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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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Just a comment on business model which do you think a game developer wants to stick around longer.


#1 A paying customer who has finishes all game content moments after launch and then starts screaming for more. And when they don't get it they threaten to quit.




#2 A paying customer who doesn't complete game content and is satisfied exploring the existing content that's already been developed.


Well from a business perspective I can tell you which keeps the company more in the black and which requires less resources to support. That'd be number 2 for those that can't figure it out.


And that further adds to the confusion of why BW/EA chose to upset the 2nd group with this promo.


Comparing another successful business, do you think WoW even blinked when all those top end guilds left the game because the end-game content was so ridiculously easy, and no new content was coming in the foreseeable future? No, and why was that? Cause they still had 12million + subscribers happy and willing to continue to pay for the stuff that's already there!


And unlike WoW this game at least offers different storylines and perspectives when you play through 1 - 49. With WoW it doesn't matter what class/race you play, your lvl 1-85 experience will be largely identical.

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no its not bad business. its good business actually.

you might be the type that enjoys the class stories and leveling alts (i'm the same way actually hence why i didnt get the free 30 days either). but you are not the target of this promotion. you need to get over that fact.


they aren't worried about the customers who enjoy the stories and leveling alts.

they ARE worried about the raiders and end game pvp'ers leaving. thus they give the 30 days to them to keep them around for longer.


its not a hard concept. you just weren't part of the promotion. hell you said it yourself, the people enjoying the stories are the cash cow. yup. they still want the endgame guys to stick around hence the promotion.


whats so hard to understand?


The fact that they have tip over their cash cow in orders to revive the cow who are being put out to pasture.


Cows can die from being tipped over.

Edited by Ranid
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Ranked Warzones were supposed to come out with 1.2


Who can do ranked Warzones? Geared level 50's.


Ranked warzones got delayed, so they decided to give 30 free days to those who are level 50 and were waiting for Ranked Warzones.


Get over it.


so what about the people who are lvl 47 48 49, and are also looking forward to ranked pvp? are they not in the same boat as the person with a lvl 50?


and were does it say that you have to be geared to take part in ranked pvp?

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Just *sigh*, I have some 300 levels on chars, not a single one is 50, many 40+.


I feel like an idiot for enjoying the good parts of the game and avoiding the 50 burnout by waiting until the game gets older and the 50's game get more fleshed out.

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so you're saying giving promotional free time to those they are greatest risk of losing as customers is bad business?


but giving away a free month to everyone subbed since the beginning IS good business? do you not know how much money they'd lose with that plan?


this is to prevent people from jumping ship because of endgame (or lack there of) content. this isn't to "reward" anyone. BIG difference.


If they had good PR and CS people, they would have been clear on their e-mail and not target it to "valued customers".


They way communications are sent is everything in the business world. By not getting the reward, it is logical for people to assume, "I guess I am not a valued customer."


I can see why some are upset about this but BW is extremely ignorant of the ways of appropriate communication and customer service to not have handled it in a different way.

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The fact that they have tip over their cash cow in order to revive the cow who are being put out to pasture.


Cows can die from being tipped over.


no one. i mean NO ONE, who is making tons and tons of alts and never getting them to 50 is goign to quit because of this promotion.


sure they might whine and cry and say they're insulted on the forums. they might make long dramatic posts about how they're quitting because of it. but they wont quit.

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You ever think that the reason a lot of people didn't rush to 50 is because the endgame sucks?


Why rush to the end of your character? I regret getting to 50 on my smuggler, because I now have nothing to do with it. Nada, squat.


Guess some people are more equal than others.

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So why not gave them one piece of BM equip by free? It will cost notning and save some time for 50s.

Instead they start srting paying customers to 2 classes. Lvl 50s and rest.


I can't speak for BW, but it would appear that they were concerned that this group of PvP players would cancel and move on because of this delay. No other way to actually keep them unless you let them play for free while you work out how to get Ranked WZ's implemented.


Not saying its the smartest way to go about it... because clearly, anyone not in this boat sees it as unfair and completely biased. No, it was not well thought out, but it was a scramble in the conference room with people just throwing things on the white board to see how to handle. This idea was thrown out and they ran with it. The wording is suspect as well... Again, due to the last minute decision and subsequent scramble to hold on to subs.

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Stephen Reid ‏ @Rockjaw


Thread updated: all #SWTOR players will get one day of game time as compensation for today's downtime.


43m Pasqua Hawthorne Pasqua Hawthorne ‏ @PoisonFox


@Rockjaw Even us worthless idiots who've had an active subscription since the very first alottment of early access but are not valuable?

Stephen Reid Stephen Reid ‏ @Rockjaw



@PoisonFox We've had discussions on that today. Give us a little time, we'll share.

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here they told that dont matter if you pay them. no matter if You play from early access. No matter if you provide feedback or help on PTS. Only matter if You havbe lvl 50.

Whole patch 1.2, which is about playing alts is just a joke because most value players dont play alts.

Maybe I wrote it wrong, but can YOu tell your kids that you love one of them more because he have blue shirt? Can You tell your kids playing violin that one of them playing red violin is the most value members of your family?

Or can football coach say that shooter of goal is most value player? What if he only stood on the goal line and waited for goal? Rest of the team had a hard work to pass him ball but finally they made it.

Ahh, sorry guys. You did not shoot goal, no massage after game. No bus, go by your feet, BECAUSE you did not shoot the goal.




Bioware did not say any of that


They told someone they were one of their most valued customers, that doesn’t mean you aren’t as well. If that is all you are worried about you need to work on being a little more secure in your life. My ego is just fine no matter what some software company says about another customer. ( really )


Those of us ( myself included ) that don’t happen to have a level 50 toon, have had updates as advertized that have delivered well, those that have a 50 toon had updates that did not deliver as promised


Let them have their 30 days and don’t worry about it, the updates failed them, not us.

Edited by Dayln
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I can't speak for BW, but it would appear that they were concerned that this group of PvP players would cancel and move on because of this delay. No other way to actually keep them unless you let them play for free while you work out how to get Ranked WZ's implemented.


Not saying its the smartest way to go about it... because clearly, anyone not in this boat sees it as unfair and completely biased. No, it was not well thought out, but it was a scramble in the conference room with people just throwing things on the white board to see how to handle. This idea was thrown out and they ran with it. The wording is suspect as well... Again, due to the last minute decision and subsequent scramble to hold on to subs.


how do you tell a PVP lvl 50 from a PVE lvl 50


becuase my guess would be that a PVE lvl 50 wouldnt really be bothered that ranked warzones gor pushed back? yet he will still get the 30 free days?

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how much do you earn a month?


more than you i guarentee it, doesnt stop you from helping mommy or cutting someones grass for 15$, if you dont have grass then offer to babysitt or something....you little kids these days expect things to be given to you....grow up and earn something for a change.

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Why would you even care about the free handout if you have "other, more important, things to do in life."


Christ I have people that barely can play in my guild because of family etc and they still have at least one 50.


I guess you people with "more important things to do" need 3 years to get one 50. Guess the people in my guild with "more important things to do" just know how to manage their time better. /shrug


My " more important things to do" is being over seas... sorry do not expect the " i did it so should you" unless you know everything about everyone do not judge. I have been here day o I have not gotten to lvl 50 .. have a few alts in 40's but no 50's... I play when i am home some (seeing my family is more important ) I am about to leave for another 6 months back over seas. I guess i won't get to 50 till i get back but i will still have a sub...I am happy people can get to 50 ect... but don't give me the " They did you should too" speach.

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so what about the people who are lvl 47 48 49, and are also looking forward to ranked pvp? are they not in the same boat as the person with a lvl 50?


and were does it say that you have to be geared to take part in ranked pvp?


I don't think you will find anyone that says this was a well thought out and well worded plan. It is a debacle and they are scrambling!

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It really doesn't matter why someone hasn't reached level 50. It doesn't even matter if they have reached 50.


What matters is Bioware's interpretation of value and loyalty. Their play-style should not be a measure of that. Their character level should not be a measure of that. Heck, even their /played time shouldn't be a measure of that.


Really, the only thing that should be a measure of value and loyalty is how long they've been here. Have they been here since the start, paying every month without a break? Have they put up with the issues and growing pains that the game has had- across the entire level range?


Those are your most loyal and valued members. Those are who you should have rewarded.


Pretty hard to say you aren't valued, and I don't think anyone said you werent loyal. The reward was about retaining a group of customers who were here for content that hasn't emerged yet, and made even worse when the content they were waiting for to come out in 1.2 didn't. No one said you weren't loyal or valued, but those who have been playing with the intention of playing end game content like the pvp'rs have been overlooked and they've been leaving because of it. A month ago I could log in and see some pretty familiar opponents, but lately they haven't been around, have they unsubbed, don't know, working on alts? possibly, have I been around as much, not nearly. The simple fact is if you haven't reached 50 you still have things to do. I'm not an altaholic and neither are many others. I enjoyed the story line sure, but was excited to get to this end game pvp content, and it just hasn't been there. Sorry you feel slighted by the lack of free game time. I've felt slighted for the last month by the lack of a game. I've been paying for it to do nothing in the hopes that something will come soon.

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no its not bad business. its good business actually.

you might be the type that enjoys the class stories and leveling alts (i'm the same way actually hence why i didnt get the free 30 days either). but you are not the target of this promotion. you need to get over that fact.


they aren't worried about the customers who enjoy the stories and leveling alts.

they ARE worried about the raiders and end game pvp'ers leaving. thus they give the 30 days to them to keep them around for longer.


its not a hard concept. you just weren't part of the promotion. hell you said it yourself, the people enjoying the stories are the cash cow. yup. they still want the endgame guys to stick around hence the promotion.


whats so hard to understand?


What people don't understand is I could not care one bit about the free month, if they had worded it slightly different.


If they had said hey we're sorry about the state of the endgame right now, for those that are suffering at lvl 50 we would like to offer a free month. I most likely would have laughed and been amazed they finally admitted to it.

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If what you're saying is true then why does WoW (the standard of MMO for the better part of the last decade) not start their characters at level 85? I mean that's all that matters right? Just end-game content? No need to go through the game again since you've done it once already.


while you're at it, gear up all newly created characters so that everyone is ready for HMs so that we can get the most feedback and develop the next operation.


Because it is a p2p mmo and grinds are what makes mmos.....you know that whole pay by the month thing where the longer they keep you the more money they make...hence why they make expansions and endgame content...lots of first time mmo players it seems.

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If they had good PR and CS people, they would have been clear on their e-mail and not target it to "valued customers".


They way communications are sent is everything in the business world. By not getting the reward, it is logical for people to assume, "I guess I am not a valued customer."


I can see why some are upset about this but BW is extremely ignorant of the ways of appropriate communication and customer service to not have handled it in a different way.


no. if they said "you're at risk of quitting" then it would push people away, it'd be weird and awkward. it might come across as desperate pushing more people away from the game.


they needed to say their target was something positive. valued customers works fine. anyone who goes "omg im not a valued customer i guess" needs to calm down and look at the promotion.


it took me only a couple seconds to go "oh, they're trying to keep their endgame population from quitting. makes sense". then i was over it.


do people these days not think before they get upset? i know i generally think about the situation before i get upset and angry about something. you should try it.

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lol poor BW they try to do something positive and they get destroyed lmao. But yeah perhaps legacy level would have been a better idea. Because if you have say 4 or 5 level 20's you have the play time in of a single 50 easy. So, what, legacy level 10 maybe? lol gl on this one, and thanks for the game time homies. Folgrin out!
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no one. i mean NO ONE, who is making tons and tons of alts and never getting them to 50 is goign to quit because of this promotion.


sure they might whine and cry and say they're insulted on the forums. they might make long dramatic posts about how they're quitting because of it. but they wont quit.


You sure are wrong

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How is it unfair they reward people who have more time to play? You do not have time to help test end game thats fine dont expect to get the same rewards. Whats next you want raid gear mailed to you because you dont have time to grind for it?


I just believe it would've been better if those people who can actually contribute to the improvement of the game (whoever those may be) recieved an in-game reward, like a special item. I find it weird they are allowed game time for free while I have to pay for it, because I haven't been able to reach a certain benchmark in the game itself.

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more than you i guarentee it, doesnt stop you from helping mommy or cutting someones grass for 15$, if you dont have grass then offer to babysitt or something....you little kids these days expect things to be given to you....grow up and earn something for a change.


you earn more than me do you?


im sure you do, you must work in Iraq or Afghan on escourt dutys? what company you with? you might hook me up on a better contract than im on at the moment

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Pretty hard to say you aren't valued, and I don't think anyone said you werent loyal. The reward was about retaining a group of customers who were here for content that hasn't emerged yet, and made even worse when the content they were waiting for to come out in 1.2 didn't. No one said you weren't loyal or valued, but those who have been playing with the intention of playing end game content like the pvp'rs have been overlooked and they've been leaving because of it. A month ago I could log in and see some pretty familiar opponents, but lately they haven't been around, have they unsubbed, don't know, working on alts? possibly, have I been around as much, not nearly. The simple fact is if you haven't reached 50 you still have things to do. I'm not an altaholic and neither are many others. I enjoyed the story line sure, but was excited to get to this end game pvp content, and it just hasn't been there. Sorry you feel slighted by the lack of free game time. I've felt slighted for the last month by the lack of a game. I've been paying for it to do nothing in the hopes that something will come soon.


If the announcement said that, fine, but it didn't. It said it was a reward for being "most valued" and "loyal". It's really as simple as that.

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