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Sents/marauders who were terrible before the patch are now forces to be reckoned with.

The good ones are now unstoppable.

The whole class is balanced around how the average person plays it, not its potential.


Terrible maras are still terrible and I can handle them in my dps spec fine. But the good ones are near unbealable and I have watched a Sent on my team yesterday 1 v 4 to 5 ppl no problem with out getting a single heal, some of them were bad but never the less, obviously he loved this patch lol.

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Terrible maras are still terrible and I can handle them in my dps spec fine. But the good ones are near unbealable and I have watched a Sent on my team yesterday 1 v 4 to 5 ppl no problem with out getting a single heal, some of them were bad but never the less, obviously he loved this patch lol.


A guildy who is the top sentinel on my server admits freely that this buff put them over OP. They were a bit too strong before, now they are simply OP.

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I pretty much main a marauder for PvP (got a PT and Sorc up there as well, but enjoy the Marauder the most) and I'll state without hesitation: The buffs are completely out of whack.


My marauder was in full BM, had Biochem and I made use of the proper stims, adrenals and relics in each fight. They were pretty much never off of cooldown. Though I played Annihilation spec before 1.2 and will continue to do so now, I still never ended a match under 300k dmg and I always had minimal deaths thanks to the defensive cooldowns and escapes we were provided. There are several very well-known players on my server on both factions that play similarly. We demonstrated what the class was capable of.


What 1.2 did was bring up the wide majority of marauders that played beneath the level of those min/maxers. Far too often people would play the class and perform horrendously, barely rising above six figure dps while playing offensively in a match like Voidstar (I'm not exaggerating. At least on my server, this was the norm for sentinel/marauder players). After the patch, they now make a difference in warzones, which is nice...


However, this has now made those who actually took their time to learn the class and play it properly become practically Godlike. The playerbase has been punished by Bioware's decision to make the class far easier to play for the majority by substantially increasing their dps potential. All this served to do was frustrate others because the bad players are now lethal and the good players are now unstoppable.


Personally, I think all they needed to do was provide a minor buff to some abilities and, more importantly, change the way Strength is weighted and the reliance on accuracy for Marauders. Aim and Willpower (in my experience) provide far more of a difference in dmg and healing output than Strength does for marauders. It's part of the reason they hit like wet noodles before becoming optimally geared and before they acquire the right trinkets and such. If they did that, the lower geared players could still be moderately effective, even lacking skill.


I hope things change. Playing as a marauder has become less interesting and people are understandably upset by the changes.

Edited by lJustAlexl
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So I am full BM and yesterday with the release of 1.2 I get 1 shot now with master strike/ravage abilities. Mar/Sents were fine before the buffs. Now they are way better than any other class. They have more single target dps and with their defensive cd's they have more durability than any other class.




Yea, I think this class type is definitely too high on dps. The balance before 1.2 was just fine imo.

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Honestly I would not be that worried about maras/sents being a little op if every player in the game had not rolled one when they saw what was going to happen to them.


In fleet yesterday there was nothing but a sea of red sentinal icon everywhere I looked. ! or 2 sents/maras in a WZ will now dominate as before you would maybe see 1.


This is like when everyone and thier brother rolled a sorc at launch and that is all you saw so they nerfed the **** out of them.


I hope they dont overnerf maras/sents like they did sorc/sages because of the qq, but they do need some tuning.

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Honestly I would not be that worried about maras/sents being a little op if every player in the game had not rolled one when they saw what was going to happen to them.


In fleet yesterday there was nothing but a sea of red sentinal icon everywhere I looked. ! or 2 sents/maras in a WZ will now dominate as before you would maybe see 1.


This is like when everyone and thier brother rolled a sorc at launch and that is all you saw so they nerfed the **** out of them.


I hope they dont overnerf maras/sents like they did sorc/sages because of the qq, but they do need some tuning.


Marauders were the 3rd most played Empire AC and Sents 1st most played Republic AC before the patch changes were announced, even though they probably got more populated as a result, the numbers were already established.


Pure DPS classes, like the Sentinel, are typically much easier to balance than Hybrid classes like the Sage. And unlike the Sage, the Sentinel class has good trees with good top end talents that work together in synergy. Sage trees are ****.


Master Strike needed a buff because of it's performance in PvE, being a DPS loss in most situations. Most notably for Vigilance Guardians who are supposed to actively use it. However the burst it provides can be excessive if set up properly in PvP.


Honestly, making it interrupt-able again could balance it out, but since there is literally nothing else to interrupt against a Sentinel except Master Strike, it could send it back to uselessness.

Edited by SuperSair
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To be honest this is what happened,


Marauder/Sent were always OP, it was just people never knew how to use them and cried about Sorcerer because they were ranged.


So Bioware decided to listen to the community and decides to buff Marauder and nerf Sorcerer.


Two month later, players gets geared up and Marauder started to scale way better with gear and Sorcerer just don't seem to scale that well.


People realized Marauders are OP and Sorcerer are cakesauce.


Developer were already spending mass amount of time buffing Marauders and nerfing Sorcerers, despite the fact once players got top-end gear, Marauders were clearly OP.


Devs too lazy to scrap months of game balance, so rolled out 1.2 anyways. Buffs already over-powered class, and nerf the "most balanced class they claimed" anyways.


In the end, Devs clueless about game balancing. Game balancing to them is listen to players cry about which class is FOTM, and that class is up to the nerf bat.

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Actually the fact is BioWare is using CORRUPTED data, here is why:


When so many play Marauder without knowing how to even PvP, the data BW gets back is the AC is taking to much damage and not doing enough damage in PvP.


How else would you explain Carnage!


x3 ROOTS -CC- OFF RESOLVE by the same player.


What game designers...what KIND of game designer...in a fantasy lala land world allows one tree to root people 3 times in a row!

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I dont even see the point in this thread. finally the sent/maur isnt completely useless in pvp and everyone QQ. i stopped playing mine because they were so weak before in full pvp gear i could get 3 shots off before i was repeatedly destroyed by snipers/commando's (take a look at grav round) it is still this way but now we can just take people down before we die.


I laugh at posts like this. Maybe everyone on my server is terrible, but the only people that gave me issues pre 1.2 were "got the opener" scoundrels/ops that were geared and played well. In particular, 1 player....no one else. Everyone else got curb stomped, because I knew the ins and outs of my class. Something that most marauders/sents like you fail to do, then make BS posts like this. I was shocked when I saw that my class was getting buffs, because IMHO I thought we were already strong. Some things needed to be tweaked, but def not the flood of dmg buffs to already strong abilities.


EDIT: So many times I had newer marauders trying to prove themselves by attacking me. It was realy annoying sometimes having so many come after you just to get a kill. A common occurence was me finishing off someone and being below 35% health only to be force charged by a 100% health marauder. The fact is, I'd still kill them and have a few thousand health left. Why? Because they were terrible and I knew my class. Being bad isn't a reason to buff a class.

Edited by Ravashakk
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Never had an unstun? really seems the people losing to me as sent dont know how to play. the good names that i recognize and i know are REALLY good, still whoop my ***. i see no issue. all it is is that sentinels are no longer the joke of pvp.


So the people that lose to you don't know how to play their class? Although I agree with your statement that someone would have to be pretty bad to lose to someone who thought marauders/sents were underpowered pre 1.2, I'm just pointing out that you yourself admit it.

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OK, have just read this entire thread and will now tell you exactly what it is like for a top-end mara/sent in PvP.


I play a sith carnage mara, full BM gear & my crew skill is biochem. This is my only 50, my PvP main, I play it almost every day and have been playing since oceanic release around the beginning of march. I have always loved PvP from a mara/sent perspective and this new buff to expertise is making me love PvP even more, keyword EXPERTISE & NOT ravage/master strike.


QQ'ing because ravage/master strike is CRITTING you for 9-11k? CARNAGE IS A BURST TREE, our entire rotation as a PvP mara relies HEAVILY on the gore > ravage/MS > force scream combo. When specced properly, we are a great 1v1 class, plain and simple.


If you just lost 50-60% of your health in under 6-8 seconds from a mara then obviously they just went all out to put that hurt on you (relics, adrenals, gore, ravage & blood thirst) and more often than not they were carnage spec..I could not even begin to count the number of times were that vital combo was shot to sh*t by ANY of the other class' defensive CD's at which point I would yell out to Allah/Jehova/Heyzeus and rock a fat german kid until the rage/qq subsided..


It has just happened to me so many times that I LEARNT how and when to time that beloved combo of mine so that 9 times out of 10 it would not fail and I wouldn't be the next youtube sensation screaming at my monitor for all the neighbours to hear.


Once that is done we go back to hitting like a drunk kitten and play the survival game until your team either kills us or we get lucky and a healer has lost his way & taken a shine to you mid warzone.


If we mess up that combo after getting into melee range, then thats it for us, we either waste our defensive CD's trying to salvage the failed combo and throw a little DPS down on an enemy healer or we waste them trying to escape, wait & try again.


If you are frightened of mara/sent, then stay with your ops group and simply be ready to get your /lol or /spit spam on - as we force charge into a pack of you and get dismembered quicker than a smuggler/operative takes apart a sage/sorc under full stun lock.



Mara/Sent have the necessary skill points in their talent trees to become 1v1 machines, it has always been this way, the only difference now is a semi-noticable buff to ravage/MS AND the much needed BUFF to expertise. Want to out-live us? stay close to an ally or your ops group and watch us fail.


Failing which, do what I did and do some research on the other class' abilities and talent trees and maybe next time that little bit of extra knowledge will make the difference between you and that 'unstoppable' mara/sent you so quickly bash on the forums.


Wait until the expertise gap is closed in the coming weeks, then see if your QQ is still justified.

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The funniest thing people obviously plaing sents/maras say is stun them through this and through that. So stun them through their chanelled ability that hits like a truck ? Stun them through the 6 sec damage reduction so it doesnt last up to 30 seconds, stun them through their 5 sec 99% damage reduction and stun them through their 12 sec shield. Now how many stuns am I supposed to have to counter a marauder. While i do agree that this is a team game but this class simply owns any other, well maby except a tanksin of equal skill.


...right now, you have to counter everything in some flawless fashion without the necessary tools to do so.

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For the people saying they are getting 1 shoted. Pics or it didn't happen


No one is getting 1 shotted. But my healer did go from 100% (stunned with escape ability down) to nothing in a matter of 2 seconds with 2 marauders on me. 1 of them was annihilation so no huge single hit burst like rage from him.


My healer is half bm half champ.

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before the patch, it was possible to beat even a good mara/sent as a sorceror if you timed your cc very well (iE never before he used his damage reduction)

but now, with their cc, their damage reduction and immense damage output, its literally impossible to beat one as a sorceror if he doesnt make serious mistakes.


I see myself as a decent pvper, but I never saw the sorceror as an imbalanced strong class, but now with the heal/chain lightning nerfs and the mara/sent buffs, pvp is certainly not as much fun as before.

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As a Tanksin I don't notice any change in survivality and you'd think armor piercing abilities affect my class the most (vast majority of survival comes from armor). If there's a decrease in general survivality due to higher DPS numbers it's offset by the fact that my enemies also die quicker too.
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Master Strike damage buffed baseline.

Master Strike damage buffed through talent.

Master Strike no longer interruptable.




Combat Sentinel's Master Strike root effect.

Precision Slash for 100% Armor pen 6 secs.

Adrenal + Relic.

Expertise change (More damage, less mitigation)




lol dead.


Bioware you so crazy.

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