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Post 1.2 MERCENARY feedback


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Honestly apart from the nerf to DFA i haven't noticed any game-breaking changes, as such its my opinion that anyone that claims to be "broken" was always just a bad player and can now make false claims that they were once good.


I play as a pyro merc and honestly, i feel like i hit slightly better now that i did before 1.2, my only real concern is DFA, hopefully it will be fixed.

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Waiting to see how long it takes the mod to close this thread because, in thier opinion, "no more constructive criticism can come of it". I guess that means, "we do not suck, you suck, stop saying we suck, even if we do in fact suck, or we'll close your thread"


This nerf sucks, so do the people tha thought it up. That's all I have to say. Do you worst BioWare. Oh wait, you already did.

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I'll start with a NO.


Since when do your numbers stand for all players?


They don't stand for bad players and those who are exaggerating just for biowares attention. Guys, bioware knows the amount tracer missile has been reduced, you think lying about it will do any good? I'm just giving the community my numbers so others can see % differences.

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Kolto Shell nerf seemed REALLY unnecessary. There is almost NO use for it now. Why would I use kolto shell in combat when I could just use a real heal? Pretty ridiculous imo.


I don't even mind any of the other nerfs.

Edited by Hakosa
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Post 1.2 as a pyro merc;


My survivability is down, I am certainly squishier than before, and I thought I was already squishy...


My DPS is down. Overall damage and spike damage are both down. Pre-1.2 was averaging 400k damage in wz is now down to 200-250k


I overheat more. Mainly due to the cost of some specials that were previously in my rotation, now need to be removed from the toolbar.


Several of my specials are completely useless due to heat cost vs/ damage


My rotation is now quite limited because of the heat cost of some specials. Trying to use all the specials while weaving in rapid shots to stay in the cool zone DRASTICALLY reduces the overall damage output. Rapid shots hits almost as hard as some of the specials that cost 16 or more heat!


Damage is the ONLY utility merc has. Lowered damage output means a merc has no chance against classes that have the options and utility to shut down the damage that mercs do.


Of course I know nothing of raiding or pve, I base all my findings off of pvp and how my class compares to others, against and alongside

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1.2 has really killed the fun in pvp for me as a mercenary bodyguard. Kolto Shell is pretty crap now with the heat cost, just makes overheating worse. I pretty much use it on myself about 80% of the time and even then I don't reapply because other heat-costing heals are more effective.

One DPS can pretty much cancel me out as a healer. I either A) heal my team some more before I die or B) heal myself(thus neglecting my team) till I overheat and then they kill me.

It's even worse if the player is smart (which I don't know about your severs but I get singled out a lot by people) and they just come back to me over and over, making me useless.


Healing is what I enjoy in MMO's so respecing my bountyhunter would just make the game--though it's currently not enjoyable-- even less enjoyable. I feel a DD in my place would help the team much more.

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Post 1.2 as a pyro merc;


My survivability is down, I am certainly squishier than before, and I thought I was already squishy...


My DPS is down. Overall damage and spike damage are both down. Pre-1.2 was averaging 400k damage in wz is now down to 200-250k


I overheat more. Mainly due to the cost of some specials that were previously in my rotation, now need to be removed from the toolbar.


Several of my specials are completely useless due to heat cost vs/ damage


My rotation is now quite limited because of the heat cost of some specials. Trying to use all the specials while weaving in rapid shots to stay in the cool zone DRASTICALLY reduces the overall damage output. Rapid shots hits almost as hard as some of the specials that cost 16 or more heat!


Damage is the ONLY utility merc has. Lowered damage output means a merc has no chance against classes that have the options and utility to shut down the damage that mercs do.


Of course I know nothing of raiding or pve, I base all my findings off of pvp and how my class compares to others, against and alongside


Why do you call your abilities specials?

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Post 1.2 as a pyro merc;


My survivability is down, I am certainly squishier than before, and I thought I was already squishy...


My DPS is down. Overall damage and spike damage are both down. Pre-1.2 was averaging 400k damage in wz is now down to 200-250k


I overheat more. Mainly due to the cost of some specials that were previously in my rotation, now need to be removed from the toolbar.


Several of my specials are completely useless due to heat cost vs/ damage


My rotation is now quite limited because of the heat cost of some specials. Trying to use all the specials while weaving in rapid shots to stay in the cool zone DRASTICALLY reduces the overall damage output. Rapid shots hits almost as hard as some of the specials that cost 16 or more heat!


Damage is the ONLY utility merc has. Lowered damage output means a merc has no chance against classes that have the options and utility to shut down the damage that mercs do.


Of course I know nothing of raiding or pve, I base all my findings off of pvp and how my class compares to others, against and alongside


All damage is up and healing down in pvp, therefore everyone is dropping like flies. I would like to know what gear you are using. If you are not full battlemaster expect to not hit as hard and drop faster. Certainly do not mix in PvE gear any more. I have the full eliminator set and I hit just as hard with the same rotations. People on this forum are completely confusing their own shortfall in expertise gear with some sort of stealth nerf conspiracy of merc dps. It just isn't the case.


Also consider that if you got the 1.2 expertise buffs to battlemaster gear you are probably rolling gear that is only 65%. To get an increase start grinding those war hero sets that actually have surge on them.

Edited by Diddley
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I can't tell if you're trolling or not but here are the facts -



#1. -3% Crit nerf (global merc nerf)


#2. +5 CD increase to main defensive ability - Jetboost


#3. -5% Damage reduction


#4. DFA is completely broken


#5. TM is doing 50% less damage per hit. 1k-1.1k vs. 1.9k-2k pre-patch.



Heatseeker is hitting for about 1k-1.5k more (15 second CD)


Unload damage is the same but Barrage procs more often.



Overall a pretty big break in the game resulting in Arsenal Mercs relying on two abilities neither of which provide tree skill offensive / defensive bonuses like TM.


Why would you spread such misinformation? Are you hoping if you whine enough that BW will change things back or are you a SWTOR hater hoping to shake players loose for another game?


Take that load of manure and put it in your garden where it will do some good.

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I feel that merc's need 1 extra tool for survivability, or buff the hell out of kolto overload.

Also i feel as if merc's need to have the ability to use DFA right below them to punish melee, its easily interrupt able but it could also be that extra boost that we need in dmg to win some fights. I feel as if bioware thinks we dont need more survivability because we can heal, but thats just not practical enough.

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ITT: People thinking they got a huge damage boost because they see bigger numbers in pvp while wearing full battlemaster and not realizing the boost is from gear change not class change.




People in champion gear getting wrecked by full BM feeling like they have 0 expertise, and not being able to put out any substantial amount of damage before dying due to gear and survivability nerfs.



Heatseaker got a boost in damage, you use unload more often now, but in pvp I consider using a channeled skill like that a wash as it is just begging to be interrupted. Unlike tracer missile, you can't even start and stop the cast to try and get them to eat an interrupt as starting unload starts your CD.


The biggest notice for me is the increase on the CD for jet boost, using terrain and line of sight wisely is no longer enough to keep you alive. 1 melee on you will kill you without outside help, period.

Edited by GuyTallman
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why does every thread about this turn into PvP?


The OP was clearly talking about his DPS/rotation in operations. And I agree with him. I never overheat now, unload procs a ton (which is more damage anyway), and heatseeker hits like a truck.


as for DFA, the only nerf was to the radius. it does the same damage, just spread over 6 ticks instead of 3.

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why does every thread about this turn into PvP?


The OP was clearly talking about his DPS/rotation in operations.


Actually the OP very clearly talks about PvE and PvP, and leaves the discussion open to both hence the thread title. Open feedback from mercs.

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Im a merc-healer .. and the heatcosts are just terrible. Once my favorite class, now a nightmare. Was it really necessary to nerf the merc-healer that much!?!


If you really want to give us higher heat costs, then we should stack Supercharged Gas alot easier.


1.2 has really killed the fun in pvp for me as a mercenary bodyguard. Kolto Shell is pretty crap now with the heat cost, just makes overheating worse. I pretty much use it on myself about 80% of the time and even then I don't reapply because other heat-costing heals are more effective.

One DPS can pretty much cancel me out as a healer. I either A) heal my team some more before I die or B) heal myself(thus neglecting my team) till I overheat and then they kill me.

It's even worse if the player is smart (which I don't know about your severs but I get singled out a lot by people) and they just come back to me over and over, making me useless.


Healing is what I enjoy in MMO's so respecing my bountyhunter would just make the game--though it's currently not enjoyable-- even less enjoyable. I feel a DD in my place would help the team much more.


I fully agree on this ...

Edited by Dehrro
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Don't care about PVP, sorry... and I am the only merc in my raid group so only one Heat Signature. When i Had multiple Merc my Heat Seeker was criting for almost 7k


Nice attempt though


I hit 8601 today. This with attack adrenal + champ crit/surge relic (220), with all BM gear besides columi gloves/boots (with bm stats) . I think I hit a fresh 50 sage.


Im so annoyed that it didn't save ...

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All damage is up and healing down in pvp, therefore everyone is dropping like flies. I would like to know what gear you are using. If you are not full battlemaster expect to not hit as hard and drop faster. Certainly do not mix in PvE gear any more. I have the full eliminator set and I hit just as hard with the same rotations. People on this forum are completely confusing their own shortfall in expertise gear with some sort of stealth nerf conspiracy of merc dps. It just isn't the case.


Also consider that if you got the 1.2 expertise buffs to battlemaster gear you are probably rolling gear that is only 65%. To get an increase start grinding those war hero sets that actually have surge on them.


Seems you are confusing your gains with your full BM. Being that over 50% in PvP right now are running recruit or champion, some with BM pieces mixed in, it is easy to say that one can faceroll now. You will also enjoy WZ gear before the majority as well.


All classes will get increases from full BM not just Mercs.


Simply test vs a warzone dummy with a equally BM and you will see true results.


Arsenals = same

BG = nerf

Pyro = nerf


I think that people are letting gear and the influx of baddies testing 1.2 PvP throw them off.

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Seems you are confusing your gains with your full BM. Being that over 50% in PvP right now are running recruit or champion, some with BM pieces mixed in, it is easy to say that one can faceroll now. You will also enjoy WZ gear before the majority as well.


All classes will get increases from full BM not just Mercs.


Simply test vs a warzone dummy with a equally BM and you will see true results.


Arsenals = same

BG = nerf

Pyro = nerf


I think that people are letting gear and the influx of baddies testing 1.2 PvP throw them off.


No, if you check the expertise percentages you will see that the damage bonus is much higher than healing and reduction. I play plenty of full BM players on my server. I have a warzone dummy. I hit more or less the same.


People claiming their reduced dps in war zones with skills like fusion missile, rapid shots and TD because of some sort of stealth nerf is ridiculous. What was actually nerfed is there in the patch notes in plain view.

Edited by Diddley
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