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legacy weapon kit


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So, as the title says (and I think that I named it correctly), I'm just looking for a little more info on what exactly this Legacy Weapon Kit is and how best to utilize it. It's in my inventory but I have no idea how to use it or where to even go.


Is it the first of many kits that must be acquired before one can actually build a legacy weapon? Example: Do I have to find, earn or buy 6 kits to build said Legacy Weapon?


Just curious.


Having fun so far.




Server: Master Gnost-Dural

Faction: Republic

Dygar - lvl 33 Jedi Shadow (Legacy)

Taisun - lvl 13 Smuggler Gunslinger

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It's a crappy non customisable level 14 weapon that does NOT level with you. It's also restricted to the class type you claim it on, ie if you claim it on a sith warrior you won't be able to use it on your other classes.


The NPC for it is on your capitol city.

Edited by Kabaal
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It's a crappy non customisable level 14 weapon that does NOT level with you. It's also restricted to the class type you claim it on, ie if you claim it on a sith warrior you won't be able to use it on your other classes.


The NPC for it is on your capitol city.


capitol city as in the fleet? or starting planet? or Corruscant/Dromund Kaas?

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capitol city as in the fleet? or starting planet? or Corruscant/Dromund Kaas?


Leagcy Vendor on Corruscant and Dromund Kaas. Rep side the leagcy vendor is right outside the senator tower. (the stair to the under ground market.)

Edited by hchsiao
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yeah, I'm a bit confused and disappointed with the whole legacy kit thing too... like, the other legacy items cost a major bit of daily comms for something you can get for like 10k or less credits... that will be worthless in less than 5 levels.


I was hoping for something like the wow version where it levels with you and provides some sort of xp benefit. I don't see these kits doing anything to promote making alts. you could have given me like 10k credits and accomplished the same goal.

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You can also buy legacy armor. there is a legacy level 10 set and also a legacy level 20 set.

cost of each piece is kinda high.. but is kinda a cool option.


the legacy level 10 stuff generally doesn't look as ****** as the legacy level 20 stuff... but still kinda cool. Just mailed some money to my new Jedi alt... and he picked up the legacy level 10 robe... cuz I'm still 1.5 leg levels short of 20 to get the cool stuff

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  • 3 weeks later...
I too am extremely dissapointed. I was all excited after getting the weapon kit for completing chapter 1 and when i redeemed it and found that it was a MAJOR downgrade from the weapon i had. Well lets just say it really sucks!!!! Pointless weapons and i imagine the armor will be just as useless. MAJOR FAIL EA:(!!!! Still a great game but huge dissapointment
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  • 4 weeks later...
I concur, what am I going to do with a level 13 (I think) lightsaber when I'm level 32? It's pointless. My custom-built lightsabers are way better than this piece o' junk. How disappointing.


It's for alts.

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to use from lvl 14 to lvl 18? BW fails so hard at this game its scary they ever got funding for star wars. My sub is up in 18 days and that will be the end of me.


EA sold 2.4 million copies. I'm pretty sure the investors are satisfied, even if you are not.

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to use from lvl 14 to lvl 18? BW fails so hard at this game its scary they ever got funding for star wars. My sub is up in 18 days and that will be the end of me.


Yes that's exactly the point, a little help for a new character during a few levels, that's all.


The problem is some people thought it would be like heirlooms items in WoW but it's not and never was supposed to be and thoses people can't accept that so it becomes a fail.

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I got the weapon kit free in the mail and bought an assault cannon with it for my Commando. There are no other weapons with better stats until I hit level 20, so, it's not useless.... but acquiring them through daily commendations is a huge waste with the enormous cost and also how limited the items are.


They should have made them level with your character and provide an EXP boost for that cost.

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