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Everything posted by digitalgargoyle

  1. Looks great, but I've got a question. Do we have to be a member of a guild to get a stronghold?
  2. I honestly didn't even think about that. Mostly since it's been so long since I've even used that one. Thanks.
  3. Greetings all, I recently rolled an Imperial Agent - Sniper (which is ranged DPS, right?) and I'm just curious what mods and enhancements would be good for the loadout. Already at lvl 21, I'm now at the point where mod and enhancement selection is starting to come into play with the growing 3 tiered selections. Thanks
  4. People are getting fully upgraded already? It's been open to subs for only 4 days so far. That's in insane amount of play time. All of that aside, this expansion is definitely proving that gameplay is more about skill than how you equip and upgrade your fighter. Still, it does suck getting sniped by a gunship, no matter the skill level (ace or noob).
  5. I hadn't thought about switching between ships in a battle. I guess mostly because of the cost to move ship requisition to fleet requisition. I'll have to try switching things up from my strike. It does make since, from a team perspective, to be flexible and be ready to jump to a different role should the need arise.
  6. Greetings all, question: how are you guys flying the missions so far? Are you focusing on flying and leveling 1 ship or are you switching between strike/scout/gunship and trying to master all at the same time? Just wondering. idea: wouldn't it be cool if we could take on a capital ship? Maybe each faction has a capital ship that has to be defended in a certain time frame?
  7. Thanks for all of the pointers guys. I completely missed the GS info that was on SWTOR as well as bypassingthe other link mentioned at duffy. Plus, i havent even checked in at the terminal for the daily and weekly missions. I just jumped right in after the tutorial and started having fun. One more question, is it really advisable to build up ones hanger ASAP or is it better to concentrate on maxing out one ship at a time?
  8. Greetings one and all, Earlier today I had a chance to play the Galactic Starfighter expansion and I've got a question or two. After a few matches I noticed that I had earned "ship requisition" and that there was also a pool of "fleet requisition" (after i spent some cartel points to transfer it to "fleet"). I realize that the requisition points are for upgrading my fighter. What I don't understand is the difference between "ship" and "fleet" requisition. I'm assuming that the "ship" points will be for my active character and the "fleet" points will be a pool for my legacy. Thanks
  9. Hey gang, As stated above I'm looking for some Enhancement suggestions for my Jedi Watchman. The particulars are, I've got Artifice currently at 410 and I have a lot of enhancement options to choose from. My Watchman is currently lvl 47 and my main companion is my healer (Doc). I currently understand that the Watchman is a Melee DPS, but I'm still unsure which enhancements to put in my gear and weapons. Should I focus on one kind of enhancement for all of my gear or should I use a combination of enhancements. There are SO many to choose from, I'd hate to invest the time and resources in the wrong ones. Thanks.
  10. Hey gang, I've got a question for you. I'm a returning player and had left before the whole Cartel Market system roll out. While it looks interesting, there's much about it that I don't get. I've seen armor packs, weapon packs, bounty packs, packs of sets and sets of packs. Is there any useful gear (armor, weapons, vehicles) in the packs or is it all just cosmetic?
  11. So, the Harbinger Hamster is Immortal? If that's true, then it would be up and running and not reeling from getting staked through the heart (vampire) or getting it's head chopped off (highlander). On the other hand, to push the highlander reference further, the Harbinger Hamster could have been the victor in a battle and is reeling from "the quickening"
  12. I've had both of these thoughts for a while and thought I'd share. 1) Wouldn't it be cool if one or more of a player's alternate characters could function as a companion? Ex: Let's say that John Smith has two characters on a given server. His main character and legacy, a lvl 50 Jedi Consular and a lvl 25 Scoundrel. Now lets say that when John is playing his Scoundrel his Consular is available as a companion? Or, maybe, in order to keep levels in check, he can call on his Consular when activating "Heroic Moment"? 2) Let's say that John Smith has played SWTOR enough to open up mulitple races during character creation. Wouldn't it be great if you could combine races in the case of creating offspring? For example, let us suppose in this case that through prior game play the races Chis & Miraluka have become available during new character creation? Now, lets suppose that you could combine physical traits of the two, to further the development of a character's legacy? Well, those are my thoughts.
  13. Thanks gang. I didn't even think about my remaining character slots, nor did I think about the possiblity of "respec". All of that being said, I think that I'll continue forward with the 2 alts and enjoy their storylines. Thanks again.
  14. So I've got my main Legacy character (lvl 50) and 2 alts (mid 30s). The alts I created without paying any attention to the legacy system, the various extras within the game (datacrons and matrix shards, etc), nor did I wait till lvl 50 before I created them in the first place, in fact I think I created my alts as soon as my legacy allowed me to. Now I'm contemplating delting my alts and starting a new alt from scratch. There still so much game content out there that I haven't even come across yet, the various high level color crystals, high level gear etc. I'm just not sure if I should scrap my alts or keep them and start a fresh alt.
  15. Alright, so I've decided to move forward with the free chacter transfer service, moving my main and two alts from "Master Gnost-Dural" to "Droogas Pleasure Barge". So here's my question: what are the benefits of the transfer? I admit that my playing style has concentrated on the storylines of my 3 characters, so I haven't done much grouping. That being said I like helping folks out with missions when they ACTUALLY ask. Arbitrary, random party (and guild) invites have been turned down because it's just a cold message that pops up on the screen. Someone just randomly messaging folks. But, I'm usually pretty good about helping players out who acutally ask via whisper. I know that admission will probably upset some, that's not my intention, just being honest. Good to all and happy gaming.
  16. This whole "Free Character Transfer........." is news to me. I've been busy the last couple of weeks with finals. Could somebody get me up to speed please? Does this mean that the server that I'm on will be taken down? Will all of my characters transfer over? I've got 3, all on the same server. If I do nothing will my characters transfer anyway? Thanks.
  17. Thanks for the input, that really helps. Happy Hunting
  18. I never thought of spending my skill points like that. I just assumed that I had to spend them on a row by row basis (max out one row and move on to the next).
  19. Hello all, I was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the general subject of character building: straight vs hybrid, the benefits and drawbacks. Example: I've currently got 3 characters, one of which is a lvl 23 bounty hunter mercenary that I've been thinking about hybridizing for PVP warzone. Currently all skill points (14) have been dumped into Arsenal filling up the bottom 2 rows of skills. Thanks.
  20. So it looks like until I hit lvl 50, it'll be med packs and stims in the warzones and keybindings (kinda figured). I appreciate all of the info. That being said, are there any other suggestions for keybindings other than the link that was provided earlier? I'd like to cover all of my bases. Plus if any of you have a favorite bind or two that would also be helpful. Thanks again.
  21. Gaining schematics I understand, and I know that there are some high level schematics that I'll have to hold on to and wait for the appropriate level. However, it's the various artifact fragments that I have in my possesion that I have no idea what to do with. Thanks again.
  22. Hello all, While still relatively new to MMO's I'm really likeing SWTOR as a whole. However, I've recently dicovered the benefits and fun of the PVP Warzones. I've got a question about player longevity in matches. I get my a** handed to me in pretty much every warzone match that I play and I'd like to change that. Basically, I'm usually at the very bottom of the list. I"m sure that part of it is that fact that I haven't modified any of my key bindings (just using the default controls) and I've got a very basic wireless mouse and keyboard (both microsoft). I'm also sure that another part of it is that fact that neither of my characters have any PVP gear or weapons and I'm not sure where to begin looking. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  23. Hello all, The title is pretty self explanitory but here's a little more detail. I've got a character with Artifice and I'm unsure what to do with the various artifact fragments (ancient, prototype, etc) in my possesion. Is there a way to utilize these to learn more things to craft? If so, how do I go about that? I've asked a smilar question in the past and the best advice I was given was to go find the currator at Fleet and redeem them there. However, unless I did something wrong, it appears that you can only redeem artifact GIFT fragments at fleet. It's all of the OTHER artifact fragments that interest me. Thanks
  24. Greetings all, Like the title says I'm looking for some keybinding suggestions. Up until now I've been playing solo with little to no time in PVP warzone. Lately, I've found that I've been missing out on some quality XP and overall fun. That being said, I've found the default keyboard layout for the game to be a bit clunky. While I find that it works ok for solo missions, it's just too slow in the faster pace of PVP. If it helps to know, I'm using a Microsoft wireless keyboard 3000 and mouse combo. Nothing fancy. Thanks
  25. So, as the title says (and I think that I named it correctly), I'm just looking for a little more info on what exactly this Legacy Weapon Kit is and how best to utilize it. It's in my inventory but I have no idea how to use it or where to even go. Is it the first of many kits that must be acquired before one can actually build a legacy weapon? Example: Do I have to find, earn or buy 6 kits to build said Legacy Weapon? Just curious. Having fun so far. digitalgargoyle Server: Master Gnost-Dural Faction: Republic Dygar - lvl 33 Jedi Shadow (Legacy) Taisun - lvl 13 Smuggler Gunslinger
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