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The penalties for losing are TOO severe


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I think the credit penalties should be lessened (instead of 0, minimum of 500 for full participation), add 10 more comms to the losers, and thats it.


I like it this way. I can get 4+ medals EASY now. Everyone should.


Try getting them in voidstar when you join eight minutes late and are a low level dps class. I can't get the medic or guarding medals that hybrid classes can because straight dps classes aren't given those skills.

I have to spend the entire warzone just trying to get my medals instead of playing the actual game. I feel cheap and dirty.

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After spending a couple days of pondering and testing, I have discovered a simple solution:


1. Roll a dps class (Disclaimer: this method will not work with a healer class. If you have a healer class, DO NOT enter a WZ looking for commendations, xp or credits)


2. Enter warzone, target the first person you see (perferrably a healer and they are easy kills).


3. Choose one attack and spam that button until one of you is dead.


4. Continue targeting and spamming until you are dead.


5. Revive and repeat the process again.


6. If you fall asleep during your WZ experience and wake up only to realize you are not going to make the minimum medal requirement, you have 2 options:

A. Get up and pour yourself a heavily caffinated drink while laughing at the suckers who are still playing on your team.

B. Simply click the "leave warzone" button and re-que.


This method will guarantee you a minimum of 5 medal every match unless you get zoned in at the very end. If that is the case, quit and re-que.

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On the lighter side of things, I solo queued last night and it poped just in time for me to give aguildie an MVP vote and a Victory for me to complete daily. Who the hell bails on a winning match with 5 secs to go. Anyway thank you for the free win.:D
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You honestly want to be rewarded for failing!? How about we just cry until BW just gives us the endgame armour without having to do anything but walk into the operation and say boo to the bosses till they give up the shiney's.


You are the 99%, don't want to work for rewards just get everything handed to you because you wanted to play.


As a note, I am not an elitest nor am I in any way a PVP God, I am a mediocre player and I'm not crying about anything. Well anything other than there are way to many servers for the amount of sub's for the game.


Quit badgering his comment,, You do not see the whole point even if he was the worse player in world and everyteeam he on loses, no coms no gear for them... Where you will have a fully developed BM team and sooner are later a full war hero team while theses guys playing for while will not have any chance at all to even win... Its a gear issue and it will be a major issue the way its going now... even if this guy was a super skilled player on a losing side everytime the other team will be so geared after while it will be like a level 10 going ag trying to do a hardmode flashpoint....pointless...

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credits from WARZONE are NOT a way to grind for your mission skills etc they are small compensation for not pveing... if you want to grind credits go pve


i find it fair


That's great, we all get that you're a PvE fanatic. Not all of us are...especially in the PVP section of the forums. If you find your PvE missions rewarding and challenging, good for you. Again, not many of us do...not in THIS forum at least.


PvP WAS a very valid and legit way to level before 1.2. It's not any longer. Think about this...PvP was BETTER in this game and had MORE content when it released than it does now. I don't understand how you can be so naive as to claim it's working well, when it's NOT! Players deserve in-game compensation for participating in activities that require other players, win or lose.


1.2 is a debacle that should cost Gabe his job. There's NO excuse for the reductions and destruction that has plagued PvP since this game has released. NONE!

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That's great, we all get that you're a PvE fanatic. Not all of us are...especially in the PVP section of the forums. If you find your PvE missions rewarding and challenging, good for you. Again, not many of us do...not in THIS forum at least.


PvP WAS a very valid and legit way to level before 1.2. It's not any longer. Think about this...PvP was BETTER in this game and had MORE content when it released than it does now. I don't understand how you can be so naive as to claim it's working well, when it's NOT! Players deserve in-game compensation for participating in activities that require other players, win or lose.


1.2 is a debacle that should cost Gabe his job. There's NO excuse for the reductions and destruction that has plagued PvP since this game has released. NONE!


I agree 100%. This patch could have been tremendous. I flat out love the UI customization, really think it's darn near the best UI I've seen ever. However the nerf on PvPers ability to engage in content via only PvP was uncalled for and there is no reason for it all.


You happened to have gone by the name of Tux other places?

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Last weekend I had a great time gearing my lvl 40 juggernaught with pvp gear and it felt rewarding and within reach.


Last night I played many matches with my lvl 19 powertech in eager anticipation of getting the critical mass set to begin my leveling beyond 20 in style. Sadly I see this will be a MASSIVE grind and NOT worth my time! I ended up with a mere 200 commendations and need 550 for the legs alone! You have ruined PVP rewards Bioware! This change is incredibly ignorant and tells me your devs are completly detached from the experience!


Won't be wasting my time in pvp and this change is just making me want to log into my beta pass and level my....Panda >.<.

Edited by GadsdenFlags
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If you have bad gear, you will lose, and likely not get many medals because a- you die fast, b- you do less damage/healing, c- you can't hit those 5k medals, d- if you're a pure dps you have a lower chance to get medals, if you're a pure healer you have an extremely low chance to get medals- because if you heal someone who kills a ball carrier, you get no points for it (apparantly BW thinks healing shouldn't have any reward in this game).



As someone who has great gear and is moving onto WH gear- I want new players to gear up fast- I don't like being stuck with 2 or 3 people in garbage gear and losing because of it- and I definitely don't want to see those people only have 2 pieces of BM gear by the time rated comes out- then start losing rateds because of it.


This decision makes the game more and more about gear- and less and less about skill- it just continues the trend of rewarding the players who hit 50 first, took advantage of ez mode killing level 15s and exploiting Ilum, or having a huge amount of time on our hands.


There's nothing competitive skillwise about this game- it's OP classes, gear based, and now it'll be next to impossible to even get that gear eventually for players who don't specifically spec and play to earn medals.


BW- you are telling the average player they mean nothing, and giving better players a free ride to the top- you've stacked everything heavily in the favour of the best players/basement no lifes/exploiters in terms of getting gear.




Honestly, do you think that someone who has an hour or two to play a day is going to log on, play some WZ, get stomped due to gear- get no rewards so know he can't even work towards getting gear- and keep playing?


No, they aren't- carrot on a stick works because you think you can reach it- you take away the illusion that someday a person will be on equal terms with other players, and that player's gone.


And before people start saying 'well, you wouldn't give away rakata gear to bads who just hit 50' you're right, you wouldn't- but there's a fundamental difference between pve and pvp. When you queue up for pvp, you are facing people in war hero and BM gear. In pve though, when you hit 50, you get the CHOICE of fighting mobs that are appropriate to your gear level- you get to face something you can reasonably beat, then progress by taking on harder enemies once your gear improves.


If WZ worked so that recruits only fought recruits, and BM only fought BM, and premades only fought premades- then the current reward system might work, because you'd be fighting something in your gear range, just like in pve.


That's not the case though- and expecting garbage geared players (and recruit gear is garbage even compared to champion gear, which wasn't buffed- compared to BM or WH gear it's worse than centurian was) to compete is foolish.

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so if those you heal didnt manage 10 kills you dont deserve anything anyway


This is a great illustration of the "shut up and deal with it, you don't deserve anything if you didn't win" crowd's attitude.


Bioware has 44 days to do something other than cater to them, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by AManInBlack
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loss v sevel rank 50 geared and tooled up, to not get credits with a kill well not xp 0 maybe (10% would be OK) but ZERO Credits that just not right ,you wast your time doing so the 3 kill rule make (pule melee class) Sentinel and Guardian at a disadvantage at huttball and the 3 for melee 2 kills should be for huttball or have a new huttball set up to favor the melee classes.
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You honestly want to be rewarded for failing!? How about we just cry until BW just gives us the endgame armour without having to do anything but walk into the operation and say boo to the bosses till they give up the shiney's.


You are the 99%, don't want to work for rewards just get everything handed to you because you wanted to play.


As a note, I am not an elitest nor am I in any way a PVP God, I am a mediocre player and I'm not crying about anything. Well anything other than there are way to many servers for the amount of sub's for the game.


I think the issue is imbalanced servers. If you are playing on an Imperial heavy server and you are republic 1 it takes forever to get a game and 2 when you do and loose you get nothing for it. So what ends up happening? You make an imperial again causing the whole thing to snowball.

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all the players who come here and say we are bad or it doesn't need to be changed clearly play on a server where they outnumber the opposing side it is a balance issue of imperial vs pub, the issue is now only going to get worse since the gear difference is going to spiral out of control forcing people to quit because whats the point? you stay in a game that started you out behind in numbers and guess what it doesnt end in 120 seconds now so if you stay all your doing is feeding them more coms to outgear you. Edited by netslayer
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Its tricky tbh.


If you make wins unimportant like at wow, then you will have hardly people playing, but leeching all the time, going solo not trying to win at all.


On the other hand, if you make wins the one and only way of getting gear, people with solo queue are screwed, as a bad team performance will make a good personal performance obsolet.

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Tricky? Well, they should have thought of that before they borked the system that was actually working! There should not be a cutoff of whether or not you get medals, just a reward per medal that you go out and get.


You get 2 medals? Okay, valor and comms, and none of this 13 coms for losing a match either, that's ridiculous.


I que solo, maybe there should be a seperate que for me than for the groups? That'd be great, just not enough population on my server to support that, so if they have any thoughts of pulling that off it's going to be another 6 months before they implement it and it'll still be full of bugs and exploits.


And they still haven't fixed the 'Invisible guy Removing the Bomb' trick from Voidstar.

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how about link credits to medals in the same way? 1k credit per medal, maximum is 8k and everyone in the warzone can reach it. winning side should receive a bonus of course, like an extra 5k or something. seeing as i can spend 10 minutes zooming through Foundry and get 60k+, i think up to 13k credits (for a win) for ~15 minutes in a warzone is fair enough


the credit and comm rewards are a joke now, even when you win. i got 2.8k credits in a win. ridiculous

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Considering I havent played in a couple weeks and only had 4 days left on my account until they gave me a free 30 days, PVP was the only thing that would have possibly made me resub. I can tell you now that I will not be renewing my account. I seriously wish I could give someone my 30days. Edited by Unojc
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Its tricky tbh.


If you make wins unimportant like at wow, then you will have hardly people playing, but leeching all the time, going solo not trying to win at all.


On the other hand, if you make wins the one and only way of getting gear, people with solo queue are screwed, as a bad team performance will make a good personal performance obsolet.


But the way they had it was fine.


Regress to the old system and add kick voting and a 30min quitting penalty and things would be fine.

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But the way they had it was fine.


Regress to the old system and add kick voting and a 30min quitting penalty and things would be fine.


This, no body asked to change the system. The only thing needed was afk vote kick and penalty for quitting.


Bring back the old system and just add these two changes.

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This, no body asked to change the system. The only thing needed was afk vote kick and penalty for quitting.


Bring back the old system and just add these two changes.




There really was nothing wrong with the old system, for those that can't get a decent pre-made the new system is going to drive people to quit pvping.


Thank you BW for breaking something that wasn't broken.

Edited by Reptile_
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But the way they had it was fine.


Regress to the old system and add kick voting and a 30min quitting penalty and things would be fine.


If they can fix the getting booted to char select and other bugs that cause you to get kicked I would be all for a 30 min penalty. I've been perma cc'd on revive and been just kicked back to fleet for no reason, haven't seen it since patch but I haven't been able to put much time in. Also not a fan of kick voting unless there is a way to keep premade groups from griefing people.


The current system encourages leaving if you're losing and I can't express how sick I am of getting into a match that's 2 minutes from losing. About half of the warzones I enter are actually fresh warzones, the other half are already lost before I get there.

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I liked the old system with a few tweeks to it. The vote to kick for being AFK with a chance for that person to respond would be great. I like the deserter time penalty or maybe if they leave they get zero rewards for the next complete WZ they do. Something has to be done about deserters. I was in a Hutt Ball last night and we went down 2-0 and 4 people, all from same guild, quit and they re-qued...great thing was we ended up winning when 4 pugs joined us so i guess we found out who the weak links were but the people deserting has always been an issue on my server this just makes it worse.


I play a healer and getting medals is a lot more work for me now. I have to do more attack moves in order to get some Offensive medals or stand next to a door in voidstar and play defense.


Oh well.. time to adapt my game play to the new system.

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