nothing really added to PvP with its introduction



PvP class balance completely shattered (will become even worse with ranked warzone introductions)

Warzone commedation system messed up

World PvP essentially dead


So, Id say if you're a PvEer, give it another whirl as the new Ops and dungeon will give the game a bit more life. If you're a PvPer, don't bother, its worse.

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I just want honest opinions.


I left cause it was to easy servers were dead rolled 3 times on 3 diff servers fps issues with a half decent computer. Pvp was bland


like i said not trolling has the problems been fixed u say read the patch notes in every patch note before it said u could abandon quest and in every patch it was never fixed !"


Well that's a bit more to go on. :)


Servers are pretty much as they were. Some folks have migrated to other servers, some are holding on hoping for transfers or mergers.


Well, I am going to say...read the patch notes. No one here is going to enumerate this HUGE list of things that are in the patch notes. Go read 'em!

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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The performance is better. I used to have to play on very low settings for a smooth experience but now I can put it in between low and medium with no problems and this is on a non gaming laptop.


Only issue I see for Bioware is merging the bottom 1/3 servers into the middle 1/3 servers. This would make lots of people happier.

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I just want honest opinions.


I left cause it was to easy servers were dead rolled 3 times on 3 diff servers fps issues with a half decent computer. Pvp was bland


like i said not trolling has the problems been fixed u say read the patch notes in every patch note before it said u could abandon quest and in every patch it was never fixed !"


You should have free 30 days. Why not use them to explore 1.2 before you go? If you still think this isn't the MMO for you, then it is your decision, and hopefully some other MMO will be the game for you.

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If you like making alts, and have a lot of money and high legacy level, then it might be. PvP is completely screwed up, IMO. Some new PvE stuff that isn't really different from the old PvE stuff. A color matching system for armor that sort of works, in certain situations.


If you didn't like the game before, nothing has changed so much that you're going to like it now. No server transfers or merges, so if server population was an issue for you it still will be.

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If you were looking for 1.2 to give a more robust PvP experience then I'd wait to come back. If you wanted more challenging PvE content well it's here so come on back as long as you're okay with it only being one flashpoint and one operation that gives you the challenge. If you were okay with everything in the game but didn't like the UI functions, lack of a Guild Bank, and/or lack of a reward system for rolling alts well you should come back now. If you were looking for 1.2 to bring a completely different way to play the game then this is not the patch you're looking for.


I look at 1.2 as a 'catch-up' patch. It's many of the things that players expected at launch and what Bioware wanted on Day 1 but for reasons we won't get into it didn't happen. The rest is 'more of the same' additions and currently minus the Ranked Warzones for competitive PvP players. While I'm currently playing I'm really waiting for 1.3 to drop. I have a feeling that patch combined with 1.2 will square away many of the complaints and then we can focus on new things instead of catching up.

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if you have to question it, and the theme of the game isn't something that's keeping you already, then maybe you should just stay away.


I'm tired of all the flip floppers who scream "this game iz bads, me want wowcraft but in space! me quits qq kazoo!" then flood the forums with all kinds of hate and then ask"is it ok to come back yet?" every few months when something cool gets added.


if you like the game, play the game. but it sounds like you want to play something else so maybe this isn't the place for you.

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Is this worth coming back for or shall i jus stop hoping this game will get better and try another MMO ???


not trolling jus putting it out there


If you have quit the game i would think its to much things you didnt like, if so the patch wont help at all, most of it are useless crap.

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Cheers for all the feedback. Some really good points !!!! im at my rents this weekend but i think ill give it a bash to try the new ops. If PvP is still really bad then i think i may just use the free 30 days like someone else said.


I didn't realise i was eligible for them (But just saw my email)


Like i said thanks and happy gaming

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Cheers for all the feedback. Some really good points !!!! im at my rents this weekend but i think ill give it a bash to try the new ops. If PvP is still really bad then i think i may just use the free 30 days like someone else said.


I didn't realise i was eligible for them (But just saw my email)


Like i said thanks and happy gaming


The forums tend to be a bad place to ask about whether or not to play the game: too many people who hate the game but refuse to move on hang out here.

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The forums tend to be a bad place to ask about whether or not to play the game: too many people who hate the game but refuse to move on hang out here.


Hardly. We were all just stupid enough to buy a 6 month sub on release. Woopz


PS - Don't even give trying out 1.2 a thought, you'll just wanna end life.

Edited by Rogobono
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Hardly. We were all just stupid enough to buy a 6 month sub on release. Woopz


PS - Don't even give trying out 1.2 a thought, you'll just wanna end life.


I have to disagree. In terms of PVE difficulty endgame they've done allot. One of the OP's gripes was that endgame was too "easy". The new hm flashpoint is the hardest 4/5 man instance I've seen in an MMO. The first boss in-particular is pretty hard. I haven't done the new raid planning on it tomorrow, but from what I've heard and watched its pretty damn difficult. PVP is having problems. It's hard to get things balanced especially this early. I remember Rift had a ton of balance issues with pvp. That'll just take time. If you play this game for PVP, leave and dont come back for a while, or stay and accept things won't be balanced for a while. I think the Legacy system is an innovative way to encourage alts. So if your into alts its pretty sweet.

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