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1.2 MVP votes. What makes your cut?


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Is it the total amount of Heals?

Is it the total amount of DPS?

Is it the total amount of Kills:Deaths?

Is it the total Objective points?

Is it the total Medals?


Myself I have STOPED looking at dps as an indicator of warzone domination. Objective points fallowed by kill:death ratio and total heals (all dependent if there is a healer in the warzone and of course how well that person did) and lastly dps.


The only thing I do not understand post 1.2 is people still mindless giving MVP points to dps and/or Healing. DPS is MEANINGLESS since one can have 300k+ dps at the end of a match but only have 20:8 kill:death ratio (or worse) which questions dps. Likewise one can have a 500k heal:200 objective ratio and still recive max MVP votes. I myself usually used to give my MVP votes to healers pre 1.2, however with medals being more pro objective I usually give MVP to those with the most objective/medal points followed by kill:death ratio post 1.2.


So what do you think. With MVP votes now being recorded on your toons what makes YOU vote for MVP and why? Is it total heals? total objective points? Dps? Kills:death ratio? I would like to think it is the best player that played...but It is hard to watch your team mates play while you are trying to survive and dominate yourself.


Rant on...

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To be completely honest, as a tank, I am voting for my healers. I place guard on a healer, and run with them only. One thing people keep overlooking is a tank using protection. We get objective points, and sometimes die the most, but honestly, if we are preventing over 100k damage being dished out, we are doing our jobs. Yet no one bothers with considering it.


I'd rather see my healers getting a vote though, because they are responsible for keeping me up during my protection runs.


So personally, Heals/Objective points are all I look for, If there is no healer, or they did a bad job, chances are a Decent DPS doing their job, with objective points being high, will get my vote, or no vote will go out at all.

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If I notice a healer doing an good job they get my vote first and foremost.


Second on my list for mvp vote is someone who was using good communication, calling incoming enemies, letting the team know a cap was going to happen, ect


After that, I go by name recognition. Someone I see in the warzones regularly gets my vote over someone that I dont know.


That being said, I always vote a my warzone partner in crime over anyone else, then again he's a healing sage.

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I am doing this the bad way.... I often give the MVP to some of the people I know and have PUG'ed with before regardless of score. With that being said, these people know how to play and the MVP-vote is often justified.


If not, healers or the active Ops Leader that directed the battle.

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Ya you're looking at your MVP voting wrong. I completely ignore stats cause they're pretty pointless. Im usually on the bottom in Huttball, because I run the ball and win my games, and the people getting my MVP votes are always sorcs, usually the ones that are keeping me up and pulling me across gaps.


In voidstar/alderaan im looking at whoever stood out as an exceptional player, whoever was stuck guarding a side node, or whoever was healing me, or if im with another player and we're pubstomping people they get my vote.


Basically whoever helped me the most and stands out, because I'm only going after objectives.

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MVP votes for me used to go to healers or just awesome players. Now I just give it some random guy that I know was there the whole game.


It is worth only 1 commendation now, so they mean very little. it was a fun way to reward the really helpful players, but now it too is a joke.

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I'm thinking of using a (damage + healing + protection)/(damage taken - protection - (deaths * 15000)) type formula, representative of the positive or negative impact of a player.


You generally don't have enough time to choose who you give your vote, though...

Edited by JMCH
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I vote for the person who had the lowest contribution, so they get a little more.




Apart from this silly reason


I personally think MVP votes should go to either top healers or top objective earners....


Tanks withp rotection also win them


however huttball i give them to whoever scores more or heals the scorer!

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I don't think deaths really matter that much.

They count for numerous reasons.


900k damage and 1 kill means BAD damage dealer.

90k damage and 40 kills, depends on the case, could be a serial fragger or those frags could be useful.


The same could be done with deaths.

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Is it the total amount of Heals?

Is it the total amount of DPS?

Is it the total amount of Kills:Deaths?

Is it the total Objective points?

Is it the total Medals?


Myself I have STOPED looking at dps as an indicator of warzone domination. Objective points fallowed by kill:death ratio and total heals (all dependent if there is a healer in the warzone and of course how well that person did) and lastly dps.


The only thing I do not understand post 1.2 is people still mindless giving MVP points to dps and/or Healing. DPS is MEANINGLESS since one can have 300k+ dps at the end of a match but only have 20:8 kill:death ratio (or worse) which questions dps. Likewise one can have a 500k heal:200 objective ratio and still recive max MVP votes. I myself usually used to give my MVP votes to healers pre 1.2, however with medals being more pro objective I usually give MVP to those with the most objective/medal points followed by kill:death ratio post 1.2.


So what do you think. With MVP votes now being recorded on your toons what makes YOU vote for MVP and why? Is it total heals? total objective points? Dps? Kills:death ratio? I would like to think it is the best player that played...but It is hard to watch your team mates play while you are trying to survive and dominate yourself.


Rant on...


in pugs

First people i notice contributing, i.e. passing me the huttball or doing something useful with it after i pass it to them

Second Healers that heal me, cause i appreciate it

Third most dps/kills


in group

First people contributing, i'm working with a group so its gonna be one of them

Second my groups healer if we have one, they aren't awarded enough and many times they mostly pve so it's nice to have them

Third, closest to battlemaster, so they can wear the crit crafted versions of their gear.

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i'm usually one of the highest damage guys so i can't vote for myself there, jk! ;)


i vote in order of importance:


for the guy who needs it the most in my premade

for the highest heals solo queuing

for the guy with the highest objective points

for the guy who is the only one left cuz the others have left after the match too quickly :p


this is all trumped if someone does something extraordinary to make us win


(there's a marauder on my server in huttball who pretty much means instant victory to whoever's team he is on...


there was also a stealther a few days ago on our team who disarmed the bomb for us 3 times in the same room in voidstar, was amazing)

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