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I think we're going to need another forum wipe on the 20th


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Magical community improving forums wipe didnt work the first time and it wont work in the future either. Bioware is failing and fans are going crazy, deal with it.
How is BioWare failing exactly? In fact, it's the community that is currently failing.


And forum wipe at launch is a good idea. Considering.

Edited by PalawaJoko
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How is BioWare failing exactly? In fact, it's the community that is currently failing.


You are replying to a raged individual named DarthAmok who is amoking atm. I think he is pretty much in character and preparing to play...


We should give him a +1

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How is BioWare failing exactly? In fact, it's the community that is currently failing.


And forum wipe at launch is a good idea. Considering.



+ rep.



Community has too many screaming kids in atm - should calm down after the first free 30 days is up ;)

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Magical community improving forums wipe didnt work the first time and it wont work in the future either. Bioware is failing and fans are going crazy, deal with it.


the are failing by doing exactly what they said they would do?


They need to start handing our mass forum perma-bans.

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Magical community improving forums wipe didnt work the first time and it wont work in the future either. Bioware is failing and fans are going crazy, deal with it.


It's not Bioware's fault that they are sticking to what they said they were going to do, and people are jsut now realizing that their September pre-order wasn't early enough to get invited onthe first day

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Magical community improving forums wipe didnt work the first time and it wont work in the future either. Bioware is failing and fans are going crazy, deal with it.


If it took only this much complaining to bring down a company... I don't think there would be many left, if any at all.

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I agree.


The attention span of those raging all day today (and all week I'm sure) is extremely short, which is why they rage to begin with and have no patience.


So they'll get their shiny login time and forget any of this ever happened.


Might as well wipe the servers.

Edited by Cyclonus
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How is BioWare failing exactly? In fact, it's the community that is currently failing.


And forum wipe at launch is a good idea. Considering.


5 waves in one day, not even past those who redeemed in July and they take a 16 hour break, six days left to invite the rest.


They are failing HARD.

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5 waves in one day, not even past those who redeemed in July and they take a 16 hour break, six days left to invite the rest.


They are failing HARD.


That's your opinion.


I was in the first wave and see that this is an unprecedented success in the history of MMO's.

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We already have 56+ pages of QQ in here, how many will we be up to by the 20th?


Just an idea. :D


I now understand the allure some scientists have by going to Africa and studying the feeding/social patterns of extremely stupid herd animals.


Why else do I come here and actually read the QQ threads? I probably should be taking notes for a piece on National Geographic.

Edited by McVade
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5 waves in one day, not even past those who redeemed in July and they take a 16 hour break, six days left to invite the rest.


They are failing HARD.


Look, as has been stated multiple times, even up in the stickies, there were a lot of pre-orders in the first few days, more in the first 5 days than in the next 5 days. 100k people is 100k people, and they are supposed to let more in tomorrow. I'm sure much more people ordered between July 21 and July 26th than did between July 27 and Aug 2. Don't focus so much on the fact that they didn't get out of the July orders.

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I don't think so. I hope that those who couldn't help insulting people, no matter what side of the fence they were, will keep their infraction points forever now. I've read seriously bad insults flying around in some threads, just because people disagreed with others and were apparently incapable of expressing it in a polite way.


So no further forum wipe please.

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Wipe the forums of QQ, way to respect your community. People are annoyed because of the way something was handled, ignoring it then acting like it didn't happen isn't the best way to treat your community.


While there have been constructive threads and people being logical debating their side of the fence, the destructive and whining posts/threads have outnumbered them by a lot. I still think there are people here with cancelled preorders trolling and trying to stir the pot, once everyone has actually payed the full price for the game, I think (hope) the forums get more mature

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Wipe the forums of QQ, way to respect your community. People are annoyed because of the way something was handled, ignoring it then acting like it didn't happen isn't the best way to treat your community.



No. A majority of the community isn't concerned about lack of communication. I've been on these forums since 8am yesterday, went to sleep after last wave was announced, and came back on the forums 6 hours ago and all I have seen is "Didn't let me in no fair", "Didn't tell us when we can get in no fair" etc etc etc.



This community isn't upset over lack of info, which they have been providing but like with all things internet they do not read. It was even stated before the forum wipe they were doing this.


Simple fact and people will disagree and flame about it is that Bioware didn't fail the community because they cut waves out at 5 on day one. The community failed bioware because of all the crying and moaning about not getting in on day one! Just simple as that the only people who have a real complaint worth looking at is the grace period, which If I'm not mistaken Amazon is sending games out early to make sure they get there.


So try and claim it's lack of info all you want, the only thing all this crying is about is not being able to play the freaking game at the same time.

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How is BioWare failing exactly? In fact, it's the community that is currently failing.



I agree, BW hasn't failed at all... we have known about Early Access for a month or so now. Where were all the complaints when they announced it? Not in Beta that's fer shure.


This "community" leaves a lot to be desired but is really just a reflection of what we have become as a society, an angry mob of ignorant medicated Zombie tools who can only shout Me Me Me over and over again...

Edited by catherder
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I agree, BW hasn't failed at all... we have known about Early Access for a month or so now. Where were all the complaints when they announced it? Not in Beta that's fer shure.


This "community" leaves a lot to be desired but is really just a reflection of what we have become as a society, an angry mob of ignorant medicated Zombie tools who can only shout Me Me Me over and over again...


Is it just me or does anyone else now have a mental image of the seagulls from Finding Nemo...



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you know i was thinking the same thing, i wish they would at lest delete all the post that do not need to be on here.


Oh well i can not wait until the 20th then all the people who truly payed for the game will be able to post.


Unless of course those after the 20th have reasons to complain you don't agree with, in which case you'll want Bioware to do another wipe, right?

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I'd support a forum wipe.


This is disgraceful. Everybody making these threads should be forum-banned - but that'd be a bad start for this MMO. I understand eagerness, I understand feeling like the wait is almost over.


I don't understand the urge to villify Bioware when you're getting what you must have known you were getting, when you're getting what was clearly communicated to you that you were getting, and what was absolutely fine and considered a hugely attractive bonus not 28 hours ago.


It's almost as if people think venting their frustration in the poorest fashion possible i.. wait, oh, right. This is the internet.

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