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All I can say is: ITS ABOUT TIME!


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For too long us Mara's were a laughing stock...but not anymore. Its about time we get some decent firepower. It feels good getting even with the rock chuckers and lightning spammers.


I *********** LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Now, what is a good re-spec? Annhai still the no-limit top dogg?

Edited by acelesson
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For too long us Mara's were a laughing stock...but not anymore. Its about time we get some decent firepower. It feels good getting even with the rock chuckers and lightning spammers.


I *********** LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Now, what is a good re-spec? Annhai still the no-limit top dogg?


Alright, who's got the Kirk facepalm?

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Mara have always dominated. Only change is now bad mara dominate as well.


Not really, first 1-2months marauders were considered a joke of a class. For some reasons I totallly ignore.

Edited by atreyuz
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Not really, first 1-2months marauders were considered a joke of a class. For some reasons I totallly ignore.


because baddies couldnt figure it out


it didnt mean the class actually was bad


it was always dominant

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because baddies couldnt figure it out


it didnt mean the class actually was bad


it was always dominant


This was a problem with all melees for some reason. My first character was a merc, and I kept hearing about how hard melee classes have it, especially in pvp. My next character was a juggernaut. I was doing 175-200k damage in warzones with high protection by the mid 30s and even before that still did really well. After that I tried assassin, marauder, and powertech and did good in pvp with all of them, on the tank classes it was easy to get 10 medals and help your team win the game just by playing the way you should be. At that point I realized people who thought all melee classes sucked (and especially in the case of marauders) had no idea what they were doing while playing them.


Melee has always been strong.

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Sith warriors either marauder or juggernauts were far too mighty and easy to master...

The patch made it ridiculously easy to dominate any 1v1...


I had a real chance to win vs marauders/juggers in 1on1, was always quite close and fun but now it's just....


I know balancing isn't easy and there are always people who feel left behind when another class gets stronger but seriously I can't believe the OP is serious about his post....

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Marauders and sentinels are still just as easy to CC as ever. Their buffs didn't change that. Knock them back, stun them and focus them down from range. You're not likely to kill an equally skilled and equally geared marauder/sentinel in a straight up 1v1 especially if you allow them to get within melee range of you and stay there. The thing that a lot of people forget is that this is a team game. In this particular team game if you have a team full of ranged classes and a bunch of sentinels and marauders jump in at you then all the ranged classes have to do is target that guy and focus him down. That hasn't changed. Team work is incredibly important with taking out high priority threats. Just like you focus down healers it's incredibly important that you focus down high damage output melee DPS classes like sentinels. The ability to CC them and then focus them down is the same as ever. If you try to solo a sentinel/marauder then frankly you deserve to get murdered. Edited by Marqhill
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If you try to solo a sentinel/marauder then frankly you deserve to get murdered.


This, all day, for days.


I get, and pre-1.2 got, focused hard. All the time. But it's because Vornskr has learned that if you let Yescek do as he pleases, **** will die left right and center. Healers are high priority, but DPS should literally be the next stop.


People just cry because they're used to being able to completely ignore Carnage/Rage/Combat/Focus Marauders/Sentinels. They're used to MOST Marauders fighting a certain way (Annihilation/Watchmen) and they HATE the fact that they actually have to pay attention to what I'm doing now.

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I will say though, pre 1.2 and post 1.2 I was pretty reliably able to solo sentinels/marauders with my DPS Guardian. It really mostly came down to who got the jump on who. If they jumped in first then generally they would win. If I jumped in first then generally I would win. But I mean... isn't that the way it SHOULD be?
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Marauders have barely changed in the last 4 months. There wasn't a single change from 1.1.0 to 1.1.5 that 'buffed' Marauders. The only real change that Marauders saw was the fix to Annihilation's bleed crit talent, making it 30% crit bonus instead of 30% damage bonus (which is what it was supposed to be anyways, hence it being a 'fix'). That's it. Nothing else. Now, all of a sudden, 15% damage on Ravage and quality-of-life changes to our utility abilities transforms us from a peasant into a god? Don't make me laugh. Annihilation was brought down a tad, Carnage and Rage brought up to it's level via making Short Fuse accessable, Ravage is now worth using, and we can actually effectively use Obfuscate and Disruption without nerfing our damage output.




The best Marauders have been excelling since launch. You must have been paying attention elsewhere.

Edited by Angelfeeties
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I've been on the giving and recieving end and I gotta say, it's fun even when you're cut down by a frenzied carnage marauder whirling around glowing blades of death. It's like watching a meatgrinder do its bloody work.
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I'm not sure if it's just me but I feel squishy after 1.2 for some reason.


Are you holding two light sabers? It's been my experience that, since 1.2, I'm a much better decoy that anything else. I get focused hard. Before 1.2, I only got focused when I locked down a healer. Now? I get focused for being in visual range. Although, watching three people pound my face in while my team caps or scores behind them? Priceless.

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