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0 Credits from Losing Warzones. Really?


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I get about a 1000 valor and 25 comms for losing seems fair to me makes you wanna win


Really? I'm sorry, I thought the point of pvp was to sit in queue, purposefully lose, and gain valor that I don't need or xp that I sure as hell haven't needed for over 2 months now. Not to mention no creds. The 25 comms is an absolute joke, seeing as you need 30 of them just to get 10 ranked WZ comms. This new system is so busted it's not even funny.

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Yeah this is total BS, and for the people saying that you shouldn't get credits for loosing your dumb. Its not like we were making 20k credits a warzone anyways it was hardly anything to begin with. I play my arse off every warzone but if my team sucks then my team sucks I can't control them past telling them what to do in chat and after a 15 min warzone of me busting my butt I get zich, nada, 0, NOTHING...its complete bullsheeet. BW I hate you!!!!!! Get a new pvp designer quick or a lot MORE people will be unsubbing...including me...even though I want this game to succeed so bad its sad.
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I've been waiting the last few matches, so I will pay attention for future games to see what the credit income is.


This isn't a problem on my server, but wouldn't this system of zero credits for losing adversely affect Republic side players on servers with a major population imbalance in favour of Imperials?


You mean all but six servers? :jawa_tongue: Just about every sever is 2:1 or worse. There are a very few that are mostly even (1.15:1->1:1 Imperial:Republic), and a select few of those few which have more Republic, although horrifyingly, no server has the 6:1 R:I ratio that some servers have I:R. The most imbalanced in favor of the Republic is something like... 0.8:1).


Data courtesy of Dulfy.net:



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What you fail to understand is that most people do not want to PvP. They dislike it because they're not good at it, they don't get anything from it, so they just don't do it.


Before, you would get more people involved in PvP because they got something even if they weren't good at it. They got something just for playing. Now, those people just won't play. Q times will get longer, PvP will have fewer players, and it will get pushed to the side in favor of PvE in terms of Dev time.


Things like this hurt PvP far more than they help. All it does it push PvP into the corner for it to be ignored.


i agree totally on a PvE server where pvp is just a let me do something why i wait for a flash point/operation group but can get some credits while i wait thing now will be forget ten , and now that i am not getting anything and i am trying my best and i don't really do PvP but i get rewarded some for trying and i feel good about that so i will que again. now peeps wil say f uk that i will stand here and wait for a group and totally forget about PvP. and all those PvPers who keep saying well get a premade group and losers shouldn't get anything WHY THE HELL ARE YOU PLAYING ON A pVe SERVER AND NOT A pVp SERVER. hnnn big fish in a little pond syndome.

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so I'm not the pvp expert but since legacy it was something like this:

had to spend 300K on recruit pvp set for the expert' points to not get myself killed.


then 1st match huttball! my team: 4 players opposing team: 10 players,

Huh? lost in 3 mins got no rewards what so ever and barely got 1 medal.


second match void star, this team even teams, I lose but with 8 medals I get some commendations and valor points. not alot but I've lost so fine by me.


third game: civil war... lost with 2 medals.. got? nothing at all.


so the pvp got totally changed and I used to get 4 medals quite easily with my sorcerer right now it's tough battle to get there.



lost on the new wz.. 5 medals = 18 commendations :X

Edited by lironBD
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so I'm not the pvp expert but since legacy it was something like this:

had to spend 300K on recruit pvp set for the expert' points to not get myself killed.


then 1st match huttball! my team: 4 players opposing team: 10 players,

Huh? lost in 3 mins got no rewards what so ever and barely got 1 medal.


second match void star, this team even teams, I lose but with 8 medals I get some commendations and valor points. not alot but I've lost so fine by me.


third game: civil war... lost with 2 medals.. got? nothing at all.


so the pvp got totally changed and I used to get 4 medals quite easily with my sorcerer right now it's tough battle to get there.



lost on the new wz.. 5 medals = 18 commendations :X


^ This is me in 1.2 as a sorc healer, i'm just going to go back to DPS, its not fun working your tail off and getting no rewards when pre 1.2 I earned medals like candy.

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I have no reason to even pvp with this current system. If you run into a well geared group its game over...0 reward waste of time. Why bother? Who thought this through? And to all you who say you should not get a thing for a loss? Do you really think long ques are going to be fun? This is a really bad idea.

The grind for pvp is really wrong here.

Unsubed because of this. :mad:

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what this change fosters is people leaving when they are down by 2 goals in huttball, when they are are down 100 points in alderan, get stuck on 1st/2nd door in void star, etc.


When one team blows through the first 2 doors in void star in 1-2 minutes, why stay for 15 minutes now? Before this patch, you could go for medals, and secretly hope your team could make a comeback. At least you got something out of it win or lose. Now its 15 minutes of time better spent doing something else. Just leave the WZ and hope the next one is on the stomp team.

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it's worst ppl.


after 10 wz right now on my server instead to have an even match with even number of players on each group the system just gave us 6 imps vs 8 pubs etc..


it's really a pain to play on this matches cause u can't even get outside the safezone! let alone get the 3 needed medals. I can play the daily missions, do some flashpoints etc and get decent rewards and credits for my crafting/spaceship upgrades + social points.


with the current pvp system it's very hard to have a good time u just pray while the lvl is loading that at least both groups will have even number of players.. even so as a result of this issue people quit from the group with the fewer players for some reason and the problem just become larger. lame.

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I'm not going to touch the you lose-you lose chatter but I've had similar inconsistencies. Some matches I lose, I get paid, others I don't. Medal count doesn't seem to be a factor.


At some point, it'd be nice to hear from the pvp dev to see what his vision is. I can usually adapt to game changes but this throw stuff at the wall & see what sticks without telling anyone philosophy is kind of meh at best. This is an MMO; we build characters. It's hard to complete the project efficiently if things keep changing on us.

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So you think loosing should be rewarded.....


My old ma used to say... If at first you dont succeed... try and try again!! :D


So pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in and try harder... you suffer no repair bills for PVP loses... so why should you get rewarded for loosing....


Remember... IT'S JUST A GAME!!


wrong...in WZ if one side does not get rewarded for losing (smaller reward) they will stop queuing up. plain and simple.


2 pro boxers fight... a lot of times the losing boxer makes more than the winning boxer.

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the issue with the 3 medals for reward is the smaller problem. the bigger one is un-even number of players on each side and I think that if they could implement a system which will match between players with valor rank of around the same level it will be better for balance.


bottom line is not the gear, rewards or credits.. it's all about having good time and enjoy a friendly game but if one team have an unfair advantage it's not going to work.

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This has to be a bug.


I noticed similar inconsistencies with xp in 1-49 bracket as well.


I win a game get 0 xp

I lose a game and get 17k

I win a game and get 15k


Granted I wasnt keeping track of my medals but I tend to get anywhere between 6-10 consistently. Very very rarely Ill get <6 or >10. I feel like something is not working as intended in terms of pvp rewards on a whole.

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Stick a fork in this game. When Diablo 3 comes out, this game is over.


Bioware had a good shot, but they blew it with retarded design decisions.


I don't know if it's going to be a kill, but it certainly is gonna lose a lot of people.


I still want this game to win....but these bugs are killing it man....its so annoying!

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Today I witnessed the best healer in a huttball match receive 0 valor or commendations.

So Bioware rewarded the best healer with nothing for there 15 minutes because their team could not take home a win. This in no way is fair or a sustainable system for pvp.


As it stands I only log in to pvp, and now theres a chance I'll be rewarded with nothing for my time.



Bioware please fix this!

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I believe it's based on medals earned, not winning or losing per se. You have to have a certain # of medals to qualify for any reward. You should be able to achieve the # needed by actively playing. If you give up and stop playing, then probably not.


I could be wrong.


this is the way i believed it to be as well.


and i do understand the concept that everyone is saying "you gotta win to get rewarded". but that's not my issue...


i would say about 25-30% of the time i get in a warzone, it's already started. usually it's almost over. but i don't just run around willy nilly. i'm active immediately and never just sit there and wait for it to end... i'm working my tail end off actually. if i'm lucky i get 1 or 2 medals in instance like that win or lose. but because i didn't get enough medals, i get nothing. no creds (i don't care i make my creds in other ways), but no comms... that really ticks me off. i'm not one of the scrubs sitting on the sidelines doing nothing, i'm fighting, healing, etc.


i'm not a coder or game dev, but i'm sure there's something that can be done to consider the time frame when a player entered a warzone. if someone entered into a game with just a few minutes left to play and they contributed in some way, they shouldn't be penalized because they didn't get a pvp que pop until the end of a warzone. win or lose, medal or not, if they've done a certain amount of damage, and/or healing, etc, give em a few commendations... 5-10 comms wouldn't hurt, really.


edited to add: go figure... right after i posted this i got a voidstar pop. got in on the 2nd round with just over 3 minutes to play. we lost, not surprisingly because in the time i had to play i got the 2nd highest damage on my team. in 3 minutes i had about 115k damage. 2 medals (i think), i believe under the "objectives" column i was at 400 or something... no comms, no creds, nothing.


i understand the point behind not wanting to give "scrubs" a reward for just standing around doing nothing, really i do. and i'm grateful something is being done about it... but i hope there is a way we can address issues like i'm having.


i personally love this game, and don't plan on unsubbing anytime soon. nothing else out there in the mmorpg world that appeals to me at this time. but i'm gonna be very disappointed if pvp continues like this... especially since i just found an awesome spec for my gunslinger :eek:

Edited by Cyoti
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Lack of reward for losing is a terrible idea that's based on the concept that winners should get the world and losers should get nothing. Who is going to want to get 0 commendations for getting 8 medals in a loss? While I agree with the principal that to the victors go the spoils, the gear gap is going to destroy the PvP player base. Add in the fact that they ONLY buffed BattleMaster gear when the patch released and unless you already have it, you're just cannon fodder who won't survive long enough to get a high number of medals (if any at all) and you're going to have not only a hard time catching up on gear but also with trying to enjoy the game. I'll be surprised if PvP survives this patch.
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I think losing should be rewarded a bit more personally. I just lost a Warzone had 4 medals at the end and got 20 commendations. That amount is way too small considering the price of War Hero Gear. I personally think losers should get about 1/2 commendation the winners get. When I win I seem to get about 100 commendations, just lost and got 20.


I cant imagine how long it will take for someone to get just 1 piece of Warhero gear off losing.

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This is the last straw for me. I am a casual player and if I am now losing credit for warzones becuase of a losing team, I'm done. I can find better ways to spend my time.


wait... how are you losing credits? from what i understand you don't take durability loses in pvp, or am i wrong about that? or am i misunderstanding what you're saying?

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3 marks is a issue as a healer, having to carry a losing team with 100k heals and they cant kill anyone is stupid on its own. now i get nothing for losing because i only received 2 marks for 2.5k heals and 75k heal this is some bs.
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