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Lost Island, ***...

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I do appreciate the input, but in this case it wasn't the Satchel Charge damage that was causing the issues. The tank managed to avoid most of them, but even when he didn't I had no problem healing through (on one unfortunate occasion he picked up three charges just before a kolto tank DPS phase, and keeping him up wasn't particularly hard).


It's simply between breaking a kolto tank and before the next Satchel Charge phase that I was struggling tremendously to keep the tank up. Lorrick's regular attack rotation just burns him down at an amazing rate.


Mind you, the tank had about 16k health buffed... less than our full Columi DPS. *shrug*


Lorrick's "Flurry of Bolts" ability does a ton of damage. It's got a really fast channel, but I found it helped a -ton- to at least make an attempt to interrupt it.

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Lorrick's "Flurry of Bolts" ability does a ton of damage. It's got a really fast channel, but I found it helped a -ton- to at least make an attempt to interrupt it.


^^ This also... if you can heal through 3 satchel charges then the healing in-between fights shouldn't be a problem. The ability mentioned above is the only one I can even think of that might cause a problem.

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I really don't understand the issue people are having with this FP. I just ran this for the first time on Friday with some guildies and cleared it with only 2 deaths.


We had 2 sorcs (one DPS, one heals), a Jugg tank and me (sniper). All of us are full Rakata.


The sorc healer and myself had never been there before Friday night when we ran it for the first time. The other sorc and the jugg had run it once before.


We died once to the droid learning the mechanics and downed him the second time. We died once to Lorrick learning the mechanics there (and bad positioning on the healer) then downed him the second time.


This is not a difficult FP, but I can see this being somewhat difficult to PUG, especially if someone in the group has never done it before.


In my opinion it's tuned just right. Like the new op, it's all about coordination and mechanics. When you get those down, the bosses aren't any harder than anything we've seen before. Will definitely be farming this on the weekly for the comms. About 1.5 hours for Kaon and LI isn't bad for the 8 comms (and the Aratech Ice which I got on Friday).


So you went in with a group in full Rakata, completely outgearing the flashpoint, every person in your group could interupt, and all your dps was ranged dps. I'm surprised you found it easy....

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So you went in with a group in full Rakata, completely outgearing the flashpoint, every person in your group could interupt, and all your dps was ranged dps. I'm surprised you found it easy....


A) This is a FP that has a weekly for BH comms. They clearly intended this to be a progression FP. Sure the gear drops are crap and it only drops Tionese crystals and Tionese comms (not even Columi), but that's an itemization issue and not indicative of the difficulty of the FP.


B) Every class can interrupt - some have better interrupts than others (BH, crap interrupt on too long a CD, but whatever). Your group should have a least 1 other along with the tank that can interrupt. That's all you ever need. You just need to interrupt the right spells (not every spell) and not have a scrub healer.


C) Yes, this game is not very friendly to melee DPS, but it's not exactly friendly to a sniper either whose DPS depends on being stationary (especially the droid fight and Lorrick).


This FP is not gear dependent at all - it's about mechanics and coordination. Gear makes it slightly easier in that you can out-DPS a poor healer or tank, but it's only a very small portion of the success. I hate to say it, and usually don't, but this is L2P time - if you are consistently failing at this FP, check what you are doing and what your group is doing - clearly something is wrong there.

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Also, a flashpoint that basically requires full Columi really doesn't need to drop more Columi pieces.

This. And if you have 2 melee DPS, even full Columi is doubtful.


If you really think it's your skill that did the job, try it again after downgrading half your pieces to say Tionese level, and bring 2 melee DPS, then come back and tell me how easy it was.

Edited by Ancaglon
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A) This is a FP that has a weekly for BH comms. They clearly intended this to be a progression FP. Sure the gear drops are crap and it only drops Tionese crystals and Tionese comms (not even Columi), but that's an itemization issue and not indicative of the difficulty of the FP.


B) Every class can interrupt - some have better interrupts than others (BH, crap interrupt on too long a CD, but whatever). Your group should have a least 1 other along with the tank that can interrupt. That's all you ever need. You just need to interrupt the right spells (not every spell) and not have a scrub healer.


C) Yes, this game is not very friendly to melee DPS, but it's not exactly friendly to a sniper either whose DPS depends on being stationary (especially the droid fight and Lorrick).


This FP is not gear dependent at all - it's about mechanics and coordination. Gear makes it slightly easier in that you can out-DPS a poor healer or tank, but it's only a very small portion of the success. I hate to say it, and usually don't, but this is L2P time - if you are consistently failing at this FP, check what you are doing and what your group is doing - clearly something is wrong there.


First of all I never said I was having trouble in the place, I was commenting on how a ranged stacked group, all with interupts, with full rakata, should have no trouble at all.


For your point B, mercenaries/commandos do not have an interupt. A 1 min cd stun that doesn't work on bosses doesn't count, sorry.


I just think it's kinda funny how in an 18 page thread about how hard it is for melee groups, newish 50's, and groups lacking interupts to complete the instance, you come in telling everyone how easy it was in your overgeared group of ranged dps with 4 interupts.

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LOL sorry but it sounds like your healer sucks. Being in full rakata doesn't make you good anymore, sorry to burst your bubble. The first boss is just a matter of getting the mechanisms down. Besides that as long as you have good dps the fights are pretty straightforward.
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First of all I never said I was having trouble in the place, I was commenting on how a ranged stacked group, all with interupts, with full rakata, should have no trouble at all.


They shouldn't have "no trouble at all." I never said that. The fights are difficult and require understanding the mechanics and coordinating the group. If you can't do that, you will fail no matter how well geared you are. Gear is not everything, contrary to popular belief.


And it really doesn't matter how many interrupts you have - you just need to interrupt the right spells, not all of them, as I said before. We may have had a slight advantage in our group, but for all intents and purposes, we only have 3 interrupts because the healer is not going to stop heals and interrupt a boss ability. And it's still possible to miss or have 2 burn on the same cast - having interrupts is not an instant "I win" button for any fight.


I just think it's kinda funny how in an 18 page thread about how hard it is for melee groups, newish 50's, and groups lacking interupts to complete the instance, you come in telling everyone how easy it was in your overgeared group of ranged dps with 4 interupts.


There's a lot of people in this thread complaining about that, but there are also posts from people who have said they've done it successfully in melee heavy groups. Learn the mechanics - i.e. don't stand in the fire. His incinerate is a cone, melee DPS should be behind him. It's also possible to kite him to move him out of the lightning storms - ranged have to move to get out of them, if you're melee stacked, you move the whole group plus boss instead of just the group (and we had two spawn on the tank/boss and had to move the boss). Again, learn the mechanics - sure it's harder, but you're talking like it's impossible if you don't have ranged. That's crap.


Also, there is a progression to FPs, just like there is in Ops. If a fresh 50 expects to faceroll HM LI in a PUG, they're deluding themselves. There's a normal mode which will help those players learn the fights and other HMs to get some better gear before they attempt this on HM.


As others have said, people complained about content being too easy, and now that we have good, hard fights with some real progression built-in, we have "it's too hard" posts on the forums within hours of the patch going live. You just can't please anyone these days. It's too much of the entitlement mentality combined with people thinking they want hard, progression content, failing at it, and then realizing they really didn't want that, they just wanted free purples.

Edited by metaldragen
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This. And if you have 2 melee DPS, even full Columi is doubtful.


If you really think it's your skill that did the job, try it again after downgrading half your pieces to say Tionese level, and bring 2 melee DPS, then come back and tell me how easy it was.

Do people really not understand the meaning of "progression?" You're not supposed to ROFLstomp this FP as a relatively fresh 50. You're supposed to move from the easier HMs (BT, BP, Foundry, FE for example), then move up to harder ones (BoI, D7, Kaon) and then move up to LI (Barring, of course, progression through Operations).


Yes, half-Tionese geared players will have greater difficulty in LI. They will also have a lot more difficulty in D7 and BoI.


Honestly at this point it just sounds like people want Rakata gear handed to them.

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First attempt on this flash point took us 3 tries on each boss but now we do it in about 30 mins. Record time 28 mins.


We were mainly in rakata gear but some still had two pieces of columi on. This place is hard and it is meant to be hard since it drops a rakata chest piece, a pet and a speeder. Plus it teaches mechanics for people who need help on how to be raid smart in an OPS. I think it is a good stepping stone for people IMO.

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Try 3 minimum. The plasma arc is used about every 10 seconds, interrupts are on longer cooldowns than this. And you have to have someone for incinerate watching only that cause as soon as a plasma arc is interrupted, the droid will likely throw incinerate (as it has a 15 second cooldown).


Get a knight/Warrior they have a 8 sec. if specced correctly 6 sec Interupt. I managed to interupt almost every cast and had my sentinel Dps grab the others. its not a problem.

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They shouldn't have "no trouble at all." I never said that. The fights are difficult and require understanding the mechanics and coordinating the group. If you can't do that, you will fail no matter how well geared you are. Gear is not everything, contrary to popular belief.


And it really doesn't matter how many interrupts you have - you just need to interrupt the right spells, not all of them, as I said before. We may have had a slight advantage in our group, but for all intents and purposes, we only have 3 interrupts because the healer is not going to stop heals and interrupt a boss ability. And it's still possible to miss or have 2 burn on the same cast - having interrupts is not an instant "I win" button for any fight.




There's a lot of people in this thread complaining about that, but there are also posts from people who have said they've done it successfully in melee heavy groups. Learn the mechanics - i.e. don't stand in the fire. His incinerate is a cone, melee DPS should be behind him. It's also possible to kite him to move him out of the lightning storms - ranged have to move to get out of them, if you're melee stacked, you move the whole group plus boss instead of just the group (and we had two spawn on the tank/boss and had to move the boss). Again, learn the mechanics - sure it's harder, but you're talking like it's impossible if you don't have ranged. That's crap.


Also, there is a progression to FPs, just like there is in Ops. If a fresh 50 expects to faceroll HM LI in a PUG, they're deluding themselves. There's a normal mode which will help those players learn the fights and other HMs to get some better gear before they attempt this on HM.


As others have said, people complained about content being too easy, and now that we have good, hard fights with some real progression built-in, we have "it's too hard" posts on the forums within hours of the patch going live. You just can't please anyone these days. It's too much of the entitlement mentality combined with people thinking they want hard, progression content, failing at it, and then realizing they really didn't want that, they just wanted free purples.


^This the self entitlement of this generation is just sad :(

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I was running lost island hardmode and on the first boss sometimes I wouldn't see the arc and at first I thought it was phantom damage until my guild mate told me about it and it really annoyed me however it was just the first that would spawn. but on the last boss it was even harder to due the fact that I couldn't see the green poison that he throws but only the first poison gas grenade he threw which didn't help with the stacks but we did kill him in the end but was the only one with that problem not seeing some of the aoe dmg has anyone else had this problem?
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We may have had a slight advantage in our group, but for all intents and purposes, we only have 3 interrupts because the healer is not going to stop heals and interrupt a boss ability.

Actually, as a healer who often runs with two Commando DPS I throw out interrupts a lot. Obviously healing takes priority, and if I'm in the middle of a long cast I have to weigh up the cost-benefit of making the interrupt vs letting the heal go through, but the point I'm getting to is a little trick that makes it pretty easy: macro a key to your focus modifier and interrupt. I can throw interrupts at a boss at will without having to switch targets.


Sadly this method fails with the bosses that have stealth mechanics, since the game just dumps your focus target in these situations :(

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Actually, as a healer who often runs with two Commando DPS I throw out interrupts a lot. Obviously healing takes priority, and if I'm in the middle of a long cast I have to weigh up the cost-benefit of making the interrupt vs letting the heal go through, but the point I'm getting to is a little trick that makes it pretty easy: macro a key to your focus modifier and interrupt. I can throw interrupts at a boss at will without having to switch targets.


Sadly this method fails with the bosses that have stealth mechanics, since the game just dumps your focus target in these situations :(


And that is perfectly viable for your group makeup (Commando/Merc). In my group, since we have 2 ranged with good interrupts plus the tank, our healer doesn't need to, and shouldn't be expected to, throw out interrupts. If he is ever in that situation, the rest of us have failed the fight.


That also means that you know your class and how to play effectively (making use of the focus target and hotkeys). Which goes back to my earlier point - this FP is not gear dependent or too hard, it's learn to play (both your class and the fight mechanics).

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20 pages of posts and most of you are clueless. The droid boss is just not balanced for the less than optimal group, ie 2 melee dps. Doing it with 2 ranged dps makes the fight a huge order of magnitude easier.

most posts in this thread ignore the complaint about melee dps to claim how they did it with 2 ranged. Lets compare apples to apples and unless you have done it with only melee dps your advice is worthless. Has anyone done this boss with Republic melee dps? Seems the onlys melee setups I've seen in this thread have been Imperial.

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You see there was something called Public Test that lasted a month that was open to everyone with a subscription. If you feel so compelled now that you think the FP is OP than how about testing it with everyone else instead of complaining. :rolleyes:


Ignorance can be bliss......watch out, your eyes may stay like that.....


Aside from the fact that NO level 50's were available, and people had to power level from 1-50 in order to test this stuff. The small crowd from the copied guilds, was, too small.....

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Ran it with me as healer last night. Me (sawbones), sent, sent, guardian tank. We wiped on LR-5 13 times before we gave up. I watched the Youtube vids, read all the strategies, read all the forums, all to no avail. We just could not manage the lightning domes. We always end up having the room full of lightning domes and lava and nowhere else to go or incinerate happen while the tank is moving the fight out of a lightning dome.


The tank was all columi with a few rakata pieces, one sent was pretty much full columi, the other was half columi and half tionese. I was the worst geared as a healer with only 1 columi. I don't think I was having much problem healing. we just ran out of places to run away from the lightning.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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i think we can all agree that the rewards do not match the instance
guess it depends on your definition of reward.


first time though it, i thought it was pretty rewarding for the experience.


there's some learning, but i expect the subsequent runs to be considerably smoother/shorter now that most people know the instance.


Besides, my peons all need rakata chests. ;)

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Ran it with me as healer last night. Me (sawbones), sent, sent, guardian tank. We wiped on LR-5 13 times before we gave up. I watched the Youtube vids, read all the strategies, read all the forums, all to no avail. We just could not manage the lightning domes. We always end up having the room full of lightning domes and lava and nowhere else to go or incinerate happen while the tank is moving the fight out of a lightning dome.


The tank was all columi with a few rakata pieces, one sent was pretty much full columi, the other was half columi and half tionese. I was the worst geared as a healer with only 1 columi. I don't think I was having much problem healing. we just ran out of places to run away from the lightning.

The tank should try kiting in a clockwise or counterclockwise manner. Everyone else should know which way the tank is going, since lightning spawns on top of them ,they need to make sure they're not in the way of where the tank is going. There will ALWAYS be areas that are open to stand on (Provided you didn't hit the 3 minute soft enrage), as the lava only spawns in the middle area so you can stay on the outer edges.


The droid will usually drop lightning, followed by Incinerate. Because of this, the tank should wait for incinerate to come up, then interrupt, then start moving instead of moving immediately.


This fight is hardest for the tank, as they have to be very fast on interrupts while kiting the boss around the room while minding lightning/lava. If the problem is you're running out of places to go/Incinerate hitting you, then the tank isn't doing his/her job properly. That's not saying you have a bad tank, just that it can be very difficult for a tank to do.


As for people saying it's "not possible" to do with two melee DPS, I'd personally rather do it with two melee DPS than with two Commando DPS. Immobile class with no interrupt hurts a LOT more than being melee, which honestly doesn't even hurt that bad in this fight.

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20 pages of posts and most of you are clueless. The droid boss is just not balanced for the less than optimal group, ie 2 melee dps. Doing it with 2 ranged dps makes the fight a huge order of magnitude easier.

most posts in this thread ignore the complaint about melee dps to claim how they did it with 2 ranged. Lets compare apples to apples and unless you have done it with only melee dps your advice is worthless. Has anyone done this boss with Republic melee dps? Seems the onlys melee setups I've seen in this thread have been Imperial.


I have healed this fight with melee dps on rep side ((not that it matters what side it is - ***?). It is harder than with ranged but far from impossible. You just need a couple of attempts to figure out the movement/positioning. The reason it's harder is because the tank has to keep moving out of range/out of interrupt range/LoS the droid to keep him moving in a timely manner around the room. THerefore 1) Melee dps needs todo most of the interupting instead of the tank (not a problem) 2) You need to be a little more careful not to pull aggro. The trick is to keep moving fast enough that you never actually get trapped between lighting orb behind you and the risk of incinerate armour in front.

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