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A Healer's 1.2 Grievances: The story of why healers are upset


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Below are the reasons i have unsubbed and i would like to share with the community to find whether my experiences share voice in others concerns.

I have played a sorc healer and scoundrel healer since release.

I love the healing archtype. The impact you can have in pvp situations is quite simply satisfying.

Both are well geared in BM and i'd like to think im one of the more competent players pvping out there. I know my classes, i know other classes, and above all else being a healer i have great situational awareness. I'm not going to comment on the class balance changes as i believe they are irrelevant to the issue at hand.


Patch 1.2 has destroyed any shred of hope of me having fun healing in pvp. The reaction to death times are absolutely absurd when considering i pre empt a player taking focus damage cast a 2.3 second heal to find they are dead before the cast fires.

No this is not 6 of the 8 players in a warzone targeting a player, this has nothing to do with l2p this is 2 competent dps tearing through people.

I believe this is intended? By increasing the effects of expertise towards dealing damage and increasing the damage taken through cut values in expertise is quite simply mind boggling. Then step into a healers world where our heal values have been decreased through expertise. What does this mean for a healer?

You will take more damage and heal for less.

I regularly play in premades with guild mates, all of which are great players i have pvp'd with for over 5 years in mmos. All share the same view as myself.

Pre 1.2 fights would be fun, would last, and would take some scale of teamwork and co-ordination to pull off a win. Post 1.2 dps is king, where as before interupts and cc were crucial in bringing down a healer now nothing short pure dps is needed.

Do other healers out there share my concerns? Do other healers still enjoy healing in pvp?

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I play a Jedi Sage full heal spec I have full battlemaster gear. I enjoyed the pre 1.2 healing role in pvp i felt it slightly favored dps as I would lose against an equal gear dps 90% of the time but he had to work for it. Now an equal gear dps kills me in under 10 seconds. I hope bioware fixes this soon.
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I play a Jedi Sage full heal spec I have full battlemaster gear. I enjoyed the pre 1.2 healing role in pvp i felt it slightly favored dps as I would lose against an equal gear dps 90% of the time but he had to work for it. Now an equal gear dps kills me in under 10 seconds. I hope bioware fixes this soon.


Exaggerations are a forum junkies best friend.

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So can you explain to me what is the point of healing if you do more damage as a dps spec, and would anyways be teared to pieces by a single DpS? Wouldnt it then be better teamwise if all healers specced DpS?


Any competent team would just instantly focus down the healers, and since healingoutput is less than damageoutput they would win the match. Future of SWTOR for y'all. One of the worst MMO PvP experiences I have ever had tbh.


This ^


If a DPS can down me as heals before I run out of mana then there is a problem because I am no longer a healer but a training dummy with extra hit points. There's no reason to heal, I might as well DPS so I can fight back and have a better chance of contributing by taking someone else out of the picture.


The healer will only be available in the pre-made team where they know how to work together and are probably on vent together. This creates a huge problem because when they face pugs it will be more faceroll then it already is because the opposing healers won't last longer than 5 seconds each respawn. Couple that will the crappy PVP rewards you get during a loss and tell me where the fun is in PVP. It is no longer a game of skill but who can move together. Pre-mades will always move better than pugs.

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I have been playing mmos for 8 years I have never qqued about a nerf to any class. This will be my first. I am mostly bm gear and I can barely heal through 1 person on me after 1.2. Healing is no longer fun and i will be going dps. I agree healers needed to be nerfed because pre 1.2 3 dpsers could not take me down(im a merc healer). I think the nerf was to much.
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There's no way, no way, you guys are getting "destroyed in 10 seconds" by 1 dps wearing full BM. I have full BM, a scoundrel healer rank 73 1134 expertise, and unless scoundrels are literally super overpowered, what you guys are saying just isn't true or you are exaggerating your gear levels ( ie "full BM" = 1-2 pieces and the rest old champ). I mean yea, we took a hit, we can't tank 4-5 guys anymore that's true and yea selfishly I wish it hadn't changed, but just making stuff up about 1 dps smashing you in like 3-4 globals just isn't productive.


If scoundrels are somehow magically the best and everyone else is garbage then I'll retract all of this but yea, we are weaker but not THAT much.

Edited by CodyLundeen
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If scoundrels are somehow magically the best and everyone else is garbage then I'll retract all of this but yea, we are weaker but not THAT much.


With the nerf that Bioware did got all the healing classes got shot down a good deal the worse hit is the sages apparently the sages cant heal squat anymore in PvE or PvP commando's healing is ok but for sure scoundrels are the on top now in this sense.

Edited by Tothjowii
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Sorcs/Sages definitely took a hard hit you're right there. But I still see the BM ones manage to put up decent numbers. As a scoundrel, I seem to be tougher no doubt and I do think we came through this better than them, but I don't know I'm just not seeing all of this 'sky is falling' stuff from healers. I have no reason to want healers to be weak since that's what I play. We are weaker but by no means are we worthless free kills.
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Login to state I love my Operative heal's now. The changes have made healing better for me in pvp and I have no issues keeping people up or myself even with two or more focus fires. I love the healing again as an operative so much I quit lvling my Sith healer. These changes are what I've been waiting for. Good to have non-force using love.


I'm glad again that I made the choice to be an Agent at launch instead of a force user. Not only do I get the great story and play something I love, but the quality heals to go with it. I'm not unstoppable, but I don't even have all Battlemaster pvp gear yet.


No one is going to be able to live through everything in pvp; as long as I'm making a difference thats all I can ask for. This is not even including the new medal system that I find enjoyable, as well. Played til servers went down had so much fun with 1.2. Hell, I even forgot about the fact we don't have a push/pull/jump hippdy hop of any sorts like the other classes, but still rocked on.


Now if we can just get the ability to manipulate the look of our gear to look like other gear would be a blast. I could fancy a nice officer's uniform with a few medals on it. Have so much mod gear saved in my storage.

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Basically, healing is a hard job and takes real skill. Bad players thought they were good at healing. but in reality it was that healing was overtuned.


Now healing is balanced, the bad players will leave, the good players will continue to heal, life goes on.


Good Players adapt


Bad players reroll.

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Ok, so please post the BEST 1.2 SEER build please, I am sitting here with all of my points at level 25 and with only the ones I know should be taken at the bottom level, I need guidance as I am not good with numbers and calculations - words, yes, numbers no.


HELP, please.

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Good Players adapt


Bad players reroll.


Worse players try to adapt until the point that they are forced to admit that adapting is impossible and only hurts the game as a whole. Incidentally, this ALWAYS comes 2-3 months after it would have been a good idea to address the issue...

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I thought I'd done something wrong when playing today- I literally last 5 seconds with 1 DD on me ...


Frankly PVP was only just bearable before - now it's pointless.


I'm voting with my wallet - it was fun for a while - and I genuinely hope you all continue to have fun - but I'm done


maybe see some of you in the next mmo ...

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The difference between a Healer and a DPS is that a DPS can die....


If a DPS doesn't have pocket heals it's dead. Even in 1v1 situations, DPS dies. Healers prevail.


Before DPS needed healers to do, you know DPS. They could be killed, 1v1 healers could not.


Healers should not be invincible and with the interrupt system being **** you cannot DPS through the heals.


Interrupt should lock out an entire tree like traditional interrupts do, that would have significantly balanced the system and no nerfs would be needed.


I'm calling for a balance and compromise. When I'm sitting here beating the piss water out of a Healer, blowing all my CDs just to interrupt it's heals and still can't kill it something is wrong. Interrupt a big heal. Force Push another heal. Stasis another Heal. Awe another heal. Interrupt another. If it's not dead by this point, it's a stalemate. I will beat this thing for 30-40k damage until a friend or foe comes along so that we can proceed to finish the healer off or finish what's left of me off.


And you think a healer surviving a single dps is bad. How about if they just make it so that healers are eggshells. Unless someone else is standing within 15 meters, they die after 20 seconds and can't cast?


You aren't calling for balance. You want healers to be useless unless you want them to be useful.


The poster calling you to task was right.

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Easy fix: Remove the pvp trauma!!!


I will continue to pvp on my healer, because i love to do it...


It is true that now you don't see as many healers as it used to, and for the love of god, now it feels like everyone had a marauder/sentinel standing by just waiting for this patch to happen.


Pre 1.2, at least in republic side, you didn't see many sentinels running around, a fairly amount of guardians, and the rest was commandos and vanguards, some sages and shadows, but now its all about sentinels... lol.


I was never happy with the trauma debuff, and now more than ever that thing needs to go.

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The only thing i dont like now are the medals.


The medal reward for healers is terribad.


If i stay healing like crazy, shielding, i usually get 2 medals: 75k and 2.5 healing.


I really dunno why some ppl get 14 medals only by bashing ppl´s heads and i get only 2 in some warzones healing like crazy.


Sometimes, if the game is in a good mood i can get 3 or 4, but thats it for me.


If i have to heal, dps, tank and walk through fire to get more medals then im really screwed.

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Your healing output has not changed. It's everyone else's survivability that has gone down (i.e. damage mitigation).


They die faster and you don't get to heal as much. They were spoiled with healing and learned (wrongly) to charge into situations they never should have. They have to adapt, learn to pop their own CDs, and medpacks, or LOS instead of just sitting there and waiting for you to heal them.


Healers aren't the issue.

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Actually healing output for some classes have changes grossly.


If you dont know the impact of a castable heal taking a full second longer to cast than it used to has on overall output and viability, then I cant really help you understand basic mmo concepts.


Not only are the life saving heals less likely to come in time, they are far more easy to completely nullify with interrupts or CC. This is the life of the sorcerer/sage healer post 1.2. As a full heal spec they are completely unviable against anyone with half a brain.


At least on the flip side they managed to make my operative go from a pefectly viable healer to a borderline OP healer. I would say its completely OP, but the damage is much higher post 1.2 and the TTK is much lower... so I will refrain from doing so.

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And again,

Aw people wanted staying as hybrid of Healer&DPs, god-alike, easys to play and earn alot of medals... Im happy with 1.2. I know SERIOUS healers are happy with 1.2 too.


I remember exactly before 1.2 I was seeing hybrids everywhere in WZs. Always 4+ hybrids and healers in every WZs. It got way out of control. Healer became Fotm due to healing is count as a kill.

so Less Easy-Mode please just go full healer line, gear up , ask tank apply guard, and it goods to go. .


I agree with Lose part which is low comm, no valor and no credit. it needs to fix.

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Im not a serious healer or a hardcore pvper or whatever this bull**** is all about. But my playing experience when it comes to healing is really not that different from pre 1.2: I still garner 8-9 medals a game(was about 5-6 before), i still heal about 350k-400k a game, and i still only have one battlemaster piece (valor rank 57). Im not facing bad pvpers plenty of conquorers and war heros on the other team so essentially what im saying is i dont understand all the gripping. Do people die faster? yep sorry we cant stock teams with 4 healers anymore and **** everything its more a supporting role now...which is what it should be.
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