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Introduce 3 sandboxes into the TOR themepark


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I think TOR has a few great mmo pillars going for it, the story and setting is one if the things that makes TOR one of the very few mmos I would spend my time on.


However I feel TOR is lacking in some areas. One problem with it being such a traditional EQ type mmo is that the world and the things in it seems so static, so non-customizable (i.e themepark). For this suggestion I'll ignore the other aspects I don't like (hotbar combat, space on rails, binding of items etc) and just focus on 3 things I believe would be very fun and plausible additions to TOR.


It's also important to remember that these ideas are suggested as end-game additional content, things to do after your main story instead of just dailies. The game got some excellent linear content to level up, but inevitably that kind of content runs out at 50.


It's based on the sandbox ideas of letting the player create their own content. The good thing about this is player empowerment and "free" content for the devs when the systems are in place, this is one of the things that made SWG keeps the lights on for 8 years despite being a failure in most other regards (yes I know SWG is dead and buried, but that doesn't mean we can't learn from and get inspiration for good mechanics). All these things could be designed to either exist alongside the current systems without interfering, or enhance even replace the current system if so needed.These ideas are loosely based on experience of what I found to be entertaining in other games like SWG and Eve.


These are drafts and by no means logically complete so please don't bother to nitpick on some aspects as they are overall design. I'm sure some of this has been suggested before, if so consider this an emphasis of those cases.



1) Player created structures or items

People like to build stuff (look at Minecraft, SWG, RL), why not have a system where players can express this? The basic idea is to let the player mix and match parts of something to look like they want. We need the devs to create the mold, or possibility space, and for the player to chose how to put it together within that mold.


The player then:

- Create things like true custom bikes, weapons, structures (more on this), can limit what items are available through this new process so we can avoid interfering with the current crew skills system

- Structures can be placed on new regions where players can establish outposts/villages/guild stronghold to control natural resources (point 3). These regions would need to be instanced in some form (avoid SWG cluttered landscape, easier to do)

- Space stations, asteroid colonies and similar could be structures in space (doesn't interfere with the land mechanics)

- Can be appearance only (avoid balance issues) or true custom with selection of stats

- Gather materials for a structure through crew skills or new crew skills

- Reverse engineer or loot schematics for these new items

- Due to the complexities of this craft the companions will not be able to craft this item for the player, but the player instead must go through the process

- The crafting process itself can play out like a mini game

- Pre-created parts like rooms, placement of wheels, barrel, configurations, interior design etc can be put together in pre-selected spots, based on an overall design template. We need a template to limit the complexities.

- An essential part of structures is decoration. A place to put all those trophies, pets and social items; something more than just a static ship, think of it as an extended experience from those that want more than the current ship


This is a very complex thing to add, but I'd be happy with just a limited item appearance in first stage, then we can build upon that. If the items in game now are too complex to make something like this then we could just focus on new things like structures for the moment. The key here is start small with a solid foundation.





2) Player created animals

People also like pets, and in mmos people spend ludicrous amount of time collecting them. Now beasts might be difficult since we have companions to fight with us, but I would appreciate a choice between companion or beast, or better yet, if a beast is brought in together with the companion, then the companion and beast could get their effective strength reduced for balance reasons. The beasts also could be restricted or be effective on planets with vegetation or similar.


I propose taking a cue from the Bio-Engineer in SWG where people could:


- Gather DNA templates from creatures in the wild

- Needed to craft consumable items that modify the beast stat during crafting, if not purely social beast like the Tauntaun

- Using incubators and other gear to experiment, mix and match the look of the beast based on a template from the DNA template

- Taking some hours to "cook" in the incubator (instant creating makes it feel cheap & fast)

- Have a chance of mutation to discover new and rare beasts (like the Acklay, Rancor mutation in SWG)

- After the pet is incubated it must be raised, fed, tough skills (tank, DPS etc) and groomed

- The pet could live in your ship/house from point 1



3) Contested land and/or space regions

From point 1 we need more incentives to build structures, contested land can be one or space if you want to keep the two system separate, competitive forces can be another (like ranking board or whatever).


Why would one occupy some land? To get resources, with resources you can build more guns to beat your competing guild or buy that expensive gun you really want. The simple idea of just owning a piece of land can be a motivator as well. The points here is supply and demand, we need to create this for the new resources and items in a way that doesn't have to interfere with the current crew skills system. We must keep this realistic to what BW have already spend $$$ on implementing. Further we should make items exit the system, some items might be spent or used up, that can be for instance when someone blows up your space rock, then those resources invested are lost or something similar, but that is really a detail up to BW to ponder upon, since people in general don't like to lose items.


Further these large things like a space station should need a collaborative effort from a guild to produce, something to stretch for that doesn't involve farming OPs, and we could do with very little expensive voice overs.



That is all.



Edits: added some details, clarifications

Edited by Neloth
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This is not the sandbox game you are looking for. It cannot support the sandbox elements you desire. It was not built in a way that would support sandbox elements.


The game would need to be restructured from the bottom up. You're talking a complete redesign. You're talking about a New Game Experience, and we all know how well NGEs go over with gaming communities ...

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I'm all for player structures and crafted items to fill them. As long as the structures are instanced, the sprawling player cities in UO were just god aweful to get through some times.
Now instanced housing is something we may see, and something I hope we do. I want an estate on Alderaan of Voss: beautiful view, a garden, and a personal landing pad for my starship.


There are plenty of unused doorways in the game's cities that could be re-purposed to provide access to instanced player housing.

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Now instanced housing is something we may see, and something I hope we do. I want an estate on Alderaan of Voss: beautiful view, a garden, and a personal landing pad for my starship.


There are plenty of unused doorways in the game's cities that could be re-purposed to provide access to instanced player housing.


the problem with instanced housing though is it split up the playerbase more than it already is. how do you combat the "this has no mmo feeling because i dont see anyone ever?".

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the problem with instanced housing though is it split up the playerbase more than it already is. how do you combat the "this has no mmo feeling because i dont see anyone ever?".


Way better idea than players turning the Dune Sea into a mega-city. Space is at a premium for people looking to plop down structures. Instanced areas that...oh why not, anyone can enter, ensures there would be room for everyone.

Like Districts and neighborhoods. Allows for player-built communities from stores to cantinas, to living spaces.

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Way better idea than players turning the Dune Sea into a mega-city. Space is at a premium for people looking to plop down structures. Instanced areas that...oh why not, anyone can enter, ensures there would be room for everyone.

Like Districts and neighborhoods. Allows for player-built communities from stores to cantinas, to living spaces.


which is the very reason why you get a ship as a house. that is why features are coming for decoration etc.

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which is the very reason why you get a ship as a house. that is why features are coming for decoration etc.


Don't get me wrong, I love my ships...Well except the Fury...It's...sterile...(A Sith Ship and no meditation chamber to stew in anger? C'mon...)


But not everyone is just content to live in Winnebagos With Wings. Maybe people want to aim for the apartment on Coruscant. It's really all about choice. All about the little things.

Edited by Listerman
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1) Player created structures & items


Guild starships. It is an idea I have had for a while. It would take much time for devs to create but from the interfleet transport players could travel to their guild's starship in the fleet. The guildmaster would control the type of ship (each type would have separate bonuses) and there can be an instanced door for player housing. Though all players would share the same door, beyond the door players could customize their room.


Every room comes with a basic training dummy (scaled to trash mobs,) a bed, and customizations would be unlocked with legacy. The customizations would be purely cosmetic but the guild ship itself would have plenty of useful tools.

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If your criticism is that instanced housing would divide the playerbase, how does your ship do better? Your ship is a form of instanced housing.


indeed it is, which is why im against getting the happy homemaker patch to make it one. guild ships is also going to have to be regulated to some extent, even if its just denying things like a gtn etc all there, because otherwise there will be no reason to have fleet at all. this very issue cause many games to have issues, with just dead cities in eq2 as an example.

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Just deal with it that TOR is not SWG.


That said, I can only see instanced housing work in a way that won't require an entire planet to be re-landscaped, such as indeed a door that takes you to an apartment floor on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas. But put away any dreams about having an SWG style sandbox where any square metre can become yours if you're early enough to the party because that simply isn't going to happen.

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indeed it is, which is why im against getting the happy homemaker patch to make it one. guild ships is also going to have to be regulated to some extent, even if its just denying things like a gtn etc all there, because otherwise there will be no reason to have fleet at all. this very issue cause many games to have issues, with just dead cities in eq2 as an example.
Though in this game we're supposed to be on our own, relatively speaking.


What's wrong with the population being spread out over numerous locations?

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Though in this game we're supposed to be on our own, relatively speaking.


What's wrong with the population being spread out over numerous locations?


some players like seeing other players around doing things. it adds a sense that you are actually playing a multiplayer game. i personally like the atmosphere provided by several players around. in many ways this game already lacks that feeling, since the only place we really do see others is fleet.

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Why do you feel the need for a house?


Why mess with animals?


Why fight for resources (AB?) to claim land to make houses?


No x 3


Customize your ship. Maybe the idea for apartments would work, but no houses, animal experiments, or contested land for house lots/real estate.

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some players like seeing other players around doing things. it adds a sense that you are actually playing a multiplayer game. i personally like the atmosphere provided by several players around. in many ways this game already lacks that feeling, since the only place we really do see others is fleet.
In fairness, that's simply the way this game has been built. The multiplayer aspect of this game doesn't truly occur until you reach the level cap, and until then we truly are playing a single-person RPG with multiplayer support. We play the daring hero, striking off on his own into the far-reaches of the galaxy. We face threats unknown, overwhelming, and mysterious with only our crew to support us. We're supposed to feel a sense of solitude. It's intentional, and the planets and content were designed in a way that promotes this.


Sure, there are social mission, flashpoints, and warzones available through the game. That's great, but the simple fact of the matter is that the leveling game, our personal class stories, do not embody a multiplayer game.


You're stuck on your perceptions from past MMORPG titles. SWTOR is a different beast altogether, and this is simply one of the things this game does differently.


Change and variation are good things.

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You want housing? Do what i wish to hell SWG had done from the start...use the existing buildings in game, make them a door way for instanced housing. Nothing was more absurd that seeing thousands of houses on planets such as the desert wasteland known as tatooine when there were huge sky scrappers in c-net that were just there for show.


Also as an 8 year SWG vet i'd just like to say.....




Edited by TKMaster
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I'm all for player structures and crafted items to fill them. As long as the structures are instanced, the sprawling player cities in UO were just god aweful to get through some times.


Yeah that part is really up to BW to decide, but I think some sort of instancing would be needed. I would prefer some zones on planets set aside for building, and then instance those zones as needed.

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