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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just remove the leave button!


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Here is a hint, I will just log out. Additionally, since there is 0 reward for staying in a losing warzone, I would rather drop, get my 15min deserter debuff and earn 25K credits from space missions...


75% of my games are not competitive at all. It's eather my team crushing the other team, half the other team disconnecting, or the opposite situation.


Staying in a losing warzone, or worse, a warzone you can't possibly win is not an attractive option, why waste 10 mins of my playtime?


Now you could say, just leave my character in the warzone so I can't possibly do anything else. In this case I will just alt tab out and wait to be afk kicked.


If that wont work, I will go play my 2 other level 50 alts.


The math is simple. If I get 0 rewards for losing, I would rather do something else. This is coming from someone who likes to PvP. But I consider PvP as something competitive, not a roflstomp.


Even if you pull a come from behind victory, you can end up getting less than 60 comms, since you don't get the fast win medals.

Edited by pwnshoppe
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Even in losses if you focus on objective based play you will earn plenty of medals.


Depends, if you can't live long enough you won't get medals anyway. TTK has dropped so much in this patch.

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The afk/alt+f4/alt+tab people will certainly be far fewer than the quitters now.


And it's not so much, that I feel abandoned by a teammate... I just HATE getting into a 5:0 huttball or something like that without ever having had the chance to even get the 3 medals - not to mention putting up a fight!


And right now, thats about every other game.

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Most of time time, the game starts off with 3-4 players (this happens even on the fatman- very high pop). The enemy scores over half the points they need in the first 2 minutes.


The next 8 minutes is then followed by them smashing your face in while stunlocked and outnumbered... a few more players trickle in here and there, and then the game ends. you might get your 3 medals, maybe not. Even the peasly 15-20 comms seems like more of an insult than anything...

Edited by pwnshoppe
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Here is a hint, I will just log out. Additionally, since there is 0 reward for staying in a losing warzone, I would rather drop, get my 15min deserter debuff and earn 25K credits from space missions...


75% of my games are not competitive at all. It's eather my team crushing the other team, half the other team disconnecting, or the opposite situation.


Staying in a losing warzone, or worse, a warzone you can't possibly win is not an attractive option, why waste 10 mins of my playtime?


Now you could say, just leave my character in the warzone so I can't possibly do anything else. In this case I will just alt tab out and wait to be afk kicked.


If that wont work, I will go play my 2 other level 50 alts.


The math is simple. If I get 0 rewards for losing, I would rather do something else. This is coming from someone who likes to PvP. But I consider PvP as something competitive, not a roflstomp.


Even if you pull a come from behind victory, you can end up getting less than 60 comms, since you don't get the fast win medals.



Typical response from an immature player who wont play if he can't be assured a win. These are the kinds of players that ruin the PvP community. Take your losses like a man.

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Typical response from an immature player who wont play if he can't be assured a win. These are the kinds of players that ruin the PvP community. Take your losses like a man.


It's nothing to do with taking losses. It has everything to do with the loss not being worth the time invested. A loss shouldn't give as much as a win, but it should give enough to be worth you time. 20 comms, 1000 valor, 1000 credits is not worth the 15 minutes for a loss.

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Typical response from an immature player who wont play if he can't be assured a win. These are the kinds of players that ruin the PvP community. Take your losses like a man.


I am actually pretty well established and in my late 20s. Like I previously said, a fair match would be enjoyable. Rateds might help with this. A match where its 3-4 vs 8 and you can't possibly win, and the game won't end early because of the bugged software, and your are going to basically waste 10-15 mins of your life getting face stomped... it practically is begging for you to leave, or stand around, or alt-f4.


I have plenty of other more rewarding things to do. Sleep, spend time with my wife, work, go to the gym, go out with friends, facebook, make youtube vids, it doesn't take much.


I don't care how you slice it, getting crushed over and over with 0 incentives will drive normal players away from pvp. This is coming from a fully BM geared PT too. It just is not fun to have 0 chance of winning.


I would also argue, it is not fun crushing an enemy team over and over again, especially when you have more than double the amount of players. I don't know why my premade gets litterally 3-5 times the number of rewards for outnumbering a poorly geared bunch of slackers.

Edited by pwnshoppe
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IMHO, if you leave a match you should not be able to queue for 30 min and have a hp debuff too. I also feel that getting no reward for losing is bad too. If I can't get a premade goin I solo queue and sometimes this gets me into a really bad team, who is going against a premade grp of bunny hopping script kiddies who faceroll us to the point that I just want to go to bed. We the losers who tried our best in a no win situation should not get such measly rewards. Meh whatever at least now when I cap all objectives in a voidstar I don't get 0 objectives in the end scoreboard, now that always made me mad, cap all doors and get data and 0 objectives lol seems to be working now though.
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Make the punishment too severe and this will just cause a few things:


1) Players do space missions instead - hp debuff doesn't do jack there.

2) Players alt tab and wait for debuff to expire.

3) Even worse players just stand around semi-afk, just enough to not get kicked.

4) Players try to accelerate the loss to get to next game.



The solution is to incentivize people to stay till the end. This is why all the other MMO's have implemented a system where winners get 20-25% more than losers.


Otherwise you will end up with maybe a handful of hardcore players who will happily accept nothing, because they have nothing else in their lives that will give them more enjoyment then getting completely obliterated in an online game for 15 minutes at a clip.


Others will just move on to games where they feel like they are having fun and getting rewarded for putting in effort.


It's like those college classes where you have 2 types of professors:


1) the guy who gives partial credit for you getting 99% of the problem right

2) the guy who gives you 0 points for messing up some arbitrary part of the solution slightly wrong.

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Make the punishment too severe and this will just cause a few things:


1) Players do space missions instead - hp debuff doesn't do jack there.

2) Players alt tab and wait for debuff to expire.

3) Even worse players just stand around semi-afk, just enough to not get kicked.

4) Players try to accelerate the loss to get to next game.



The solution is to incentivize people to stay till the end. This is why all the other MMO's have implemented a system where winners get 20-25% more than losers.


Otherwise you will end up with maybe a handful of hardcore players who will happily accept nothing, because they have nothing else in their lives that will give them more enjoyment then getting completely obliterated in an online game for 15 minutes at a clip.


Others will just move on to games where they feel like they are having fun and getting rewarded for putting in effort.


It's like those college classes where you have 2 types of professors:


1) the guy who gives partial credit for you getting 99% of the problem right

2) the guy who gives you 0 points for messing up some arbitrary part of the solution slightly wrong.



Now here's a bright fellow, can people take 15 seconds to read his post please?

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Why punish people for leaving over rewarding them for staying?


Is this like ... some male power trip thing? Or just a horrible statement about humanity in general.


It's like how in professional sports if your team loses it doesn't matter how good YOU are, you don't get paid. Take Jose Bautista. Great player, but his team LOST last year (did horrible in fact) so even though he is great he only gets paid ... SIXTY FIVE MILLION OVER 5 YEARS!??


Ok, ok ... bad example.


It's like the Sony's old COE. Sony has lost over 20 billion dollars in the last 5 years, so natually before losing his job he was paid almost nothing. ... 5.7 million .... oh god. THAT'S WHAT HE GETS FOR FAILING???


See in the real world if you are good at something you get rewarded for doing it and trying to work towards a desired outcome. You get a BONUS if that desired outcome happens, as a rule, but you still get a ton of money for your time if you happen to be really good at something.


Imagin is the Jay's had told Bastia "well you lose last year, so if you want to continue to play with us, you need to take a pay cut to 30 million". He would simply play for another team.


And that's the main point really. You can say whatever you want, but at the end of the day everyone who loses matches more then they win is retarded if they don't just start a new toon on a new server or switch factions


Play for the winning team or don't play at all. Great message to be sending BW.

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If you'd do all that and we played on the same server - I'd simply file a mail to cs, screenshots/fraps footage attached, and they'd ban you.


Doubtful, they don't ban hackers so why would they ban someone leaving a WZ?


Not only that, perhaps the modem went down, the router reset, something happened with the ISP, the power went out due to a storm, or someone hitting a pole with a vechile, or the fuse/outlet the modem/computer was on tripped. These are just a few things one could claim.


How can Bioware prove what happened on the client side, a person unplugging the internet cable is hard to determine in a screenshot/fraps. Anyone with any sense would claim one of the above and then what happens?


After all, aren't most issues with the game (fps, freeze ups, etc...) almost always blamed on something client side and not the game? What goes arounds around, comes around.


Not to mention that different states, countries, etc... have many rules/regulations/laws/rights about purchasing over the internet across state or country lines.


My state banned the card game tournaments from that other Star Wars MMO because they decided it was gambling. (Not that I cared, since I didn't play it anyway.)

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If you'd do all that and we played on the same server - I'd simply file a mail to cs, screenshots/fraps footage attached, and they'd ban you.


Yeah do that as if you will get anywhere with that. People have all the right to leave the matches with current broken system.

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Oh...look...there is incentive to try to win now...but it's more fun to whine and complain...


Ok lets take a void star match.


I do nothing at all to help win, my team wins. I get a single medal for, say, a killing blow so I don't get the AFK flag, but then I just walk around while watching netflix. The free medals for my team winning fast puts me at max reward. So I get around 4000 credits and 1000 coms.


Or I try my *** off to win. I defuse 3 bomb, plant 3, lower the bridge, and defend when needed. I earn 16 medals just by myself. My team loses. I get zero credits and 40 coms.


Please, in your infinite smartness, explain to me how that system provides an incentive to try and win?

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Doubtful, they don't ban hackers so why would they ban someone leaving a WZ?


They do - you just have to report them. Did you?


2) Players alt tab and wait for debuff to expire.


Not so sure about that one.




Yeah do that as if you will get anywhere with that. People have all the right to leave the matches with current broken system.


Ah - that guy again xD.


Well we have a personal invitation by the devs to do exactly that in some older post where someone bragged about leaving on purpose (you know the first leaver leading to no win credit for the daily thing). I guess it is common sense even...

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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Here is a hint, I will just log out. Additionally, since there is 0 reward for staying in a losing warzone, I would rather drop, get my 15min deserter debuff and earn 25K credits from space missions...


75% of my games are not competitive at all. It's eather my team crushing the other team, half the other team disconnecting, or the opposite situation.


Staying in a losing warzone, or worse, a warzone you can't possibly win is not an attractive option, why waste 10 mins of my playtime?


Now you could say, just leave my character in the warzone so I can't possibly do anything else. In this case I will just alt tab out and wait to be afk kicked.


If that wont work, I will go play my 2 other level 50 alts.


The math is simple. If I get 0 rewards for losing, I would rather do something else. This is coming from someone who likes to PvP. But I consider PvP as something competitive, not a roflstomp.


Even if you pull a come from behind victory, you can end up getting less than 60 comms, since you don't get the fast win medals.



I just want competitive pvp, too. I am sick of the one-sided roflstomp pvp this game provides. Last night I kept track of my wins/losses which were pretty close to even split. However,only 3 of 18 games were competitive. Some people probably love alderaan games that end 500 to 0 when they are on the winning side -- I don't. I like a good battle to the end.


I love the levelling up process int his game, but the pvp needs to be tossed out and re thought out. BW needs to hire some new blood to sort this stuff out. mostly they need to stop copying and start innovating.

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