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A Healer's 1.2 Grievances: The story of why healers are upset


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The biggest problem with this patch and people thinking that healing is fine is the illusion of numbers.


"I did 300k healing. I think this patch is fine."


Numbers are meaningless. The day the patch hit I did 570k on my operatve. None of it mattered. People where dropping from 50% to 0 before my 1.8 second heal that hits for 2200 could go off.


Just because my hots and aoe were constantly ticking and giving me a big total healing number at the end of the game, does not mean that I was actually able to keep anyone alive.

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Pre-1.2 4 team healers were the ultimate trolling team. It was disgusting. It was repelling. As a DPS i am very happy with the healing nerf. This is what we all were asking for on forums since the game was released. Leave the healer where they belong: support role. People should die in Warzones, not participate in a HPS vs DPS contest. Edited by NoTomorrow
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Pre-1.2 4 team healers were the ultimate trolling team. It was disgusting. It was repelling. As a DPS i am very happy with the healing nerf. This is what we all were asking for on forums since the game was released. Leave the healer where they belong: support role. People should die in Warzones, not participate in a HPS vs DPS contest.


So instead PVP is now an all out 'who can do the most DPS' fest.


What you're basically saying is you want PVP to be designed based around the class you play. And you're moaning because healers are saying they want it based around how their class style plays?


Hate to tell you this but most healers (and probably a lot of tanks) would say that WZs are now broken and highly favour DPS classes.

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So instead PVP is now an all out 'who can do the most DPS' fest.


What you're basically saying is you want PVP to be designed based around the class you play. And you're moaning because healers are saying they want it based around how their class style plays?


Hate to tell you this but most healers (and probably a lot of tanks) would say that WZs are now broken and highly favour DPS classes.


Same can be said for you and for the OP. You played a FOTM class role. In fact you got so ballsy, then you did not even care to get out of LOS of snipers and gunslingers. You could just stay in front of them and heal and heal.

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You wanna know what? Healers deserve this patch. You wanna know why? Because I couldn't kill them. Seriously, I COULDN'T KILL A HEALER.


I think that as a DPS player, first and foremost, it's very stupid that a class can regenerate his HP. Seriously, what's the point? If I'm hitting some abilities, that say that they do damage, how fair is it for another class to have some other abilities that can recover that HP they just lost? I don't think its fair at all. If I attack a guy, he should die, not stand there, recovering his HP, while he friends come over and beat my face in. Have you guys seen those healers at all? They all stand there, in the back, between like 4-5 other people, doing nothing... I mean, each one of them has like 4 heals, I have to use like 10 DPS abilities.. Of course, back before 1.2, they used to stand there, tanking my damage while I got beat up by the 4-5 guys.




Now, I can just go in and smash them. They deserve it, I say. It's only fair that one DPS should be able to kill one healer in few seconds since healers are support class only. If you want to heal, you better bring some tanks and other people to protect you cuz I'm gonna KILL YOU.


Sometimes I do think, maybe, Bioware's content and such was easy, maybe they just nerfed healing to make it hard. This wasn't like a good nerf when I think about it because in reality, they should adjust other thing, not nerf healing to make it harder, because if you can't heal or are out of resources, that will make the fight harder, right? I'm not sure who is more lazy when it comes to this. Those stupid healers hitting 4 buttons or Bioware who thinks their content is going to be hard cuz people can't physically heal.



I don't really care. As long as there are no healers around, I'm happy. I can just sit there in my corner and kill people all day long... just the way it should be.





If I see a healer, I kill you.



Next time, don't try to heal so hard. Maybe then Bioware won't nerf your *** into the oblivion because they're either to lazy or to stupid to change their codes to allow for more dynamic, engaging and fun fight. But hey, if you can't heal, your dps will die, your tanks will fold, you'll lose a fight and Bioware will be satisfied. They don't really care if you quit, smash your keyboard of PC, or yell really loud to the point where you neighbors think you're insane.

Edited by Balmuck
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The Op seem to think there could only be 1 healer on 1 team.

What do you do when 1 team has 4 healers and they're all healing each other?


hence, healers are nerfed.




Yea, I totally agree. You know, we can never bring more then one DPS in the game. If they have like 3 healers, we can't have like 3-4 DPS either focus one and kill him in 2 sec, or maybe throw some CC out there and interrupts and even burn more then one at any given time.




I try to tell these people, you can always bring mores healers. It's like this after 1.2, you bring a healer, to heal your healer, as a back up to heal the first healer that you brought in to heal your original healer. So yea, that's 4 healers that we, DPS that is, have to deal with, while of course, DPS can do that. You can't have DPS attacking and assisting or trying to survive. As soon as those healers start healing, well die cuz they do so much damage while healing, while we don't assist or attack them.

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The Op seem to think there could only be 1 healer on 1 team.

What do you do when 1 team has 4 healers and they're all healing each other?


hence, healers are nerfed.


Because healers have limited resources, they can't indefinitely keep someone alive. 1.2 fixed this somewhat, but the /facepalm move BW did was nerfing the healing output and buffing the damage output of Expertise and coincidentally, the huge buffs to Juggs/Marauders.

Edited by Rollento
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I absolutely agree with this thread. Sure damage should have gotten a slight buff, maybe. 1 DPS couldn't take out 1 good healer, so maybe they should buff damage a little... Not have expertise give twice the bonus towards DPS that it gives healers. ***
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Bah, healers in general is a eletistic bunch in pvp. They think they are the gift to pvp and just cause they have alot of healing they are a better teamplayer than somone with alot of dmg done. Have no idea why somone vote for the healer in pvp with 200k healing done when there is a dps with 400k dmg done and a big pile of kills + objectives done. When nerfed they feel offended but feel its totaly ok if the dps get a nerf.



- But but without my heals you would never done that dmg!


The healer say!


-Without me killing the ppl attacking you and killing their healers we would not won :p


The dps say.

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I find that with the advent of the 1.2 I am giving some very serious thought to re-speccing my healer and going back to my old full DPS spec. I've gone from feeling heroic and helpful to weak and helpless. That pretty much sums it all up. To be brutally honest, while it was difficult in pre 1.2 for a DPS to defeat a healer, at least it made us feel like we were making a difference. Right now? I feel like I'm a hindrance to my team, because a single DPS can easily overpower me - causing me to die very frequently - and often before I even have a chance to help anyone on the field. In theory, I should be able to hold my own - and used to - until 1.2 came along. It seems to me, that Bioware has gone from one extreme into another with this patch - and that is never good.


Oh well. Maybe one of these days they'll get it right. A happy medium would be good...for starters.

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If you can't heal yourself through 1 dps it is a L2P issue:


Just one of the matches played last night: 419k dmg taken with only 5 deaths. 590k healing done. We are still tanks if you know what your doing. And we can still heal like monsters.




ahh the epro gamer... its a L2P issue all the time... yet lets analyze your famous 500k healing... lets see how many backups you had


first off only 30 comms... what a joke...


lets see how many healers you had to help keep your *** up.. not to mention how many your team had guarding you...


so you had 3 healers on your team for 8 players... and you still died 5 times? LOL


5 out of 8 players had protection from guarding on your team.


they had only 2 HEALERS... that both only died once...


they only had 2 guys protecting...




now lets analyze this even more.. looks to me like your team didnt focus on their healers at all... they spent more time protecting you allowing you to gain so much healing.. while the other team spent their time WINNING..


this is a pure example of why you got 500k healing.. now try pugging it with guys in not so good gear... or even better try playing as the ONLY HEALER... and show me a screenie.. by the way... you can stop looking thru your OLD SCREENIES to just prove your point...

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Bah, healers in general is a eletistic bunch in pvp. They think they are the gift to pvp and just cause they have alot of healing they are a better teamplayer than somone with alot of dmg done. Have no idea why somone vote for the healer in pvp with 200k healing done when there is a dps with 400k dmg done and a big pile of kills + objectives done. When nerfed they feel offended but feel its totaly ok if the dps get a nerf.



- But but without my heals you would never done that dmg!


The healer say!


-Without me killing the ppl attacking you and killing their healers we would not won :p


The dps say.


and you are the same player that will complain when nobody heals you... LOL well you will get your wish soon. I am gonna switch back to my dps... healing people like you I will never do. I bet you have a guild with a healer... go ahead and tell him how worthless he is too...

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You wanna know what? Healers deserve this patch. You wanna know why? Because I couldn't kill them. Seriously, I COULDN'T KILL A HEALER.


I think that as a DPS player, first and foremost, it's very stupid that a class can regenerate his HP. Seriously, what's the point? If I'm hitting some abilities, that say that they do damage, how fair is it for another class to have some other abilities that can recover that HP they just lost? I don't think its fair at all. If I attack a guy, he should die, not stand there, recovering his HP, while he friends come over and beat my face in. Have you guys seen those healers at all? They all stand there, in the back, between like 4-5 other people, doing nothing... I mean, each one of them has like 4 heals, I have to use like 10 DPS abilities.. Of course, back before 1.2, they used to stand there, tanking my damage while I got beat up by the 4-5 guys.




Now, I can just go in and smash them. They deserve it, I say. It's only fair that one DPS should be able to kill one healer in few seconds since healers are support class only. If you want to heal, you better bring some tanks and other people to protect you cuz I'm gonna KILL YOU.


Sometimes I do think, maybe, Bioware's content and such was easy, maybe they just nerfed healing to make it hard. This wasn't like a good nerf when I think about it because in reality, they should adjust other thing, not nerf healing to make it harder, because if you can't heal or are out of resources, that will make the fight harder, right? I'm not sure who is more lazy when it comes to this. Those stupid healers hitting 4 buttons or Bioware who thinks their content is going to be hard cuz people can't physically heal.



I don't really care. As long as there are no healers around, I'm happy. I can just sit there in my corner and kill people all day long... just the way it should be.





If I see a healer, I kill you.



Next time, don't try to heal so hard. Maybe then Bioware won't nerf your *** into the oblivion because they're either to lazy or to stupid to change their codes to allow for more dynamic, engaging and fun fight. But hey, if you can't heal, your dps will die, your tanks will fold, you'll lose a fight and Bioware will be satisfied. They don't really care if you quit, smash your keyboard of PC, or yell really loud to the point where you neighbors think you're insane.



You reminded me someone.


A CS player.


You was camping there on the de_dust and u finally camped someone, shoted him the butt, but then the guy turned around and triple shot you in the head with USP.


You know u cryed about it, because u was so pro.. but then Valve transfered the critical spot of the head to players ***. And now you are happy. I shall wait till you gonna cry again when Valve finally understand that they did a mistake.


Get ready for that.


P.S. If you gonna jump on a decent healer in 1x1, he gonna smoke u like there is no tomorrow, so don't threaten ppl with things u are not capable of.


All you game understandance based on solo q' in Rage based specc. with 10 buttons but 1 hitter. Which is ideal rotation for true pros. GL with that.

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I agree, I play as DPS and I think they went too far in nerfing healers.


Honestly, the problem pre-1.2, was not dedicated healers, I could almost never kill them 1v1 but they couldn't kill me either. Yes if there were several healers it could get frustrating, but that really didn't happen all that often. The problem was the AC's which could heal but weren't specc'd for it were too good at healing.


I mean, it is one thing to attack a dedicated healer and either chase them around for a while so at least they couldn't heal others as effectively, or else one of your team was paying attention and would come help you. It is entirely a different manner to attack a Sage or Commando who is wailing on people for notable amounts of damage and have a lot of trouble killing them, or be completely unable to, because once you get them down lower than 50% they heal themselves for 20%-30%.

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Ok I keep seeing the dps complain that they couldn't take a healer down 1vs1 before the patch... I'm now just wondering if all those dps saying that did not have a healer behind them healing them? They just went in and took damage without receiving any healing from their own healer?


If they did take healing from their healer... it was 2 vs 1, wasn't it?


If they didn't take healing from their healer... and it was indeed 1 vs 1, why should they be able to simply take down a healer? The healer can heal himself for a reason after all... while he is healing, he can't attack the dps who's attacking him = ballance... they can't kill eachother. Now if the healer were able to kill the dps it would be unballance I guess... but if the dps can kill the healer it's good?


This is PVP Warzones... when is it ever an even battle? There is always someone jumping in.


Healers are focused (or they should be) because they keep the "targets" alive... makes sense... So the healers (if focused) are almost never attacked by just one dps. There is always someone who sees a health going down and jumps in to help finish it. This also happens of course if a dps is attacked... it's almost never 1 vs 1.


Can anybody here really say they ever had a fair battle without anybody else jumping in on either side to get in on the action? Be it a healer or dps or tank? It may happen on rare occassions, and then I find it fun.


This thread is just full of assumptions from the other side it seems about how many people are involved in the fight.


If a healer is not standing next to someone... how do you know he's healing your target?

If the healer is the target, is he alone?

If you are gunning for someone... do you do it alone? Really? Are you being healed? Is someone else also shooting your target?


Also the scoundrels comparing themselves to sages in healing... please... there are so many differences on both ends... in armor alone already (medium vs light), not to mention skills...


Start comparing sages healers to sorcerer healers ... if they are both in full spec healing... don't compare seer sages to hybrid sages... etc... it's not the same...


Yes if you can keep your teammates up for 1 second longer, it gives them that 1 second longer to kill someone... but it's still not fun to see them dropping like flies and feeling like you can't keep them up even if you try so hard. But yeah it is satisfactory if you do manage to keep someone up. It just happens less often now. If you go by this argument, I guess PVP is only suppose to be fun for the DPS who now get to kill someone faster. Even if they now also die faster.


But I also have heard of dps friends who like it a lot less now. Go figure.

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I agree, I play as DPS and I think they went too far in nerfing healers.


Honestly, the problem pre-1.2, was not dedicated healers, I could almost never kill them 1v1 but they couldn't kill me either. Yes if there were several healers it could get frustrating, but that really didn't happen all that often. The problem was the AC's which could heal but weren't specc'd for it were too good at healing.


I mean, it is one thing to attack a dedicated healer and either chase them around for a while so at least they couldn't heal others as effectively, or else one of your team was paying attention and would come help you. It is entirely a different manner to attack a Sage or Commando who is wailing on people for notable amounts of damage and have a lot of trouble killing them, or be completely unable to, because once you get them down lower than 50% they heal themselves for 20%-30%.


Thank you :). It's nice to finally also see a dps say this.


I still think they should either have sticked with just adjusting the skills or adjusting the expertise %. But not both.

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Well I can't be bothered arguing with all the trolls so all I will say is: I play games to have fun, when it stops being fun I stop playing the game. Currently for me, the game is not fun due to the changes in 1.2.
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Well I can't be bothered arguing with all the trolls so all I will say is: I play games to have fun, when it stops being fun I stop playing the game. Currently for me, the game is not fun due to the changes in 1.2.


You mean when you cannot have your bug and hybrid spec and get high numbers in both categorys,,,right? and you can tank many other classes with your heals and utility's.



If anyone here claims that healers and that hybrid specc was not OP i dont know what to tell you,why do you think we often have seen anywhere from 5 to 8 healers a match? get over yourselves,i have a sage a guard and my main a scoundrel your not pulling anything off on anyone with these crys.

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You wanna know what? Healers deserve this patch. You wanna know why? Because I couldn't kill them. Seriously, I COULDN'T KILL A HEALER.


I think that as a DPS player, first and foremost, it's very stupid that a class can regenerate his HP. Seriously, what's the point? If I'm hitting some abilities, that say that they do damage, how fair is it for another class to have some other abilities that can recover that HP they just lost? I don't think its fair at all. If I attack a guy, he should die, not stand there, recovering his HP, while he friends come over and beat my face in. Have you guys seen those healers at all? They all stand there, in the back, between like 4-5 other people, doing nothing... I mean, each one of them has like 4 heals, I have to use like 10 DPS abilities.. Of course, back before 1.2, they used to stand there, tanking my damage while I got beat up by the 4-5 guys.




Now, I can just go in and smash them. They deserve it, I say. It's only fair that one DPS should be able to kill one healer in few seconds since healers are support class only. If you want to heal, you better bring some tanks and other people to protect you cuz I'm gonna KILL YOU.


Sometimes I do think, maybe, Bioware's content and such was easy, maybe they just nerfed healing to make it hard. This wasn't like a good nerf when I think about it because in reality, they should adjust other thing, not nerf healing to make it harder, because if you can't heal or are out of resources, that will make the fight harder, right? I'm not sure who is more lazy when it comes to this. Those stupid healers hitting 4 buttons or Bioware who thinks their content is going to be hard cuz people can't physically heal.



I don't really care. As long as there are no healers around, I'm happy. I can just sit there in my corner and kill people all day long... just the way it should be.





If I see a healer, I kill you.



Next time, don't try to heal so hard. Maybe then Bioware won't nerf your *** into the oblivion because they're either to lazy or to stupid to change their codes to allow for more dynamic, engaging and fun fight. But hey, if you can't heal, your dps will die, your tanks will fold, you'll lose a fight and Bioware will be satisfied. They don't really care if you quit, smash your keyboard of PC, or yell really loud to the point where you neighbors think you're insane.


My only response:




Start comparing sages healers to sorcerer healers ... if they are both in full spec healing... don't compare seer sages to hybrid sages... etc... it's not the same...



So we should be comparing sages to sages, essentially. But NOT comparing sages to sages who specced differently. Gotcha.


Well my Anni Marauder has basically the same DPS as the other Anni Marauder I play with, so Marauders are clearly balanced given the options I have to compare to.

Edited by Daiyukie
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meh.. healing doesnt seem too bad to me. Still tanking damage and healing way more than top DPS. Did we get a nerf? Yes, but we needed it.


wow bullee for you fanboy, you must be way better than most players. The op had it rght nuff said BYE

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My only response:






So we should be comparing sages to sages, essentially. But NOT comparing sages to sages who specced differently. Gotcha.


Well my Anni Marauder has basically the same DPS as the other Anni Marauder I play with, so Marauders are clearly balanced given the options I have to compare to.


Lol seriously? Ok I guess I need to explain... if people start comparing scoundrel healing and survivability to sage seer (or sorcerer healing spec) ... then you gotta admit there might be some differences .....


That's all I meant. A scoundrel can say... well healing is just fine now and ballanced, cause I don't have a problem... doesn't mean that is the case for all healer classes. Or someone can say... all the sorcerers/sages are bad and OP, because some of them are hyrbid specced... but not all sages/sorcerers are hybrid... See where I'm going with this?


Maybe I didn't say it as well I should have... but I hope now it's clear what I meant by my quoted statement.

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You wanna know what? Healers deserve this patch. You wanna know why? Because I couldn't kill them. Seriously, I COULDN'T KILL A HEALER.


I think that as a DPS player, first and foremost, it's very stupid that a class can regenerate his HP. Seriously, what's the point? If I'm hitting some abilities, that say that they do damage, how fair is it for another class to have some other abilities that can recover that HP they just lost? I don't think its fair at all. If I attack a guy, he should die, not stand there, recovering his HP, while he friends come over and beat my face in. Have you guys seen those healers at all? They all stand there, in the back, between like 4-5 other people, doing nothing... I mean, each one of them has like 4 heals, I have to use like 10 DPS abilities.. Of course, back before 1.2, they used to stand there, tanking my damage while I got beat up by the 4-5 guys.




Now, I can just go in and smash them. They deserve it, I say. It's only fair that one DPS should be able to kill one healer in few seconds since healers are support class only. If you want to heal, you better bring some tanks and other people to protect you cuz I'm gonna KILL YOU.


Sometimes I do think, maybe, Bioware's content and such was easy, maybe they just nerfed healing to make it hard. This wasn't like a good nerf when I think about it because in reality, they should adjust other thing, not nerf healing to make it harder, because if you can't heal or are out of resources, that will make the fight harder, right? I'm not sure who is more lazy when it comes to this. Those stupid healers hitting 4 buttons or Bioware who thinks their content is going to be hard cuz people can't physically heal.



I don't really care. As long as there are no healers around, I'm happy. I can just sit there in my corner and kill people all day long... just the way it should be.





If I see a healer, I kill you.



Next time, don't try to heal so hard. Maybe then Bioware won't nerf your *** into the oblivion because they're either to lazy or to stupid to change their codes to allow for more dynamic, engaging and fun fight. But hey, if you can't heal, your dps will die, your tanks will fold, you'll lose a fight and Bioware will be satisfied. They don't really care if you quit, smash your keyboard of PC, or yell really loud to the point where you neighbors think you're insane.

Seems you never played mmorpg, plese **** and go play Hello Kitty online.

People like you are killing the mmorpgs.

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Everybody said it months ago,this was predicted the largest amount of the classes played Sorc/Inquis with their bugged hybrid spec would light up the boards whenever they were brought in line,throwing tantrums and talking double speak out of their rear and 'Im unsubbing" EZMODE was too good to you guys and now that you have to do some effort,by golly this is unaccpetable,,what a joke.
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You mean when you cannot have your bug and hybrid spec and get high numbers in both categorys,,,right? and you can tank many other classes with your heals and utility's.



If anyone here claims that healers and that hybrid specc was not OP i dont know what to tell you,why do you think we often have seen anywhere from 5 to 8 healers a match? get over yourselves,i have a sage a guard and my main a scoundrel your not pulling anything off on anyone with these crys.


Good job for having 2 alts and a main, what u missed here is a point. BW didn't want hybrid speccs, not really ppl care here about hybrid speccs at all.


Healing never was OP, survability of certain healers under guard and their resources managment was. Not overal dmg mitigation rofl.

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