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Commando now worst class?


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So, seriously, what class is worse than commando?


If you want to dps, AS is the only way to go (since it is completely OP) and you would be a fool to choose the commando route since vanguard offers so much more utility.


If you want to heal... umm... lol?

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You talk about utility:


Strictly from a Operation (PVE) standpoint:


Here's a list of things Commandos get that have great utility that Vanguards do not:


-de-aggro ability

-battle rez

-self heals

-ranged class (takes less damage)


I'm pretty pissed about the nerfs, but if you are running dps in a Operation, I still say Commando is better. I have level 50 of each and have compared. Yes the Vanguard can dps, and is fun to play, but lacks the "utility" in my opinion that the commando brings. We'll have to wait to see some damage meters and see how they compare.

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Run a parser and check for yourself, Gunnery Commando/Arsenal Mercenary is one of the top DPS if you are playing it correctly. Grav round was never our most damaging attack, they buffed our highest damaging attack by 10% and increased curtain of fire procs by 10% as well so you'll be able to make up for that loss in grav round damage with more full autos/higher hitting demo rounds.


In terms of utility, we honestly have more than vanguard from a PvE standpoint.



60 Sec CC

4 Sec Stun

Knockback(not very useful in PvE but I mean technically it is a utility)

Heals(definitely helps with fights like Soa where you might need to help the healers out while jumping platforms)

Ranged DPS(not really a utility but they require less maintenance than a melee class like Vanguard would)

Combat Resurrect



Ability to offtank if needed(weak though if you don't have tank gear to begin with)


4 Sec Stun


Edited by Ganrax
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Having now played for a couple hours PvPing since 1.2 came out.


I have to say I think there are a lot of clueless players in these forums. Im a gunnery commando and I can get 250k plus damage in warzones and 10 plus medals.


Sure I had to change my rotation as the damage has shifted a bit. This I think is the primary problem, those complaining are single button mashers and can no longer just spam Grav round.


Im not a BW fan by any stretch and when the patch came out I sat at work reading the Commando forum and thought, dam it would appear commandos have been nerfed into the ground.


Well, its simple not the fact at all. All its done it highlight that Commandos were an easy class to play and therefore many of the clueless players gravitated towards the class.


Now as a commando you have to be aware of what buffs have procced and what damage ability to use in the right situation, the clueless are now completely stuffed and on the hunt for another one button mashing class for the win.


Commando DPS is fine, just now you have to use your brain to achieve the high numbers that were easier to get prior to 1.2

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I don't want to disrespect the OP, but if you guys are seeing good numbers from a particular rotation or strategy, please check out this thread and post:

What's your post 1.2 skill rotation?


Back to the OP, I personally haven't played more then 1 WZ since the patch. I plan to play more tonight and I'll report back. Like I said up there ^, that link has Commandos posting with success, maybe check it out. Commando definitely isn't FOTM, but maybe still viable.

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Having now played for a couple hours PvPing since 1.2 came out.


I have to say I think there are a lot of clueless players in these forums. Im a gunnery commando and I can get 250k plus damage in warzones and 10 plus medals.


Sure I had to change my rotation as the damage has shifted a bit. This I think is the primary problem, those complaining are single button mashers and can no longer just spam Grav round.


Im not a BW fan by any stretch and when the patch came out I sat at work reading the Commando forum and thought, dam it would appear commandos have been nerfed into the ground.


Well, its simple not the fact at all. All its done it highlight that Commandos were an easy class to play and therefore many of the clueless players gravitated towards the class.


Now as a commando you have to be aware of what buffs have procced and what damage ability to use in the right situation, the clueless are now completely stuffed and on the hunt for another one button mashing class for the win.


Commando DPS is fine, just now you have to use your brain to achieve the high numbers that were easier to get prior to 1.2


It's rather telling that you proclaim your mad skills and denounce the "clueless" while bragging about 250k damage in a wz. I don't know what server you play on but on mine BH fire spammers rule the game... tanks that easily and consistently achieve ~500k per match. And lets not even talk about 9k sweeps.


The whole gunnery tree is geared towards grav round. We invest a ton of points, almost the entire tree, just to make grav round work. None of this changed in 1.2. BW didn't even feel the need for a respec for our class. However, BW then says they don't want us relying on grav round so much and should use other abilities.... but yet there are no changes to our tree to boost any of these other abilities (as far as I can tell, full auto and mortar volley are not better... just different animations plus an actual nerf on mortar's aoe). Yes, demo round is buffed... a skill with a 15 sec cd that, if used properly, requires... wait for it... 5 stacks of grav round. And by that, I mean 1.2 baby shot grav rounds that can barely take down force armor. And you won't be firing off demo round every 15 seconds, no matter what, because of ammo considerations (all those grav rounds and now all those other awesome abilities you wax poetic about that you need to throw into the rotation).


Also, don't project your own "one button" assumptions on me. It makes you look like a jerk. For your information, I still haven't switched specs and I do, at times, achieve ~350k damage, 12+ medals and 50+ kills. Yet during that same match I'll be embarrassed by a squishy sorcerer at half health. Before 1.2 you needed every cd up to be competitive versus a sith warrior. Now, you need every cd to have a chance against just about any class (except snipers... we still own them... provided you get the initiatve).


Here is the simple fact: as commandos, we lack utility, escape and survivability. And now our damage output is worse than tanks. Hence my original point... why role dps when it is clear that tank classes can out perform us in every aspect of the game?

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I have no idea what some of you guys are looking at.


In PVE OPS our 'utility' is worthless. Fighting at range is about the best thing you can say for the commando. 60 second CC....worthless against the boss fights. Knockback....worthless against the boss fights....dps less than other dps players....self heals??? if you are healing you are not dps-ing Even before 1.2 the dps trooper was a liability in an ops. The best thing that used to be said about a commando was that he could respec to heals if the ops needed a healer....now that has been taken away.


If 250K damage is your high mark in PVP then there is nothing wrong with commando after 1.2. Of course if I am putting together a ranked team and you came to me and said you were a kick but dps guy I would laugh at you...as I am laughing at myself.

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Our damage did not change in this patch it just shifted around. Demo round is basically hitting for 6k+ every hit at 1200 expertise in WZ's, use full auto pretty much on proc and sticky/mortar volley combo for aoe and you still will be having 500-600k games.


PVE wise we are more bursty and proc reliant but seem to be doing more damage as far as i can tell in the new content. Demo rounds are hitting for 8k with adrenals up and full auto is basically 3 grav rounds.

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Having now played for a couple hours PvPing since 1.2 came out.


I have to say I think there are a lot of clueless players in these forums. Im a gunnery commando and I can get 250k plus damage in warzones and 10 plus medals.


Sure I had to change my rotation as the damage has shifted a bit. This I think is the primary problem, those complaining are single button mashers and can no longer just spam Grav round.


Im not a BW fan by any stretch and when the patch came out I sat at work reading the Commando forum and thought, dam it would appear commandos have been nerfed into the ground.


Well, its simple not the fact at all. All its done it highlight that Commandos were an easy class to play and therefore many of the clueless players gravitated towards the class.


Now as a commando you have to be aware of what buffs have procced and what damage ability to use in the right situation, the clueless are now completely stuffed and on the hunt for another one button mashing class for the win.


Commando DPS is fine, just now you have to use your brain to achieve the high numbers that were easier to get prior to 1.2

Clueless is right. The problem from now until the end of time will always be behind the keyboard.

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Our damage did not change in this patch it just shifted around. Demo round is basically hitting for 6k+ every hit at 1200 expertise in WZ's, use full auto pretty much on proc and sticky/mortar volley combo for aoe and you still will be having 500-600k games.


PVE wise we are more bursty and proc reliant but seem to be doing more damage as far as i can tell in the new content. Demo rounds are hitting for 8k with adrenals up and full auto is basically 3 grav rounds.


Use the target dummies and see the truth. The truth is not pretty.

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It's rather telling that you proclaim your mad skills and denounce the "clueless" while bragging about 250k damage in a wz. I don't know what server you play on but on mine BH fire spammers rule the game... tanks that easily and consistently achieve ~500k per match. And lets not even talk about 9k sweeps.


The whole gunnery tree is geared towards grav round. We invest a ton of points, almost the entire tree, just to make grav round work. None of this changed in 1.2. BW didn't even feel the need for a respec for our class. However, BW then says they don't want us relying on grav round so much and should use other abilities.... but yet there are no changes to our tree to boost any of these other abilities (as far as I can tell, full auto and mortar volley are not better... just different animations plus an actual nerf on mortar's aoe). Yes, demo round is buffed... a skill with a 15 sec cd that, if used properly, requires... wait for it... 5 stacks of grav round. And by that, I mean 1.2 baby shot grav rounds that can barely take down force armor. And you won't be firing off demo round every 15 seconds, no matter what, because of ammo considerations (all those grav rounds and now all those other awesome abilities you wax poetic about that you need to throw into the rotation).


Also, don't project your own "one button" assumptions on me. It makes you look like a jerk. For your information, I still haven't switched specs and I do, at times, achieve ~350k damage, 12+ medals and 50+ kills. Yet during that same match I'll be embarrassed by a squishy sorcerer at half health. Before 1.2 you needed every cd up to be competitive versus a sith warrior. Now, you need every cd to have a chance against just about any class (except snipers... we still own them... provided you get the initiatve).


Here is the simple fact: as commandos, we lack utility, escape and survivability. And now our damage output is worse than tanks. Hence my original point... why role dps when it is clear that tank classes can out perform us in every aspect of the game?


Mate if you want to have an intelligent argument, then dont start making **** up.


1. Tanks continually getting 500k. 300k I would agree, 500k is an exaggeration. Having played since launch I do not regularly see 500k tanks scoring war zones. I play Swiftsure for your info.


Grav round dose not hit as hard, however the gunnery tree also enables FA, HIB and CB.


As to surviving, sure you wont last if focused, however you should be able to escape any situation should you use the skills given to you. Like Concussion, Concussive Round, try using a self heal.


If you hadnt notice as much as this game plays like a single player game, PvP ISNT SINGLE PLAYER.


Mortar Volley radius is toned down, however with the quick damage output its just as effective. You just get a group of player together and hit them. Before they could be a little more spread out, however once you place the target down and the delay to the damage it was useless anyway. Now that the damage an animation happen immediately, I have found MV a lot more useful.


So either learn to play or roll another easier class, but stop making false representations because you cant work out how to enjoy a class that is the same as it was before 1.2, just a little more brain power is required to maximise the class.


If your a Combat Medic, then yes I agree, life did not improve post 1.2

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Mate if you want to have an intelligent argument, then dont start making **** up.


1. Tanks continually getting 500k. 300k I would agree, 500k is an exaggeration. Having played since launch I do not regularly see 500k tanks scoring war zones. I play Swiftsure for your info.


I am not making anything up. Ask anyone who PvPs on Saber of Exar Kun. I am not going to mention any individual names or guilds. The fact that you are not aware of the insane damage powertechs are capable of speaks volumes... and makes your "l2p" trolling laughable.


And, son, I've been PvPing in MMOs since you were still a box on the shelf of Best Buy so lose the attitude.

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I am not making anything up. Ask anyone who PvPs on Saber of Exar Kun. I am not going to mention any individual names or guilds. The fact that you are not aware of the insane damage powertechs are capable of speaks volumes... and makes your "l2p" trolling laughable.


And, son, I've been PvPing in MMOs since you were still a box on the shelf of Best Buy so lose the attitude.


Glad to hear your been PvPing for a while, Just not very well by the sounds of it.

Edited by FrogSkin
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Glad to hear your been PvPing for a while, Just not very well by the sounds of it.


Well, I just got 250k damage in a match so that makes me good like you, right?


Whatever.... some of you aren't ready to admit it, yet. I understand. You're still in the first stage of grief, shock and denial. I've moved on to the third, anger and bargaining. :)

Edited by BorrowedTune
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Mate if you want to have an intelligent argument, then dont start making **** up.


1. Tanks continually getting 500k. 300k I would agree, 500k is an exaggeration. Having played since launch I do not regularly see 500k tanks scoring war zones. I play Swiftsure for your info.


Grav round dose not hit as hard, however the gunnery tree also enables FA, HIB and CB.


As to surviving, sure you wont last if focused, however you should be able to escape any situation should you use the skills given to you. Like Concussion, Concussive Round, try using a self heal.


If you hadnt notice as much as this game plays like a single player game, PvP ISNT SINGLE PLAYER.


Mortar Volley radius is toned down, however with the quick damage output its just as effective. You just get a group of player together and hit them. Before they could be a little more spread out, however once you place the target down and the delay to the damage it was useless anyway. Now that the damage an animation happen immediately, I have found MV a lot more useful.


So either learn to play or roll another easier class, but stop making false representations because you cant work out how to enjoy a class that is the same as it was before 1.2, just a little more brain power is required to maximise the class.


If your a Combat Medic, then yes I agree, life did not improve post 1.2


Since we're lending credit to our supposed PvP skills by referencing our server, I have been on The Fatman since I started playing this game and I have seen tanks, specifically Guards and Juggs passing 600k damage in WZ's. Why should a tank of any spec do that much damage? I'm seriously asking because I just don't get the rationale behind allowing a tank to do that kind of damage.

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Like Concussion, people save cc break for it, looong cd Concussive Round free charge+interupt+root for marauders, PT just grapple you in, try using a self heal. Interupted, stunned, knockbacked, cost alot of ammo, doesnt heal for mcu if not CM


Gunnery have ****** utilities, and gets completly useless once a marauder or good pt starts hitting you

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I have no idea what some of you guys are looking at.


In PVE OPS our 'utility' is worthless. Fighting at range is about the best thing you can say for the commando. 60 second CC....worthless against the boss fights. Knockback....worthless against the boss fights....dps less than other dps players....self heals??? if you are healing you are not dps-ing Even before 1.2 the dps trooper was a liability in an ops. The best thing that used to be said about a commando was that he could respec to heals if the ops needed a healer....now that has been taken away.


If 250K damage is your high mark in PVP then there is nothing wrong with commando after 1.2. Of course if I am putting together a ranked team and you came to me and said you were a kick but dps guy I would laugh at you...as I am laughing at myself.



How exactly were we a liability before? I don't really see it, and after running last night while I hate the hell out of the grav round nerf, I still don't see how we're a liability now.



60 second CC: Useful for some of the trickier trash pulls (ZOMG THERES SOMETHING IN RAIDS BESIDES BOSSES) and can be used in combat if you use stealth CCs for pulls and then someone breaks it. Keep in mind that with Tech Override up that CC is an instant cast. Definitely situationally useful.


Heals: Believe it or not, not every boss battle is a DPS race. Heals definitely come in handy, for example, on Soa transition phases, and even the odd off heal in stage two, or on stage three when his shield is up.


Knockback: Admittedly not so useful in a lot of fights, would be nice if Bonethrasher's cats reliably died in acid for example, but it still has the occasional use.


Until I see hard evidence that we're doing significantly less damage than other DPS classes, I don't see why anyone wouldn't bring us to OPs. First person that says interrupts is going to be smacked because while you might bring that up for 4 man FPs, for 8-16 man ops you can't honestly tell me that others don't have the interrupts (and if you're interrupting you're DPS is lowered anyway if we wanna stick to that argument for DPS races =P)

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Gunnery have ****** utilities, and gets completly useless once a marauder or good pt starts hitting you


You don't even need to be a good player to shut down a good Commando, Bioware made sure that bad to average melee players can flourish in SWTOR. You can be a competent melee player in SWTOR as long as you:


A. Don't eat your own *****


B. Do not have parents who are brother and sister


C. Don't eat crayons/glue


D. Don't wear a cool rubber helmet everywhere you go


E. Don't have too many extra chromosomes


Poor Obi Wan must be turning over in his grave.

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So, seriously, what class is worse than commando?


If you want to dps, AS is the only way to go (since it is completely OP) and you would be a fool to choose the commando route since vanguard offers so much more utility.


If you want to heal... umm... lol?


Scoundrel is worse than Commando. Don't even start saying this kind of thing after one minor nerf (and I play a Merc, I'm not just spouting nonsense). My Scoundrel has been nerfed way harder, calm the eff down.

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How exactly were we a liability before? I don't really see it, and after running last night while I hate the hell out of the grav round nerf, I still don't see how we're a liability now.



60 second CC: Useful for some of the trickier trash pulls (ZOMG THERES SOMETHING IN RAIDS BESIDES BOSSES) and can be used in combat if you use stealth CCs for pulls and then someone breaks it. Keep in mind that with Tech Override up that CC is an instant cast. Definitely situationally useful.


Heals: Believe it or not, not every boss battle is a DPS race. Heals definitely come in handy, for example, on Soa transition phases, and even the odd off heal in stage two, or on stage three when his shield is up.


Knockback: Admittedly not so useful in a lot of fights, would be nice if Bonethrasher's cats reliably died in acid for example, but it still has the occasional use.


Until I see hard evidence that we're doing significantly less damage than other DPS classes, I don't see why anyone wouldn't bring us to OPs. First person that says interrupts is going to be smacked because while you might bring that up for 4 man FPs, for 8-16 man ops you can't honestly tell me that others don't have the interrupts (and if you're interrupting you're DPS is lowered anyway if we wanna stick to that argument for DPS races =P)


If you need a 60 second CC for trash pulls you are doing something wrong.


not every boss battle is a DPS race? Which one is not up against an enrage timer? It only gets worse as you move on to nightmare mode.


Most needed 'skill' as utility is interrupt....which we don't have. Your right...others have interrupts and they have heals...and they have cc...and they have range DPS...and they have better DPS


You have the logs and the dummies now...go crunch some numbers.


I am not saying that you cannot complete content with a commando on your team. I am saying that the content will be much easier with a DPS vanguard, sage, gunslinger, etc.

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