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btw im a commando healer and beat this in full columi and my whole group had full columi but no rakata so people its possible but this hm fp is a gear check were you have to be full or near full columi or better.


(group was guardian tank, gunslinger dps, sage dps, and commando healer for frist down then the rest we also brought a melee dps and beat it and i beat it 6+ times now)

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The instance is fine. I have wanted to reply to this but I am usually at work and never have my key thing with me.


I have done this on two different characters with two different groups.


On my Sorc healer, with Merc dps, Marauder dps, and Assassin tank.

On my Pyro powertech(no rakata, mix of columi tionise and Battlemaster)), with a Merc healer, Merc dps, Jug tank.


My regular group is the one with my Pyro powertech. That group, last night we cleared both LI and Kaon in 1 hour and ~45 minutes.

The instance isn't too hard, it requires coordination and each player to pay attention and not just derp through an instance like the rest of the "hardmodes". It rewards Rakata chest and Black Hole coms for the weekly. Everything is fine about it.

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Until you have 2 melee dps. I'm a full rakata assassin dps and everytime I try this instance we have had another melee dps. I've still have not beaten this boss but every one who says its easy is ranged or had a majority of ranged. Theres a severe advantage in this fight thats needs to be fixed so that melee and ranged are equally challenged. Until then this fight is purely playing into the advantages of ranged classes so much that its almost imposable to beat him without them. If they can tweak this fight just a little bit I think it will be fine.
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Using melee classes instead of ranged classes is 10x harder to win because melee not only have to worry about lightning they also have to worry about lava. Any competent ranged player can stay away from lava damage the entire fight. Melee don't have that luxury.
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I have finished the FP as ranged dps, tank, and healer. After running it many time and analyzing the parse, it pretty much comes to this :


1st boss : After you learn the mechanics, you need 2k dps total, and roughly 1k hps. If your dps cannot reach 2k while dodging lightning, then lightning balls will spawn all over the place at around 3 minutes, and you will most likely wipe. Your tank should do around 500dps, so the dps only need to do 750 each. You will be shocked at the number of players who cannot do that once they need to move.


2nd boss : Pretty much a pure mechanics fight, however your healer must be able to heal through the damage when 'Donkey Kong' throws green goo at you.


Last boss : If your tank uses a CD (e.g. force shroud) or LoS the boss when he throws the satchel charge, healing the first part is very easy. Otherwise, you better hope your healer is at least Full Rakata with mods, because 4 charges is roughly 20k in damage. You already have enough dps to kill Dr Lorrick at the last phase if you can beat the robot boss.


The flashpoint is pretty challenging, and for those who are stuck, completing it will make you into a better player.

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For people who complain about the droid they aren't using the very simple strategy of stacking. If you have ranged, have them all stack on top of each other, and then run out of the lightning bubbles and stack again. If you have mostly meele, have them all stack up at the back of the droid, and have the tank obviously move the boss when the bubbles come down.


FYI, the lava that pops up barely does any damage at all and you can run through it pretty much without any regard.


Learn to stack and this is a simple fight.

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and just to clear stuff up it is possible you just have to kite him around the edges of the room with the tank infront and the dps and healer behind boss if the tank can kite him good and melee interrupt incinerate youll be able to beat the droid boss
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The instance is fine. I have wanted to reply to this but I am usually at work and never have my key thing with me.


I have done this on two different characters with two different groups.


On my Sorc healer, with Merc dps, Marauder dps, and Assassin tank.

On my Pyro powertech(no rakata, mix of columi tionise and Battlemaster)), with a Merc healer, Merc dps, Jug tank.


My regular group is the one with my Pyro powertech. That group, last night we cleared both LI and Kaon in 1 hour and ~45 minutes.

The instance isn't too hard, it requires coordination and each player to pay attention and not just derp through an instance like the rest of the "hardmodes". It rewards Rakata chest and Black Hole coms for the weekly. Everything is fine about it.



Until you have 2 melee dps. I'm a full rakata assassin dps and everytime I try this instance we have had another melee dps. I've still have not beaten this boss but every one who says its easy is ranged or had a majority of ranged. Theres a severe advantage in this fight thats needs to be fixed so that melee and ranged are equally challenged. Until then this fight is purely playing into the advantages of ranged classes so much that its almost imposable to beat him without them. If they can tweak this fight just a little bit I think it will be fine.



There, to prove a point I made a group with my guild's Assassin tank, myself healing (Sorc) and a Assassin DPS and Marauder DPS. The Assassin and Marauder dps had NEVER set foot in either normal or HM Lost Island before last night. Everything was explained by me in the instance. We had two wipes on LR-5 before downing him, and no wipes the rest of the instance.

We are not some elite raiding guild, we are pretty casual.


This instance is fine as I stated before, and I would be pretty mad if they nerfed LR5 any. This whole instance isn't "too hard" it is technically complicated, which is combated by specific strategies, that if followed, everything will go smoothly.


And again, last night on my Pyro Powertech group, we proceded to clear LI and Kaon HM's in 1 hour and 30 minutes. Down about 15 from last week.

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LI HM is really a faceroll instance, the hardest boss obviously being the first one and only problems that it could pose arise when the tank has very bad l2p issues. Also being melee dps marauder myself I mostly ran the instance with another melee dps, at it's ok to pug it too as long as you know the tank and he isn't completely brain dead. Gear has little to nothing to do with it, I've wiped a dozen times on the droid boss with tanks in full rakata gear who were just too stupid to do what was required of them in the relatively short encounter.
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LI HM is really a faceroll instance, the hardest boss obviously being the first one and only problems that it could pose arise when the tank has very bad l2p issues. Also being melee dps marauder myself I mostly ran the instance with another melee dps, at it's ok to pug it too as long as you know the tank and he isn't completely brain dead. Gear has little to nothing to do with it, I've wiped a dozen times on the droid boss with tanks in full rakata gear who were just too stupid to do what was required of them in the relatively short encounter.


I agree with Weirdgus, HM Lost Island is a faceroll instance. 1st boss - interrupt incinerate, move from aoe and you win. 2nd boss just pew pew pew. Last boss - move from aoe, pew pew pew.

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I think your tank isn't moving end boss away from the group. The "I've got something up my sleeve for you" part will aoe grenade the whole group. If the tank aims him away from the group, it is considerably easier.


We've had HM LI on farm just in columi a week after it was released.


Just goes to show tactics > gear.

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I have finished the FP as ranged dps, tank, and healer. After running it many time and analyzing the parse, it pretty much comes to this :


1st boss : After you learn the mechanics, you need 2k dps total, and roughly 1k hps. If your dps cannot reach 2k while dodging lightning, then lightning balls will spawn all over the place at around 3 minutes, and you will most likely wipe. Your tank should do around 500dps, so the dps only need to do 750 each. You will be shocked at the number of players who cannot do that once they need to move.


2nd boss : Pretty much a pure mechanics fight, however your healer must be able to heal through the damage when 'Donkey Kong' throws green goo at you.


Last boss : If your tank uses a CD (e.g. force shroud) or LoS the boss when he throws the satchel charge, healing the first part is very easy. Otherwise, you better hope your healer is at least Full Rakata with mods, because 4 charges is roughly 20k in damage. You already have enough dps to kill Dr Lorrick at the last phase if you can beat the robot boss.


The flashpoint is pretty challenging, and for those who are stuck, completing it will make you into a better player.


I healed it in Tionese with a Columi main/offhand and Warhero bracers as best gear. The Rakata chest I got was first-in-guild. Just avoid the big circles on the ground...

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Only had trouble clearing Lost Island hard mode the day 1.2 was released (Took us 5 hours) . Ever since then its been a faceroll...


Its got to the points where 9 times out of 10 we 1 shot every boss.


As long as your tank isn't completely incompetent at his job it shouldn't be hard.


And i've pugged it before with 4 people from 4 different guilds.

Edited by Fracta
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  • 2 weeks later...

The optional and 1st bosses are the hardest. As for the 1st boss he's easy if you have ranged dps.


Basically LR-5 is a gear check, and favours ranged over melee. The optional boss isn't worth it.


It is not that hard. All you need is 3/5 Columi.


If you can't beat it in 5/5 Columi then.... maybe you should review boss mechanics or respec?

Edited by AshlaBoga
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A few guildies and I have been working on Lost Island HM lately. The first time we went in we were unable to get past the sentinel droid. We went in tonight, our second attempt at hard mode, and got past LR-5 after about 10 wipes. We were able to down Project Sav-rak after 1 wipe. We attempted Doctor Lorrick about 15 times before finally calling it quits.


The zone is definitely doable, but the loot is not appropriate for the difficulty. Our team has mostly Columi, while two of our guys were wearing some Tionese, and the other two of us have a few pieces of Rakata. To be clear, since you need Columi or better to run this zone, most of the loot will end up going to your companions. We're only doing it because we want the Aratech Ice speeder. I doubt that once we complete the zone once we'll ever find it necessary to do it again.


While I'm not one to complain about difficulty, the final boss, Doctor Lorrick, can be trickier than intended. The audible cue he gives for his Satchel Charge attack is inconsistent at best and doesn't work at all most of the time. I hate to blame our failure on something as simple as sound, though without a doubt the fight would be easier if I could avoid most of the satchel charges.


Most annoying is that this is an audio bug that seems to happen a lot when you start doing hard mode flashpoints (false emperor, anyone?). I really hope fixing this issue is a high priority for 1.3, considering the game has been out for 5 months and the sound still isn't working properly.


Our setup was:


Sage (healer)


Commando (dps)


Good luck!

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I think your tank isn't moving end boss away from the group. The "I've got something up my sleeve for you" part will aoe grenade the whole group. If the tank aims him away from the group, it is considerably easier.


We've had HM LI on farm just in columi a week after it was released.


Just goes to show tactics > gear.


Just thought I pop in and add my experience. The grenades are a frontal cone/spray attack that can be 100% avoided by everyone, even the tank. When I tank him I run him in circles trailing the spray around as well. The group is on the move with me (or out of range 100%) and we never get hit.

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A few guildies and I have been working on Lost Island HM lately. The first time we went in we were unable to get past the sentinel droid. We went in tonight, our second attempt at hard mode, and got past LR-5 after about 10 wipes. We were able to down Project Sav-rak after 1 wipe. We attempted Doctor Lorrick about 15 times before finally calling it quits.


The zone is definitely doable, but the loot is not appropriate for the difficulty. Our team has mostly Columi, while two of our guys were wearing some Tionese, and the other two of us have a few pieces of Rakata. To be clear, since you need Columi or better to run this zone, most of the loot will end up going to your companions. We're only doing it because we want the Aratech Ice speeder. I doubt that once we complete the zone once we'll ever find it necessary to do it again.


While I'm not one to complain about difficulty, the final boss, Doctor Lorrick, can be trickier than intended. The audible cue he gives for his Satchel Charge attack is inconsistent at best and doesn't work at all most of the time. I hate to blame our failure on something as simple as sound, though without a doubt the fight would be easier if I could avoid most of the satchel charges.


Most annoying is that this is an audio bug that seems to happen a lot when you start doing hard mode flashpoints (false emperor, anyone?). I really hope fixing this issue is a high priority for 1.3, considering the game has been out for 5 months and the sound still isn't working properly.


Our setup was:


Sage (healer)


Commando (dps)


Good luck!


The real reason to do Lost Island is for the weekly black whole comms. The Rakata pieces it does drop, imho, are mainly to fill in pieces you may need. Groups should expect to have a lot of rakata before trying this outt


On the first boss the interrupts are key. If you are wipping that much perhaps you guys are missing the incinerate armor. Also remember this boss should always be on the move to avoid damage from the lighting domes.


For the final boss the audio ques seem to work for me but even if they don't work you can avoid most of them. As soon as you see him start to spray the AOE frontal bomb attack just run circles around him.

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We had the same experience with only one melee DPS, but then we ran it with a different melee DPS and had no problem. It's not a melee problem, it's a player problem.


For sure. While it maybe harder with melee DPS it is still very doable. I just did it with 2 sents myself and a sage healer.

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I hate to blame our failure on something as simple as sound, though without a doubt the fight would be easier if I could avoid most of the satchel charges.

Switch your chat log to "Other" and watch for Lorrick's audio cue subtitle after the second set of AOE attacks go out.

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For all those people who tell us to stop qqing and are farming this flashpoint. I ask you to do one thing, show us a video of you one shoting (no wipes) With 2 Melee DPS and then i will stop saying that this Flashpoint is biased against melee.


I am a Guardian Dps Vigspec with full columi part rakata

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For all those people who tell us to stop qqing and are farming this flashpoint. I ask you to do one thing, show us a video of you one shoting (no wipes) With 2 Melee DPS and then i will stop saying that this Flashpoint is biased against melee.


I am a Guardian Dps Vigspec with full columi part rakata


For sure, let me see if I can get zyxx and hollopoint to join me. Mind you I never told you to stop QQing. Others may have. I know this fight can be challenging at first

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I think peoples main complaints are that its assumed to be doable in colmui gear which is a laugh, same as Story mode EC, Just another example of how very few of the people replying to these various interviews example the recent dev blog where he gave biowares intended progression path. I dont mind intended hard, but bioware openly stating this flashpoint and storymode EC being natural progression in colmuni gear, show just how much there heads are in the clouds when they design these things and that they obviously dont play the content them selves.


They need to stop doing group testing with elietest fanboys.


Do i think it should be nerfed no, but i do think it should be retuned with less of a bias agasint melee on the second droid. Same as trash needs to be thined out, im sorry but im hear to play this game and enjoy this game not be tortured into not bothering with content, yes it should be challenging but it shouldnt be class biased and it shouldnt take much more than 2 hours tops...


Theres lots of other things to do in an evening it shouldnt dominate everyones time and should be in out, that was fun, got some gear, enjoyed the story back to doing other stuff like relisting GTN items which need to be listed ALL the friggin time...........

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For all those people who tell us to stop qqing and are farming this flashpoint. I ask you to do one thing, show us a video of you one shoting (no wipes) With 2 Melee DPS and then i will stop saying that this Flashpoint is biased against melee.


I am a Guardian Dps Vigspec with full columi part rakata


I don't have a video yet, but here's my log for reference.




Look at the fight times 16:59:54 - 17:02:06


2m 12 second fight with 1 sage healer, 2 sentinels and 1 guardian tank. This is with DragonExadon...

People who complain this game is biased against melee's need to rea;ise we've been compensated by a rediculously large amount of damage we can put out vs ranged classes. Just yesterday in NiM KP, my best geared gunslinger who's in Rakata/Blackhole/Campaign only did 1500 dps while i turned out 1700-1800 easy. If your a melee class, you need to take the initiative to get better at moving and dealing damage. You can't stay planted and mash buttons all day long.

Edited by Digital_Blade
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