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    UPS Ramp Supervisor
  1. Our only apprentice? Xalek is our apprentice, not ashara. You forget the storyline already bro?
  2. I am darkness PvP in DPS gear. My layout is as follows. I try to somewhat group my buttons. 1-5 wither | shock | thrash | overload | whirlwind ctrl 1-5 saber strike | force lightning | jolt | electrocute | assassinate alt 1-5 discharge | spike | force speed | force pull | mind tap mouse | scroll up = unbreakable will | scroll down = force shroud | mouse 3 = recklessness | mouse 4 = stealth | mouse 5 = deflection R = mind control T = mass mind control Y = trinket F = force slow G = guard H = huttball V = overcharge saber If stealthed I open with spike - wither - shock - Force lightning at 2 stacks (if I need a heal I will thrash and then I trinket and pop recklessness hit them with a shock Force lightning), assassinate always gains priority. When not stealthed I usually save spike for interrupt. My rotation changes constantly though. If it's a heal I will not spam abilities so I can have stuns and interrupts ready. If I am against a noob I will just wither, shock, force lightning them over and over while throwing in stuns and interrupts and switching to the wither, shock, thrash, shock rotation for the heal force lightning when I need it. When I'm waiting on shock or wither CD and I'm around multiple enemies I throw in discharges. Oh, and always keep mind control and mass mind control up as well as force slow when needed. Also, I have no problem memorizing every ability I listed, and I smoke a lot of dro. Not sure what these guys are talking about you can only have 10 memorized. Set them to ctrl and alt 1-5 and they're very easy, but I've been playing with that setup for at least 6 years
  3. Ya you're looking at your MVP voting wrong. I completely ignore stats cause they're pretty pointless. Im usually on the bottom in Huttball, because I run the ball and win my games, and the people getting my MVP votes are always sorcs, usually the ones that are keeping me up and pulling me across gaps. In voidstar/alderaan im looking at whoever stood out as an exceptional player, whoever was stuck guarding a side node, or whoever was healing me, or if im with another player and we're pubstomping people they get my vote. Basically whoever helped me the most and stands out, because I'm only going after objectives.
  4. Senlayan


    Quit whining about this system sucking because you are undergeared and causing your teams to lose. You can purchase pvp gear for credits now, and BM gear is rediculously easy to attain, go pvp a little and get what it took us ballers weeks to get in just a few days.
  5. I'm level 30 and have been carnage the entire time. Leveling with ease, no fights are hard, never use stimpacks, and rarely need a health pot. I utilize all my abilities and everything is fine.
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